Antonim dari self collected

Kata sifat

Wildly excited or uncontrolled due to worry or fear
agitated distraught frenzied hysterical frantic distracted distrait delirious hysteric wild overwrought crazy distressed anxious beside oneself mad crazed beside yourself raving deranged swivel-eyed panic-stricken worked up in a state upset disturbed worried desperate fraught feverish uncontrolled berserk furious maniacal excited frenetic rabid unglued unscrewed unzipped unhinged violent hyper berko raging shook up corybantic emotional out of control in a panic very upset carried away at the end of your tether wigged out panicked twitchy uncontrollable unrestrained unrestrainable neurotic manic maniac convulsive fierce irrepressible blazing fiery tempestuous incensed fuming in a frenzy impetuous spasmodic overexcited impassioned maddened turbulent vehement seething driven to distraction intense unnerved possessed passionate rampant nervous hectic ferocious insane demented ecstatic uptight in a fit fevered wired panicky out of one's wits elated thrilled angry zonkers weird transported euphoric panic-struck wound up keyed up overjoyed rapturous in a flap het up jubilant exultant in a tizz having kittens in a tizzy flipped out in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine hot under the collar in a cold sweat weirded out last-minute in a flat spin hot and bothered freaked out spazzed out drunk over the moon on cloud seven delighted high walking on air enthused in raptures jumping for joy intoxicated at wits' end in a stew blissed out in transports of delight wild with excitement in a frenzy of delight on a high bothered troubled perturbed rattled flustered discomposed overcome concerned devastated confused tormented muddled shattered nuts thrown harassed verklempt pained nonplussed addled worked-up wrought-up out of your mind out of one's mind like a chicken with its head cut off

Sinonim dari self collected

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