Synonym des a rude


Impolite or bad-mannered
impolite discourteous impertinent insolent impudent unmannerly crass disrespectful presumptuous curt churlish disagreeable abusive brusque blunt uncivil ungracious graceless brash unpleasant audacious tactless offensive insulting derogatory disparaging cheeky arrogant unchivalrous boorish uncharitable undiplomatic cocky crude offhand uncouth unmannered bad-mannered disgracious ill-bred mannerless uncomplimentary unladylike unrefined brazen flip gruff ill-mannered inconsiderate indecorous indelicate lippy loutish mouthy oafish rough smart alecky smart-alecky sullen surly thoughtless ungallant ungenteel ungentlemanly abrupt coarse contumelious disdainful fresh ignorant inaffable insubordinate malapert out-of-line overbearing sharp short uncalled-for underbred ungraceful crabbed intrusive peremptory unhandsome bounderish yokelish bold forward sassy saucy brassy pert wise nervy vulgar shameless cocksure unceremonious contemptuous pushy insensitive smart snippy brazen-faced terse harsh crusty irreverent bold-faced brassbound arch barefaced unkind presuming scornful unabashed bumptious derisive flippant scurrilous degrading immodest overbold belittling slighting blatant vituperative unblushing bluff uncultured tart overconfident snappy assuming familiar denigratory hurtful defamatory pejorative arrant unpolished outrageous improper unmindful rustic cavalier self-assertive brass-necked snappish procacious brusk short-spoken downright assumptive uppity caustic careless unsympathetic sarcastic gross deprecatory overfamiliar bold as brass cool boldfaced vitriolic heedless blasphemous slanderous off brisk unfriendly impetuous dismissive libellous uncivilized snippety self-centered high-handed raw cruel libelous wounding uncultivated loud uncivilised vituperatory ungrateful truculent affronting opprobrious confident supercilious self-asserting imperious vilifying invective personal obnoxious depreciatory unfeeling demeaning uneducated self-centred crisp pretentious uncaring mischievous out of line humiliating reproachful depreciative negative unappreciative critical abrasive derisory unashamed defiant unthankful derogative cloddish denigrative unembarrassed aweless objectionable clownish inappreciative haughty clodhopping aggressive self-confident pompous facetious overweening inappropriate barbaric scurrile scurril thankless unconsiderate scathing misbehaved free reviling conceited off-base smug shocking obloquious assertive hasty rough-hewn impatient profane calumniating glib calumniatory unconcerned cute nasty impious sacrilegious gauche censorious biting maligning lofty smart-aleck classless meddlesome lordly impolitic bearish acerbic traducing smarty-pants offish common hubristic dictatorial indiscreet brief bitter galling unthanking flagrant no-nonsense smart-arsed obtrusive cantankerous ornery grating loud-mouthed detractive plain-spoken smart-assed lumpen forceful wooden chesty callous barbarous huffy masterful important highfalutin huffish hifalutin toploftical sniffy superior toplofty stiff uncomfortable inelegant uneasy uppish repulsive brazenfaced decrying high-hat high-and-mighty stiff-necked hardened abandoned corrupt stilted tasteless sharp-tongued clumsy profligate depraved rustical damaging unprincipled dissolute incorrigible domineering badly behaved repugnant disgusting raunchy reprobate foul lewd immoral unchaste spiteful self-assured playful egotistic annoying irritating scolding violent berating bad-tempered displeasing ill-tempered perfunctory unsubtle witty selfish jocular prying interfering meddling irritable jokey injurious deprecating castigating pithy insouciant provocative exceptionable tongue-in-cheek whimsical provoking low-bred frivolous unthinking hotheaded casual discrediting upbraiding monosyllabic ill-humored vexing unacceptable reprehensible cutting funny mean impulsive aloof indecent ill-humoured protrusive dusty censurable outspoken iconoclastic frank humorous rash condescending antisocial inurbane inquisitive nosy unflattering upsetting catty unthoughtful lowbred asocial patronizing in-your-face base self-important disapproving brutal detracting opinionated sardonic thuggish untactful presumptive swinish breezy hick unworldly impish fearless unsophisticated irreverential unhallowed unholy ungodly lumpish as bold as brass yobbish philistine blustering thrusting slobbish barbarian malicious lubberly direct vivacious bantam awkward hard wanton bald-faced outlandish unshrinking snotty snooty unrepentant patronising officious forthright socially unsure high and mighty socially inept coming on strong lacking in social graces socially awkward bad hostile ill-behaved unperceptive uncourtly obvious boldface heavy testy inhospitable unfortunate uncourteous unbecoming unseemly hurried undignified sudden summary blundering pointed decisive ill charmless unheard-of businesslike morose clipped brave plucky unappreciated temeritous regardless injudicious distant disregardful mannish unfeminine hoydenish manlike tomboyish unwomanly withering virulent roughneck tacky cheap irascible uninterested indifferent bungling incongruous unsuitable petulant indulgent over-free relaxed overindulgent malign uncoordinated smart-mouthed apathetic not afraid to call a spade a spade gawky stolid breviloquent standoffish cursory deflating unfavourable diminishing dishonouring off base mean-spirited unfilial profanatory ballsy damning ranting denunciatory rowdy doltish bullying wild exasperating feisty naughty take-it-or-leave-it pococurante volatile weisenheiming combative overt debasing intolerant unreserved short-tempered earthy boisterous embarrassing affected bullish free-and-easy tolerant hoonish dense calumnious guileless ingenuous naive daring uninhibited spirited proud matter-of-fact to the point impenitent unconcealed transparent remorseless undisguised snobbish inane clever overassertive severe tough scandalous gritty detractory discreditable mud-slinging grumpy cussed polite miserly dour ill-natured touchy cross-grained unsociable grouchy unneighborly ugly undismayed undaunted overfriendly hillbilly tetchy out of sorts uncalled for boastful incautious unfair heartless reckless over-assertive bare-faced detestable stern ridiculous silly wisecracking remote snobby tony pushful swanky ostentatious elitist persnickety speaking as one finds roisterous rollicking amusing unawed unflinching distasteful without shame not backwards in coming forwards laconic malevolent fault-finding dishonoring despiteful minimizing unfavorable minimising aspersing calling a spade a spade toffee-nosed throwing one's weight about stuck-up high-flown hoity-toity putting on airs magisterial imperative dyslogistic judgemental sniping sneering judgmental disadvantageous downgrading jocose droll jesting satirical wry roguish joking waggish lighthearted precious cutesy reproving castigatory unwelcome insufferable deplorable abhorrent undesirable contemptible poised abashless unrestrained composed unaffected unshamed dull backwoods stupid foolish ungainly strident noisy blaring amoral full of oneself full of yourself superficial unsavoury lacking civility bad mannered pitiless acerb comfortless insupportable intolerable shallow irresponsible carefree jarring mincingly clever blithe brutish put down rubbing the wrong way hateful spiky argumentative hard to take robust bustling plebby countrified ocker unpoised piercing raucous beyond the pale out of order Neanderthal provincial unsavory comical busy overzealous bossy jangling dissonant thundering booming cacophonous deafening shrill egotistical puckish flashy discordant gaudy ear-splitting light-hearted overbusy overhasty precipitate foolhardy previous premature jazzy tinny showy garish ridiculing bigheaded pushing pragmatic importunate nosey intruding snoopy self-satisfied loudmouthed metallic flirtatious high-pitched mortifying depreciating bureaucratic intermeddling fussy too big for your boots


Obscene or offensive in nature
vulgar coarse dirty filthy crude lewd gross obscene foul offensive improper impure indecorous disgusting salacious base smutty crass tasteless raunchy inappropriate risqué debased immoral naughty indecent indelicate saucy cheap immodest racy impolite unsavoury unsavory vile profane taboo hard-core sordid suggestive lecherous explicit uncivil uncouth distasteful profligate repulsive ignoble low questionable uncultivated uncultured unrefined foul-mouthed libidinous licentious malicious nasty rakish scandalous inelegant odious randy scurrilous bawdy colorful colourful ribald rough shameless unclean adult blue grimy grubby in bad taste lascivious mucky off-color off colour wanton fruity gamy low-down-and-dirty near the knuckle nudge-nudge spicy unchaste unvirtuous X-rated common illiberal incult insensible lowbred lowbrow raffish roughneck rugged unpolished pornographic raw ill-bred earthy rough-hewn unprintable porny gutter trashy unseemly boorish locker-room stag scatological titillating scatologic Rabelaisian sexy prurient loutish unsophisticated churlish erotic ill-mannered discourteous near the bone broad unmannerly uncivilized steamy wicked salty porno graceless uncivilised porn philistine bad-mannered abusive brutish off natural tactless gamey unprocessed off-colored lustful juicy untreated ungentlemanly unladylike native mean undressed oafish blunt blasphemous ignorant arousing close to the bone provocative unfinished loose uneducated shocking depraved carnal sensual loud rustic unbecoming tacky bad indiscreet sick sleazy ungracious unwholesome Fescennine primitive unprepared rank lubricious low-minded off-colour obnoxious vulgarian hot simple gruff scabrous untoward foulmouthed basic libertine sexual barbaric cloddish skin perverse insulting ungraceful mature malodorous Cyprian tawdry organic shady unmilled in poor taste goatish brusque concupiscent curt barbarian yobbish dishonorable contemptible plebby inconsiderate corrupt uninhibited harsh unsuitable gaudy insensitive undignified unacceptable outrageous hard degenerate dissolute provincial debauched low-down parochial awkward dishonourable sickening lowdown and dirty barbarous untutored unfitting incorrect inapposite inapt wrong gruesome soft-core sexually explicit inept unfit incongruous unhappy amiss unapt infelicitous malapropos unrestrained lurid unpurified lusty ithyphallic mannerless unworked rascally shameful out of place unmannered ungodly unconventional poor out of keeping purple untouched backward beyond the pale whole page-three out of the way in the raw in the rough brash ungallant unscrupulous thoughtless lumpish obtuse gauche revolting embarrassing clumsy lubricous satyric passionate itchy horny hypersexual unlettered dysphemistic risque grody illicit rogue devilish common as muck choice homespun nauseating exploitative corrupting barro undecorous ridiculous sly unbefitting disreputable sketchy untactful unblushing callow Philistine agrestic inurbane undiplomatic bizarre full-frontal vicious sooty scurvy exciting lively stimulating entertaining unworthy corporeal voluptuous fleshly profanatory tempting seductive amoral execrable wretched snide ignominious currish despicable detestable paltry libellous libelous savage immature shoddy toey disorderly fast incontinent XXX troglodytic low-down and dirty out of line ill-advised discreditable tough dirty-minded farmyard barnyard excessive trailer-park dour severe brutal bluff angular rough and ready daring rowdy ruffian base-minded abject groveling grown up sizzling unrighteous unequitable reprehensible unrightful unjust wrongful clodhopping slobbish forbidding fierce stern bearish stiff austere roughcast grim fresh cruel intimidating louring steely stark inhuman unfiltered in the gutter sexually suggestive loud-mouthed grovelling flinty onerous ungentle heavy artless unceremonious bitter hardhanded oppressive illiterate low-bred flashy garish unstained unfashioned degrading unsettling affronting vilifying vituperative derisive unutterable unwrought undeveloped unmodified intact plebeian murderous lowering baseborn benighted unaccomplished unconditioned in its natural state ostentatious flash showy sinful perverted low-born undesirable meretricious naff tatty unprincipled kitsch dissipated decadent abandoned degraded stupid ornate useless hideous pretentious foolish unsightly outlandish unclassy trivial artificial unlovely makeshift wild warped cheap and nasty demoralized jackleg rakehell rakehelly scoundrelly roguish incorrigible hardened knavish unregenerate demoralised reprobate plain


(rare) Uncivilized, or lacking in social graces
barbaric barbarous primitive savage uncivilised uncivilized crude uncouth uncultivated unsophisticated wild barbarian brutish coarse heathen inhuman uncivil uncultured vicious boorish graceless heathenish natural Neanderthal rough Neandertal vulgar gross philistine unpolished loutish ill-bred unrefined thuggish oafish churlish lowbrow uneducated rugged crass unmannered yobbish ill-mannered tasteless benighted slobbish rustic awkward clumsy low common ungainly lowbred insensible raffish incult roughneck illiberal clownish impolite discourteous untamed brutal ignorant impertinent disrespectful illiterate ungodly nonliterate unholy unenlightened non-literate rough-hewn in a state of nature nescient merciless cruel undeveloped uninhabited pagan infidel unrestrained unconscionable uncontrolled mannerless outrageous wicked aboriginal idolatrous beyond the pale fierce beastly feral fell undomesticated ferine bestial truculent godless irreligious ferocious atheistic agnostic non-believing unbelieving heretical faithless jungli harsh nullifidian nonbeliever profane skeptic sceptic plebeian hooligan provincial bearish ungenteel ungallant indecorous unseemly unmannerly disgracious ungentlemanly hick backwoods unladylike offensive classless hillbilly indelicate gawky cloddish clodhopping improper raunchy raw inelegant loud bad-mannered foul-mouthed loud-mouthed uncalled-for heavy-handed impious non-theistic blasphemous sceptical sacrilegious skeptical nonreligious disbelieving irreverent sinful apostate freethinking iconoclastic iniquitous immoral atheistical doubting recusant unhallowed evil depraved corrupt paganistic nonbelieving unrighteous religionless bad reprobate perverted non-religious satanic irreverential desecrating unsanctified fanatical unschooled heretic apostatical polytheistic paganish heathenistic nontheistic humanistic unreligious incredulous atheous separatist heterodox paynim recreant without religious faith miscreant misbelieving dirty violating obscene foul indecent filthy fetishistic undogmatic icon-worshipping idol-worshipping base vile vice-ridden degenerate debauched dishonest heinous fiendish demonic devilish morally wrong dissolute dissipated decadent erring fallen intemperate sullied impure unprincipled hypocritical undutiful unregenerate disobedient defiling deceitful canting unfaithful wayward pietistical hardened desecrative contrary unctuous scandalous diabolic unethical sanctimonious peccable tainted undevout infernal diabolical free-thinking unspiritual unblessed culpable guilty blameful unconsecrated secular not religious idol worshipping


(rare) Lacking in education
illiterate uneducated ignorant unintelligent naive nonliterate stupid underdeveloped unenlightened uninformed unlearned slow-witted thick thickheaded thick-witted undeveloped unread unschooled unsophisticated untutored vacuous airheaded analphabetic benighted birdbrained softheaded uninstructed unlettered unsmart untaught dark simple untrained unversed natural backward instinctive mindless witless obtuse dense shallow moronic unwitting oblivious inexperienced innocent unknowledgeable uninitiated unconscious nescient green in the dark unscholarly uncivilized uncivilised insensible unintellectual misinformed apprenticed uncultured imbecilic uncultivated cretinous unmindful unconversant unsuspecting blind to unforced spontaneous born innate inherent unaware blind unknowing inerudite catachrestic solecistic dopey half-witted gormless slow chuckleheaded knuckleheaded pinheaded dorky empty-headed lamebrain brain-dead lunkheaded dim fatuous brainless weak-minded dunderheaded senseless dumb doltish bubbleheaded lamebrained boneheaded bonehead oafish opaque dopy dull dim-witted out of the loop unable to read and write credulous foolish silly feeble unqualified raw inexpert unskilled unaccomplished unpractised new unworldly unacquainted ill-educated primitive amateur wet behind the ears unequipped amateurish childlike dilettante unsuspicious daft untamed wild unfledged undisciplined immature dozy simpleminded dewy ill-informed callow dewy-eyed naif uncritical wide-eyed aw-shucks slow on the uptake not the full shilling virgin as green as grass unrefined clueless unstudious incognizant poorly educated lowbrowed unpolished fledgling unseasoned idiotic vapid goofy unformed scatterbrained inane unprofessional soft dippy thoughtless batty dappy untested young puerile untried unpracticed juvenile nonprofessional unskillful giddy know-nothing dotty harebrained dizzy vacant screwy frivolous featherbrained hare-brained scatty pea-brain skittish soft in the head ditzy feather-brained pea-brained flighty adolescent impressionable fond artless unaffected unpretentious unwary ingenuous savage lacking experience unripened unripe manual dilettantish menial labouring jackleg youthful unwise easy fresh untalented cowboy confiding virginal jejune unfamiliar barbarian barbaric countrified uncorrupted cute starry-eyed naïf unjaded Panglossian born yesterday like a babe in the woods unstudied quaint simple-minded plain inadequate unhandy laboring inproficient awkward animal brutish austere atavistic fierce undomesticated vestigial barbarous blue-collar non-technical not up to unchartered unlicensed incapable uncertificated incompetent non-professional lay unprepared novice superficial not trained uncomprehending dotish divvy chowderheaded dof hebete glaikit pig-ignorant thick as two short planks as thick as two short planks dead from the neck up a brick short of a load two sandwiches short of a picnic


Expressing or characterized by scorn or contempt
derisive contemptuous disparaging scornful disdainful ridiculous slighting derisory laughable insulting ludicrous absurd denigratory preposterous risible farcical silly sneering comical mocking pathetic scathing contumelious cockamamie jeering cockamamy scoffing sarcastic snide dismissive irreverent sardonic taunting ridiculing cheeky jibing teasing satirical detracting flip fresh sassy nervy pillorying caustic cynical lampooning sarky cocky crusty gally smart snidey smart-alecky out-of-line for the birds disrespectful ironical ironic quizzical opprobrious malicious offensive scurrilous abusive satiric unkind uncivil biting cutting sharp arrogant mordant trenchant dry acerbic bitter mordacious mean snarky corrosive stinging wry acerb barbed scorching acid scalding carping acrid chaffing acidulous salty pungent smart-mouthed derogatory irascible backhanded deprecatory saucy uncomplimentary smart-aleck evil belittling acrimonious brusque pejorative needling degrading demeaning depreciatory depreciative derogative denigrative decrying detractive twitting austere captious ornery tart nasty disillusioned acidic tongue-in-cheek severe weisenheiming supercilious cussed droll hurtful snarling hostile humorous withering vitriolic keen deprecating full of contempt condescending double-edged critical sour spiteful twisted haughty witty suspicious sly wise snooty superior insolent disapproving defiant sniffy subtle unbelieving snotty burlesque skeptical sceptical incisive pessimistic abhorrent laconic misanthropic misanthropical negative hard harsh contemptible yelling flippant raucous cynic shrewish vituperative hypercritical overbearing egotistic contorted insinuating despicable distorted crooked uneven deformed warped ill-natured devastating diminishing deflating unflattering discrediting parodying pointed spoofing paradoxical spoof bantering unpleasant hateful humiliating pawky awry aslant askew skewwhiff mortifying blistering blasting searing Hudibrastic Rabelaisian denigrating deprecative snubbing blighting crushing provocative provoking clever implausible contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert poignant atypical curious spicy quick-witted deadpan waggish apathetic doubtful sharp-tongued matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous poker-faced mistrustful distrustful doubting disbelieving incredulous jaundiced snobbish imperious proud uppity disenchanted hardened nonbelieving cavalier black bleak vain world-weary hard-bitten hard-boiled audacious cool snippy bold temperamental upstage high and mighty cold-shoulder on your high horse hard-nosed high hat dog it


Having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked
abrupt irritable curt grumpy crabby testy prickly cantankerous grouchy moody sulky brusque sullen unpleasant unfriendly tetchy churlish crabbed irascible peevish ungracious discourteous gruff curmudgeonly petulant disagreeable dyspeptic fractious glum impolite pouty querulous snappy sour splenetic touchy surly scowling chippy difficult boorish choleric crotchety humorless humourless truculent uncivil unhelpful blunt crusty mopey morose pouting snappish unsmiling moping narky terse bellicose impatient quarrelsome uptight fiery shirty contentious hotheaded impetuous ill-natured bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-mannered ill-humored ill-humoured short-tempered hot-tempered quick-tempered cross bearish nasty bloody-minded short angry ratty mean saturnine cruel ornery bilious vicious unlikable contrary acid spiteful disobliging mean-spirited ugly tart shrewish perverse piqued tense trenchant no-nonsense rough unmannerly bluff disrespectful aggravated disgruntled peeved vehement irritated offhand annoyed indignant unceremonious eggy narked displeased dour irked unindulgent off offish discontented snippy crude boisterous out of humour having short fuse hot under collar obnoxious inconsiderate poisonous malicious vindictive venomous whiny waspish pettish disputatious eristic unlovable unaccommodating out of sorts insufferable irritating annoying unbearable uncooperative unkind unloveable uncompromising obstructive unamenable malign unobliging inflexible unreasonable unsympathetic unyielding uncongenial unamiable cussed huffy unsociable gloomy resentful frowning stroppy brooding mumpish mardy down in the mouth glowering fretful miserable sourpussed sulking in a bad mood temperamental cranky mopish whingy sensitive misanthropic cynical bitter harsh uncommunicative unresponsive huffish obstinate soreheaded snarky peckish captious acrimonious peppery joyless embittered snippety miffy tough liverish fussy stuffy snaky scratchy edgy on edge acrid trying out of temper nasty-tempered awkward like a bear with a sore head complaining whingeing raspy in a mood sorehead chuffy emotional offended long-faced agitable excitable dejected broody blue kittle fierce mopy tooshie skittish wounded neurotic easily frightened easily upset easily agitated hot-headed high-strung put out vexed fed up dark aloof withdrawn dismal depressed cheerless in the sulks in a huff in a strop having a fit of the sulks in a funk critical argumentative volatile feisty bristly ireful oversensitive pertinacious hypercritical whining exasperated snarling grumbling crybaby iracund iracundulous waxy waspy grousing fault-finding dissatisfied thin-skinned cross-grained having got out of bed on the wrong side carping griping out of humor hot under the collar growling on a short fuse fretting vinegary childish foul-tempered out-of-sorts cavilling as cross as two sticks sharp hasty malignant hot-blooded caviling sore passionate filthy having got out of bed the wrong side obstreperous short-fused easily offended


Lacking dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments
awkward clumsy stiff blundering gauche inelegant inept graceless ungainly bungling gawky lumbering maladroit uncoordinated ungraceful coarse bumbling inexpert ponderous unhandy unskilful unskilled unwieldy artless butterfingered uncouth unrefined wooden amateurish clownish gangling gawkish klutzy oafish unpolished fumbly unskillful butterfingers cloddish floundering incompetent lubberly stilted unfit botched clodhopping coltish green handless stumbling unco cack-handed heavy-handed with two left feet all fingers and thumbs ham-fisted ham-handed rough-hewn skill-less having two left feet having two left hands ill-bred out of your depth all thumbs lumpish bulky cowboy fumbling inexperienced untrained unprofessional unpractised amateur crude unsophisticated botching unworkmanlike not up to scratch useless incapable unqualified ineffectual substandard inefficient unable unfitted inapt unproficient inadequate inferior dilettante dilettantish ineffective wanting nonprofessional jackleg like a bull in a china shop deficient no good shoddy slipshod sloppy hopeless unequipped left-handed fumbled slapdash undexterous bad lacking shambling pathetic unapt careless undependable poor bush-league weak bovine unadept rough not good enough lacking ability a dead loss not much cop flat-footed leaving much to be desired foolish muddled not up to snuff unaccomplished inadept bodged unsuitable insufficient unsatisfactory untalented ineligible disqualified unreliable feeble faulty defective lousy inefficacious cumbersome heavy-footed impotent not equal to powerless clunky inproficient not up to it not cut out for not agile all thumbs talentless insipid hack nonexpert mutton-fisted second-rate unpracticed uncultivated loser worthless unsteady without finesse rough-and-tumble crass hulking loutish indelicate slouching bum lacking finesse two left feet unequal half-baked can't hack it couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery imperfect losing naive uncool vulnerable dependent frail unsuited duff unequal to the task not up to not know one's arse from one's elbow not much chop no great shakes unacceptable dissatisfactory wretched suboptimal subpar wrong wack paltry lame crummy punk off bush sour crumby ill heavy blunderous raw elephantine incapacitated helpless uninitiated unadapted labored laboured accident-prone less capable out to lunch not have it unable to do something for toffee


Characterized by the use of wit, especially to offend
barbed cutting biting acid hurtful nasty pointed unkind scathing acerbic caustic hostile mordant wounding cruel sharp stinging mean snide spiteful unfriendly vicious bitter critical harsh hateful ill-natured poisonous sarcastic venomous vitriolic acrid acrimonious astringent brutal evil-intentioned malevolent malicious rancorous savage searing withering acerb acidic acidulous baleful belittling bilious catty corrosive malign malignant pernicious pungent sardonic satiric satirical scalding scornful smart-aleck smart-alecky smart-mouthed snarky splenetic tart trenchant vengeful vindictive malefic maleficent mordacious piercing taunting churlish keen incisive disagreeable virulent unpleasant surly uncharitable inconsiderate cantankerous abusive severe ill-tempered bad-tempered ill-humored evil-minded ill-humoured mean-spirited abrasive brusque penetrating waspish devastating sarky stern snappish snappy razor-edged testy belligerent antagonistic combative aggressive pugnacious confrontational inhospitable bellicose angry wrathful uncongenial unsympathetic obnoxious vile unsociable bad scrappy sour foul wretched militant joyless furious ornery viperous filthy dry snippy disapproving acetose short irritable rotten grouchy sulky tetchy grumpy sullen irascible cross ratty cranky querulous shirty peevish stroppy fractious petulant narky soreheaded liverish crotchety curmudgeonly huffy waxy chippy miffy grumbling peckish short-tempered hot-tempered quick-tempered on a short fuse short-fused despicable execrable currish detestable annoying low dirty offensive ignominious despiteful dishonorable sordid contemptible paltry ignoble base ruthless dishonourable low-minded low-down derisive mocking cynical contemptuous scorching ironical sneering scoffing disrespectful salty arrogant jeering ironic disparaging carping rapier-like ferocious austere backhanded derisory polemic poignant chaffing evil slashing fierce burning wry acute truculent stringent saucy needling contumelious scurrilous twitting captious weisenheiming pithy corroding witty squint-eyed heartless blistering callous choleric cussed telling wise hard unsparing envenomed grim rough violent snarling disillusioned ridiculing double-edged hate-filled crabbed disdainful extremely critical contentious provocative salt exciting racy forceful embittered antipathetic alkaline irreverent impertinent destructive derogatory vitriolous strict exacting erosive crisp cold ireful rigid rigorous curt unblunted resentful merciless censorious dripping with malice sharp-worded thoughtless peppery ungracious acetic tonic tongue-in-cheek unrelenting edged crabby indignant irate pitiless sadistic wanton offended implacable begruding grudging sore insulted cold-blooded clever implausible ridiculous defiant contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert burlesque jibing atypical twisted uncomplimentary curious spicy quick-witted heated fiery impassioned bristling argumentative inflammable icy uncomfortable spirited inimical intolerant tempestuous lively lawless antisocial disputatious quarrelsome ugly passionate manic hysterical uneasy


Not domesticated
undomesticated untamed wild feral savage unbroken uncultivated fierce ferocious natural native wilding uncivilised uncivilized barbaric barbarous primitive vicious barbarian rough free untouched overgrown overrun rampant uninhabited agrarian dense desert deserted desolate escaped indigenous lush luxuriant neglected waste bestial untrained ferine brutish animal beastly uncontrollable unused to humans brutal not broken in nonliterate wolfish ignorant uncultured remote warrigal unsubdued untameable animalistic predatory ravening swinish rabid rapacious uncontrolled regressive raging tameless animalian not house-trained not housebroken fell rugged non-literate truculent bearish subhuman heathenish heathen uncivil uneducated jungli harsh Neandertal Neanderthal naive simple unsophisticated undeveloped childlike innocent untutored simpleminded unpretentious dewy-eyed dewy wide-eyed unworldly naif artless unwary ingenuous uncritical unsuspecting untaught unsuspicious unaffected green unknowing aw-shucks unlearned raw vestigial underdeveloped austere atavistic crude unrefined coarse unpolished uncouth vulgar boorish loutish philistine backward gross inexperienced unschooled crass oafish rustic benighted lowbrow ill-bred credulous unenlightened insensible thuggish tasteless rough-hewn developing trusting gullible backwards uninformed ill-mannered impressionable illiterate provincial unmannered basic unstudied guileless yobbish born yesterday as green as grass wet behind the ears third world plain naïf nescient unread common low unprocessed churlish clumsy graceless untreated roughneck lowbred raffish incult illiberal callow immature slobbish organic uncomplicated unfinished inelegant unprepared trustful unguarded unsceptical fresh confiding unacquainted over-trusting unfamiliar youthful rough and ready easily deceived easily taken in rough-and-tumble inhuman ungodly unlettered unholy impolite discourteous whole impertinent disrespectful rudimentary undressed indelicate awkward naïve unwitting folksy unartificial clean parochial unmilled unmindful unaware oblivious unworked easy clueless jejune unpurified incognizant rough-and-ready unmodified unwrought intact unpretending unconscious jerry-built in a state of nature virgin jerry-rigged jury-rigged in the rough in the raw like a babe in the woods easily led bourgeois elementary commercial materialist unrestrained ungraceful aboriginal accepting masterful autocratic godforsaken domineering analphabetic unscholarly anti-intellectual inartistic unskilled pagan infidel stark uninstructed undeceitful bungling incompetent idolatrous unadvanced earthy troglodytic roughhewn inept maladroit godless irreligious unfiltered down-to-earth gauche modest unassuming spartan agnostic atheistic damp wet moist caveman mannerless outrageous unconscionable wicked straightforward hard unstained unfashioned fond unquestioning non-believing unbelieving heretical faithless beyond the pale unwise exploitable gullable susceptible dew-covered heavy with dew unprogressive bush-league corny homey unadulterated kid pure without airs cornball rookie genuine authentic archaic in its natural state silly virginal countrified uncorrupted cute starry-eyed shallow unjaded Panglossian quaint simple-minded green as grass medieval antiquated homespun uninvolved make-do unspecialized nullifidian mediaeval dark feudal uncomplex profane nonbeliever skeptic sceptic plebeian uninitiated hooligan idealistic cobbled together country uncool ungenteel indecorous ungentlemanly ungainly ungallant unseemly clownish unmannerly disgracious backwoods unladylike offensive classless gawky cloddish hick hillbilly clodhopping improper corn-fed cruel merciless babe in woods raunchy loud makeshift bad-mannered improvised foul-mouthed uncalled-for loud-mouthed heavy-handed thrown together ad-lib wild-and-woolly new unseasoned unversed inexpert untried unconversant maturing unpracticed unpractised unskillful unqualified budding


Tending to misbehave or act badly
naughty bad disobedient mischievous wayward misbehaving fractious insubordinate misbehaved unruly contrary defiant disorderly errant refractory ungovernable unmanageable delinquent disruptive exasperating obstreperous perverse playful recalcitrant unbiddable uncontrollable undisciplined wilful difficult impish mutinous troublesome wild awkward impolite incorrigible rascally roguish wicked annoying brattish froward intractable prankish puckish scampish sinful tricksy contumacious fiendish gallus headstrong rowdy teasing wanton willful worthless evil rough tough wrong badly behaved self-willed bad-mannered ill-disciplined attention-seeking full of mischief badly-behaved ill-behaved irksome rebellious devilish insolent impudent vexatious artful bothersome raunchy sly foxy frolicsome childish ruffianly infantile ill-natured inconsiderate disrespectful kiddish thoughtless immature dysfunctional pugnacious whiny petulant problematic belligerent trying stubborn aggressive confrontational cantankerous uncooperative combative erratic bellicose socially impaired fierce maladjusted scrappy hostile argumentative hot-tempered disturbed truculent troublous unrestrainable uncompliant pesky uncontainable sullen peevish undisciplinable tiresome nasty bold loudmouthed malicious wearisome demanding mean indocile untoward turbulent rebel balky restive recusant incompliant riotous out of control bolshie non-compliant troublemaking noncompliant insurgent violent aberrant obdurate obstinate lawless incontrollable intransigent anarchic nonobservant tricky resistive limit problem reckless seditious disaffected unpredictable fickle treacherous factious dissentious uncomplying stroppy intolerable impossible unbearable undependable mulish like a loose cannon excited strong freaked overwhelming beside oneself abandoned indomitable overpowering intense insuppressible immoral ornery arbitrary cross-grained self-indulgent strong-willed unsettling disturbing upsetting offending distracting unrestrained sinning divisive erring deviant noisy raucous culpable lawbreaking guilty criminal transgressing out-of-order out-of-line causing trouble off-base disrupting out of hand straying unorthodox miscreant shifting stray heretic devious fallible deviating unreliable meandering errable off straight and narrow


Defiantly aggressive or bad-tempered
truculent belligerent aggressive combative bellicose contentious defiant pugnacious hostile antagonistic bad-tempered argumentative confrontational cross quarrelsome scrappy ill-tempered obstreperous sullen feisty fierce surly uncooperative violent agonistic assaultive brawly chippy discordant discourteous disputatious gladiatorial ill-natured militant stroppy unpleasant warlike aggers arsey bolshie itching browbeating bullying caustic cowing cussed deadly destructive ferocious fractious frightening harsh hateful insolent intimidating mean mordacious mordant ornery scathing sharp terrifying terrorising terrorizing trenchant vituperous ready for a fight spoiling for a fight cantankerous contrary threatening on the warpath rebellious unfriendly irascible hot-tempered inimical difficult adversarial fiery captious oppugnant irritable warring refractory nasty fighting recalcitrant choleric malevolent unruly inhospitable litigious petulant contumacious touchy angry antipathetic quick-tempered battling adverse unkind rancorous disobedient unsympathetic offensive militaristic malicious disputative spiteful negative vitriolic disruptive froward perverse balky polemical factious disorderly hawkish provocative cavilling warmongering wayward loudmouthed bitter controversial polemic turbulent rowdy grumpy undisciplined insubordinate restive challenging wrangling unmanageable uncontrollable bickering sabre-rattling willful wrathful biffo martial disapproving virulent narky uncongenial rough dissenting caviling catty jaundiced unsociable unreceptive awkward have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick wilful jingoistic testy grouchy pettish intractable ungovernable snappy mutinous wild vicious riotous crabby huffy snarly troublesome prickly active rebel unwelcoming incompliant untoward recusant spirited courageous spunky noisy unrestrained bloodthirsty dissentious venomous alien adversary excitable raucous querulous tempestuous gutsy enthusiastic hot-blooded pushy unpropitious maleficent biting malefic malignant ructious hot flip ardent out of hand salty brawling contending war military thin-skinned resistant out of control dour viperous sour cold errant misbehaving peevish badly behaved bold at loggerheads on the outs have it in for ill-disposed ready to fight having a chip on one's shoulder up in arms sulky bloody-minded pigheaded thrawn ratty shirty unhelpful acrimonious plucky determined contrarious obstructive soldierly gung-ho naysaying disagreeable sanguinary attacking dissentient poisonous spiky opinionated splenetic abusive miffy exasperated cruel hurtful resentful vindictive wrestling tilting skirmishing opposing self-assertive itching to fight assertive snappish cranky fretful mighty peppery soreheaded vigorous ill hotheaded troublemaking short-tempered under arms opposed oppositional battleful arguesome radical unsettling disturbing upsetting impassioned passionate churlish ultra-active two-fisted forceful extremist extreme combating attention-seeking dissident conflicting looking for trouble fanatical zealous embattled distracting warrish revolutionary assertory unwilling adversative accusatorial allergic opposite reluctant at odds oppugning divisive in arms out-of-line disrupting out-of-order off-base dysfunctional tough loud nonconforming sensitive delinquent boisterous uncontrolled foul naughty ill-disciplined mischievous irregular causing trouble vociferous uproarious obstinate mettlesome lively alive energetic bubbly peppy gritty frisky gutty zestful game hearty socially impaired bad trying self-willed impudent tiresome erratic disturbed badly-behaved whiny pesky roguish undisciplinable ill-behaved problematic demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile clamorous rampaging noncompliant declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining lawless rambunctious irrepressible roisterous unbridled rackety tumultuous full-blooded go-getting high-strung full of pep rip-roaring rumbustious rampageous roistering intransigent piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous subversive raising Cain daring resisting audacious raising the roof reckless resistive disregardful cheeky insubmissive dareful sassy non-compliant headstrong unyielding obdurate insurgent disaffected seditious incontrollable insurrectionary unbiddable mulish renitent inflexible bull-headed insurrectionist nonconformist pervicacious unreasonable iconoclastic impish persistent stiff-necked relentless anarchic disloyal resolved unbending cross-grained immovable dogged treasonable adamant uncompromising anarchistic indomitable bullheaded strong-willed malcontent stubborn as a mule alienated pig-headed unpredictable treacherous traitorous chaotic unaccommodating obstinately disobedient unpersuadable unmalleable implacable steadfast firm pertinacious impetuous inexorable rigid unrelenting tenacious annoying hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened pat hard ossified playful capricious tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish fiendish gallus wanton wrong strong-minded single-minded hard-nosed full of mischief self-opinionated deaf to reason dead set on irreconcilable estranged haughty renegade undefeated heretical maverick nonobservant unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic unfavorable unfavourable rioting malign treasonous restless individualistic armed sabotaging triumphant fickle disobliging withstanding unresponsive vexatious impotent rampant as stubborn as a mule unbowed untrained loath negativistic averse indisposed hesitant unbearable undependable intolerable impossible with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unsteady unschooled paradoxical contrariant disagreeing immoral aberrant arbitrary without law and order wrongheaded converse excited strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked abandoned overpowering inconsistent ungoverned lacking self-control misbehaved self-indulgent anti like a loose cannon beside oneself raunchy artful kiddish infantile sly frolicsome foxy bothersome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful wicked impolite against sinful teasing worthless evil rollicking intemperate uncomplying hostile to inimical to opposed to averse to lawbreaking bad-mannered anarchical romping impulsive stiff rash heedless impervious imprudent forward drunken bawdy unbendable unshakable steely unflinching unenthusiastic about persevering unshakeable out of line unalterable dead set against disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept unmoved indurate unbreakable fixed dogmatic heady opinionative convinced remorseless with one's feet dug in iron-willed with one's toes dug in locked in wrong-headed


Not friendly
unfriendly hostile antagonistic cold disagreeable chilly sour surly aloof distant inimical unsympathetic cool frosty inhospitable misanthropic uncongenial unsociable aggressive antisocial frigid ill-natured unamicable unneighbourly unpleasant unaffable unkind unsocial unwelcoming quarrelsome reserved stand-offish unapproachable withdrawn disdainful haughty impersonal indifferent nasty severe stern stiff supercilious uncommunicative unforthcoming adversarial adversary antipathetic antiseptic arctic brittle chill clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed coldish discourteous frozen gelid glacial hard-eyed icy impolite jaundiced menacing mortal negative obnoxious uncivil uncordial ungracious unmannerly wintery wintry cross ill-disposed Olympian starchy acrimonious against censorious combative competitive conflicting contrary disaffected estranged grouchy grudging gruff hateful malicious malignant opposed opposite spiteful uncharitable unneighborly unpromising vengeful warlike not on speaking terms remote ungenerous xenophobic offhand unreceptive unfavorable brusque unfavourable short unamiable solitary reticent detached reclusive standoffish retiring taciturn private introverted offish asocial unclubbable mopish mopey inaccessible unbending nongregarious dry brooding distrustful secretive inapproachable quiet silent standoff scowling suspicious uppity stuck-up buttoned-up unresponsive formal unemotional forbidding undemonstrative stony emotionless austere dispassionate unfeeling unenthusiastic unconcerned passionless restrained opposing lukewarm wooden averse uninterested anti guarded incurious hard apathetic uncompanionable cold-hearted stuffy shy down on unloving uninvolved off introvert close eremitic diffident self-contained constrained annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious insolent agin conventional snobbish laconic media-shy closemouthed cold as ice close-mouthed tight-lipped at odds retired set against malevolent inhuman dead set against off-putting cynical steely repellent fierce abstracted phlegmatic affectless preoccupied proud confrontational snooty impassive ungregarious incompatible demure uptight hesitant ceremonious laid back self-restrained allergic cautious stuck up rigid resistant prim putting on airs dumb muted reluctant strait-laced keeping people at arm's length eremetic stilted at variance oppugnant at odds with dissenting from in disagreement with at variance with on the warpath harsh ungenial malign avoidant tough grim uncooperative half-hearted tepid introspective discouraging disobliging stolid unhappy depressing unmoved unaffectionate contained contemptuous withering seclusive iced abhorrent mean heartless unenthused flinty sober cheerless superior unsmiling passive spiritless callous hardhearted stoic numb stoical impassible lifeless stony-hearted casual removed disinterested alienated insensitive lofty cold-shoulder belligerent discreet laid-back contentious ascetic hermitlike adverse independent hard-hearted reptilian thick-skinned hard-boiled oppositional on ice isolated cold fish lone wolf adversative accusatorial argumentative insular loveless hermitic hermit-like hermitical acting in opposition unrevealing unwilling to mix with other people pompous ungainly sceptical non-communicative self-sufficient all alone mute staid exact precise untalkative tongue-tied unconversational correct proper secret mum inhumane pessimistic speechless tight-mouthed wordless curt dark clamlike loath unwilling disinclined inflexible affected starched mumchance selfish hating egoistic sarcastic sardonic egotistical narrow-minded misanthropical seemly official serious evasive mom hush-hush modest polite businesslike at a loss for words skeptical inhibited timid shrinking self-effacing indisposed straight arrow by the numbers stiff-necked unsentimental on the QT dried up buttoned up clammed up uneager perverse fromward afraid disliking neutral matter-of-fact self-controlled mild soft-spoken peaceful sedate composed placid backward bashful gentle serene noncommittal collected insociable arrogant bureaucratic clinical incongruous clashing hostile to antagonistic to resistant to antipathetic to ill-disposed to opposed to mean-looking put on airs featureless uncolored strictly business straight impartial depersonalised faceless candid cold turkey unpassioned colorless careful soulless depersonalized gray colourless grey equal measured nondiscriminatory abstract anonymous poker-faced monolithic discordant having no use for unfavourably disposed to antithetical different dissimilar disparate variant polar inconsistent inharmonious contradictory dissonant irreconcilable discrepant mutually exclusive irresoluble poles apart diametrically opposed


Like a pig in appetite or manners
piggish greedy voracious gluttonous hoggish swinish crude edacious esurient piggy rapacious ravenous boorish acquisitive avaricious avid carnivorous close close-fisted covetous craving desirous devouring eager gobbling gormandizing grabby grasping grudging gulping guzzling hungry insatiable insatiate intemperate itchy miserly omnivorous parsimonious pennypinching penurious prehensile ravening self-indulgent selfish stingy tight tight-fisted wolfish gutsy gannet-like gross gourmandizing unquenchable gourmand unappeasable starving gorging starved filthy dirty mean squalid sordid unclean brutish hoglike insatiat prodigious uncontrolled excessive ventripotent compulsive enthusiastic keen uncontrollable with eyes bigger than one's stomach empty dog-hungry sating never full porcine very hungry have eyes bigger than one's stomach starved to death predatory peckish famished unfed hollow hungering half-starved sharp-set dying of hunger faint from lack of food ready to eat a horse starving to death flying light could eat a horse having the munchies lupine vicious undernourished malnourished vulturous exploitative vulturine underfed deprived of food usurious marauding plundering materialistic moneygrubbing coveting extortionate quenchless money-grubbing consuming powerful intense flaming overwhelming unslakable murderous furious inextinguishable annihilatory corrosive passionate yearning inappeasable wanting importunate desiring clamorous pressing urgent unsatisfiable insistent unsatisfied exigent crying limitless demanding unfillable never satisfied unable to be satisfied famishing food-deprived dying from hunger craving food faint from hunger got the munchies in a fasted state able to eat a horse feeling faint from hunger on empty stomach dying from lack of food with one's stomach thinking one's throat's cut


(of a person) Being strong and healthy
robust strong fit healthy powerful tough hearty sturdy hale hardy rugged strapping husky muscular brawny sinewy sound athletic stout burly solid energetic beefy buff hefty hunky jacked powerhouse stalwart vigorous aerobicized bouncing dynamic firm flush iron lusty peppy stark staunch thewy thickset vital wholesome flourishing forceful gingery roaring rough thriving hale and hearty in good health in good shape in trim powerfully built solidly built well-built well-conditioned fighting fit in good trim able-bodied as fit as a fiddle bursting with health in fine fettle in rude health red-blooded alive and kicking as fit as a flea as strong as a horse fit as a fiddle strong as an ox in the pink ripped shredded well blooming muscly active whole Herculean substantial mighty lively hulking in tip-top condition hard in good condition fine mesomorphic broad-shouldered potent virile successful heavy full of life in shape prospering trim right as rain hardened bulky big spirited well muscled booming golden manly burgeoning toughened lush growing resilient inured hard-bitten palmy stocky boomy forcible durable animated sprightly fresh aggressive zippy driving cast-iron prosperous muscle-bound profitable in top form spunky herculean feisty emphatic halcyon physically fit vehement vibrant intense rich fit as a flea expanding exuberant in excellent shape going strong up to snuff strenuous full of beans indefatigable buoyant doing well brisk perky zestful go-getting assertive hard-wearing spry chipper productive bruising all right hulky full-blooded muscled in good physical shape going stable bright-eyed and bushy-tailed resistant high-powered in fine feather luxuriant thick violent vivacious good fruitful sparkling normal effective efficient beefcake enterprising meaty in good kilter resounding high-spirited healthful bouncy tireless able jaunty unimpaired snappy strongly made spanking OK full of vim fiery sparky sturdily built high-octane mushrooming hard as nails triumphant well knit invigorated sound in body and limb go-go sporty chunky hard-hitting in full swing full of get-up-and-go full of vim and vigour physical capable manful agile nimble lithe lucrative rigid macho right inflexible studly masculine opulent effervescent well-made restored jock unbreakable fast seasoned doughty bombproof two-fisted dashing unflagging go-ahead indestructible comfortable determined strengthy well-developed full-bodied tall musclebound flamboyant great massive well-knit weighty in good physical condition enthusiastic heavy-duty passionate pushing bright-eyed bushy-tailed sane effectual animate raring to go busy glowing developing abled airy kinetic bubbly long-lasting ballsy gutsy as strong as a lion frisky pert springy racy obdurate influential built to last gigantic jazzy progressing gay in good form solid as a rock pizazzy pizzazzy colossal have-a-go up to par fast-growing rampant pumped up out-and-out blossoming on top of heap sitting pretty profuse on a roll on the up and up as right as rain young bursting with good health butch very healthy very well portly invincible indomitable built well-proportioned A1 lean better balanced in perfect health bounding healthier fleshy upright recovered refreshed gorillalike hunk broad rehabilitated ok healed nondisabled mettlesome well set-up mended cured big and strong built like an ox heavyweight moving slim toned upstanding wiry ropy stringy tiger swole tiptop full of the joy of living together luxuriantly intact in peak condition not disabled concentrated toned up rosy-cheeked safe and sound heavily built imposing vitalized energized energised fitter promising magnetic electric steel hunky-dory imperishable adamant steely stiff undamaged tenacious fine and dandy fresh-faced the picture of health fluid dynamical prolific advancing lumbering mammoth towering huge formidable gargantuan leathery serviceable enduring positive wealthy adamantine bold resolute wide-ranging undecayed rigorous flawless well-constructed perfect safe unhurt unblemished fast-track rock hard up-and-coming dogged steeled molded cohesive dense conditioned tight moulded improving arrived rolling have the wherewithal have it made cooking home free salutiferous complete tough as nails made to last withstanding undiluted ballooning snowballing driven ambitious pushy lucky fortunate gritty charismatic compelling energizing hyped-up activating go-getter vitalizing self-motivated highpowered energising rewarding going well rank going places faring well in the ascendant hanging together holding together boom unyielding remunerative beneficial worthwhile authoritarian dominant ruling commanding authoritative controlling supreme easy loaded play for keeps play hard ball coming on strong uncompromising thoroughgoing thorough obstinate stubborn bankable solvent gainful auspicious profit-making uptown snug oofy full-strength gangbusters monied well-heeled boffo in clover cynical playful committed wholehearted total sweeping full unrestrained strong as an lion strong as an horse main-line on easy street highly capable in control in the saddle upbeat self-assertive wick all-embracing all out uncontrolled exhaustive unbridled large persuasive take-over steamroller take-charge hard-driving self-confident moneymaking ongoing advantageous tough as old boots hard-nosed as tough as old boots unmixed out and out pulling no punches ball of fire exciting electrifying full of energy alive zesty dazzling bustling happening stirring impassioned zealous colorful humming colourful buzzing vivid rousing hopping coruscating stimulating astir abuzz punchy untiring vibrating breezy radiant largish grand goodly sizable oversize outsized handsome considerable tidy sizeable outsize biggish oversized voluminous boxcar almighty abubble aboil ferocious explosive fierce large-scale crushing brutal full of pep devastating thunderous all-out full of the joys of spring bright and breezy full of spirit overpowering blistering destructive overwhelming mightful desolating calamitous damaging annihilating tremendous strengthful severe grievous puissant beastly really hard all-powerful very hard


Having little knowledge or experience of a particular thing
unpracticed inexperienced unfamiliar unrehearsed amateur callow fresh green ignorant immature inept inexpert innocent kid naive new prentice raw rookie sophomoric spring chicken tenderfoot unaccustomed unacquainted unconversant undisciplined unfamiliar with unfledged uninitiate uninitiated unschooled unseasoned unsophisticated untrained untried unused unversed unworldly verdant wet behind ears young unskilled unpractised untutored unqualified uninformed lacking experience unformed adolescent juvenile puerile unripe unripened wide-eyed untested unproven born yesterday wet behind the ears undeveloped amateurish fledgling unskillful unknown youthful developing budding not used unused to unacquainted with untaught inexperienced in unconversant with uninstructed just starting out unversed in unpractised in junior naïve unlearned dewy virgin unprofessional nonprofessional unpolished girlish artless ingenuous boyish jackleg underdeveloped first-time newly arrived uncultivated tenderfooted unapt primitive maturing not given strange unheard-of unaccustomed to unprecedented novel original not used to not versed in inexperienced at unaware inconversant a novice at a newbie to unaware of a stranger to unenlightened about unskilled at unskilled in new to strange to novice in the dark about newcome uninitiated in fresh to nescient of a stranger too green unwitting incompetent ignorant of not associated incognizant not given to a newcomer to uninformed about out of contact unknowing oblivious


Too bad to be justified or tolerated
inexcusable indefensible unforgivable inexpiable unjustifiable unpardonable unwarrantable outrageous unjustified unwarranted blameworthy censurable deplorable disgraceful insupportable regrettable reprehensible unacceptable uncalled-for unconscionable unprovoked unreasonable unworthy blamable criticizable gratuitous impermissible impolite intolerable unallowable unpermissible untenable wrong without cause without justification without reason uncalled for excessive immoderate unjust groundless unnecessary shameful undue inordinate culpable remiss unfounded unfair baseless ungrounded beyond the pale awful unremittable scandalous extreme unmerited unsustainable condemnable irremissible despicable contemptible bad very great deadly mortal improper unsuitable ill-advised inappropriate unbecoming unseemly diabolical disproportionate not forgivable needless bottomless undeserved superfluous foundationless implausible uncorroborated invalid unconfirmed unsubstantiated weak unsupported iniquitous injudicious insulting defective shaky specious flawed without foundation without basis unmanageable unsanctionable unverifiable unethical immoral criminal underhand unmaintainable dishonest dishonourable wrongful dishonorable unprincipled illicit illegal unlawful unscrupulous inessential illegitimate wanton causeless amoral Machiavellian cutthroat avoidable senseless redundant non-essential nonessential brutish unreasoning unessential dispensable indiscriminate careless depraved shady corrupt unrighteous supererogatory assumed unsupportable reasonless below the belt de trop low-down lawless felonious not necessary evil wicked temporary unfeasible fleeting unendurable unviable unworkable brief


Energetic, noisy, boisterous, and difficult to control
rambunctious boisterous rowdy rollicking unruly disorderly noisy rumbustious roisterous riotous loud raucous rough knockabout uproarious robustious tumultuous lively turbulent termagant energetic hell-raising high-spirited wild and woolly undisciplined ungovernable rebellious obstreperous insubordinate wild unrestrained disruptive ill-disciplined lawless unmanageable uncontrolled uncontrollable quarrelsome irrepressible rackety clamorous badly behaved rampageous loutish roughhouse mischievous out of hand loudmouthed out of control refractory mutinous disobedient wayward recalcitrant contumacious intractable fractious wilful defiant violent willful seditious insurrectionary difficult insurgent froward untoward bolshie rebel contrary disaffected intemperate restive dissident unbridled balky troublemaking incompliant attention-seeking troublesome chaotic headstrong incorrigible recusant uncooperative perverse unchecked factious rampant obstinate stubborn warring revolutionary stroppy runaway impetuous malcontent divisive abandoned anarchic naughty rioting unbiddable errant delinquent unhindered unbounded ungoverned incontrollable excessive contentious sectarian wanton rampaging threatening rash conflicting resistant partisan rival vociferous litigious disputatious dissenting dissentient discordant schismatic unconstrained uncurbed disloyal nonconformist alienated bellicose anarchistic clattering anarchical truculent militant lawbreaking iconoclastic treasonable radical pugnacious treacherous tempestuous awkward rip-roaring uninhibited immoderate screaming uncompliant unyielding licentious reckless noncompliant ornery impulsive opinionated heedless mean non-compliant impervious drunken bawdy imprudent forward inexorable assertive unhampered raw out-of-line out-of-order out of line epidemic widespread pandemic raging rife pervasive exuberant madcap crazy hysterical berserk indocile outrageous proliferating extravagant on the rampage spreading like wildfire insolent impudent subversive insurrectionist traitorous trying limit challenging divided split antisocial unsettling disturbing upsetting untrained unlawful argumentative quarrelling disagreeing unsteady capricious unschooled chattering impossible indisciplined distracting up in arms resounding clangorous clattery misbehaving clashing disharmonious inconsistent drunk nuts insurmountable gleeful out-of-control talkative strident brash brusque gruff roistering belligerent fighting estranged controversial contending off-base hostile disrupting lacking self-control armed restless sabotaging individualistic attacking booming strepitous piercing blusterous unquiet confused shrieking bawling shouting self-willed on-a-tear raising Cain unrestricted unconventional raising the roof quarreling at variance at loggerheads at odds causing trouble excited strong obdurate freaked overwhelming badly-behaved unrestrainable indomitable overpowering undisciplinable intense insuppressible disordered unfettered extrovert full-on unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable rascally rank aggressive dominant disorganized roguish brawling ugly corybantic incautious profligate irrational vehement prevalent flagrant deranged uncontained disorganised turbid hedonistic impish like a loose cannon beside oneself rabid enthusiastic unconcealed self-indulgent crazed dissentious separatist factional profuse luxuriant uncomplying helter-skelter raving thrilled spreading extensive blustering multiplying exceeding bounds rambling flourishing fecund growing furious predominant giddy flighty mass romping


Blunt or forthright in speech or expression
bald frank direct blunt honest candid forthright outspoken upfront explicit straight downright truthful unqualified outright unexaggerated realistic plain-spoken straight from the shoulder true to life warts and all straightforward plain unequivocal open unvarnished unambiguous free-spoken plainspoken unreserved no-nonsense up-front forthcoming unguarded matter-of-fact openhearted brutal sincere round stark naked freehearted unadorned out-front simple undisguised bluff uninhibited bare unembellished foursquare straight-talking not afraid to call a spade a spade harsh real clear guileless to the point straight-shooting transparent unsparing blatant brazen upright abrupt unconcealed free tactless undiplomatic categorical point-blank flat-out basic up front not beating about the bush straight to the point fundamental pure hard barefaced unstinting complete patent crisp unfeigned cold forward natural bold plain-speaking ingenuous pulling no punches unfiltered bare-faced aboveboard speaking as one finds not mincing one's words call a spade a spade not beating around the bush from the hip calling a spade a spade like it is point blank speaking one's mind obvious sheer manifest evident flagrant authentic unveiled heartless palpable severe total specific literal express unmodified vocal raw succinct grim no lie speaking straight from the shoulder not pulling any punches unprejudiced unbiased out-and-out brutally honest right up front unpretended telling it like it is talking turkey frontal genuine parrhesiastic dry decisive curt brusque brisk vigorous short snappish snappy sharp indelicate businesslike abrasive terse caustic unceremonious rough cavalier gruff offhand tart snippy dusty artless unrestricted trenchant unpolished uncompromising easy apparent familiar naive scrupulous heart-to-heart on the level lay it on the line saying what one thinks on the up and up hard-hitting brief and to the point true unpretentious unaffected innocent unpretending square trustworthy unrestrained man-to-man righteous dinkum fair kosher unstudied reliable overt unevasive straight-out unreticent undissembling just undissembled legit straight-from-the-shoulder without airs legitimate lawful above board veracious legal laying it on the line calling spade a spade undesigning positive unsophisticated down-to-earth unconstrained naïve unmistakable proper unmannered honourable homely pukka good clear-cut meaning what one says honorable principled honest-to-goodness virtuous folksy down homey straight-arrow down home gritty personal intimate indiscreet visible demonstrative accountable unartificial unartful free-speaking vociferous off-the-record insensitive impolitic communicative exact distinct avowed unhypocritical open-hearted impolite childlike opinionated strident discourteous heartfelt earnest actual unquestionable unimpeachable valid known well-established hearty woman-to-woman intolerant flat certain open-and-shut ungracious at close range unashamed no beating around the bush well defined crystal clear no fooling licit pretenseless level for real open and shut faithful clipped spontaneous two-fisted no holds barred right on correct straight from shoulder regular plain-dealing on the square right-on relaxed by the book fair and square unselfconscious square-shooting laid on the line truth-telling true-blue believable precise veritable ethical modest impartial trusty dependable objective equitable unassuming reputable upstanding even-handed unrefined robust unforced dispassionate moral decent uncontrived open-minded fair-minded equal unstilted hardheaded pragmatic practical pragmatical clean humble neutral reasonable anti-discrimination nondiscriminatory non-partisan non-discriminatory evenhanded detached nonpartisan indifferent unspoiled unimposing unostentatious unobtrusive unspoilt easygoing lusty mundane earthy hard-boiled funky lowbred gross outdoorsy unidealistic dull inelaborate unambitious easy-going unpresumptuous uncomplex unbeautified discreet free-spirited prosaic laid-back self-effacing uncorrupted uncolored civil rational blameless on up-and-up according to the rules home folk aggressive confrontational confronting face-to-face head-on


Not having all the necessary or appropriate parts


Not open to the views or opinions of others
provincial insular parochial narrow-minded narrow small-minded small-town unsophisticated inward-looking limited petty illiberal parish-pump bigoted restricted suburban blinkered conservative inflexible Lilliputian little localist picayune prejudiced sectarian small uninformed corn-fed intolerant jerkwater upcountry bucolic hidebound homegrown homespun outmoded pastoral simple unfashionable unpolished biased myopic short-sighted dogmatic rigid partisan petty-minded close-minded conventional discriminatory diehard entrenched dyed-in-the-wool blimpish claustral set confined regional sectional reactionary one-sided stuffy chauvinistic xenophobic mean district town civic parish selfish geographical divisional bounded territorial unimaginative vernacular neighborhood local puritanical partial prim prudish starchy unadventurous racist moralistic priggish opinionated neighbourhood prissy racialist chauvinist ungenerous strait-laced grudging shockable uncharitable closed-minded obdurate contemptuous hateful disdainful contained constricted lopsided one-eyed closed circumscribed unbalanced contracted secluded sequestered separated shallow puritan localised localized borné inexorable shortsighted set in one's ways shabby spiteful nasty vulgar ignoble base self-centred self-centered cheap mean-minded stingy resentful vindictive contemptible malicious mean-spirited unsympathetic uncompromising unforgiving dictatorial fanatical unfair legendary nationalistic unjust sexist pigheaded unenlarged individualistic snappy irritable irate averse upset unwilling worked-up waspish outraged short-fuse antipathetic unforbearing indignant fractious jaundiced tilted unindulgent ultra-conservative strict Victorian stiff old-maidish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy proper goody-goody old-fashioned Grundyish square formal severe niminy-piminy doctrinaire obstinate staid uptight fuddy-duddy straitlaced prim and proper stick-in-the-mud of the old school traditional tight-laced governessy mimsy sententious genteel Pecksniffian extreme stubborn radical extremist blind censorious militant zealous maniacal austere rabid smug nice-nelly straightlaced bluenosed fundamentalist pompous stern jingoistic swivel-eyed conforming stilted orthodox twisted conformist warped anti-Semitic straight homophobic button-down buttoned-down self-righteous overscrupulous holier-than-thou sanctimonious deaf unpersuadable resistant pedantic Pharisaic heterosexist hypocritical vain self-satisfied complacent single-minded activist prejudicial anti-gay squeamish old-maid overnice demure overmodest overexact simpering pretentious scrupulous affected rigorous mincing artificial precise offish fastidious finicky nationalist unprogressive ultraconservative brassbound paleoconservative standpat traditionalistic racially discriminatory racially prejudiced racially bigoted archconservative mossbacked superpatriotic reserved sedate sober impersonal jingoist fogeyish humourless fusty old-fogeyish intractable ascetic set in your ways hard-line set in one's opinions old-line old-school die-hard fixed in one's views self-important arrogant supercilious humorless magisterial puffy dry as dust important forbidding pietistic niggling trivial revolutionary disapproving unenlightened authoritarian sordid tight fanatic pontifical revolutionist fervent passionate bourgeois opinionative opinioned despotic undemocratic parsimonious alt-right tightfisted totalitarian miserly anti-democratic oppressive repressive adamant hair-shirt spartan correct enthusiastic traditionalist decorous coloured tyrannical close-fisted draconian fascist ardent stodgy keen weighted inequitable influenced abstemious moral abstinent cocksure Pooterish respectable dedicated intemperate emphatic perfervid doctrinal Biedermeier ceremonial ceremonious antiliberal proscriptive greedy penny-pinching distorted slanted preferential unyielding intense obsessed overzealous comme il faut straight-laced bien pensant ultra insistent overboard over-enthusiastic ultraist virulent irrational gung-ho downright unchallengeable confident self-opinionated definite stiff-necked fixed intransigent unequivocal tenacious unquestionable determined wrong-headed categorical unbending bullheaded parti pris inclined misleading predisposed unrepresentative colored


Not easy to please or satisfy
difficult demanding stubborn uncompromising fussy grim hard to please intractable obstinate overbearing recalcitrant tough unaccommodating unamenable unreasonable unrelenting argumentative boorish fastidious finicky hardheaded hard-nosed inflexible obdurate picky pigheaded rigid tyrannical bearish discontented dissatisfied fractious hard-line immovable inexorable irascible oafish obstreperous opinionated perverse pitiless resolute stiff strict troublesome trying unbending unmanageable cantankerous choosy critical grumbly impolite irritable irritating negative quarrelsome querulous refractory set in one's ways snappy temperamental testy tiresome unflinching unyielding uptight bloody-minded dogmatic headstrong indomitable intransigent opinionative pertinacious single-minded sour steadfast stiff-necked strong-minded wrong-headed dictatorial oppressive overcritical delicate ill-natured importunate prickly sensitive touchy balky bolshie bull-headed contrarious contrary cussed disobliging finical froward hard to satisfy hypercritical over-particular particular perfectionist stroppy thrawn captious chippy crabby crotchety disputatious disputative feisty fiendish hard to handle huffy invidious obstructive ornery ungracious unpredictable uppity vexed exacting uncooperative wilful pernickety choosey mulish fussbudgety dainty overnice old-maidish persnickety punctilious hard finicking nice dogged adamant implacable squeamish nit-picking willful nit-picky determined contumacious awkward adamantine inconvincible hardened ossified pat bullheaded discriminating faddy nitpicking self-willed self-opinionated pedantic scrupulous stickling careful firm unhelpful tenacious pass-remarkable cross-grained pig-headed stubborn as a mule deaf to reason faddish selective overparticular exact assiduous painstaking carping hairsplitting meticulous obsessive fretful prissy fuddy-duddy hair-splitting unpersuadable rigorous persistent defiant relentless difficult to please strong-willed dead set on hostile truculent exasperating fussbudget irrational over-fastidious discerning tricky biased vexatious illogical annoying overprecise detailed fiddly fine disobedient ungovernable wayward insubordinate blinkered arbitrary overfastidious heedful conscionable trivial punctual picky-picky old maidish not giving an inch old womanish prejudiced intolerant clamorous judgmental judgemental disapproving insistent overexacting imperious cavilling harsh nagging stringent exigent sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous quibbling disparaging needy censuring possessive cavillous unsparing caviling demeaning censorious serious cynical resolved unshakable steely unbendable unmalleable unshakeable persevering high-maintenance uncompliant unalterable unmoved unbreakable fixed heady incompliant indurate restive fault-finding over-rigorous over-strict over-censorious over-exacting remorseless convinced with one's feet dug in iron-willed with one's toes dug in locked in precise refined overdelicate sedulous thorough queasy impossible to please very careful easily disgusted pettifogging niggling choicy prudish prim strait-laced discriminative perceptive conscientious eclectic select acute precisionist sharp literalist literalistic formalist purist scholastic casuistical casuistic sophistical sophistic cautious astute anal tasteful judicious discriminatory rejective keen puritanical methodical severe excessively orderly complex complicated rough impeccable mincing timid pure stuffy timorous niggly proper overexact unfavorable unfavourable scrutinising scrutinizing hard-to-please schoolmarmish overcautious niminy-piminy on someone's back Victorian principled systematic extremely particular cultivated ordered controlled orderly scolding humbling diagnostic calumniatory belittling biting derogatory analytical lowering critic judgy exceptive reproachful trenchant sarcastic cutting penetrating contemptuous choleric condemning withering satirical stern honourable upstanding high-minded upright honorable old-womanish mathematical well organized shrewd insightful perspicacious priggish scientific righteous moral ethical right-minded cultured discriminational differential artistic aesthetic individualising wise prudent with good taste individualizing esthetic

Antonym des a rude

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