Synonym of push one's buttons


To manipulate (a person) skillfully


Drive up the wall
get under your skin irritate madden annoy infuriate rile provoke irk bother upset ruffle vex exasperate needle pester get in your hair rattle one's cage anger aggravate gall rub up the wrong way nark incense hack off nettle peeve bug rankle wind up tick off miff pique get on your nerves enrage get to grate put out gravel get your back up drive up the wall chafe burn up inflame get offend make someone see red get across displease antagonize agitate ride give someone the hump roil antagonise hassle disturb drive crazy drive mad eat rasp get on your wick get your goat get on one's nerves persecute spite outrage frost tee off exacerbate ruffle one's feathers rub the wrong way hack you off make your blood boil bum out get up someone's nose harass tease rark gripe make somebody's hackles rise try your patience hump get your dander up perturb frustrate affront ire get at itch put your back up nag drive to distraction fret enflame rankle with steam up mad rattle someone's cage raise your hackles trouble goad make angry harry give a hard time give someone the pip drive round the bend be on your back make waves get your hackles up drive bananas egg on bait worry distress plague rattle molest torment discompose gnaw fire up stir up rub you up the wrong way be at drive you up the wall T-off send into a rage grate on disgust drive round the twist give someone grief excite try empurple get a rise out of taunt prick incite make cross niggle bedevil badger insult disgruntle disquiet mither jar on dissatisfy turn off be a pain in the neck jangle bite pain work up get someone fluster hack be on the back of grill raise hell hound be a thorn in someone's side be a thorn in someone's flesh embitter put someone's nose out of joint acerbate abrade ask for it umbrage hit where one lives burn chagrin cross drive nuts get on the wrong side of make an enemy of somebody breathe down someone's neck distemper eat away at sour irritate greatly troll arouse hostility in rouse stick in one's craw try the patience of wear on set one's teeth on edge mortify sting wound bum dog pick on wig afflict get someone's wick heckle haze eat at rile up work into lather get across someone set on set off start take a rise out of run up the wrong way give a bad time depress mix up fuss embarrass boil arouse make sore lose one's temper blow up bristle craze hit a sour note test put on edge get on unnerve set on edge unsettle whip up make you see red make you angry incommode nudge break henpeck beleaguer cheese off push button heat up work on beset hurt torture oppress agonize harrow burden rack grieve stress strain agonise perplex disconcert aggrieve discomfit sadden curse dismay discommode faze anguish besiege haunt ail gnaw at excruciate inconvenience pursue weigh down concern tax blight affect devil hector disoblige distract flurry discomfort unhinge cut to the quick shock discountenance cause offense discombobulate frazzle be offensive chivvy cause suffering to assail lie heavy on slight hurt somebody's feelings discourage jar bully confound dishearten stir crucify alarm injure throw weigh heavily on confuse make miserable make wretched cause anguish to scare smite intimidate dispirit wring confront scandalize grind deject tear frighten tantalize exercise martyr sear scandalise tantalise cause trouble to sicken nag at derail weigh on hagride alarum make anxious throw off balance undo give offence to put down cause anxiety to freak out shake weird out disaffect browbeat rib chaff rag face victimize chivy repel heavy attack stew press rally daunt wear bore strike disappoint horrify interrupt zing move disrespect diss tire dis victimise brown off floor be a nuisance to obsess nauseate weary possess keep on at pother dash spook appall appal importune psych cut shake up make discontented crush make unhappy cast down cut up wrong hang over wear out grind at get down cause concern to bring down be a great weight on cause discomfort to make uneasy make uncomfortable flip out weigh heavily on one's mind eat up indispose be an affront to prey on your mind be on one's case mess with derange prod fester rattle someone's chain steam bedog mistreat keep after preoccupy tangle harm tear away at stress out discontent thwart foil cause annoyance to cause resentment to devastate grizzle noodge macerate despoil foray bullyrag consume chide snit pet tiff huff roust revolt sweat fear accost terrify get on someone misplease repulse despair chill demoralize unman begrudge crab grudge puzzle make see red jar upon grate upon drain exhaust stretch sap rend be rude to stroke someone's hair the wrong way touch wear upon pressurize be prey to jerk around pressurise mess cause anguish cause suffering be hurtful to bleed mourn lambaste cause sorrow be in someone's way drive you crazy rasp one's nerves envenom thrill punish go on at terrorize dun gut hang up get even louse up push someon's buttons be like a red rag to a bull slap shatter play dirty resent set someone's teeth on edge pierce demoralise dampen spirits break one's heart be disagreeable to push the buttons of turn incapacitate flip cramp debilitate bewilder overwhelm drive you to distraction make livid alienate poison put arouse anxiety in strap do a number on push buttons make it tough for nit-pick push desolate be the victim of entangle hamper make blue drag down put into a funk put a damper on break the heart of tyrannise tyrannize snub aggress be a pest to play cat and mouse rub salt in wound put through wringer dragoon expel beat hunt exile terrorise drive you round the twist drive you round the bend cause agony to overcharge sweat out abuse criticise dispraise slander criticize slur humiliate upset the applecart turn on lay up key up lean on chasten thumb nose at drive you off your head put pressure on cause offence to boil over bruise make indignant cause offense to rock the boat make a scene bring pressure to bear on put the squeeze on flummox lie heavily on kick up a fuss kick up a stink lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind make someone fed up be in someone's hair drive you out of your mind drive out of mind make somebody's blood boil jump on one's case give the business impede hinder have had enough become bored grate at exhaust someone's patience lose patience tire out dump on fall upon fall on fuddle grind on single out mess with someone's head do someone's head in cow start in on disillusion give the needle niggle at stump get the knife into make things hot for someone make it hot for someone stick the knife into disrupt give a zinger give the cold shoulder dish it out give it to make severe demands on put a strain on stick it to dish out make demands on scourge come back to haunt give offence be disagreeable tread on someone's toes intrude upon be a burden to impose on be a weight on one's mind make gloomy make despondent lie bend someone's ear weigh heavily on someone's mind make bitter jaundice empoison make resentful carp at be afflicted with suffer from be plagued with be troubled by get on someone's case put off prey on make desolate make nervous put someone off their stroke be blighted with be burdened with be bedevilled by put into a flap throw into a tizz cause someone to lose their composure throw into tizzy worsen grip take the heart out of take visit buffet acidulate estrange bitter venom make rancorous trigger foment impassion kid instigate animate inspire electrify mock ridicule deride josh joke jive razz prime enthuse galvanize stimulate satirize roast banter twit gibe charge kindle vivify encourage enliven pump up elicit rev up guy fun quiz chiack galvanise trigger off commove touch off bring about motivate spark off activate jolt cause charge up energize enkindle pep up energise bring out awaken shuck smoke rot sledge wake up feed the fire intensify spoof slam sound snap satirise laugh at scoff at jeer at make fun of jibe at make sport of send up swipe at make a monkey of goof on mess around poke fun at pull someone's leg make jokes about put on pull one's leg poke borak at flirt with sling off at take the mickey have on flout at poke mullock at rag on take the piss out of be sarcastic about lead on

Antonym of push one's buttons

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