の同義語 more unpractised


Comparative for not having been trained in a particular skill
wilder greener rawer newer ignoranter younger callower fresher unriper unhandier awkwarder unworldlier rookier ruder simpler darker obtuser thicker denser shallower stupider dumber dimmer dafter dozier cruder dewier unwarier naifer more untrained more inexperienced more inexpert more unskilled more unversed more unschooled more amateur more unqualified more amateurish more untaught more unlicensed more illiterate more uneducated more dilettante more uncultivated more lay more incapable more undisciplined more unpracticed more unconversant more unaccustomed more unacquainted more unskillful more unfamiliar more immature more naive more juvenile more unformed more unprofessional more uninformed more unsophisticated more puerile more undeveloped more inept more unripened more sophomoric more jackleg more unused more unlearned more underdeveloped more unpolished more unequipped more dilettantish more manual more unaccomplished more menial more untalented more primitive more rusty more inadequate more incognizant more oblivious more blue-collar more unaware more unknowing more unwitting more uninstructed more inconversant more unenlightened more innocent more verdant more wide-eyed more benighted more analphabetic more unscholarly more backward more unintellectual more mindless more unknowledgeable more witless more imbecilic more moronic more uncultured more cretinous more birdbrained more artless more unsuspecting more youthful more insensible more inerudite more unmindful more ingenuous more unconscious more uncivilized more uncivilised more unintelligent more superficial more guileless more dopey more airheaded more junior more uncomprehending more girlish more boyish more glaikit more hebete more dotish more chowderheaded more divvy more empty-headed more slow on the uptake more uncomplicated more ill-informed more clueless more ordinary more unstudious more unbookish more newcome more elementary more unknown more untechnical more unspecialized more unapt more general more unsuspicious more generalized more generalised more simpleminded more uncritical more childlike more unaffected more natural more unpretentious more dewy-eyed


Comparative for suggesting or reflecting the efforts of an amateur


Comparative for out of practice in a skill or subject

の反対語 more unpractised

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