Synonym of most swivel eyed


Superlative for having extreme enthusiasm or energy
wildest maddest craziest fiercest intensest rabidest violentest busiest uptightest fervidest angriest weirdest hottest under the collar hottest liveliest roughest stormiest viciousest unruliest bloodthirstiest harshest briskest torridest gayest acutest blindest readiest windiest squalliest gustiest foulest cruelest sprightliest dirtiest nastiest filthiest extremest highest gamest nutsiest wooliest woolliest nuttiest iratest lividest sorest shirtiest peppiest merriest buzziest zestiest fastest bentest most frenetic most frantic most frenzied most excited most feverish most fraught most confused most delirious most energetic most fanatical most ferocious most fevered most furious most hectic most hyperactive most maniacal most manic most overwrought most tumultuous most turbulent most unbalanced most chaotic most confusing most corybantic most demented most distracted most distraught most exciting most furibund most hyper most insane most obsessive most phrenetic most uncontrolled most wired most wigged out most agitated most hysterical most crazed most desperate most worked up most raving most deranged most panic-stricken most unhinged most berserk most restless most distrait most hysteric most distressed most anxious most worried most panicky most impatient most unrestrained most keyed up most nervous most disturbed most nuts most convulsive most unglued most overexcited most raging most enthusiastic most heated most zealous most overactive most high-strung most incoherent most irrational most het up most upset most hot and bothered most bothered most troubled most perturbed most discomposed most flustered most concerned most unsettled most deviant most lightheaded most aberrant most bewildered most lunatic most disordered most unreasonable most hallucinatory most devastated most muddled most shattered most verklempt most pained most nonplussed most addled most wrought-up most uncontrollable most emotional most unrestrainable most impassioned most impetuous most fiery most passionate most irrepressible most vehement most possessed most fuming most spasmodic most tempestuous most carried away most incensed most rampant most explosive most boisterous most animated most fervent most perfervid most obsessed most ardent most spirited most aggressive most fired up most savage most cyclonic most forceful most pumped most paroxysmal most flaming most psyched most voracious most juiced most uninhibited most vivacious most brutal most bustling most intemperate most vibrant most unbridled most inflamed most steamed up most hotheaded most zoolike most headstrong most potent most abandoned most affected most stunned most incredulous most demonic most overpowering most overwhelming most ebullient most volatile most uncurbed most immoderate most overpowered most heightened most passional most red-hot most blustery most murderous most raring most ruthless most disorderly most cataclysmic most cataclysmal most callous most pugnacious most threatening most ungovernable most flustering most destructive most barbarous most merciless most thuggish most sadistic most pitiless most barbaric most effervescent most concentrated most rampageous most excessive most blustering most rumbustious most heartless most inhuman most burning most crowded most festive most assertive most demoniac most forcible most radge most high-spirited most dynamic most rapid most enraged most infuriated most indignant most active most wrathful most angered most choleric most ballistic most rousing most zestful most ticked most alive most kinetic most happening most electrifying most thriving most astir most infuriate most steaming most hopping most abuzz most aboil most wroth most boiling most steamed most smoking most ireful most bummed out most teed off most browned off most cheesed off most upbeat


Superlative for seeking to impose a doctrine in all circumstances without regard to practical considerations
rigidest extremest sternest strictest stubbornest rabidest keenest intensest severest harshest wilfullest firmest blindest narrowest lordliest smallest-minded haughtiest high and mightiest deafest pushiest cockiest proudest puffiest toughest hardest perversest crispest most doctrinaire most dogmatic most inflexible most opinionated most fanatical most pontifical most authoritarian most biased most insistent most uncompromising most unyielding most adamant most dogmatical most domineering most impractical most intolerant most opinionative most prejudiced most speculative most theoretical most hypothetical most ideological most unpragmatic most unrealistic most zealous most authoritative most bigoted most bullheaded most dictatorial most dogged most magisterial most mulish most obstinate most one-sided most pertinacious most pigheaded most stiff-necked most unbending most radical most militant most maniacal most diehard most illiberal most partisan most narrow-minded most revolutionary most fanatic most fervent most passionate most enthusiastic most sectarian most ardent most intemperate most dedicated most perfervid most obsessed most blinkered most chauvinistic most single-minded most overzealous most ultra most irrational most virulent most overbearing most tyrannical most despotic most peremptory most arrogant most autocratic most bossy most arbitrary most tyrannic most assertive most oppressive most obdurate most repressive most masterful most tyrannous most high-handed most imperative most hidebound most absolute most cocksure most totalitarian most pompous most draconian most overweening most autocratical most commanding most categorical most autarchic most disciplinarian most undemocratic most confident most headstrong most formal most self-important most anti-democratic most determined most willful most officious most resistant most unpersuadable most shortsighted most imposing most self-assured most self-assertive most iron-handed most monocratic most masterly most assured most self-confident most parochial most unlimited most decisive most close-minded most emphatic most iron-fisted most dystopian most pushing most driving most czarlike most myopic most prejudicial most Neronian most pretentious most condescending most bloated most customary most coercive most enforceable most conventional most traditional most binding most classical most egotistic most heavy-handed most clamorous most portentous most unchallengeable most downright most unquestionable most swaggering most grandiose most religious most definite most egotistical most fascistic most unequivocal most tenacious most wrong-headed most preceptive most accepted most normative most didactic most canonical most prescriptive most resolute most unrelenting most positive most unqualified most systematic most pragmatic most reasoned most deductive most deducible most orthodox most axiomatic most unfaltering most immovable most intransigent most demanding most hardened most self-willed most hardheaded most relentless most unwavering most ossified most inconvincible most adamantine most inexorable most implacable most pat most intractable most fixed most unflexible most pitiless most incompliant most a priori

Antonym of most swivel eyed

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