Sinónimo de so love


Denoting a strong feeling of emotional attachment
affection adoration devotion like attachment friendship intimacy respect amity amour appreciation emotion feeling fondness idolatry inclination involvement passion regard relish taste tenderness adulation allegiance ardour ardor case cherishing crush delight devotedness enchantment enjoyment fervour fervor fidelity flame partiality piety rapture sentiment warmth weakness worship zeal ardency soft spot romance wuv luv reverence admiration care liking veneration esteem honour honor estimation recognition high regard homage praise idolization glorification favour closeness desire favor laudation deification exaltation deference approval acclaim approbation infatuation extolment awe aroha familiarity commendation warmness endearment worshipping glory attraction affinity lionization worshiping obsession shine apotheosis amore lionisation acknowledgment genuflection prostration obeisance tribute sentimentality account consideration acknowledgement kindness friendliness caring lust thanks high opinion gratitude good opinion attentiveness amorousness appreciativeness fixation lovingness understanding adoring beatification benediction supplication hankering yen sympathy thanksgiving warm feelings hero-worship dulia popularity thankfulness repute puppy love great respect acclamation astonishment amazement honoring honouring hero worship compliments plaudits accolades valuing prizing kudos pat on the back loving-kindness emotionalism heat chord intensity belovedness devotement grace captivation idolizing blessing elevation keenness fetishization enamoredness prayer treasuring positive reception lionizing credit applause surprise wonder pleasure high esteem bond yearning besottedness hero-worshipping loving admiring tributes mash inseparability wonderment obsequiousness fealty fear loyalty devoutness bow religiousness emotions lionising idolism idolising fanaticism pats on the back marveling marvelling chumminess note feelings celebration attention gratefulness reputation props court pumping up testimonial puffing up ovation belonging dearness opinion relationship predilection pash value deep affection familiarness intimateness regard for love for affection for liking for affinity for knowledge valuation responsiveness grasp assessment awareness cognizance realization comprehension sensitiveness sensitivity sensibility perception appraisal fondness for feeling for intense love tightness nearness strong interest sentiment for respect for revering goodwill admiration for friendship with reverence for tenderness for venerating praising relationship with intimacy with realisation concern solicitude glorifying extolling exalting prayers latria magnification good will strong fondness -olatry aesthetic sense praying to eulogy accolade submission magnifying kneeling flattery panegyric idealization sycophancy distinction prestige eulogium idealisation canonization salutes congratulations lauding compliment respectfulness faithfulness abasement duty fawning encomium paean bootlicking pride kowtowing hymn citation bowing fame puff aggrandizement renown greatness merit name importance nobility cachet illustriousness dignity immortalization notability privilege eminence bouquets paeans commemoration trust aggrandisement falling down good image good name high standing good reputation translation worshipfulness paying homage ennoblement vengeance wrath repayment kowtow exaggerated respect breathless adoration puja salutation service dithyramb eulogies blandishments blandishment eulogiums salute troth extravagant flattery audation thought concept servile flattery fulsome praise deifying putting on a pedestal uplifting puffery dread terror obedience ingratiation boost cheering hurrah cheer recommendation bravo rave plaudit cry horror invocation unctuousness cajolery sweet talk toadyism gratification good word big hand false praise soft soap soft-soap honeyed words consternation shock apprehension stupefaction fright ideolatry rogation communion litany orison


A person who is loved, especially in a romantic or amorous relationship
darling dear honey sweetheart baby beloved dearest lover sugar sweet sweetie valentine angel babe boyfriend dear one my love poppet sweetie pie truelove beau dearie flame girlfriend inamorata inamorato Juliet ladylove paramour Romeo swain betrothed boy boyf bride date escort fellow fiancé gal gallant girl girlf groom heartthrob husband intended lass loved one love of one's life man significant other squeeze steady sweet one wife wooer pet precious hon admirer suitor leman partner treasure fancy man worshipper man friend young man true love sweeting fella worshiper lady friend toy boy fiance one and only companion follower sugar daddy lady love fancy woman querida apple of one's eye honeybunch friend bird favorite favourite young lady woman friend WAG idol old man lady honeybun catch deary intimate lovebird doll fiancee lover boy conquest fave heart's desire doxy soul mate preference light of my life fair-haired boy courter minion love of my life speed the apple of your eye object of affection gentleman caller squire gentleman friend mi amor snuggle bug cuddle bug sweety sunshine cherished one jo cohabitee jong heart-throb lamb live-in lover mistress confidant pal mate buddy guyfriend common-law husband firm favorite lovebug sugar pie guy lady-love honey bunch cavalier male friend courtesan lovey concubine idolizer infatuate other man cicisbeo buttercup dumpling ideal suppliant bit on the side solicitor Wag other woman bit of fluff prize acquisition choice main kept woman love interest fancy bit heartbeat tootsie light of one's life teacher's pet miss honey-pie jewel fan captive slave woman madam supporter evergreen seduction adherent ma'am fiancée the object of one's affections first and last the love of one's life number one numero uno enticement captivation enthrallment favorite thing persona grata fair-haired girl blue-eyed boy blue-eyed girl gill mot dona patootie a notch on someone's bedpost feather in cap bibi confidante chickfriend GF mademoiselle madame old lady sister WAGs wives and girlfriends spouse better half little woman other half old woman consort missus missis helpmate helpmeet hetaera wifey doxie her indoors plus-one trouble and strife POSSLQ guy friend odalisque gigolo ball and chain espoused future wife marrier femme bae blind date fiancé affianced husband-to-be engaged person wife-to-be prospective spouse future hubby domestic partner playmate equal bedfellow female friend female common-law wife dutch bidie-in damsel dame chick colleen wench charlie chook lassie Dutch queen Jezebel floozy sultana lady wife goomah moll chatelaine kerida bedmate sugar baby gun moll best girl dream girl main squeeze shack job little bit of fluff


A favorable inclination or enthusiasm for something
bias favor favour interest disposition enthusiasm fondness predilection preference proclivity propensity appetence appetite craving desire faithfulness hankering inclination keenness loyalty palate penchant soft spot tendency weakness appetency appetition eagerness estimation greed gusto hunger hungriness itch liking longing relish stomach taste thirst tooth urge use voracity willingness wish yearning yen zeal zest indulgence fancy partiality passion like affection shine attraction bent lust leaning thing predisposition love affair affinity devotion appreciation ardor need infatuation mania proneness attachment craze ardour avidity fascination concupiscence druthers drive enjoyment eroticism ache lustfulness pining letch cup of tea ambition fervor libido lechery fervour mind admiration lasciviousness impulse libidinousness prurience will aspiration amativeness salacity erotism pruriency covetousness cupidity rapture ravenousness rapaciousness excitement turn aptitude horniness habitude genius susceptibility bone devices favoritism motive frenzy solicitude favouritism addiction inclining desirousness avidness thirstiness jones doting goodwill obsession commendation esteem approval kindness blessing friendliness grace respect regard salaciousness whim hots want benevolence approbation imprimatur account lustihood lech impatience prepossession prejudice kind regard bag eros good opinion adoration demand eye strong interest tilt loving velleity pleasure sympathy fetish understanding heart set on flash type mindset dish groove fixation openness strong desire hobby thirsting favorite aridity weakness for thing for big eyes preoccupation favourite hang-up crush favorite activity sexual desire erotic love sexual love burning hungering whimsy fantasy vision dream caprice ideation thought daydream vagary illusion having as one's type envisagement chimera eccentricity delusion idea phantasy phantasm imagination contrivance kink quirk reverie humour hallucination fantasm imaginativeness whimsey humor conceit peculiarity picture figment inventiveness envisioning romancing mirage fabrication chimaera pipe dream eyes for sweet tooth fool's paradise castle in the air pie in the sky hope greediness earnestness motivation compulsion fervency aim readiness goal intensity wholeheartedness ardency intentness munchies passionateness commitment zing determination fire in the belly fire in belly vehemence alacrity instinct voraciousness dedication intention liveliness zealousness fanaticism ebullience heat objective intent impetuosity warmth aphrodisia spirit requirement vigour verve dynamism purpose pursuit feeling fire vigor energy impetus randiness pep dash nympholepsy vim go urgency yearn zip requisite necessity get-up-and-go strong want coveting assiduity diligence intense desire restlessness expectancy conscientiousness anxiety emptiness cacoethes suspense hurting famishment the munchies avarice prayer orientation acquisitiveness excitability haste hastiness rashness hurry graspingness licentiousness impulsiveness liking for belly carnality lewdness vacancy deprivation void esurience gluttony rapacity essential endeavor ants in pants sentiment endeavour impulsion sensuality sexuality mercenariness avariciousness food shortage bottomless pit wantonness lecherousness raunchiness sexual appetite a stomach for enterprise plan insatiability sexual passion biological urge sexual longing sex drive initiative object design holy grail target sensualism envy the hots animalism ambitiousness striving doggedness tenacity anticipation action aggressiveness hustle vitality resolution resolve grail mission notion gumption aggression entrepreneurial spirit will power moxie self-motivation emulation go-getting get up and go right stuff esprit what it takes push punch a sense of purpose spunk raison d'être object of desire Holy Grail desired result needfulness scarcity occasion expectation focus imperative deficit scantiness desideratum dearth cry out call support absence necessitude drought scarceness exigence market exigency list exuberance vivacity vivaciousness capability aptness idiosyncrasy temperament movement drift trend capacity persuasion end pretension bourne heartiness sap conviction brio wishing turn of mind quickness promptness devotedness life oomph emotion fervidness ecstasy exhilaration gaiety mirth fever intenseness joyfulness élan glow flare zap activity fieriness flame fury joy white heat keen interest red heat


The act or nature of showing care or kind regard for others
care compassion caring charity goodwill philanthropy altruism benevolence friendliness kindliness kindness mercy sympathy unselfishness brotherliness concern fellow feeling humanity lenity mercifulness openheartedness sisterliness solicitude virtue warm-heartedness clemency faith heart tenderness goodness generosity humaneness understanding kindheartedness affection leniency forbearance beneficence consideration warmth kind-heartedness warmheartedness tender-heartedness compassionateness pity softheartedness good-heartedness indulgence quarter tenderheartedness empathy good will benignity caritas softness commiseration feeling ruth favour benefaction bigheartedness gentleness sensitivity considerateness thoughtfulness favor largeheartedness tolerance lenience magnanimity regard neighborliness neighbourliness grace brotherly love graciousness pardon reprieve decency responsiveness mildness benignancy motherliness fatherliness forgiveness lovingness solicitousness helpfulness fellowship sorrow fondness charitableness soft-heartedness courtesy cordiality amiability liberality affinity rapport patience appreciation comity friendship aroha mindfulness humanitarianism good-fellowship genuineness honesty sincerity largesse big-heartedness liking attachment pleasantness public-spiritedness niceness politeness devotion sentimentality hope supernatural virtue cardinal virtue geniality congeniality obligingness character feelings amorousness receptiveness receptivity support unity constitution soul condolence emotion compunction tender feelings camaraderie intimacy amity companionship comradeship concern for others heart of hearts harmony company closeness familiarity amicability sisterhood brotherhood cordialness theological virtue shyness quietness sodality partiality sociability humility repose demureness tranquillity tranquility serenity stillness sweetness modesty placidness peacefulness peaceableness mansuetude reverence meekness docility good nature mutual affection delicacy pliancy placidity pliability fragility calmness nobility bounty bountifulness agape munificence generousness bounteousness magnanimousness comfort solace hospitality tact selflessness attentiveness open-handedness free-handedness lavishness almsgiving cooperation gift philanthropism consolation charitability rue condolences humanism respect caringness principle collaboration heedfulness awareness discretion openhandedness largess gemütlichkeit amenability thought oblation office encouragement social conscience mutual support esteem estimation respects affectionateness reassurance courteousness nobleness liberalness good intention self-sacrifice fellow-feeling inner beauty


Denoting an intimate relationship between two people
lovemaking making love relationship romance affair liaison amorousness amour ardour ardor courtship dalliance passion sex affair of the heart bonding entanglement fling flirtation intrigue libidinousness love affair lustfulness erotic love fetish hanky-panky puppy love sexual love affaire involvement attachment amorous entanglement affaire du cœur romantic entanglement affection desire eroticism carry-on affaire du coeur affaire de coeur intimacy hookup relations rendezvous orgy association enchantment affaire de cœur lust fondness lovingness adherence adhesion cling amativeness fancy enamoredness concupiscence closeness tie connection seduction tryst triangle adultery infidelity thing the hots extracurricular activity romantic affair forbidden love illicit love love relationship sexual relationship outside of marriage menage a trois playing around illicit romance two-timing fooling around unfaithfulness interlude encounter carrying on coquetry toying extramarital affair whirl good time bit on the side carryings-on adulterous affair relation affaire du couer secret love affair playing away frolicking extramarital activity illicit love affair goings-on romp rollick amorous play a little on the side messing around working late at office romantic encounter love interest thing together sexual encounter one night stand netflix and chill booty call romantic rendezvous cheating cuckoldry unchastity fornication disloyalty falseness misconduct immorality a bit on the side having an affair extramarital sex extramarital congress illicit sex extramarital relations playing away from home playing the field extracurricular sex teasing trifling philandering coquettishness coyness kittenishness flirtatiousness chat-up flirting pickup cruising courting come-on tease romancing romantic advances


The fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance
zeal passion enthusiasm eagerness ardor fervour ardour keenness zest intensity fervor appetite vehemence avidity devotion fire spirit warmth fervency gusto earnestness drive energy inclination fondness ardency relish vigour verve determination vigor taste yen readiness zealousness enterprise initiative fanaticism devotedness sincerity alacrity mania perseverance fierceness push hustle intentness committedness militancy urgency diligence bustle dazzle dispatch stick-to-itiveness what-it-takes excitement oomph animation spiritedness zing passionateness dynamism enjoyment vitality joy zestfulness pep sparkle bounce liveliness brio delight buoyancy vim effervescence fizz pleasure exuberance emotion zip violence pizzazz heat fervidness moxie get-up-and-go dedication intenseness feeling high-spiritedness pzazz high spirits white heat kindness affection friendliness cordiality kindliness tenderness amiability geniality warm-heartedness hospitality sympathy heartiness esprit dash wholeheartedness starch punch vinegar juice ginger hardihood life gas sap go snap happiness beans commitment weakness jazz pep talk fire in the belly conviviality warmheartedness kindheartedness élan spunk fixation turn on elan monomania partiality fandom obsessiveness infatuation bias overenthusiasm madness over-enthusiasm single-mindedness affability interest devoutness delectation understanding good-naturedness piety welcomingness care charitableness goodwill charity benevolence liberality benignity elation bliss satisfaction guts ecstasy cheer piousness religiousness cheerfulness amity feelings emotions amorousness hospitableness effusiveness seriousness solemnity hurrah compassion glow empressement


Approval or permission given for a decision (to do something), especially on a moral or emotional level


The act of coupling or joining
copulation congress coition coitus coupling lovemaking mating sex intercourse sexual intercourse breeding commerce making love bonking carnal knowledge copulating fornication intimacy legover nookie nooky pata-pata relations rumpy-pumpy screwing sex act sexual relations shagging procreation rumpo sexual penetration the other vaginal penetration venery rumpy pumpy fooling around getting it on sexual union a bit of the other sexual congress sleeping with someone hanky-panky sexual act intimate relations pairing act of love going to bed with someone sexual activity union cohabitation relation seduction how's your father bedding consummation copula sexual commerce love-making other sexuality sensuality intimate encounter it snuggling coquetting kissing smooching hugging foreplay fondling cuddling dalliance sleeping together marital relations love making sexual relation sucking face unfaithfulness adultery infidelity affair cuckoldry liaison extramarital relations extramarital sex sleeping around pre-marital congress extra-curricular sex a bit on the side screwing around living in sin extra-marital congress disloyalty cheating falseness unchastity two-timing amour misconduct intrigue playing around playing the field faithlessness perfidy duplicity treachery perfidiousness betrayal double-dealing deceit falsity treason backstabbing sellout business inconstancy false-heartedness double cross breach of trust lewdness treacherousness bad faith entanglement relationship thing fling flirtation immorality extracurricular activity carryings-on having an affair extramarital congress illicit sex playing away from home extracurricular sex carrying on


A phenomenon that becomes popular for a very short time
fad trend craze rage vogue fancy mania mode thing whim buzz enthusiasm infatuation latest obsession sensation affectation caprice chic compulsion fashion fetish fixation flavor flavour novelty preoccupation amusement conceit cry cult eccentricity fascination frivolity furore furor go hobby humour humor innovation kick kink passion quirk sport style taste vagary whimsy wrinkle custom fantasy hot ticket in meme tonne ton weakness dernier cri in thing last word passing fancy latest word newest wrinkle fool notion new look desire craving monomania fever yen cacoethes the last word latest thing appetite fondness fetich urge prepossession idée fixe partiality bee hang-up tiger grabber disorder bug craziness fixed idea ax to grind bug in ear something on the brain tiger by the tail bee in your bonnet interest crotchet pastime look pursuit peculiarity foible recreation trick entertainment notion freak idiosyncrasy distraction singularity leisure pursuit twist oddity impulse mannerism leisure activity latest wrinkle individualism megrim erraticism curiosity quip quiddity diversion tic avocation practice game relaxation idea modishness inclination bent convention sideline stylishness maggot vagrancy crank whimsey leisure divertissement penchant pleasure way predilection fun caper aberration hobbyhorse current style thought irregularity now activity art play general tendency latest style latest taste in-thing the thing bag amateur interest leisure interest fun and games jag buzzword panache classiness elegance zeal prominent thing important thing concept hit mainstream anomaly deviation perversion impact complex addiction flash wonder the latest fad the newest fashion the latest cry enjoyment genre form design sudden notion whim-wham popularity fashionableness preference frolic lark endeavour currency prevalence vision disposition dream hip thing fashionability hotness voguishness favour favor accident equivocation coincidence neurosis in-spot festivity jollity big thing hot spot trait snazziness coolness trendiness sudden idea talking point drive hobby horse relish ritual usage use the latest scene rollick racket endeavor passing thought wont bandwagon practise the rage cultus cultism habitude habit preoccupation with mania for obsession with specialty quest shot occupation craft schtick stimulant propensity sexual fixation bias proclivity engrossment prejudice luck leaning crush case fixedness paranoia speciality faddism golden calf prevailing taste favourite occupation favorite occupation pleasurable pastime labor of love pet topic fashionable popular in fashion hip with it trendy in vogue big all the rage cool movement le dernier cri fitfulness fickleness changeableness inconstancy vein temper jerk mood gag inconsistency rib perversity contrariety put on


Dear (used as a pet name)


A person or thing viewed as a model of excellence
paragon exemplar ideal model nonpareil apotheosis archetype epitome jewel nonesuch paradigm prototype quintessence standard embodiment masterpiece norm personification acme angel best classic criterion cynosure eidolon flower gem good example idea pattern perfect example tops treasure beauty champ champion crackerjack cream essence lovely original peach perfection pick sublimation trump ultimate beau ideal patron saint shining example something else one in a million perfect example of its kind example prize type elite finest exemplification representation jewel in the crown pride illustration symbol pearl blueprint choice byword prime height specimen stereotype crème de la crème avatar soul outstanding example top mirror instance template ne plus ultra incarnation cream of the crop last word precedent star saint glory manifestation yardstick elect benchmark icon sample gauge definitive example darling chef-d'oeuvre gage copy textbook example dream typical example leading light image royalty choicest fat illuminati aristocracy beau idéal pick of the bunch the bee's knees upper crust A-list guide design wonder godsend typification classic example humdinger find catch plum expression prodigy actualization taonga case representative instantiation ikon masterwork showpiece picture mould role model rarity objectification touchstone genius charm representative case mold portrayal trophy pink crown jewel core magnum opus nobility gentry standard of perfection stroke of genius greatest thing since sliced bread corps d'elite best thing since sliced bread one of a kind tour de force top drawer upper class piece de resistance pride and joy appreciation oner zenith idol framework emblem classic case ensample peak of perfection hero source of envy envy object of envy most select crown acme of perfection perfect specimen idealism basis version archetypal setup style essentiality spirit favourite lifeblood heart guideline formula lodestar substance favorite first stuff canon triumph dear marvel game plan scale authority coup beatified soul tutelary saint canonized mortal guardian angel specification lead masterstroke hit good person brick kind person the best paragon of virtue saint and martyr representative example knockout occasion occurrence boast exhibit collector's item a star point of reference parallel case finest example honour honor credit finest specimen demonstration exposition exponent exhibition landmark great work counterpart clone double valuable object objet of virtu work of art objet d'art torchbearer pioneer trailblazer best example best specimen choicest specimen choicest example case history sampling detail variety situation evidence portrait proof item case in point typical case established work twin semblance replica specialty phenomenon speciality phoenix someone worth their weight in gold something worth their weight in gold ringer characterization pièce de résistance quality priesthood facsimile duplicate doppelganger likeness match duplication look-alike first class select few carbon copy re-creation mirror image alter ego spitting image dead ringer living image living example realization reification collection concretization symbolization externalization embodier integration personifier abstract organization combination inclusion concentration comprehension consolidation codification systematization prosopopoeia organisation encompassment form conformation cast systematisation formation matter realisation externalisation embracement bringing together structure incorporation substantiation exteriorization personalization materialization peak pinnacle apex apogee materialisation culmination summit climax distillation highest point utmost crest head meridian capstone crescendo noon noontime high noon high-water mark tip-top prime example crowning moment high point emergence advent appearance arrival high water mark prosopopeia thingification face figure summation sum ultimate example latest most fashionable classic exemplar guidance leadership direction extreme case extremity utmost extent furthest point nth degree limit uttermost highest degree newest ideal beauty perfect model perfect type standard of excellence le dernier cri most up to date dernier cri unique kernel person to look up to idolization exaltation elevation glorification deification the last word virtuality immortalization idealization embodiment of model of incarnation of exemplar of consummation idealisation crowning point culminating point personification of perfect example of typification of epitome of classic case of synonymous with avatar of


Behaviour showing high moral standards
virtue morality goodness integrity righteousness honesty honor rectitude decency honour probity uprightness virtuousness dignity respectability worth ethicalness nobility worthiness incorruptibility propriety honourability honourableness upstandingness excellence merit nobleness purity trustworthiness blamelessness character good irreproachableness meritoriousness pureness rightness charity ethicality ethics justice kindness principles ethic faith faithfulness fortitude ideal high-mindedness high principles nobility of soul nobility of spirit lack of corruption principle fairness truthfulness morals scrupulousness saintliness right-mindedness justness equity godliness sincerity truth piety innocence fidelity piousness grace quality devoutness correctness holiness incorruption devotion spirituality honorableness noble-mindedness guiltlessness reputability right lawfulness verity class decorum sinlessness blessedness sanctity reliability superiority chastity sanctitude value religiousness sainthood saintship reverence sublimity veracity impeccability modesty good character conscience scruples sacredness courage incorruptness dependability generosity magnanimity elite gentry illustriousness graciousness exaltation greatness society royalty ennoblement elevation glorification majesty irreproachability stateliness grandeur loftiness magnificence consecration forthrightness religiosity upper class prerogative loyalty legality chasteness accuracy ruling class high society dedication conscientiousness standards impartiality equitableness moral virtue stainlessness soundness honestness constancy reputation spotlessness trustiness candour straightforwardness norms authenticity rightfulness gentility dutifulness candor mercy passion ardor divinity distinction fair play chivalry zeal fair shake solemnity gentlemanliness worship divineness inviolability belief perfection fervor venerableness asceticism pietism sense of honour sense of duty good name fervour ardour purpose blood patricians peerage birth sense gamesmanship precision straight exactness innocency reason good sport respect status prestige blue blood frankness faultlessness emancipation enfranchisement properness sportsmanship erectness verticality perpendicularity legitimacy reasonableness openness immaculacy virginity repute noblesse artlessness guilelessness immaculateness rudiments credos ethos elements unworldliness sacrosanctness hallowedness inalienability cleanliness continence moral correctness beneficence benefit obligingness advantage kindheartedness basics good behaviour what is right straightness enthusiasm gentleness philosophy manners conduct good will allegiance good report standard responsibility self-respect confidence evenhandedness religion earnestness moral philosophy good habits conviction moral ideology golden rules devotedness fealty ideals values veneration moral fiber moral fibre moral strength persuasion deference service observance attachment adherence creed beliefs credo ABCs will power adoration duty moral value affection good faith unction humility beatitude staying power firmness of purpose religionism rule of living code of behaviour code of honour code of behavior courtliness devotement strength of mind docility devotion to God religious duty religious zeal application moral values moral standards bonne foi bona fides regalness impressiveness poise royalness respectfulness regality regard formality composure aristocracy gentlefolks gentlefolk patriciate augustness gravitas exaltedness breeding lordliness ceremoniousness moral law code of ethics bravery eminence selflessness state seemliness standing gravity renown splendor etiquette honest intentions good intentions upper crust sedateness reserve station sobriety kaupapa stature self-possession hauteur significance cachet consequence culture seriousness splendour landed gentry


God of love


Behaviour designed to persuade someone to marry or develop a romantic relationship with one


To like in an emphatic manner, or have a strong liking for
appreciate adore dote enjoy fancy like admire doting find irresistible prefer venerate adulate care for choose feel deep affection for be attracted to be besotted with be devoted to be infatuated with be keen on be mad about be nuts about be partial to be passionate about be potty about be smitten with be wild about care very much for carry a torch for esteem feel affection feel affection for go for have a pash on hold very dear leaning overindulge prize be addicted to be attached to be captivated by become infatuated with become smitten with be crazy about be enamored of be enchanted by be fascinated with be fond of be hooked on be in love with be mad for besotted with be swept off one's feet by be taken with bewitched by bowled over by captivated by carrying a torch for consumed with desire for crazy about delight in derive great pleasure from develop a crush on devoted to dote on doting on enamored of enamoured of enjoy greatly enthralled by entranced by fall for fall head over heels in love with get a buzz from of get a buzz out of get a kick from of get a kick out of get off on give one's heart to go a bundle on gone on have affection for have a great liking for have a passion for have a penchant for have a predilection for have a proclivity for have a soft spot for have a taste for have a thing about have a thing for have a weakness for have it bad hold dear infatuated with like very much long for lose one's heart to love-struck by mad about nuts about passionate about potty about put on pedestal really like smitten with take a fancy to take great pleasure in take pleasure in think the world of thoroughly enjoy thrive with twitterpated by very much like wild about wild for with a passion for feast on indulge in luxuriate in rejoice in wuv luv relish cherish savor savour revel in dig treasure worship groove on favour favor take to glory in get a thrill out of embrace desire value lap up idolize get a charge out of indulge revel idolise be pleased by want bask in revere delight have a liking for take an interest in eat up take satisfaction in be entertained by take joy in take great delight in wallow in approve of take a shine to crave take a liking to nurture find attractive really enjoy covet be pleased derive pleasure from cotton to be enamoured of be amused by take delight in wish for get high on spoil pamper have a fondness for live it up luxuriate wallow pet rate highly find appealing hanker for exult in get a bang out of lavish affection on take a thrill to find pleasure in gloat over get a buzz from be sweet on have a preference for crow about find satisfaction in like to indulge in go in for support lust after be soft on rate cosset dote upon coddle be shook on be nutso about amuse oneself be content bask ache for glory have a crush on live a little have the hots for jubilate regard highly have eyes for be gratified by thrive immerse yourself in get a thrill from drink in indulge oneself feel like endorse take pleasure derive satisfaction from have regard for find enjoyable find agreeable yearn for rollick lean toward get pleasure from feel self-satisfied about pine for hanker after thirst for hunger for have an affection for be stuck on get a charge from of itch for be wild for exalt burn for be mad on be nutso over be biased toward be nutty about love dearly mind heart lech over lech after appreciate greatly think well of be into respect hold in esteem yearn attract cannot resist have taken a shine to soak up less than three have a high regard for be gone on be serious about feel affection toward exult be find attractive be find irresistible be enthralled by be very fond of be very partial to be very keen on be all over affect think very highly of rejoice joy have fun exuberate care be bewitched by be entranced by have a ball stuck on have a good time be entertained triumph kvell be bowled over by be love-struck by be consumed with desire for have it bad for desiderate cajole brown-nose praise fawn blandish flatter sanction partake of feel satisfaction with amuse oneself with have fun with enjoy to the full drool over find joy in take great pleasure take great delight find great pleasure dream of be pleased with have a craving for have a yearning for lean towards elect incline toward need could do with rather select glorify be desirous of set one's heart on sigh for have a yen for baby lionize welcome require spoil for feel inclined toward would sooner opt for aspire to have an urge for be turned on to suggest would rather die for lust for be inclined toward mollycoddle nourish comfort tend take satisfaction grow flourish lionise look up to honour cultivate enshrine honor sustain applaud grovel humour humor immerse prosper burgeon abound bloom overparent feather-bed cocker have an eye for give oneself up to indulge yourself overdo roll be in clover riot take it easy live high on hog feast have the time of your life live extravagantly live the life of Riley live in luxury wanton increase marvel at get a kick from get a bang from be immersed dandle be amazed by be awed by make a fuss of fuss over wrap in cotton wool be crazy over be in awe of be crazy for moon over put on a pedestal enthuse about rave about wish to want to love to like to


To revere someone or something profoundly with unwavering devotion
exalt worship glorify idolise idolize adore adulate esteem extol honor honour laud praise revere reverence sanctify venerate deify canonise canonize hold high bow down to offer prayers to pay homage to pray to put on a pedestal sing praises to cherish treasure admire respect prize value appreciate hold in high regard look up to lionize lionise hold dear hero-worship set great store by apotheosize magnify think the world of hold in awe hold in high esteem be devoted to think highly of dote on regard love dearly embrace care for aggrandize stand in awe of hallow approve of have a high opinion of value greatly hold in esteem appreciate greatly be in awe of care very much for feel great affection for place great value on value highly celebrate like regard highly elevate enshrine acclaim bless bow down before think much of set store by pay tribute to think very highly of dote upon hold sacred relish marvel at bow down enjoy worship to excess fancy apprize defer to pay homage take pleasure in hold in the highest regard have a high regard for sing hyms to chant to be wild about carol hymn extoll resound emblazon embosom give thanks to lift up sing the praises of ensky ennoble dignify enthrone recognize consider favour favor go into raptures over think of recognise hold in regard apprise approve regard as sacred idolatrize make into a saint saint dedicate besaint consecrate take off hat to be fond of hold in admiration bow to flip over love intensely go for fall for be sweet on be smitten with be nuts about be mad for be gone on be mad about be serious about be stuck on eulogize eulogise panegyrize crack up big up commend raise distinguish beatify applaud enhance immortalize adorn thank immortalise build up add dignity to sacralize halo erect uprear transfigure anoint add distinction to add lustre to publicize proclaim trumpet publish devote publicise give praise to mythify illuminate lift intensify sublime upgrade make lofty bestow honour on lord set on pedestal set on a pedestal ordain augment boost make holy promote glamorize increase romanticize hail idealize offer baptise make sacred sprinkle confirm sign set apart sacrifice absolve cross baptize glamourize glamour up heroize sing cry up devote to God dedicate to God sound the praises of idealise hike romanticise glamorise pray for invoke benefits pronounce holy offer benediction invoke happiness invoke happiness on put up


To cherish or remember fondly


Used as a polite closing to a letter to family, relatives, close friends or romantic partners

Antonino de so love

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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