More Idioms/Phrases

all wet all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all your eggs in one basket alley cat along those lines AM American as apple pie an ace up your sleeve an airhead an apple a day keeps the doctor away an arm and a leg an attitude an axe to grind an eager beaver an earful an easy mark an egghead (as) dumb as a fencepost (as) dumb as a post (as) easy as ABC (as) easy as anything (as) easy as apple pie (as) easy as duck soup (as) easy as falling off a log (as) easy as one-two-three (as) easy as pie (as) easy as rolling off a log (as) easy as shelling peas (as) easy as winking (as) exciting as watching paint dry (as) fast as greased lightning (as) fast as lightning (as) fat as a beached whale (as) fat as a pig (as) fine as Dick's hatband (as) fit as a fiddle (as) fit as a flea (as) flat as a board (as) flat as a pancake (as) flat as a strap (as) flat as a tack (as) fouled up as Hogan's goat (as) free as (the) air (as) free as a bird (as) fresh as a daisy (as) full as a goog (as) full as a tick (as) funny as a barrel of monkeys (as) funny as a crutch (as) funny as a fart in a spacesuit (as) game as Ned Kelly (as) gaudy as a butterfly (as) gay as a three-dollar bill (as) gay as pink ink (as) gentle as a lamb (as) good as dead (as) good as finished (as) good as gold (as) good as new (as) graceful as a swan (as) green as grass (as) gruff as a bear (as) happy as a clam (as) happy as a clam at high tide (as) happy as a clam in butter sauce (as) happy as a duck in Arizona (as) happy as a lark (as) happy as a pig in clover
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