Antonym de a modern


Opposite of denoting present or recent times as compared to the past


Opposite of using of up-to-date techniques, ideas, styles or equipment
out of date old-fashioned outdated out-of-date obsolete old fashioned out of fashion out-of-fashion out of style out-of-style antiquated outmoded passé archaic backward behind the times dated defunct démodé demoded deprecated oldfangled old-fangled old hat old-hat old-school passe primitive retro traditional unfashionable unstylish vintage dinosaur has-been fusty musty old-time uncool old past out ancient antediluvian bygone dowdy obsolescent styleless antique unchic unmodish outworn unhip prehistoric unpopular anachronistic prehistorical superannuated untrendy medieval aged rusty superseded historical former mediaeval future dull early olden retrograde parachronistic neolithic moribund old-world dead stale discarded obscure extinct historic frumpy unmodernized conventional previous square out of the ark elapsed earlier tacky anachronous backwards crusty expired disused unprogressive timeworn Stone Age dead and gone trite out-dated age-old yesterday Noachian feudal overused old-fogeyish backward-looking traditionalistic past its prime oldest plain cheesy old hack unpolished ancestral poor foregone uncontemporary uncommon tawdry inelegant graceless worn quaint clunky older preceding prior classic finished yesterday's succeeding demode nerdish geeky nerdy undeveloped underdeveloped tasteless anterior antecedent geriatric gone discontinued way back long-gone old style time-honoured not fashionable badly-tailored used not with it at an end no longer in fashion rudimentary nonprogressive lapsed invalid void dusty late moldy past it done for uncivilised likely fated coming upcoming had it fallen into disuse no longer in use kaput noncontemporary uncivilized mouldy tried-and-true primaeval timeless imitative tried forgotten derivative moth-eaten relic primeval primordial primal ageless hoary venerable lazy


Opposite of having an interest in the future, and planning for it


Opposite of of, or using high technology


Opposite of willing to consider new ideas


Opposite of freed, especially from traditional ideas in social and sexual matters


(rare) Opposite of one with very contemporary ideas

Sinônimo de a modern

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