Sinônimo de rummages round


Search madly for
forages hunts searches rummages scours seeks explores casts about ferrets scavenges hunts around looks about looks around looks round plunders raids casts around casts round ferrets about ferrets around fossicks looks ransacks rummages about rummages around scrounges beats combs fine-tooth-combs grubs noses about noses around noses round pilfers rakes ravages roots about roots around scratches about scratchs around rootles around scrounges around looks for looks high and low fumbles delves scrabbles feels fishes examines probes gropes scouts digs around pursues grabbles sifts quests fingers flounders traces rootles prospects drags investigates winnows skirrs chases down handles rousts around manipulates pokes roots feels blindly pries forages for shops for looks up casts about for casts around for forages about scours around fishes about fishes around searchs out ferrets out looks all over hell goes after seeks out forages around tries to find fishes for searchs high heaven rootles about tracks down gropes around rifles goes through turns upside down hunts through dredges trolls scans searchs through digs through sorts through turns inside out fossicks through turns over digs looks through sifts through leaves no stone unturned scrutinizes searchs for pokes around rifles through enquires scrutinises inquires scrabbles around in rummages through checks shakes down looks into pokes around in goes over with a fine-tooth comb goes through with a fine-tooth comb chases goes researches discovers grubs about surveys scouts out feels around finds mines reconnoitres hunts for inspects reconnoiters ferrets around in ferrets about in ferrets in checks out rakes through rummages around in scrabbles about in roots around in roots about in digs in fishes about in delves in grubs about in fishes around in rootles around in roots through pokes about in looks up and down beats the bushes goes into rousts around in prods grubs around pokes about searches about scrabbles around vets wades browses sweeps hunts down consults confirms peruses trawls routs searchs thoroughly looks all over looks high and low in flushes out goes in search of shuffles through tips over looks around in checks up on searchs high and low digs down forages through rummages about in rummages in goes over leaves no stone unturned in goes through with fine-tooth comb grubs around in rummages round in screens finecombs rakes over fine-combs rakes up peers comes upon pokes through canvases drills pans dowses burrows pioneers cases stakes out looks all round turns out looks all over for hunts around in recces makes a survey of gives something a going-over gives something a look-see gives the once-over runs reconnaissance rousts

Antonym de rummages round

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