Sinônimo de to be well liked


(of a person) Liked or admired by the majority of people
popular liked favoured approved admired accepted welcome desired wanted commercial marketable saleable fashionable favorite voguish beloved favored hot leading likeable likable lovable notorious prominent sought celebrated famous fave favourite in trending cool big all the go all the rage crowd-pleasing in demand in fashion in favor in favour in vogue sought-after well-liked well received trendy modish now faddy preferred stylish hip chic happening trendsetting red-hot vogue latest current fly swanky contemporary popularized pop faddish upscale popularised chichi swank in style up-to-the-minute du jour with it newfangled customary a la mode number one a go-go smart modern groovy natty dashing mod rakish trig posh new selected chosen up-to-date choice prevailing usual genteel elect handpicked picked au courant select large in-thing up to the minute latest thing cherry-picked ideal desirable last word recommended singled out top ten top fancied endorsed culled sanctioned adopted elected def hep swish exclusive downtown snappy swell with-it supercool sharp turned-on fresh schmick swinging top-rated cutting-edge de rigueur settled upon decided upon in thing prevalent bang up to date up to date fab neat must-see dope nifty of choice culty coveted attractive appealing glorious well loved super well-known legendary à la mode agreeable valuable enviable good pleasant pleasing covetable the new excellent eligible requested wantable widespread in the mainstream commercially successful successful sought after looked-for to die for longed-for first-line best-liked sweetheart advantaged elite privileged lucky blessed


Characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular style

Antonym de to be well liked

Music ♫

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