Synonym of most ill favoured


Superlative for unattractive
plainest ugliest fugliest unloveliest homeliest grotesquest vilest disgustingest uncomeliest unpleasantest nastiest horridest gruesomest ghastliest horriblest grossest beastliest mousiest grisliest terriblest weirdest grimmest foulest awfullest unseemliest drabbest dullest eeriest spookiest goriest direst darkest sickest scariest gloomiest bleakest unearthliest ghostliest shadowiest creepiest dreariest obscenest unhealthiest blackest somberest sombrest fearfullest sullenest hatefullest morosest wretchedest coldest cruelest sickliest shadiest bloodiest freakiest tritest bloodthirstiest miserablest abjectest glummest meanest grodiest baddest heaviest saddest deadliest drearest greyest grayest mournfullest murkiest dingiest gravest moodiest perversest trashiest cheapest kitschiest violentest dirtiest filthiest evillest juiciest vividest tackiest yellowest deathliest deepest raciest extremest raunchiest saltiest roughest purplest most hideous most unattractive most unsightly most repulsive most unappealing most unprepossessing most ill-favored most monstrous most unpretty most unhandsome most unpleasing most unbeautiful most deformed most revolting most displeasing most repellent most unalluring most disagreeable most offensive most repugnant most uninviting most frightful most distasteful most ordinary most unaesthetic most abominable most bestial most loathsome most morbid most detestable most terrifying most macabre most sickening most horrendous most misshapen most reptilian most hard-featured most hard-favoured most unshapely most lackluster most lacklustre most dreadful most horrific most horrifying most nightmarish most frightening most lurid most grewsome most appalling most atrocious most fearsome most terrific most ghoulish most objectionable most distressing most alarming most disheartening most funereal most sepulchral most sinister most spookish most twisted most chilling most forbidding most disturbing most melodramatic most abnormal most unnatural most hellish most harrowing most unsettling most startling most daunting most upsetting most depressing most unspeakable most fiendish most direful most unwholesome most nauseating most intimidating most ominous most diabolical most savage most spine-chilling most devilish most obnoxious most misproportioned most unappetizing most insipid most banal most freakish most unlikable most teratoid most miscreated most troubling most disquieting most disconcerting most brutal most demonic most demoralizing most foreboding most bothersome most worrying most irksome most supernatural most unpalatable most troublesome most shameful most outrageous most abhorrent most discomposing most heinous most odious most astounding most unforgivable most godawful most unpardonable most tremendous most onerous most nauseous most hellacious most egregious most melancholic most dismal most dispirited most depressive most solemn most melancholy most desolate most cheerless most inexcusable most formidable most tenebrous most gut-wrenching most demoralising most diseased most infected most ailing most lugubrious most mirthless most pitiless most sensational most God-awful most exaggerated most graphic most malignant most pathological most unsound most explicit most aberrant most unusual most warped most baleful most maleficent most irascible most brooding most menacing most Gothic most threatening most sensationalist most rubbishy most unrestrained most extravagant most colourful most tasteless most ribald most salacious most pulp most prurient most bloodcurdling most suggestive most redoubtable most hair-raising most sadistic most perverted most diabolic most off-putting most off-color most striking most sanguine most fiery most distinct most low-down most colorful most garish

Antonym of most ill favoured

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