More Idioms/Phrases

snap at snap out of it snap up snapped snatch victory from the jaws of defeat snazzy snootful snotty-nosed kid snow job snow them snow under snowball snowbirds snug as a bug in a rug so and so so far so far, so good (as) light as a feather (as) light as air (as) mad as a box of frogs (as) mad as a hatter (as) mad as a hornet (as) mad as a March hare (as) mad as a snake (as) mad as a wet hen (as) mad as hops (as) mean as a junkyard dog (as) messed up as Hogan's goat (as) miserable as sin (as) naked as a jaybird (as) neat as a pin (as) neat as ninepence (as) nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (as) nice as ninepence (as) nutty as a fruitcake (as) obstinate as a mule (as) often as not (as) old as Adam (as) old as Methuselah (as) old as the hills (as) pale as a ghost (as) pale as death (as) patient as Job (as) phony as a three-dollar bill (as) pissed as a newt (as) plain as a pikestaff (as) plain as day (as) plain as the nose on (one's) face (as) pleased as punch (as) poor as a church mouse (as) poor as a Job's turkey (as) pretty as a picture (as) proud as a peacock (as) queer as a nine-bob note (as) queer as a three-dollar bill (as) queer as Dick's hatband (as) quick as a bunny (as) quick as a flash (as) quick as a wink (as) quick as anything (as) quick as greased lightning (as) quick as lightning (as) quiet as a lamb (as) quiet as a mouse (as) quiet as the grave (as) rare as hens' teeth (as) rare as rocking horse crap (as) rare as rocking horse manure
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