Antonym des being in a good mood


In a state of unhappiness or despondency
melancholic sad gloomy miserable dejected unhappy melancholy depressed despondent disconsolate downcast glum forlorn sorrowful doleful down downhearted mournful blue wretched crestfallen woebegone low heartbroken woeful joyless desolate inconsolable morose dispirited saddened sorry brokenhearted heartsick droopy bad heavyhearted lugubrious grim pessimistic dark moody dull elegiac spiritless dragged heartsore hurting wistful dysphoric crummy hangdog plaintive destroyed nostalgic tristful bleeding lamenting weeping ripped cast down low-spirited down in the mouth heavy-hearted down in the dumps in the dumps in pain bummed out cast-down down and out fed up in the pits on a downer torn up in a blue funk low-down taken down let down in the toilet distressed anguished sullen troubled cheerless hurt upset disheartened disappointed sombre somber demoralized discouraged aggrieved broken-hearted tearful down-hearted emotional demoralised grief-stricken pained tormented despairing afflicted grieved bereaved rueful weepy teary in doldrums in grief in tears dolorous agonized agonised down in dumps out of sorts listless languid gray broken comfortless bowed down sulky saturnine languorous grey triste displeased worried grieving distraught dismal perturbed bothered concerned disturbed depressive antsy discombobulated burned uptight bugged shook sore contused suffering tortured solemn luckless strained discontented wounded ailing racked ruthful all torn up shook up cut up funereal elegiacal uneasy sick at heart pensive down in mouth morbid bitter hapless crabby languished black having blue devils singing the blues having the blahs negative regretful

Synonym des being in a good mood

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