Synonym of fallen on one's knees


Past participle for to act in a submissive manner
truckled kowtowed toadied deferred submitted yielded yolden fawned conceded crouched pandered apple-polished bootlicked brown-nosed crawled cringed fussed grovelled groveled stooped sucked up bent the knee brownnosed cajoled flattered given in given way kissed-up made up massaged oiled prostrated oneself smoodged stroked wooed bowed and scraped curried favour curry favored fawned on pandered to abased oneself before buttered up curry favored with curry favoured with danced attendance on honeyed up ingratiated oneself with kissing up to knuckled under licked someone's boots paid court fallen all over kissed one's feet laid it on played up to scratched one's back sucked up to creeped crept courted truckled to crept to crawled to kowtowed to made up to rubbed up the right way prostrated oneself to kept someone sweet abased oneself to bowed and scrape to kissed the feet of grovelled to demeaned oneself to eulogized praised toadied to soft-soaped sweet-talked grovelled before paid court to cringed before debased snowed slavered fallen over oneself for cowered kneeled praised to excess bowed smarmed around knelt eulogised invited blandished jollied snown cottoned scraped abased sung the praises of smoodged to praised to the skies bowed and scrape before catered to caved in to laid it on with a trowel laid it on thick buddied up fell all over fell over oneself for snew yold sang the praises of fell on one's knees adulated blarneyed honeyed overpraised humbled oneself spread it on humoured humored behaved obsequiously glorified wheedled hero-worshipped charmed flanneled flannelled snivelled sniveled panegyrized kiss up to built up ingratiated yourself rubbed the right way expressed admiration for complimented excessively deferred to waxed lyrical about bowed to abased yourself revered quailed bended bent beslavered complimented puffed belauded commended made a leg bobbed a curtsy lauded genuflected softened got round said nice things about paid blandishments to made much of put on a pedestal elevated adored worshipped lionized gushed worshiped inveigled implored pampered smooth-talked gave in admired folded prostrated lionised cultivated curtsied caved in said uncle toed the mark demeaned oneself tried to get on the good side of eaten dirt eaten crow sought the favour of fawned over showed respect for kissed someone's feet got in with shown respect for respected ate crow tried to win over ate dirt sweetened up worked over cozied up worked on paid tribute to prostrated oneself before humiliated yourself gave way gotten in with gone along with went along with eaten humble pie ate humble pie lain down and rolled over lay down and rolled over

Antonym of fallen on one's knees

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