Synonym des a mayhem


Violent or extreme disorder
chaos turmoil disorder confusion tumult uproar pandemonium commotion bedlam disturbance hullabaloo anarchy havoc trouble riot disorganisation disorganization maelstrom fracas madness madhouse violence destruction wild disarray all hell broken loose hurly-burly hubbub furore furor turbulence ruckus upheaval row stir rumpus disarray frenzy unrest fuss welter bustle storm babel ruction disruption clamour brouhaha clutter clamor ado to-do kerfuffle racket bluster disorderliness helter-skelter hoo-ha free-for-all shambles hoopla stew moil coil jumble mess lawlessness agitation bother clatter ballyhoo pother blather whirl bobbery three-ring circus shindy foofaraw squall williwaw hurly splore corroboree hurry hurricane zoo do fun hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah hurry-skurry hassle ferment alarums and excursions misrule unruliness muddle noise disorderedness din hue and cry bangarang pell-mell hell mix-up flap excitement disarrangement muss strife anarchism convulsion tumble misorder scene melee revolution topsy-turviness mare's nest carry-on upset whirlwind dishevelment messiness outburst disquiet flurry perturbation mobocracy rebellion discord restlessness jangle insurrection mutiny disquietude dither imbroglio outcry snake pit scene of confusion argy-bargy utter confusion hustle and bustle rat's nest big scene hell broke loose cataclysm earthquake bouleversement brawl paroxysm convulsions entropy tempest heck chance-medley derangement explosion broil fireworks ructions affray ochlocracy activity shivaree rout complication lather donnybrook hustle fermentation aggro stink palaver ailment upturn mob rule holy mess uprising rumble Sturm und Drang reign of terror song and dance fury fight swirl fever babble upheavals snafu storms untidiness scrum circus clangour yelling shouting uncertainty craziness roar calamity stramash bagarre consternation tohubohu fussing omnishambles roughhouse bickering clangor rowdydow seething mass wilderness heat anxiousness anxiety instability distress intricacy dislocation haze uneasiness unquietness restiveness fray all hell breaking loose chaotic situation car crash folderol slip-up rampage ataxia a maelstrom maelstroms tempests splash excitation a mess a shambles a muddle scuffle quarrel discomposure action pantomime tamasha backwash annoyance production combustion state of unrest topsy-turvydom an omnishambles topsy-turvyness vandalism a car crash hysterics paroxysms histrionics tantrums street fight wilding confusedness breach of the peace fuss and bother bobsy-die big stink scramble wingding street fighting violent disorder demonstration shower run-in snarl distemper burst insurgence revolt protest brannigan mob violence eruption criminality wildness crime fit hissy tantrum blowup huff rage insurgency discombobulation disaster overthrow lack of control irresponsibility terrorism lack of restraint stirring tremor temblor outbreak alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe entanglement tizzy violent change about-face flip-flop new deal seismic shift sudden change major change new ball-game hissy fit nihilism misgovernment disregard nongovernment hostility absence of government hype drama hysteria vociferation performance rigmarole buzz distraction scandal sensation controversy howl carrying-on animation busyness melodrama altercation comings and goings business liveliness movement goings-on hubba-hubba events delirium incidents hijinks storm in a teacup tempest in a teapot fuss and feathers happenings proceedings shindig occurrences fighting conflict chatter cacophony charivari adventure panic fluster nuisance spectacle thrill tension fisticuffs provocation toing and froing mishap confrontation incident much ado about nothing shock stooshie outrage haste struggle rhubarb deliriousness feverishness tizz hullaballoo activeness bombshell life worry screaming caterwauling dynamism adversity bomb complaint objection boisterousness flutter babbling fret protestation loud noise craze elation bowwow interruption misfortune rush mania dissent incitement procedure surprise cry farce nonsense crisis setback tragedy hardship monkey business indignation katzenjammer contretemps grief opposition tribulation harassment circumstance debacle affair enthusiasm inconvenience public disturbance blow anger spot of bother argument theatrics dramatics disorderly conduct public nuisance theatre theater hurt dire straits bad news hot water tempest in a teacup tempest in a tea-kettle federal case mountain out of a molehill big deal hurrah scrap dust-up big fuss draft draught unsettlement seething moving wrangle squabble shemozzle an outcry spin whirlpool rampancy flash to do rough house feeling passion emotion skirmish party carousal frolic dance bash revel fancy merrymaking spree hurly burly hell to pay devil to pay thrills trepidation hectic activity clash lunacy fad rammy wow mêlée tizz-woz farcicality ridiculousness senselessness energy kick-up bugle call ruffle incitation quake exaggeration flare-up work scuffling hindrance talk afters encounter mix up shout spasm discontent enterprise boiling troubles jiggery-pokery dissatisfaction criticism kicks spirit eventualities high jinks episodes motion ululation roughness flurry of activity ride soap opera seesaw saga actions firestorm blare discordance rattle decibels bruit tintamarre clamouring ritual stunner temper rabidity tangle lamentation bewailing yelp uproariousness fanfare bellow squawk carryings-on chain of events confused noise threat disapproval exclamation shaking trembling quaking seism tottering rocking overdrive menace boilover hazard biffo howl of protest clang tower jargon demurral lengthy process red tape tedious business war of words rollercoaster clamoring howls of protest flak high gear fankle dismay hubbubs gaieties excitements fervor formal complaint chorus of disapproval eagerness stimulation irritation fright vexation alarm stage dramaturgy acting puzzle movements dramas grievance disappointment defeat shake-up torment hullabaloos tumults exhibition affront queasiness turn-up hurry-scurries activities high spirits to-dos pothers fervours fervour discomfiture sweat twit twitter temper tantrum exhibition of oneself display of emotion distressed state state nervous state suffering failure state of agitation tiz-woz state of panic state of anxiety dilemma peril disadvantage harm trial detriment damage predicament activism division break interference plight danger theatricals problem quandary infelicity misadventure unpleasantness loss disarranging disordering bind trauma conundrum mire quagmire difficulty fiasco campaigning unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage pickle emergency occasion jam affliction perplexity pinch mishappening accident mischance hitch bad luck snag ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling horror exigency undermining delay retardation delaying crusading tough luck boo-boo bad break hard luck ill-treatment persecution rotten luck ill splitting separation severance perilous experiences dangerous experiences exciting experiences travail straits disbenefit sticky situation hell on earth hang-up tight spot sorry condition awkward situation problematic situation tear-jerker sad state tight corner critical situation unfortunate situation hard times no-win situation train wreck tricky situation tight situation difficult situation arguing discussion debate holding up battling rabble-rousing stirring up striving struggling wrangling


The shedding or spilling of blood as part of war or conflict
bloodshed warfare battle war conflict fighting bloodbath hostilities bloodletting gore onslaught violence pogrom blood-letting blood bath combat struggle hostility armed conflict encounter contest affray action fight clash skirmish engagement confrontation strife scrimmage scuffle dogfight fracas attack fray tussle duel scrap grapple tug-of-war military action face-off assault conflagration campaign melee battles contention armed struggle rivalry match competition collision wrangle dustup set-to brush battle royal feud siege blitz onset crusade hassle biffo boilover blitzkreig sortie passage of arms carnage hot war bout rumble scrum free-for-all shoot-out strike offensive raid military operation vendetta state of war cyberwar cold war sweepstakes field flap campaigning altercation brawl battle royale mix-up run-in ball game sweep-stake brush-off meeting joust broil press fisticuffs barrage enmity jihad push duke out bust-up significant contact movement punch-up military fight bagarre sparring match dust-up bombing exchange of blows head-to-head skirmishes rioting butchery slaughter killing slaying skirmishing antagonism blows arms strategy massacre murder unrest jousting rumpus roughhousing brawling donnybrook clash of arms passage at arms punch out discord rencounter armed clash armed confrontation argument row dispute quarrel disagreement squabble spat dissension ruckus afters tiff shindy ruck disturbance ruction barney falling-out exchange tournament commotion riot shindig showdown war of words contretemps rammy misunderstanding ding-dong meet tourney bickering event game difference of opinion argy-bargy miff tangle disputation matchup controversy shouting match incident slanging match roughhouse tumult uproar bunfight scrape brouhaha rough and tumble challenge bicker threap collieshangie race opposition swedge vying fuss stand-up argle-bargle competitiveness tracasserie tracasseries feuding rhubarb kickup imbroglio falling out fixture trial agitation wrangling derby sport stoush crisis round bit of argy-bargy cross fire warring grudge slugfest athletic event friction emulation striving debate embroilment bad blood scramble blood feud candidacy test shootout wrestling match tie turf war championship final to-do keeping up with the Joneses family feud argumentation power struggle tilt physical encounter beef split rough-and-tumble heat scrabble playdown brannigan play-off square go back-and-forth cup tie test match yike jostle high noon smackdown faction estrangement aggression schism animosity clash of opinions fireworks lists velitation counterinsurgency invasion revenge breach of the peace rift incompatibility clashing rupture spot of bother wrestling bout spar throes contradiction variance words jump go shuffle bovver collision course difficulty sports meeting boxing match undertaking jam grind rough house cup final sporting competition difference prize fight fist fight nasty fight intervention scene bitter conflict mano-a-mano friendly tug of war crossfire occupation single combat duello mill culmination unfolding climax exposé bare-knuckled boxing hand-to-hand combat duking it out barehanded boxing hand-to-hand fight bare-hand boxing bare-knuckle boxing petty quarrel monomachy bangarang bother disorder battling gunfight field meeting fencing local derby hullabaloo uprising ado hubbub racket upheaval furore mishap contesting struggling judicial duel fistfight restlessness furor trials scrambling gainstriving affair of honor affair of honour sword fight meeting for satisfaction of honour conclave convention gathering concours league prizefight stakes playoff big scene drive counteraction rally convocation rat race dog eat dog nature muster congress quiz hunt sports event do or die one-upping pairing off horse race one on one one-upmanship deciding event moment of truth breaking point upset whirl turmoil try clamor clamour


To cause permanent loss of function of a limb or part of the body
maim disable cripple incapacitate mutilate hurt impair injure wound lame hamstring disfigure mangle mar batter blemish break castrate crush damage deface deform dismember disqualify gimp hack harm hog-tie lacerate massacre maul spoil truncate put out of action ruin cut flaw distort vitiate scratch endamage scar graze slash wreck scrape cross up tarnish rend tear compromise butcher crab gash vandalize bruise slice blight defile tear apart bloody vandalise disfeature rip slit debilitate handicap contort mangulate score warp split scathe torture twist nick taint stain carve hack up blot total foul up incise gouge amputate traumatize cleave buckle squinch cut open screw uglify puncture stab dislimb malform abuse hock smash misshape gnarl ravage lance traumatise shatter wrench cut up knot skew weaken undermine tear limb from limb bend make unattractive wince make lame burn sully make ugly destroy shake up bang up pollute mess up louse up molest hobble hit annoy clip bow notch despoil pinion poison darken touch shear snick abrade make a mess of be a blot on the landscape distort the shape of make misshapen disfashion cut to ribbons indispose hospitalize invalid hospitalise bend out of shape nip pierce mark furrow upset detract from shred ding rough up queer tweak put a damper on detract wing torpefy claw knife jag savage palsy attenuate unstrengthen sideline disarm sap stifle devastate cut to pieces serrate disjoint dissect sever undo desecrate gut trash demolish annihilate disrupt sabotage knacker crool smirch raze joint disarticulate anatomize crack bleach dent play merry hell with scorch fade dirty dismantle drive a nail into the coffin of knock corrupt corrode wreak havoc on discolour maltreat do damage to smash up gnaw wrong infect wear away cause injury play havoc with rust rot discolor contaminate disintegrate tamper with pound grieve pique pain wax aggrieve torment foul distress prejudice sting sunder limb pulverize chop grimace draw blood do mischief to do in dislocate part put out cause pain to work over pummelled cause injury to pulverise slay hash flay pummel slap slug whack lash pinch spank punish belt flog punch flail whip pommel cut off the limbs of cut about chop up debase spot blacken devalue streak impede blotch dot deteriorate smear enfeeble splotch muck up diminish speck speckle subvert soil hinder scupper invalidate sprinkle freckle shoot marble pepper fleck mottle stipple dapple smudge scotch torpedo dilapidate cheapen enervate blast lessen waste black put the kibosh on splodge make useless shock screw up water down cause detriment to obliterate tag lay waste destabilize pervert degrade besmirch jeopardize impoverish deprave handle roughly influence afflict devitalize depress char daub cramp brutalize violate brutalise wither inconvenience make dirty weather tinge disserve lower depreciate demean interfere with jeopardise take out destabilise dump on hamper contuse paralyze paralyse disgrace be detrimental to do harm to reduce bankrupt restrict wash out put out of commission throw a monkey wrench into threaten pull down limit blunt decrease worsen devaluate unfit make black rain on someone's parade make black and blue lose strength imprint pillage plunder sack pockmark impress besmear pit patch splash chip desolate depredate smutch check chalk stroke blaze ink spoliate dash nix banjax blow euchre cruel squash cover with blotches X blow a hole in do for bring to naught take apart balls up

Antonym des a mayhem

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