Contrario di a hopeful


Opposite of inspiring or feeling hope and optimism
discouraging disheartening negative unpromising bleak depressing downbeat inauspicious pessimistic unpropitious dark gloomy hopeless unencouraging discouraged desperate dim dismal dreary futureless pointless unfavorable unfavourable unlikely bad cloudy despairing despondent disagreeable fearful hateful implausible low mean nasty poor rainy sad stormy unfriendly unhappy unpleasant wretched depressed miserable morose sorrowful cheerless glum sullen down black melancholy dejected joyless dull ominous doubtful sombre somber upset saturnine heavy-hearted lugubrious grave serious forlorn sulky down in the dumps troubled moody inopportune downhearted unlucky unsatisfied unpleased displeased grim dour dissatisfied unenthusiastic demoralized oppressive doleful unsuitable woebegone low-spirited downcast disadvantageous unhelpful demoralised dispiriting disappointing dubious unprofitable defeatist unfortunate cynical uncertain unintelligent woeful tenebrific disappointed resigned dismaying aggrieved disconsolate brokenhearted grieved apathetic distrustful depressive tenebrous austere disgruntled lifeless heartsick daunting saddened dispirited gray grey crestfallen doubting inconsolable adverse dolorous mournful tearful bitter pensive unfitting inconvenient useless hurtful injurious hurting unacceptable hindering improper harmful inappropriate detrimental worthless unsuited funereal anguished blue heartbroken desolate frowning moping worried crabby teary distressed mopey mopish heavyhearted emotional tristful triste in tears gloom-ridden displeasing in the dumps harsh disenchanted pale chilling untimely cold cool dampening ill-omened infelicitous demoralizing suspicious foreboding disastrous ruinous stupid normal typical disadvantaged unaware ugly upsetting dejecting dissuading bearish unsure not encouraging not hopeful heavy demoralising melancholic disturbed fatalistic malcontented lachrymose malcontent sorry plaintive pained discontent abject distraught discontented wistful comfortless regretful griefstricken atrabilious disaffected chapfallen grief-stricken irritable grumpy grouchy languorous quiet lethargic weighted inactive churlish broken disheartened given to looking on the black side blubbering in low spirits mourning blubbery bummed-out down in dumps grieving bawling forsaken not fine sobbing unconsolable emo lamentable heartrending bummed mirthless bereaved full of sorrow feeling down distant in mourning very upset heart-wrenching distressing down in the mouth off bummed out distrait tear-jerking heartbreaking not happy languishing long-faced shattered distressful not the best wailing heart-rending in sorrow heartsore spiritless querulous unsociable surly sulking hurt weepy angry uncooperative gruff resentful unwelcoming brooding ornery obstinate scowling uninviting sour dysphoric sorrowing in the pits discombobulated misty in grief in the doldrums withdrawn piqued vexed mumpish vexing drab drearisome fretful fractious petulant aloof languid broken-hearted cast down down-hearted bad-tempered draggy impersonal pouty ill-humored glowering out of sorts sick at heart ill-tempered ill-humoured gaunt solemn unfunny unamusing


Opposite of displaying what is likely to develop in a desirable or successful way


Opposite of carrying developing offspring within the body


Opposite of one who aspires to a position, office or award


Opposite of one who submits or registers themselves as a candidate for something


Opposite of one who dabbles


Opposite of a person competing in a contest

Sinonimo di a hopeful

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