Синоним more over elaborate

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Comparative for over-elaborate or complicated
fancier busier flowerier fussier showier purpler artier richer wordier flashier windier lavisher fulsomer gaudier posher bizarrer grotesquer plusher chintzier frillier messier untidier lengthier rotunder gassier tawdrier glossier finer splashier glitzier brighter stagier schmaltzier campier loftier mouthier bigger longer bolder haughtier stodgier stuffier primmer yellower splendider grander glibber noisier vivider fervider louder boringer gabbier talkier gobbier more baroque more convoluted more extravagant more florid more high-flown more ornate more ostentatious more wedding-cake more aureate more bombastic more elaborate more elegant more grandiloquent more magniloquent more orotund more overblown more overripe more overwrought more flamboyant more highfalutin more inflated more overdone more pleonastic more tumid more turgid more Ossianic more overelaborate more embellished more laboured more labored more decorated more pretentious more strained more gingerbreaded more gingerbready more exaggerated more decorative more grandiose more ornamental more verbose more hifalutin more adorned more overworked more pompous more flash more affected more magnific more contrived more cluttered more detailed more bedecked more overstated more diffuse more sumptuous more luscious more theatrical more prolix more declamatory more figurative more long-winded more sonorous more gilt more impressive more garish more intricate more crowded more mannered more precious more tedious more actorly more luxurious more sophisticated more excessive more mixed-up more muddled more disorderly more redundant more swollen more euphemistic more skillful more skilful more stilted more flatulent more beautiful more meandering more gaseous more loquacious more complicated more complex more ponderous more meretricious more dazzling more resplendent more flaunting more metaphorical more colored more variegated more coloured more glamorous more brilliant more magnificent more superficial more opulent more la-di-da more pedantic more poncey more chichi more fancy-pants more high-minded more hoity-toity more toffee-nosed more eloquent more formal more hyperbolic more effusive more articulate more silver-tongued more erudite more scholarly more histrionic more bombast more dramatic more Ciceronian more epideictic more imposing more Demosthenic more Demosthenean more discursive more sesquipedalian more puffed more voluble more fluent more involved more protracted more garrulous more circuitous more circumlocutory more elocutionary more digressive more logorrheic more ambagious more logorrhoeic more majestic more epic more Miltonian more Homeric more snobbish more overheated more self-important more overinflated more egotistic more blustering more loudmouthed more heroic more elevated more poetic more solemn more dignified more learned more braggart more boastful more full of hot air more over the top more booming more melodramatic more prolonged more golden more stylistic more lexiphanic more long-drawn-out more vocal more tumescent more stentorian more impassioned more senatorial more important more expressive more noble more persuasive more forceful more interminable more laborious more rhapsodical more tiresome more floral more circumlocutionary more wearisome more spun out more literary more talkative more gushing more repetitious more multiloquent more expansive more multiloquous more tautological more repetitive more indirect more tortuous more palaverous more tautologous

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Comparative for having a striking appearance or style, typically by being excessively bright, colourful, or ostentatious
showier brasher gaudier flashier louder splashier vulgarer fancier glitzier kitscher bolder catchier grabbier noisier ritzier swankier dictier tawdrier classier jazzier snazzier swanker tonier trashier crasser glitterier cheaper tackier grosser brassier gayer jauntier splurgier sportier fussier harsher cheesier brighter vivider chintzier richer stronger intenser naffer cruder clearer livelier plainer sleazier kitschier coarser niftier commoner shoddier splendider tattier golder grander smarter camper schlockier shabbier wilder shinier ambitiouser violenter sicklier bigger pizzazzier pizazzier larger statelier uselesser plusher flakier greater lordlier superber deeper lavisher warmer sheenier glossier lucider frowzier flowerier broader saucier trendier merrier fuller thicker gassier nattier vainer sharper spiffier sassier snappier powerfuller bloodier livider auguster nastier prouder rottener junkier bummer poorer badder terribler lousier wretcheder miserabler loftier breezier extremer princelier pluckier ampler ruder lower gutsier swisher nervier hardier uncouther dapperer peppier ballsier rougher ruggeder unseemlier impoliter keener foolisher raunchier stupider unlovelier more flamboyant more ostentatious more pretentious more conspicuous more flash more garish more obtrusive more ornate more overdone more tasteless more affected more extravagant more theatrical more bodacious more brilliant more commanding more dramatic more emphatic more eye-catching more fancy-pants more kenspeckle more marked more noticeable more pompous more prominent more pronounced more remarkable more striking more tinselly more dashing more glaring more histrionic more luxurious more meretricious more opulent more overwrought more peacocky more resplendent more screaming more sensational more splendiferous more sumptuous more tinsel more over the top more grandiose more specious more flaunting more plastic more sham more superficial more pinchbeck more actorly more chichi more exhibitionistic more spectacular more unrefined more inelegant more high-flown more lurid more colourful more colorful more glittering more dazzling more vibrant more blatant more brazen more raffish more bombastic more obvious more unmistakable more florid more evident more outstanding more swashbuckling more salient more elaborate more outrageous more glamorous more distinct more flaming more decided more manifest more magnificent more multicoloured more impressive more recognizable more multicolored more glowing more luxuriant more stylish more psychedelic more audacious more kaleidoscopic more adventurous more recognisable more exciting more imposing more notable more epic more definite more discernible more lustrous more baroque more gleaming more turgid more radiant more distinguishable more animated more daring more worthless more patent more rubbishy more apparent more expensive more nauseating more palpable more exuberant more significant more bilious more unattractive more distasteful more cheapjack more perceptible more buoyant more monumental more rakish more observable more energetic more inescapable more glorious more motley more confident more variegated more gallant more elegant more prismatic more vivacious more polychromatic more heroic more peacockish more identifiable more luscious more irradiant more clear-cut more arrestive more luminescent more incandescent more luminous more candescent more distinguished more glistering more lambent more refulgent more beaming more shining more ablaze more self-righteous more protuberant more intrusive more startling more forceful more whimsical more decorated more stimulating more effective more imaginative more interesting more considerable more casual more informal more shameless more unspeakable more graphic more offensive more clinquant more open more convivial more predominant more dominant more overambitious more substantial more beautiful more noted more pointed more assured more sententious more daredevil more defiant more visual more flagrant more tumid more orotund more declamatory more fakey more fun more boastful more vaunting more egotistic more forestanding more gorgeous more multihued more distinctive more fiery more fluorescent more momentous more majestic more iridescent more telling more sanguine more visible more noble more decisive more conclusive more scintillating more multichromatic more coloured more colored more resounding more positive more regal more thundering more thumping more illustrious more golden more imperial more varied more detectable more mediocre more second-rate more trifling more execrable more low-grade more royal more frou-frou more perceivable more picturesque more particolored more phantasmagoric more particoloured more multi-coloured more prestigious more massive more spirited more debonair more magnific more heroical more alloyed more Homeric more appreciable more immoderate more immodest more devil-may-care more venturesome more exaggerated more exorbitant more excessive more star-studded more sensible more romantic more attractive more dynamic more baronial more fantastic more disproportionate more adventuresome more enterprising more emboldened more venturous more intrepid more nerved more improper more urbane more zealous more unreasonable more insane more fanciful more uncultivated more tactless more ill-bred more insensible more indiscreet more lowbred more incult more lowbrow more uncultured more unpolished more illiberal more gilt more graceless more indelicate more indecorous more exclusive more fearless more rousing more alert more off-color more low-down more hideous more unclassy more unsightly more artificial more barbarous more barbaric more outlandish more trivial more makeshift

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Comparative for done to excess
fulsomer unfairer stagier camper steeper extremer taller hammier schmaltzier phonier stiffer faker falser showier hollower campier awkwarder hokier unlikelier lavisher rigider posier splashier catchier flashier gushier gaudier louder absurder flimsier bizarrer fishier crazier fancier more overdone more excessive more exaggerated more disproportionate more inordinate more undue more immoderate more overstated more extravagant more inflated more overripe more overworked more effusive more gushing more labored more laboured more needless more unnecessary more unreasonable more actorly more affected more forced more hyped more melodramatic more preposterous more sensationalistic more theatrical more overelaborate more elaborate more over the top more overblown more overweening more bloated more hyperbolic more magnified more pretentious more overwrought more pompous more intemperate more superfluous more unrestrained more profuse more dramatic more amplified more sensational more sensationalist more unrealistic more fabulous more embellished more spectacular more stylized more farfetched more fantastic more impossible more histrionic more artificial more unnatural more stilted more contrived more strained more unconvincing more mannered more assumed more sham more bogus more spurious more mechanical more plastic more insincere more actressy more factitious more far-fetched more flamboyant more unreal more fakey more dubious more doubtful more unbelievable more ostentatious more implausible more overdramatic more questionable more superficial more incredible more ridiculous more operatic more unconscionable more outrageous more wooden more comic more meretricious more constrained more stringent more coercive more binding more forcible more bound more inflexible more grudging more attention-grabbing more self-conscious more conceited more affectated more farcical more sentimental more expressive more animated more thespian more overemotional more manufactured more unspontaneous more fixed more recherche more improbable more demonstrative more high-flown more garish more wholehearted more expansive more prodigal more generous more unthinkable more fanciful more unlimited more exorbitant more unapt more illogical more incoherent more puffed up more mind-boggling more exuberant more uncivilized more barbarous more uncivilised more extortionate more insane more plethoric more intolerable more overextravagant more ceremonious more towering more overdue more dramaturgic more tragic more emotional more devilish more unmerciful more baroque more extraordinary

Антонимом more over elaborate

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