Synonyme de more blear


Comparative for not clearly understood or visually perceived
blurrier dimmer fainter foggier fuzzier blearier gauzier hazier mistier murkier obscurer unclearer vaguer paler shadowier cloudier smokier woollier woolier muzzier darker looser filmier shadier duller unsurer sketchier muddier lighter duskier dewier mushier dreamier wider broader iffier rougher abstruser dodgier hinkier deeper weaker obliquer subtler flimsier cagier grayer greyer chancier leerier shakier squishier shiftier fickler wishy-washier slighter freer commoner closer nearer cruder feebler fragiler infirmer slipperier softer lower trickier blacker loather falser dicier lother fishier harder difficulter denser more indistinct more nebulous more indefinite more indistinguishable more opaque more blurred more ill-defined more indiscernible more indeterminate more ambiguous more unfocused more nebulose more formless more doubtful more imprecise more clouded more uncertain more inconspicuous more confused more amorphous more intangible more imperceptible more unformed more inexact more faded more overcast more unsettled more unknown more dubious more equivocal more unrecognizable more enigmatic more impalpable more crepuscular more unintelligible more remote more unobtrusive more incomprehensible more muddled more befogged more unsubstantial more bleached more tenuous more incoherent more muffled more vaporous more shrouded more illusory more visionary more imperfect more mysterious more elusive more dreamlike more tenebrous more unexplicit more distant more unresolved more hidden more unestablished more undistinct more unascertained more undecided more debatable more general more speculative more up in the air more apocryphal more unlimited more evasive more undependable more unspecific more indeterminable more noncommittal more innumerable more questionable more ambivalent more cryptic more irresolute more puzzling more inconclusive more indecisive more vacillating more wavering more tentative more open more hesitant more enigmatical more arcane more arguable more borderline more confusing more approximate more perplexing more divided more occult more pending more moot more mystic more disputable more dubitable more inscrutable more suspicious more unconvinced more suspect more Delphic more double-edged more incomplete more misleading more controversial more sceptical more distrustful more skeptical more mistrustful more inaccurate more unsound more unpredictable more indescribable more gnomic more elliptical more fuliginous more uncommitted more disputed more amphibological more fugitive more baffling more sweeping more marginal more secret more contingent more flexible more deceptive more touch-and-go more betwixt and between more overall more basic more groundless more approximative more generic more contradictory more mixed more indiscriminate more unfathomable more recondite more unmeticulous more unrigorous more inadequate more obfuscatory more contentious more inexplicable more liberal more unconvincing more roundabout more circumlocutory more circuitous more disorganized more esoteric more mystifying more changeable more disorganised more unreliable more spurious more bewildering more conjectural more perplexed more assumed more in question more vacillant more vexed more doubtable more agnostic more faithless more volatile more unsubstantiated more presumed more diffident more inexpressible more suppositious more hypothetical more structureless more unshaped more unstructured more polysemic more polysemantic more conflicting more inchoate more multivocal more unclassified more indeterminant more insensible more insubstantial more generalized more unrevealed more arbitrary more outstanding more superficial more covert more unclassifiable more negligible more duplicitous more given more certain more cursory more undivulged more problematical more coarse-grained more insignificant more disreputable more indirect more unprovable more controvertible more perfunctory more peripheral more pendent more negotiable more fluctuant more mystical more fleeting more transient more generalised more inarticulate more neutral more unprecise more unscientific more subliminal more unproved more inconstant more unperceived more shuffling more devious more cunning more clandestine more coded more deceitful more transitory more impressionistic more unsatisfactory more uneventful more deficient more unfateful more lacking more unsatisfying more random more sophistical more unforeseeable more incalculable more reticent more indisposed more theoretical more insecure more elusory more halting more academic more fluid more unconfident more unsupported more reluctant more suppositional more unreasonable more questioning more unsavoury more unassured more untrusty more unsavory more uncorroborated more putative more unwarranted more unjustified more invalid more notional more theoretic more unjustifiable more imaginary more unreal more unattested more untrustworthy more casual more provisory more assumptive more presumptive more contestable more stochastic more suppositive

Antonym de more blear

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