Synonym of more copper bottomed


(of the hull of a wooden ship) Comparative for sheathed below the waterline with copper for protection


(of ideas, opinion or advice) Comparative for able to be trusted due to being valid or well-founded
sounder better truer trustworthier surer steadier stauncher trustier loyaler steadfaster safer securer sturdier firmer honester faster stronger devouter stouter straighter longer-lasting better-built stancher juster stricter closer better-made robuster lovinger tougher realer purer rigider better-grounded perfecter higher-quality fairer hardier maturer timelier steelier keener abler candider better-balanced squarer longer-term nicer intenser worthier fussier harder excellenter franker humbler saner fervider saintlier stiffer tauter tighter stubborner normaler closer-knit powerfuller wholer fresher clearer heavier minuter likelier flatter completer possibler earnester older speedier earlier quicker readier more reliable more definitive more attested more dependable more authentic more genuine more valid more certain more definite more stable more well-founded more faithful more constant more solid more unfailing more responsible more unwavering more tried more reputable more unswerving more trustable more calculable more honourable more honorable more conscientious more sensible more competent more rocklike more stand-up more devoted more dedicated more tried and true more tried and tested more established more upright more enduring more committed more resolute more dutiful more allegiant more fixed more proven more infallible more durable more unfaltering more truthful more scrupulous more stalwart more credible more ardent more righteous more sincere more unchanging more ethical more consistent more principled more decent more incorruptible more persistent more virtuous more immovable more veracious more moral more lasting more patriotic more foolproof more indubitable more accurate more true-hearted more effective more regular more unimpeachable more abiding more correct more dyed-in-the-wool more settled more precise more legitimate more predictable more exact more conclusive more hardened more attached more sure-fire more creditable more assured more undying more upstanding more perdurable more compelling more hard-working more recognized more even more indisputable more permanent more balanced more right-minded more respectable more creditworthy more impeccable more flawless more uniform more rational more vigorous more unvarying more veritable more unshakable more surefire more level-headed more supportive more diligent more undoubted more impervious more unquestionable more punctual more careful more long-lived more absolute more decided more substantial more reasonable more set more recognised more everlasting more veridical more wholehearted more demonstrable more assiduous more unflagging more persevering more unshakeable more resistant more hard-core more fanatical more intimate more fair-minded more heavy-duty more conscionable more persuasive more unfeigned more adult more irrefutable more cogent more original more heedful more obdurate more equitable more incontrovertible more inexorable more impartial more undeviating more capable more zealous more official more unequivocal more positive more well-established more seasonable more passionate more potent more airtight more convincing more uncorrupted more reinforced more faultless more unmistakable more orderly more impregnable more acceptable more unbreakable more influential more proper more determined more bound more industrious more decisive more orthodox more unremitting more painstaking more meticulous more unanswerable more uncompromising more incessant more unceasing more confident more lawful more rhythmic more uninterrupted more cast-iron more punctilious more intent more unqualified more hard-wearing more unquestioning more particular more believable more repeated more tried and trusted more hopeful more sedulous more obedient more periodical more estimable more noble more high-minded more rock solid more resilient more affectionate more circumspect more confiding more cyclic more bombproof more fastidious more blameless more time-tested more clutch more straightforward more efficacious more fervent more emphatic more justified more sovereign more impassioned more unflappable more boundless more kosher more open more familiar more indomitable more perfervid more redoubtable more important more favorite more principal more unpretentious more sanguine more conforming more inflexible more rooted more tied more unlimited more discreet more honored more feasible more supported more establishable more verifiable more accepted more qualified more self-reliant more efficient more classic more honoured more thorough more inseparable more valued more unmovable more adamant more unbending more truehearted more undistorted more equable more single-minded more used more unrelenting more sustained more critical more manifest more patent more confidential more tenable more sustainable more viable more maintainable more authoritative more factual more bulletproof more cherished more treasured more dear more special more quality more habitual more telling more attentive more guileless more exemplary more honest-to-goodness more self-righteous more inexpugnable more unambiguous more expected more unbiased more unprejudiced more laborious more diuturnal more tenacious more expedient more favourable more unspoiled more felicitous more unimpaired more trenchant more eatable more unhurt more invariant more frequent more forceful more poised more objective more unarguable more irrefragable more obvious more accomplished more evident more unchallengeable more apparent more done up more studious more searching more unalloyed more systematic more symmetrical more well-defined more time-honoured more clear-cut more pronounced more stormproof more unattackable more armored more inviolable more concrete more unyielding more seasoned more cohesive more impassible more certifiable more undisputed more relentless more probable more plausible more uncontaminated more unblemished more promising more undisputable more categorical more downright more pat more religious more rigorous more neutral more open-minded more echt more methodical more timeless more irresistible more disinterested more ageless more legal more pukka more pucka more standardized more measured more exacting more indifferent more equal more nonpartisan more dispassionate more evenhanded more impressive more satisfying more suasive more verisimilar more favorable more for real more interminable more legit more harmonious more mechanical more consonant more accordant more congruous more dateless more indelible more in order more satisfactory more realistic more moving more indissoluble more reliant more goofproof more protected more prompt more ingrained more inexpungible more energetic more dynamic more enthusiastic more indefatigable more immediate more spirited more expeditious more on time

Antonym of more copper bottomed

Music ♫

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