Синоним most sinistrous

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Superlative for pertaining to the left side of something

Имя прилагательное

Superlative for likely to lead to an adverse or bad outcome
doomiest darkest direst blackest gloomiest grimmest ugliest winteriest wintriest fearfullest unfriendliest unluckiest adversest evillest unhappiest bleakest baddest creepiest eeriest spookiest scariest nastiest harmfullest perversest woefullest wretchedest awkwardest poorest terriblest ghastliest horriblest awfullest unpleasantest gruesomest ghostliest horridest heaviest deadliest fiercest unearthliest grisliest severest glummest harshest morosest wickedest cruelest bitterest nearest closest gravest uncanniest moodiest grotesquest dreadest dourest weirdest austerest cloudiest sombrest somberest unhealthiest grayest greyest foulest toughest viciousest strangest sullenest angriest freakiest hardest vilest spitefullest dreariest disgustingest miserablest flakiest difficultest saddest roughest dullest haziest grossest ruggedest sickest starkest sulkiest rockiest messiest shadowiest mournfullest dolefulest wildest sickliest stormiest goriest bloodiest sternest beastliest basest extremest painfullest unkindest hairiest seriousest violentest grumpiest surliest obscenest crabbiest sourest lousiest meanest dodgiest bizarrest queerest oddest murkiest rowdiest weightiest rummest uncouthest acutest most ominous most baleful most inauspicious most menacing most minatory most portentous most sinister most threatening most direful most forbidding most foreboding most unpromising most unpropitious most bodeful most fateful most ill most ill-boding most unfavorable most unfavourable most augural most baneful most clouded most dangerous most dismal most doomed most doomful most haunting most hostile most ill-fated most ill-omened most inhospitable most lowering most malefic most malign most perilous most prescient most suggestive most worrying most unfortunate most inopportune most disadvantageous most untimely most infelicitous most disheartening most ill-starred most disastrous most untoward most unchancy most disquieting most disturbing most alarming most frightening most malignant most eldritch most injurious most minatorial most malevolent most poisonous most dishonest most deleterious most mischievous most blackhearted most obnoxious most pernicious most hurtful most regrettable most lamentable most calamitous most luckless most ruinous most cursed most hopeless most unprosperous most deplorable most hapless most forsaken most afflicted most dreadful most intimidating most terrifying most fearsome most horrifying most frightful most daunting most brooding most hair-raising most horrendous most spine-chilling most intimidatory most horrific most macabre most chilling most formidable most off-putting most appalling most depressing most monstrous most nightmarish most ferocious most destructive most detrimental most hideous most cataclysmic most catastrophic most redoubtable most morbid most aggressive most cautionary most harrowing most ghoulish most admonitory most disagreeable most awesome most forthcoming most crucial most predictive most unsettling most loury most dispiriting most atrocious most devastating most uninviting most unspeakable most spookish most unwholesome most tragic most grewsome most savage most malicious most terrific most troubled most desperate most thunderous most lurid most pessimistic most maleficent most awe-inspiring most abhorrent most distressing most overcast most upsetting most momentous most significant most important most hellish most comminatory most cheerless most parlous most overwhelming most imminent most demoralizing most mortal most lowery most impendent most unwelcoming most doubtful most antagonistic most exemplary most prognostic most disappointing most damaging most lethal most disconcerting most odious most critical most mysterious most outrageous most unsafe most noxious most troubling most treacherous most vindictive most venomous most supernatural most unusual most unnatural most nocuous most cataclysmal most unreal most villainous most loathsome most negative most demoralising most exacting most pressing most oppressive most brutish most barbarous most barbaric most fiendish most nefarious most depressive most abnormal most depraved most exigent most afflictive most unwelcome most troublesome most aberrant most dubious most unhopeful most pending most star-crossed most apocalyptical most Kafkaesque most prognosticatory most contrary most bloodcurdling most imposing most climactic most climacteric most hazed most inimical most damning most unsuited most uncomfortable most blighted most traumatic most nightmarey most phantasmagorical most spine-tingling most exhilarating most remarkable most exciting most intriguing most thrilling most extraordinary most inspiring most phenomenal most overpowering most inconvenient most jarring most snakebit most aching most leaden most sunless most inapt most unseasonable most inappropriate most unsuitable most precautionary most heinous most scandalous most disgraceful most ill-suited most acrimonious most infamous most prejudicial most vitriolic most virulent most revealing most intolerable most exhortatory most repulsive most offensive most life-threatening most abominable most infected most ailing most diseased most inhuman most diabolical most hard-pressed most jeopardous most straitened most solemn most undesirable most objectionable most strained most joyless most desolate most discommodious most comfortless most precarious most raging most pathological most unsound most shameful most devilish most iniquitous most prophetical most clairvoyant most displeasing most despicable most contemptible most satanic most egregious most bestial most sickening most twisted most warped most irascible most taxing most challenging most flagitious most ruthless most merciless most grievous most urgent most galling most irritable most poignant most distressful most unpleasing most repellant most irritating most distasteful most frustrating most perplexing most melancholy most agonizing most irksome most repellent most unpalatable most annoying most melancholic most bewildering most uncongenial most distressed most repugnant most revulsive most unamusing most mephitical most testing most decisive most fiery most drastic most brutal most feral most turbulent most volatile most pythonic most aggravated most temperamental most indignant most aggrieved most cantankerous most godawful most irretrievable most crippling most immoral most auspicious most preternatural most enraged most chronic most abysmal most murderous most untamed most shuddersome most heartbreaking most pivotal most key most historic most tumultuous most rancorous most uncivilized most viperous most serpentine most uncontrollable most uncivilised most abandoned most mystifying most far-out most far-reaching most consequential most peremptory most inscrutable most numinous most whacko most secret most occult most mystic most magical most supernal most world-shaking most eventful most resultful most determinative most conclusive

Антонимом most sinistrous

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