Synonym des a join


To connect or bring into contact
connect couple link annexe annex attach fasten knit tie affix bond fix append bridge interconnect stick weld yoke bind concatenate conjoin glue lock pair splice adhere chain entwine hitch interlink secure team unify catenate hook string add assemble bracket clamp clasp dovetail juxtapose lash leash mate paste link up make fast tie up bring together hitch on slap on tack on tag on match up unite combine fuse conjugate associate pin compound marry cement tack tether coalesce merge solder cohere clip strap integrate ally gum nail amalgamate truss rivet wed subjoin hook up tape match put together bolt interfuse tag join up affiliate league moor hold align adjoin screw blend fetter rope anchor meld consolidate hook on interlock cling fit pinion join together cleave harness seal knot peg cooperate catch staple interface stick together incorporate band federate tie together lodge buckle clinch braze graft team up stick on bend repair twin button band together relate hitch up pool tie in partner come together add on put on hew tighten confederate mesh plug into join up with install place joint freeze to pair up mortise snag intertwine insert implant embed put set join forces plant stick fast hold fast be fixed include be glued be pasted position hold on be stuck loop lace batten mix throw in with mend patch hang instal group fit together shackle put in grip conglomerate settle agglutinate post Sellotape close network fasten together meld with fix together tie down syndicate tie in with associate with ally with unite with align with club pin down espouse latch onto combine with hold together stay put join to stay cooperate with join forces with hug lock up integrate into hog-tie team up with band together with form an alliance with be in league with form an alliance be in league cling like ivy thread melt engage hasp grapple inject inspan clump entangle clench tenon piece together slot in fit in click consociate span strap up Velcro work in correlate put in with hinge interweave interrelate network with plaster rejoin reunify sellotape interlace identify prefix piggyback braid plait communicate intersect mortar gird take on adjust freeze intertwist cinch mount draw together knit together yoke together articulate transplant ingraft balance stick to clog weave resolve reconcile organise organize conglutinate epoxy embrace go in with attach securely peg down link together batten down button down throw in build on bind up engraft be bogged down stick like barnacle branch marry up patch up make up put down trammel slip straddle overcome draw a connection between put up pair off share join with agglomerate propagate transfer stick to like glue concentrate centralize synthesize remain reunite merge with coalesce with amalgamate with federate with confederate with compact center concenter pull together lump together centralise synthesise concentre centre hold on to stick like a barnacle hold on like bulldog stick like glue attach to yoke to incorporate into annex to add to form connection line up form a confederation with belong to form a federation with come aboard go partners root establish gather together situate weld together become one sew bed depose intrench engrain imbed stabilize lay dispose locate deposit emplace ingrain entrench enroot solidify stiffen rigidify congeal station baste darn instil set up infix stabilise inculcate steady instill seam make permanent nail down hem suture enlist affiliate with sew up stitch stitch up socially join sign on with become associated with tag along with make a pact with latch on to sign up with park base plonk set down impact bung site rest posit pop put in place stand seat impress found dump deploy stow plunk imprint ground bury leave brace prop lay down sit brand plop ensconce build arrange nestle poise support wedge drop shove erect perch roost repose plunk down dig in etch squeeze array sustain sink sow introduce engrave garrison range squat stuff thrust strengthen plank protect drape construct sit down lay out pitch throw down plank down fling down hang up stick up become settled put in position pin up hang out underjoin make port form inlay stamp deboss grasp institute inseminate fix into clap press orientate lie orient sequence restrain lean picket cable breed store berth bear record register headquarter reside dwell inhabit hang on fasten down make firm fix firmly pose land zero in set in position let fall din in drum in fasten securely clamp down cover up board up cleave to assign put down roots domiciliate fix in position drive home fortify imbue detail take delve bring consign to sow the seeds of radicate teach indoctrinate define fence confirm hang one's hat lounge leave out dig strike construct defences dig trenches put on duty grub burrow shelter maintain drum into drill in hammer in sow the seeds hole up stabilitate screen furnish line display take root preserve make more secure screw up hide cover shut become established grow roots firm breed in the bone focus predicate conceal shield dangle set in place jam plateau uphold fix in place become anchored become implanted deck rear bottom bed in settle down fix up build in settle in hide away ditch snuggle up curl up stash suspend hold steady make steady ram cram force unload depend anchor itself embed itself become embedded become caught become fixed unlade sling pack get stuck ground in become stuck root in come to rest ossify swing peg up peg out crowd crush make stable keep steady put on a hook tack up be fastened nail up firm up even out shoehorn block push sandwich become constant chock


To combine together to form one substance or mass
unite combine marry fuse merge amalgamate consolidate interfuse associate blend coalesce conjugate cement compound incorporate interlace intermix agglutinate coadunate melt mix weave wed lump together put together stick together unify integrate mingle meld connect intermingle commingle homogenize link commix conflate homogenise conjoin comingle composite immix immingle link up synthesize synthesise interweave alloy affiliate couple pool meet concrete come together bring together mesh admix cross concentrate gather fold in converge join together yoke emulsify lump interblend interflow intersect group jumble collect harmonize weld knit bond band amass harmonise interface assemble compact stir interpenetrate corral blunge network get together become one round up bunch up mass ally assimilate symphonize conglomerate centralize accumulate criss-cross convene absorb bunch suffuse accommodate bind cohere subsume garner decussate concatenate glue congregate concenter whisk constellate muster center premix relate bleed centralise concentre centre convoke bracket mix up organize form rally mobilize throw in together mobilise organise interact tie in tie up knit together line up gang up arrange coincide inmix produce create make dilute fold physically join stir in make up attach pair correlate stick cleave cling adhere dub condense league include throw together throw in with cojoin hybridize focalize intertwine shuffle orchestrate manufacture affix confederate fasten imbibe embody intersperse match up focus concord add interbreed transfuse knead hybridise infuse braid tangle strengthen solidify crisscross throw aggregate add in slot in add to fit in coordinate desegregate hook in slip in make one medialize intensify work in put gather together close ranks hang together bisect cross-breed stir together group together shift around draw together bring to a focus batch melt into match react run into tie splice act work marshal bulk up interrupt cluster huddle consort teem crowd stack rendezvous pour in pack pile up pull gather round hang out compile band together collate throng brigade aggroup pile meet up hive flock gang around herd swarm cut interplay interrelate have an effect interreact raise marshall run together call together scrape together


To become linked or connected to
adjoin touch abut meet border reach extend flank fringe neighbour neighbor skirt conjoin converge rejoin bound butt extend to hem line rim border on converge with verge on open into be contiguous to lie near lie next to trench on be adjacent to be at hand be close to butt against butt on lie beside march with connect verge be contiguous with connect with be next to be connected to edge communicate butt up against butt up to lie alongside link up with couple with communicate with bound on extend as far as annex attach to combine with append annexe unite with link affix to impinge on margin impinge link to link with surround connect to march contact lie along frame hug be bounded by unite cross circle wall intersect ring circumscribe approximate screen neighbour on touch on lie be contiguous be near be nearby be adjacent book-end be situated along interconnect with brush link up come together coincide collide adhere graze hit be against strike come together with come into contact with be up against be in contact with push against be in contact make contact with impinge upon lead into resemble echo approach near be like compare come near be similar to parallel match be situated alongside be attached to abut on run alongside give access to open on to join up with be next door to be alongside be adjoining tend towards incline trench lean towards be on the edge approximate to incline towards be more or less be near to come close to brink on move on gravitate toward incline to tend to trend towards be not far from


To put together using parts or materials
fabricate make construct build create assemble form fashion produce forge shape manufacture compose erect frame confect model contrive raise engineer piece rear formulate organise organize structure elevate prefab mix brainstorm set up put together make up put up turn out knock together piece together throw together cobble up fit together whip up throw up cobble together whomp up compile mold connect mould build up join up carpenter synthesize cast reconstruct edify prefabricate sculpture synthesise evolve fit sew weld unite jerry-build superstruct bring about develop devise patch up sew up concoct prepare systemize arrange marshal invent gather collate systematize combine anthologize sort out collect link accumulate amass systematise marshall rustle up bring together draw up run up design plan choreograph project blueprint lay out map out chart strategize about scheme out budget craft draft calculate work out draught work outline conceive cook up plot hatch scheme mastermind orchestrate sculpt block out originate fix constitute direct carve hammer out found hammer establish sketch machinate coordinate map think up brew order dream up manage hew excogitate complete draw beat schedule set strategize effect maneuver manoeuvre drum up adjust come up with fudge together manipulate rough out sketch out fix up set out jack up stamp process cut delineate pound imagine perfect intrigue malleate ready tabulate trace negotiate accomplish compound execute pattern trump up control represent adapt administrate vamp up render finesse knock off steer detail sort conduct plan out categorize index prioritize array determine thrash out tailor get ready work up quarterback methodize range regiment decide settle beat into shape line up make arrangements inventory settle on make arrangements for prioritise beat out begin start up lick into shape put in order categorise configure straighten out carve out stage stagger propose intend derive envision write throw conceive of finish consummate put out graph adumbrate fix in position balance do skeleton rough finagle phase whittle chisel plan ahead lay equip supply edit record register document mass produce mass-produce wangle implement yield spawn actualize generate give structure to premeditate slate furnish outfit prep accoutre align author mill machine tool cobble contemplate exploit groom endow appoint anticipate knock out patch together beget whip out eke out churn out rig up comprise diagram forecast conspire influence estimate make ready make a chart of make a diagram of plot out trace out bring advance rig translate into bring on conjure up bring into existence get up fit out think ahead make provision smooth the way fill in cost meditate think out chalk out affect use guide bargain for figure on figure out fix to rough in lay in provisions reckon on resolve account shape up come to an agreement agree to come to terms make plans set stage make plans for pencil in iron out agree on make preparations for come to terms about pull things together prepare for compute make provisions make financial arrangements predict cost out use to advantage twist round one's little finger turn to one's advantage play upon run stage-manage mobilize grind out programme program institute start be responsible for see about get together see to get going take care of lay the foundations of be in charge of concert mount timetable mobilise get off the ground look after budget for deal with codify classify group catalogue list catalog standardize file dispose regulate collocate pigeonhole consolidate triage correlate coin harmonize whip into shape standardise put straight knock into shape harmonise straighten curate improvise cogitate spark discover vamp ad-lib fake it play it by ear think of hit on head trip dope out get off


Grace with your presence
grace with your presence appear attend be a guest be at be present be there bob up check in clock in drop in go to make an appearance make it pop up show up turn up materialize arrive present oneself materialise emerge blow in put in an appearance show enter pop in come roll in roll up come on the scene come into view surface issue come up make the scene come to light crop up arise punch in come into sight spring up turn out show your face expose itself reveal itself rise develop unfold land loom spring become apparent take shape become visible come out enter into the picture reach approach occur emanate manifest be along come along get in get there get here report hove into view take place sign in heave into view be seen pull in become evident sky in ring in manifest itself be revealed arrive on the scene punch the clock get through breeze in present itself wind up at begin start proceed happen be actualize originate set in befall dawn transpire form ensue visit evolve pop get to kick in come into existence show oneself fall by fall in come about come forth come on be within view show itself walk on manifest oneself come to pass come into being reach one's destination reveal oneself step out settle pop out access bust in dismount barge in draw near alight buzz in hit town disembark drop anchor come in drop by haunt buzz through spring in burst through close in patronize frequent come into pass in set foot go on patronise take part present yourself be in attendance show yourself crystallize launch catalyze spawn punch the time clock clock on eventuate be set in motion be developed be created catalyse be realized be brought to pass be brought about kick off be established be brought into existence come to the fore fall enter the picture take form crystallise be forged be born be brought into being commence hit land up get as far as stop finish up end up wash up end up at pull up draw up fetch up at find oneself set foot on make it to come to land up at wind up fetch up result engender stem accrue derive break follow flow arise from come from be caused by be produced by stem from be the result of be brought about by arise out of result from make appearance heave in sight get


To enroll, or be enrolled, as a member of a body, especially of a college or university
matriculate enrol enroll register list enlist inscribe admit enter begin sign up be admitted be enrolled sign up for sign on join up subscribe put your name down put your name down for recruit muster volunteer apply employ engage serve go in for call up take on obtain accept check in book become a member take course become student register for be accepted take up become a member of mobilize hire conscript induct draft secure raise rally gather levy press-gang press incorporate initiate mobilise enter into record press into service solicit draught count on attract embody call to arms hitch interest reserve place conscribe oblige appoint assign commission bring on board pay retain contract ordain assemble take into employment select secure the services of put on the payroll mass designate gather together marshal round up name call together nominate take on board have on the payroll install procure marshall fee sign constitute assume inaugurate summon instal convoke lay on contract for bring together truck with put on invest commandeer instate introduce schedule catalog slate index collect catalogue crown seat baptize establish acquire organize choose ink add put down baptise engross pick swear in deploy have in employment organise take into service fill a position impress form rendezvous answer the call charter get together forgather take take into one's employ shanghai crimp come on board attest apprentice indenture detail sign in book in attach muster in depute elect delegate co-opt write entitle decree bill affix inventorize note down mark fill out file chronicle poll note insert allow convert vote in christen proffer set post title invest in label tender cast as denominate make swear catechize educate welcome instruct allow into install in receive acquaint train introduce to be engaged by swear into admit to instate in initiate into appoint to be taken on by bring in give a break give job to add to payroll find help give work put to work


To associate or keep company with
consort associate fraternise fraternize hobnob socialise socialize run mingle company chum mix consociate travel sort accompany befriend pal hang out pal around hang around hook up keep company rub shoulders mess around rub elbows hang about hang round go around run around knock about knock around spend time chum around run with have dealings hang with be thick take up with chum with hang out with mingle with mix with keep company with associate with hang around with run around with fraternize with go around with chum together clique with pal with gang up with pal around with tie up with go out entertain club league get together get around make advances get about make the rounds hang communalize interact meet converse be sociable intermingle get out meet people party step out nationalise nationalize have people round be a good mixer get out and about make friends be friendly fall in with be thick with pal up consort with circulate rub elbows with spend time with string along with join up with knock around with move kick about chill relax engage be friends with go about sort with meet up pair off be sociable with rub shoulders with concur club together sympathize socialize with sympathise unite come together with be in connect affiliate become friendly with strike up a friendship with make the acquaintance of start seeing hang about with make friends with get involved with knock about with go round attend see be together stick to partner bear someone company companion throw in together pool come together get in on line up with amalgamate get in with tie in bunch up be involved with swing with truck with go partners gang up go along with play footsie with get into assort tie up be friends frequent be in cahoots work with buddy up


To become a member of an organization


A point where two or more things are joined
joint junction connection juncture coupling intersection link seam coupler joining jointure knot linkage nexus weld brace bracket commissure hinge suture junctive bond union node tie splice closure stitching linking point edge seal interconnection line articulation confluence imbrication overlap synapse overlay lapping yoke gore convergence combination attachment assembly construction piecing together fitting together meeting point relationship hem pleat gusset tuck meeting edging vinculum abutment repair bridge catch dependency connector juxtaposition blend mixture pairing branching interchange vertex fork fastening apex criss-crossing crossing merging unification combining consolidation connecting merger stitch sew portal mapping conjunction fixture conjointment network partnerhip alliance port elbow coherence annexation assemblage conjugation tie-up pivot dovetail concatenation concursion miter hookup collocation linkup concourse coalition plug-in tie-in gathering knee mortise combine mitre interface terminal reunion marriage relation association ligature affiliation partnership liaison connective affixation binding fusion matrimony wedding match contact ligament channel wedlock jointing fixing intertwining affixing clamping inseparability clamp friendship fellowship loop affinity ring interrelationship cement cord hitch ligation section branch conduit copula correlation similarity extension span transit arch correspondence comparison bearing parallel application means of uniting relatedness interrelation interdependence interrelatedness cooperation confederation collaboration networking compact wiring interlinking connubiality married state conjugality holy matrimony circuitry connexions routing communication reception mating spousal conjugal bond espousal nuptials routes links connections bonding civil partnership wedded bliss

Antonym des a join

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