More Idioms/Phrases

shooting fish in a barrel shooting match shop around shop talk shoplifting shore up short and sweet short cut short end (of the stick) short end of the stick short of short one short shrift short temper short with me shortchange shortfall (as) easy as apple pie (as) easy as duck soup (as) easy as falling off a log (as) easy as one-two-three (as) easy as pie (as) easy as rolling off a log (as) easy as shelling peas (as) easy as winking (as) exciting as watching paint dry (as) fast as greased lightning (as) fast as lightning (as) fat as a beached whale (as) fat as a pig (as) fine as Dick's hatband (as) fit as a fiddle (as) fit as a flea (as) flat as a board (as) flat as a pancake (as) flat as a strap (as) flat as a tack (as) fouled up as Hogan's goat (as) free as (the) air (as) free as a bird (as) fresh as a daisy (as) full as a goog (as) full as a tick (as) funny as a barrel of monkeys (as) funny as a crutch (as) funny as a fart in a spacesuit (as) game as Ned Kelly (as) gaudy as a butterfly (as) gay as a three-dollar bill (as) gay as pink ink (as) gentle as a lamb (as) good as dead (as) good as finished (as) good as gold (as) good as new (as) graceful as a swan (as) green as grass (as) gruff as a bear (as) happy as a clam (as) happy as a clam at high tide (as) happy as a clam in butter sauce (as) happy as a duck in Arizona (as) happy as a lark (as) happy as a pig in clover (as) happy as a pig in muck (as) happy as a pig in mud (as) happy as a pig in shit (as) happy as a pig in slop
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