Synonym des being persistent


Continuing stubbornly in an opinion or course of action in spite of challenges
dogged persevering tenacious determined pertinacious resolute stubborn tireless indefatigable obstinate relentless steadfast unrelenting assiduous unflagging unwavering diligent firm patient untiring enduring fixed immovable insistent obdurate purposeful steady importunate sedulous unshakable intransigent perseverant persisting bound single-minded sticky bound and determined stiff-necked in for long haul like bad penny unyielding resolved uncompromising unfaltering staunch unshakeable unflinching unbending strong-willed dedicated committed inflexible adamant stalwart unswerving intent strong-minded constant driven inexorable implacable earnest set headstrong unremitting spirited decided mulish industrious zealous indomitable pigheaded vigorous forceful strong undaunted intractable rigid self-willed keen bullheaded enthusiastic steely unhesitating active unshaken refractory undeviating energetic bold willful indurate assertive wilful perverse eager intense recalcitrant opinionated ardent mettlesome hard-nosed hardheaded adamantine sure unbendable gritty hard avid decisive bent contumacious plucky pushy bent on gutsy hardened tough stout strenuous unfailing ambitious full of determination iron-willed dead set on bent upon enterprising serious motivated fanatical hell-bent obsessed pat solid dynamic true courageous aggressive dead set balky spunky weariless ossified go-getting cussed inconvincible rock-ribbed bull-headed self-assertive inexhaustible fierce unwearied devoted iron purposive militant bloody-minded unchanging loyal incessant self-opinionated contrary focused faithful set on settled unmanageable unflappable brave do-or-die defiant grim incompliant hard-working hell-bent on hell-bent upon unwearying cantankerous unreasonable stout-hearted emphatic passionate focussed devout unqualified stubborn as a mule deliberate out unceasing valiant self-starting hard-driving demanding froward never-failing wholehearted goal-oriented stiff rebellious self-driven bolshie insubordinate clamorous inspired remorseless hungry unmalleable true-blue uncooperative desirous aspiring meaning business obsessive thirsty unvacillating ruthless sustained stable abiding eager beaver manful bulldog set in one's ways conscientious pig-headed dependable restive repeated untoward unpersuadable striving compulsive rigorous monomaniacal good ornery four-square unswervable unfluctuating unmovable fixated uncompliant continuous exigent certain feisty pressing brassbound fervent difficult entreating hardy cast-iron urgent self-asserting grind hyper consistent cross-grained die-hard set in stone intent on determined to insistent on impassioned attentive painstaking fervid ungovernable wayward clamant stanch persuasive pushful never-tiring consumed compelled resounding disobedient obstreperous Herculean pious peremptory reliable possessed dutiful laborious game hanging tough high-powered galvanized impelled tried-and-true gung ho dyed-in-the-wool sturdy trustworthy trusty strict obsessional induced unappeasable studious domineering ironclad impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided contrarious unquestioning allegiant intrepid awkward vehement in-your-face independent thrusting stop at nothing definite unalterable mule full-blooded positive even uniform unvarying progressive pioneering high-pressure mean regular confident single-minded about firm about self-confident invariant urged on committed to the idea of obsessive about self-seeking deaf to reason inflexible about power-loving on one's mettle get up and go high-reaching power-hungry hell bent on fixated on brick-wall fanatical about uncomplaining long-suffering self-disciplined restless unending unretiring perky on the go ball of fire jumping firmly-based hardboiled buckled down unadaptable unshrinking diehard sworn responsible tried inveterate fearless immoveable unblinking daring radical unassailable unintimidated hellbent pleading resilient noncompliant beseeching begging unruly violent muscular unsinkable lionhearted well-founded absolute secure self-motivated fast down-the-line thrawn mutinous busy stroppy ballsy dour formidable adventurous stony non-compliant telelogical calculated immutable indelible ingrained deep-dyed irremovable unmoved unbreakable dogmatic heady opinionative renitent pervicacious unimpressible bustling nose to grindstone convinced mullish unrepentant uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional harsh sagacious hopeful incontrollable rebel uncontrollable recusant as game as Ned Kelly operose competitive whole-hearted red-blooded lusty vital mean business changeless liege established immobile irrepressible in earnest hard-line determinate dominant be out for blood playing hard ball nose to the grindstone cold fish proof against persuasion hardworking as stubborn as a mule cutthroat ferocious prevailing inexpugnable seasoned like a ball of fire on the make career-minded desiring success unabated bloodthirsty stringent assured going explicit reiterative imperious dire imperative burning monotonous crying tall in the saddle no-nonsense intent upon patriotic firm in spirit perceptive two-fisted keen as mustard animated heroic tough-minded resourceful take charge with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in locked in wrong-headed stand pat hang tough through-and-through hard-and-fast warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way tough nut to crack absorbed engrossed cohesive unstinted undeterred possessive impervious repetitive thick-skinned hard as nails toughened rugged hang-tough intensely competitive go for broke self-assured can-do fiercely competitive having killer instinct self-possessed cut-throat dog-eat-dog minding trusted go-go compelling out to fixed upon anxious to committed to intending to fixed on decisive about obsessed with resolved on impatient to resolved to determined on concentrated genuine bludgeoning iterative supportive coercive observant concentrating close malign malevolent maleficent malicious fractious spiteful pushing entire preoccupied all occupied enrapt exclusive whole undivided perfervid intrusive noisy vociferous loud obtrusive deep alert watchful immersed true-hearted tried and true true to life tried and tested intensive wrapped up on task not taking no for an answer sound conclusive severe unequivocal stern clear authoritative final indubitable robust unquestionable unmistakable undeniable indisputable categorical hearty unambiguous unchangeable safe irrefutable powerful exacting incontrovertible invariable frozen sincere flat complete draconian definitive authoritarian total real healthy unconditional tight incontestable permanent hard and fast hardline substantial fit concrete doughty confirmed overbearing honest convincing commanding rooted implicit durable evident full unquestioned bossy unreserved clear-cut perfect hale guaranteed undoubted upright demonstrable infallible verifiable heavy-handed impregnable accurate potent unsparing austere attached valid merciless autocratic dictatorial inarguable patent virtual extreme direct plain inevitable straight cruel in the bag out-and-out unerring iron-fisted unsympathetic implied contained able-bodied honourable honorable rough entrenched well-built known unsaid understood obvious hard-core oppressive brawny consummate confirmable lordly undeclared latent inferential inferred constructive tacit inarticulate unexpressed unspoken practical implicative invulnerable establishable unuttered callous masterful taken for granted unswayable magisterial bullish effective husky unchallengeable well-conditioned well tyrannical downright hard-bitten deep-rooted manifest forward anchored binding influential pure doubtless ascertained outright invincible beyond doubt strapping hale and hearty beyond question supreme provable trustable athletic lasting drastic resistant calculable express trenchant burly unpermissive blooming actual despotic sure thing hard-hitting high-spirited having down pat watertight bulletproof stationary buff imposing unanswerable unarguable collected forcible ramrod undoubting high-handed proven factual composed palpable pitiless indestructible card-carrying immotile undisputable hard-hearted satisfied flawless predestined destined scrupulous in fine fettle moored utter persuaded sharp unconquerable in the pink truthful fresh true blue dauntless riveted heavy unadulterated inured sheer lively profound unalloyed thorough fair salted away on ice virile normal thoroughgoing unimpaired irrevocable telling bosom locked unfeeling equable heartless rank unaccommodating capable impressive stark inalterable long-lasting irreversible irrefragable unmoving savage level accomplished loving nonmoving pledged overweening bouncing wholesome static tyrannous sinewy beefy autocratical ultimate tyrannic unsentimental flinty long-standing long-lived precise unbudging fighting fit veridical audacious distinct balanced unforgiving nonmotile in good health beyond dispute material undismayed fine standing one's ground right as rain all out flat-out bursting with health undisputed in good trim in good shape all-out high-principled inviolable fit as a fiddle not in doubt valorous doctrinaire nailed-on incorruptible orthodox poised obedient confining immobilized behind one set in concrete picky excessive undamaged unbeatable agreed inseparable foolproof trim unbudgeable dominating unruffled disciplinary free from doubt arranged intact categoric fiery airtight wordless unsurpassable calm heartfelt forthright fastened correct cool solemn stouthearted unfazed hitched insensitive unafraid unmitigated unhurt mighty heroical bombproof nonnegotiable arrant greathearted specified simple gutty adherent desperate hooked still immobilised impassive cold undauntable hidebound cogent shredded nailed undecayed cocksure unblemished plumb cotton-picking aerobicized clean very stone undiluted secured jacked self-reliant hard-wearing unrestricted dead arbitrary unaffected deadly bodacious dreadful certified right flourishing stony-hearted incommutable thick dense full of life thriving decent able physically fit blank crashing not giving an inch undefeatable predictable deep-seated unstoppable insurmountable insuperable univocal continuing righteous incisive impassable fortified unmodified unimpeachable one hundred per cent exact hefty standing pat made fast imperial in tip-top condition legitimate tangible leathery heavy-duty cynical all right impenetrable apodictic effectual plausible weighty efficacious lucid intelligent point-blank recognized thickset sure of oneself peppy flush well-established perceptible gingery straight-out transparent sealed unmerciful truehearted substantive unattackable pertinent uncharitable hard-shelled dug in officious boon impeccable arrogant as fit as a flea strong as an ox as fit as a fiddle hard-boiled stabile not in question by the book not backward in coming forward through and through recognised fortress-like solidly built well-set well-defined in rude health up to snuff sensible mad keen straight out black-and-white veracious hard to please sticking to one's guns dinkum fail-safe as sure as eggs is eggs sure-fire no ifs ands or buts carved in stone solid as a rock affectionate string along with confiding alive and kicking circumspect on the level beyond a shadow of a doubt not joking sine qua non pegged for a fact clinging illiberal forbidding uninfluenced uptight regimented rapid swift prompt brassy jammed immotive controlled disciplined gallant young stiffened puritanical redoubtable rocklike blinkered self-evident clinching stuffy fundamentalist immalleable braced stuck planned stated prearranged straightforward religious masterly self-conceited undebatable healthful reverent traditional conservative formal jelled iron-jawed unabashed punishing punitive Draconian upstanding prayerful risk-free defined quantified credible hulking engaged enthralled spartan unimpressionable affirmative specific in place in position grave resolute about low-risk narrow-minded bidding ordering unmodifiable quiescent limited meticulous systematic on one's side long-term engagé preset predetermined rocky ironhanded onerous impatient surefire biased A1 riskless valued crisp unflexible closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced assaultive unquenchable bitter furious granite punitory undiscouraged untameable preconceived controlling manly strongly made undying tried and trusted dashing tough nut clear-sighted carnivorous open and shut in charge mandatory compulsory dictated written hunky powerhouse rude wholesale unstinting as thick as thieves unfearful inerrant questionless failsafe last deciding intimate best special uncorrupted cherished dear close-knit treasured respectable reputable remove procrustean lion-hearted thewy set in your ways believing in oneself unlimited going for broke sane wide-ranging well-constructed vibrant revering automatic unthinking satisfying crystalline great serious-minded meaning what one says uncontested unchallenged accepted acknowledged foolhardy muscly well fortified well defended in good faith red-hot well grounded can't-miss determining roaring nasty fortitudinous herolike insistent about careful incorrupt overt as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful true to the end given over to venerating not put off not discouraged believable perdurable hold the fort hold your ground do or die hold the line disciplinarian browbeating ascetic ascetical astringent perpetual lengthy extended iron-handed fixed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians not changeable staying put without loopholes hardhanded as strong as a horse in trim powerfully built unappealable stone cold open unconstrained unspoilt felicitous well timed well judged seasonable unspoiled eatable timely favourable expedient cut-and-dried strait-laced decided upon writ in stone etched in stone self-respecting chin-up insightful intuitive relevant ingenious unrestrained unjust abrasive unfair conditioned steeled molded moulded plenary wide vicious truculent virulent hanging together holding together in good condition ripped blunt well-balanced well balanced marathon uncontrolled unbridled uncaring eternal withstanding determinative unreversible irremediable in a straight line punchy all sewn up without question there are no two ways about it bursting with good health well-made unvaried repressive fit to eat uncontaminated promising pugnacious unbroken continual just virtuous ethical nice moral salient optimistic unkind inconsiderate principled unrectifiable finished unrepealable unaltered wild made to last right-minded arduous taxing cool-headed rational adult sanguine exhausting brisk impermeable tough as nails affirmed undistorted square worthy creditable estimable in every respect no holds barred no fine print full-bore without reservations no catch no kicker no strings no strings attached right-down competent capable of being trusted efficient qualified lean Neronian cocky dogmatical existent rowdy curt unmoveable set firm set fast stuck down nailed down favorable standardized regularised standardised nonstop homogeneous regularized attested haughty dictative high and mighty crack-the-whip throwing weight around egotistic pompous proud case-hardened no lie up front pulling no punches like the Rock of Gibralter solid as rock uninterrupted iron-clad undisturbed unbothered unchanged untouched unpierceable undubitable discernible authentic veritable puncture-proof quiet situated located ringing restored chipper rosy-cheeked safe and sound sacrosanct legit verified appreciable certifiable unperturbed on the up and up closed impassible waterproof OK pointed sober accented impartial copper-bottomed soulless affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners world-weary pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted inhuman hard-headed compassionless desensitized cold-blooded ironhearted inhumane stoney corporeal physical objective trying perfectionist hermetic sacred trusting non-fictitious intrinsic non-fictional bright-eyed in top form in good physical condition the picture of health in good physical shape in good kilter bushy-tailed fit as a flea measurable observable proper intelligible striking indurated compact tightly packed fibrous murky unpiercable hermetically sealed stringy coolheaded equal together self-composed peaceful recollected untroubled serene limpid unworried tranquil sedate placid smooth judgemental critical judgmental disapproving tiresome fussy holy perceivable quantifiable detectable unimagined bodily historical unimaginary living current lacking sentiment desensitised as hard as nails as tough as old boots hard-edged toughened by experience in shape unshakeable in one's belief have no doubt overexacting unamenable querulous troublesome cavilling nagging live corporal incarnate existing present embodied de facto rightful hallowed untouchable in no doubt secure in one's belief easy in one's mind hold the unwavering view not question unalarmed honest-to-goodness well documented well defined bona fide well-grounded out and out quibbling hypercritical sticklerish overscrupulous censuring cavillous disparaging faultfinding needy hairsplitting caviling acrimonious drawing inalienable unswayed point blank carping demeaning censorious at peace over-rigorous over-particular over-strict hard to satisfy over-censorious fault-finding over-exacting high-maintenance intemerate by the numbers unbreachable uninfringeable inviolate divine


Continuing to exist or occur over a prolonged period
continuous constant continual lasting chronic endless perpetual relentless sustained unending uninterrupted continuing incessant interminable steady unceasing unrelenting unremitting frequent habitual lingering permanent repeated unbroken nagging unrelieved pushy never-ending non-stop ceaseless eternal enduring everlasting unabating abiding perennial undying nonstop unchanging persisting immortal ongoing stable imperishable timeless fixed unfaltering dateless regular unwavering round-the-clock unfailing unvarying continued recurrent long-lasting running ageless unfading undeviating immutable invariable durable steadfast deathless long-lived long-standing consistent unabated changeless unflagging unyielding prolonged perdurable lifelong fast indestructible deep-rooted long-term infinite firm uniform recurring unchangeable amaranthine even ineradicable without end sempiternal persevering immovable reliable boundless prevailing consecutive inveterate indefinite unstoppable always-on indelible protracted remaining established tenacious unchanged surviving static untiring indefatigable unfluctuating monotonous dependable unswerving dogged ingrained without respite deep-seated inexorable incurable inextinguishable day-and-night inflexible never-changing rigid around-the-clock unalterable set rhythmic obstinate round the clock unwearied invariant unwaning standing indissoluble old repetitive forever staying predictable tireless unlimited same stubborn settled traditional long-drawn-out oft-repeated illimitable long-running long-established ever-present niggling great uncontrollable steady-going resistant gnawing unbending intractable unquenchable irreversible neverending inevitable inescapable stationary lengthy secure equable irrepressible stabile connected aeonian long faithful periodical periodic monolithic extended inexhaustible unshakable irresistible limitless undivided assiduous diligent true interminate incorrigible immemorial absolute unwearying without interruption classic always drawn-out staunch sustaining maintaining progressing advancing pursuing far long-drawn never dying bottomless solid never-ceasing time-honoured carrying on on a treadmill day and night overlong inborn rooted unmitigated routine usual inbred confirmed flowing fluent strong irrevocable unavoidable fluid frictionless hidebound fossilized without ceasing unflinching ineffaceable resilient irreparable undiminished 24-hour unintermitted implacable resolute regularised regularized standardised smooth immedicable termless maintained unrestricted unended unsuppressible standardized dragging slow world-without-end never-dying perduring fossilised on an even keel longstanding nonrandom returning homogeneous closed inextirpable yearlong annual yearly seasonal for keeps marathon lifetime orderly extensive set in concrete set in stone all-year-round year-round unconstrained livelong obsessive drawn out lifetime's sure forever and a day adherent ancient spun-out death-defying ever living constantly recurring 24/7 compulsive stretched out infallible phoenixlike undeadly incorruptible in for the long haul obsessional expected unmanageable insuppressible unrestrainable uncontainable unrestrained all day and all night at all times longevous all-time for life driven for all your life anti-aging that will never die that will live forever no end to with no let-up no end of measureless unbounded long-held age-old never-failing certain immeasurable for ever and ever without surcease without a break wild incommutable time-hallowed unshakeable old as Methuselah full of years untold incalculable time-honored inalterable well established true to type longish multiyear multiday impulsive inestimable abundant abounding living indeterminate unmodifiable fail-safe loyal surefire can't-miss unerring out of control immensurable unvaried unfathomable horizonless unsparing entrenched unalleviated hard sedulous irremovable sacrosanct fathomless hard-and-fast having no end not stopping prevalent well-established fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians straight tried-and-true delivering there come-through trustworthy dyed-in-the-wool besetting tried and true rock solid tried and tested counted on impregnable overwhelming invincible bulletproof unconquerable unbeatable invulnerable insuperable indomitable overpowering insurmountable


Being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change
deep-rooted entrenched fixed established firm inveterate settled ineradicable abiding ingrained rooted confirmed deep intrenched unshakeable secure lingering radical basic fundamental profound inbuilt irremovable inherent innate subconscious endemic deep-seated dyed-in-the-wool long-lasting hard-core bred-in-the-bone built-in well established inbred incurable deep-set seasoned long-established irredeemable perennial lifelong set enduring stubborn obstinate accustomed habituated habitual chronic longtime congenital persisting radicated indurated old continuing customary permanent sworn adamant long-lived usual inborn longstanding deep down deeply felt lodged in one's brain hardened committed thorough devout resolute true uncompromising fiery incorrigible through and through compulsive torrid deep-dyed obsessive intransigent long-standing devoted indelible loyal supreme explicit staunch ardent unwavering proved sicker fervent hard-line red-hot thoroughgoing zealous all-consuming die-hard well-established inexorable earnest complete unyielding hard-shell unshakable faithful vehement firmly established dedicated definite staid immutable wholehearted diehard unreformable unapologetic impenitent inured fanatical bona fide unashamed card-carrying stalwart steadfast out-and-out true blue implanted absolute utter unswerving unrepentant unfaltering full-bore embedded right-down arrant mad keen through-and-through instilled unchangeable full-fledged infixed deep-down keen as mustard deeply ingrained out and out unfading gut instinctive intrinsic unforgettable ineffaceable lasting hopeless driven in rigid irrepressible eternal undying beyond hope grounded worn valid inannihilable accepted irradicable genuine dyed-in-the wool based on to the core dug in set firm fortified


(of a person or their behaviour) Not able to be changed or reformed
incorrigible irredeemable incurable inveterate irremediable irretrievable irrecoverable chronic unrecoverable confirmed hopeless irreparable habitual hardened unredeemable irreformable unashamed impenitent unapologetic diehard unrepentant unreformable uncorrectable impossible uncontrite addicted unreformed intractable recidivous dyed-in-the-wool long-standing deep-dyed hard-core beyond hope beyond redemption obsessive compulsive pathological regular obsessional established hooked fatal constant frequent inoperable terminal deadly mortal recurrent untreatable immedicable remediless by habit beyond cure addictive dependent uncontrollable ingrained long-established seasoned committed bred-in-the-bone shameless utter thoroughgoing thorough complete dying congenital critical end-stage near death on way out irrational unreasonable clinical illogical unreasoning uncontrolled pathologic extreme neurotic long-term constantly recurring irreversible lost irrevocable past hope cureless beyond repair absolute unshakeable unwavering irreclaimable unsalvageable unchangeable remorseless gone obdurate ill-fated unremorseful unrepenting unabashed unblushing entrenched brazen deep-rooted out-and-out conscienceless dedicated firm devoted loyal staunch faithful steadfast unswerving true blue unfaltering full-bore unalterable unrectifiable unfixable uncurable through and through right-down card-carrying arrant unrepairable unrestorable permanent serious grave final helpless severe lasting mad keen beyond recovery keen as mustard written off lost and gone beyond recall defiant relentless unregenerate abandoned callous nowhere to go out of time irremedial broken ruined destroyed irreplaceable gone forever hardhearted recidivistic die-hard past mending through-and-through without regret without remorse unmitigable uncompromising deep-seated well-established full-fledged infixed instilled true fixed deep-down genuine unreclaimable unsavable unregainable bad sad worsening fallen deeply ingrained to the core out and out no-win up the creek beyond redress cursed wretched not contrite given up gone for ever accursed doomed condemned afflicted excommunicated vulnerable past praying for aimless blighted alone fruitless despaired of beyond remedy past cure past remedy irrepressible eternal undying dyed-in-the wool


Very commonly encountered or observed
ubiquitous common commonplace normal regular conventional customary standard rampant universal wonted adopted frequent rife endemic everyday typical constant familiar stereotypical habitual routine mainstream pervasive quotidian prevalent usual generic ordinary stereotyped accepted garden natural congruous household widespread garden-variety well established common or garden extensive repeated recurring prevailing recurrent pervading perpetual predictable profuse mundane continual incessant reiterated day-to-day monotonous daily penetrating immanent general omnipresent permeating pandemic epidemic wall-to-wall permeant can't get away from present everywhere permeative all over the place popular accustomed stock established run-of-the-mill recognized recognised workaday average current unremarkable bog-standard unexceptional plain traditional prosaic expected orthodox set a dime a dozen shared public proverbial domestic widely held standard-issue garden variety cut-and-dried cut-and-dry overall settled going acknowledged dull homespun chronic family predominant vanilla simple ruling modest characterless typic well-known majority fixed homely humble middle-of-the-road so-so formulaic received across the board native in circulation old hat no great shakes ongoing broad familial numerous periodic domiciliary conformist scheduled in use mutual existing homey home seasonal methodical collective known widely believed terrestrial casual unimaginative banal informal latest extant modern contemporary present admitted embraced united like acquainted whitebread acquired honored unsophisticated fashionable nitty-gritty dime-a-dozen intermutual commutual traditionalist hackneyed derived colourless nondescript unpretentious undistinguished recognizable superabundant boring unmemorable uneventful uninteresting humdrum pedestrian honoured vulgar recognisable OK uninspiring circulating well known time-honored run of the mill ornery inferior mediocre fair indifferent mean characteristic ten a penny two a penny common variety matter-of-fact trivial colorless reigning preponderant superior dominant regnant cheap and commonplace inherent symptomatic consistent representative afoot nothing to write home about not up to much indicative foreseen reliable anticipated foreseeable emblematic prescriptive about in force in vogue in fashion in style distinctive unsurprising idiosyncratic proper steady likely distinguishing individualistic clichéd cliched bruited about in the air making the rounds doing the rounds talked of in general use going around true to form in keeping to be expected on the cards time-honoured only to be expected in character par for the course … all over true to type on everyone's lips plastic grind white-bread matter-of-course


Thorough, to a great degree, with intensity
intensive intense fierce acute deep profound terrible heavy ferocious dreadful keen vehement violent almighty vicious blistering excruciating hard furious frightful explosive hellacious ghastly exquisite fearsome severe thorough concentrated fearful strenuous full complete comprehensive vigorous serious exhaustive detailed meticulous thoroughgoing extensive rigorous scrupulous total sweeping elaborate painstaking determined concerted resolute sedulous careful conscientious searching assiduous methodical minute widespread close demanding radical accelerated fast insistent in-depth all-out heavy-duty all-embracing all-inclusive out-and-out all-encompassing all-absorbing high-pressure speeded-up extreme strong powerful forceful great excessive tough harsh potent sharp forcible energetic agonizing raging passionate agonising consuming wild overwhelming unbearable zealous penetrating fervent piercing overpowering searing heightened biting ardent emphatic encyclopedic rough uncontrollable resounding absolute insufferable unrestrained unbridled bitter fiery burning relentless encyclopaedic earnest aggressive active extraordinary very great intensified hard-hitting cutting eager grievous stormy intolerable mettlesome dynamic marked immoderate major torturous uncontrolled flaming royal punchy hellish unendurable desperate taxing exact particular arduous efficient devastating difficult frenzied brutal storming blow-by-blow whole-hog full-dress from A to Z rugged in-your-face pulling no punches onerous heartfelt spirited laborious enthusiastic vivid oppressive protracted drastic assertive right impassioned exceptional grave harrowing blunt considerable muscular consummate compendious real racking universal challenging tormenting inclusive embracive cyclopedic urgent shrill inordinate unqualified rampaging intemperate rabid rampant torrid volatile significant all-consuming exacting panoramic unchecked unfettered uncurbed tremendous turbulent omnibus distressing blustery deep-seated outrageous poignant crushing peracute roaring tumultuous tempestuous critical toilsome out of control full of force gale force menacing full-blooded proper punishing grinding volcanic painful cover-all all-in weighty broad-gauge broad-gauged far-reaching industrial-strength durable circumstantial soup to nuts clocklike particularized itemized all the way plenty slam-bang heavyweight long-lasting sound plucky compelling fervid pronounced fanatical heated shocking diabolical unstoppable all out sincere feverish thoroughpaced particularised itemised perfervid immense terrific emotional wholehearted ungovernable transcending riotous abject warm-blooded cut-throat unmanageable inflamed enormous supreme heartrending hot peppery convulsive enraged ruinous astounding impossible high global sublime paroxysmal coercive aroused specialized specialised deepest hearty crash telescoped undue diligent towering exaggerated utter personal immediate stinging strained pungent deep-rooted umbrella catholic intricate experienced mother of all positive true perfect deeply felt arrant pushing driving effective bold racy clean effectual pushy gutsy red-hot definitive exclusive gruelling feisty unmitigated fair no stone unturned the word full-blown wall-to-wall full-scale tortuous stressful cyclonic gusty firsthand direct round-the-clock total-immersion boisterous thundery thunderous savage howling inclement squally bumpy windy grueling unforgiving tedious customary unmistaken go-ahead high-powered high-octane bad awful hazardous sobering big dire worrying perilous dangerous threatening disastrous life-threatening consequential bleak precarious ugly mighty all-powerful essential elemental specific typhonic blustering swirling choppy destructive murderous killer trying operose moiling backbreaking draining complex complicated labored laboured confused abstruse te formidable recondite solemn knotty systematic usual special intimate categorical chaotic restless stormful grim shooting stabbing confronting first-hand leaving no stone unturned sudden thought-provoking finely tuned provocative thoughtful reflective confrontational insightful firm exhausting brisk dramatic incredible remarkable prodigious titanic indescribable cruel unutterable impressive unrelenting colossal galling puissant stirring telling unsparing burdensome hefty vital gut-wrenching herculean gigantic powerhouse troublesome stiff ponderous merciless crippling utmost maximum pounding rousing wrenching massive avid excellent awesome steep daunting disturbing wearisome committed testing exciting wearying marvelous bruising marvellous ambitious important outstanding thrilling back-breaking fatiguing killing forbidding thorny bothersome gargantuan uphill unpleasant irresistible crucial splitting arresting striking pressing thumping torturing smarting effortful staggering influential unyielding distressful stupendous gripping phenomenal fascinating devout heartbreaking momentous ruthless sheer really hard very hard passional monstrous affecting amazing exorbitant uncompromising absorbing superb ultimate riveting afflicting compulsive stark upsetting heart-rending brilliant tearing shattering overriding dedicated faithful hardhanded prohibitive tiring inhuman imposing sweaty tall uttermost torturesome commanding unmerciful debilitating robust toilful sensational emotive incommunicable unalloyed unadulterated mean tiresome unremitting upstream wearing intimidating cumbersome decisive hairy energy-consuming sapping Herculean pivotal top high-priority monumental conspicuous enthralling humongous vast besetting paralyzing paralysing knifelike tenacious irrepressible engrossing ginormous spectacular stifling pervasive stringent abrupt uncommunicable raw intriguing horrific suffocating devouring rapid engaging egregious sad dogged hurtful focused attentive downright swift mortal obstinate dominating obsessive tender fabulous strict graphic paramount distinct intent involving super persuasive deadly rare suffering flagrant knockout steadfast very bad struggling resonant sentimental inspiring austere insane unwavering cool very strong unbending veritable pure wonderful wretched miserable pitiless meteoric smart hardy dominant impactful focussed large tragic punitive breathtaking rank staunch rotten hot-blooded remorseless clear beastly mightful loyal afflictive calamitous out of this world gee-whizz offensive gross preposterous heady memorable thundering conclusive exigent out and out hard-hearted uber substantial fundamental nerve-racking drudgy cardinal unnerving tough going worksome depleting uphill battle awe-inspiring knackering hard-won first-rate no picnic marathon uncomfortable sticky glorious principal discomforting dicey easier said than done slavish meaningful first-class large-scale historic material jarring scabrous problematic troubling difficile problem ominous climacteric not easy frantic competitive shrewd dog-eat-dog genuine entrenched inexpressible repressive undescribable hard-core unfeigned honest rooted intrenched drilling high-energy cordial caustic precipitate precipitous inveterate warm bona fide charged enthused melodramatic amorous contentious settled throbbing overemotional alert annihilatory gluttonous corrosive voracious insatiable edacious dinkum confirmed bred-in-the-bone surpassing prickly twingeing tingling magnificent ablaze mad keen heart-and-soul tormentous anguishing clamorous desolating damaging annihilating humungous giant true blue strengthy strengthful unreasonable disagreeable valid cogent virile unmixed achy gnawing hurting unconscionable swingeing overweening draconian pleading backbreaker hopped up gung ho crying nasty astronomic leviathan max mountainous astronomical convincing extremely painful devoted high-impact like getting blood out of a stone hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue inexorable devilish huge patent beseeching entreating begging obscure vexatious disquieting outright rending cringe-making infuriating embarrassing stultifying chastening toe-curling irritating maximal unwelcome unhappy distasteful yucky chilling unlovely unpleasing yukky traumatic sour wicked unpalatable displeasing uncongenial unsavory captivating true-blue adoring doting supportive fond dutiful exuberant interesting horrendous horrible nagging icky sore mortifying unfair very grave torrential plausible armed efficacious crazy fantastic unbelievable unreal unsavoury provoking annoying overbearing hypnotic mesmeric spellbinding nauseating startling tense clamant whole woeful appalling abominable immersing moving touching highest greatest ridiculous far out eloquent credible unanswerable compulsory sickly astringent acrid sickening nauseous copious entire stunning enchanting entrancing transfixing mesmerizing preoccupying incomprehensible enigmatic esoteric abstract notable noteworthy sizable suspenseful electrifying imperious superlative fetid aromatic unmistakable invincible cloying mephitic splendid sizeable loud militant godawful lousy vile atrocious much headline preponderant obvious especial portentous unforgettable capital keynote generous milestone glaring fateful high-level newsworthy appreciable earthshaking eventful distinctive noticeable earth-shattering landmark signal all-important worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon front-page unusual unordinary ponderable addictive mega whopping lustful teeming bucketing pouring drenching realistic overmastering profuse irrefutable overshadowing foetid pathetic sovereign daring swell groovy dandy delicious astonishing primo grand divine lively like wow hunky-dory whacking involved unfathomable arcane mesmerising climactic dazzling unbroken undistracted collective greatest possible very big shock-horror stem-winding germane pertinent imperative intrinsic central life-and-death primary invaluable requisite prominent key necessary big-time uppermost core salient piteous pitiful unshared consistent engrossed unreserved sonorous unputdownable united absorbed unflagging unswerving noisy breath-taking hair-raising jaw-dropping bodacious rip-roaring eye-catching action-packed studied pitiable saddening sorrowful dense whopping great unanimous continued good accomplished mournful tearful hammering lashing deliberate circumspect all fixed steady vigilant rigid lock stock and barrel undivided whacking great hot and heavy scorching precise skilled skillful skilful admirable masterly tear-jerking plaintive sheeting down audible clarion boiling accurate roasting ace stellar crack world-class expert fine callous stern cold sweltering agitating nostalgic perturbing expressive resilient visual retentive cracking crash-hot nifty authoritarian baking true-to-life photographic wizard blazing iron-willed driven sizzling ringing as clear as a bell bell-like unfeeling unkind implacable hostile cold-blooded affectless desensitised heavy-handed heartless no-nonsense tyrannical stoney browbeating gruff unsympathetic bullying broiling scalding amazeballs crackerjack well-done hard-nosed stubborn unflinching parching withering sagacious strong-willed sure self-confident stony-hearted compassionless desensitized hardhearted ironfisted ironhearted uncharitable cold-hearted insensitive stonyhearted tropical strong-minded brave gritty courageous single-minded unfaltering take-no-prisoners very hot baking hot boiling hot like a furnace blazing hot independent perceptive heroic self-assertive indomitable untiring purposeful unhesitating take charge firm in spirit resolved keen as mustard animated confident certain two-fisted stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad resourceful more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear most important


To a total, utter or complete degree
unmitigated categorical absolute complete outright total unqualified definite thorough utter consummate pure thoroughgoing unconditional unequivocal austere categoric downright positive profound rank relentless unadulterated unambiguous veritable real regular rigid sheer simple stark unabated unalloyed undiminished arrant fair gross intense perfect plumb severe unabridged unbending unmoderated unmollified untempered dead flat oppressive blank blooming bodacious clean crashing deadly dreadful grim harsh stone unalleviated unbroken undiluted unmixed unmodified unrelieved unsoftened very all-out clear-cut flat-out out-and-out straight-out cotton-picking deep-dyed in every way unreserved full entire unlimited whole right unrestricted extreme plain proper ultimate undivided dyed-in-the-wool infernal utmost genuine right-down supreme comprehensive explicit blatant blasted in every respect unrestrained wholesale wholehearted through and through surpassing solid unquestionable straight out unbounded indubitable full-bore emphatic patent clear exhaustive flagrant glaring blessed true confounded all out plenary unmistakable certain undeniable unremitting full-scale unconstrained direct no catch maximum undisguised sure naked all-fired inveterate overt constant out and out without reservations no ifs ands or buts unstinting full-on prize no holds barred egregious limitless final palpable infinite conclusive enormous serious pronounced authentic brazen assured unquestioning barefaced open determinate wide matchless full-blown monstrous point-blank steadfast apodictic no kicker no strings no fine print chronic overarching unblemished mere straight everlasting double-dyed committed determined huge firm outrageous overwhelming resounding tremendous sincere express unmistaken overall unswerving dedicated uttermost concentrated resolute obvious max steady sweeping decisive paramount strict great uncompromising conspicuous top nth fixed striking shameless exorbitant significant excessive major peremptory unsurpassed peerless immoderate atrocious grievous very great bona fide capital extraordinary true-blue endless abundant uncontrolled perpetual without limit eternal true blue incessant unfailing continuous staring unrelenting royal bloody grand faultless most unstinted customary quite single altogether definitive forthright adamant assertive insistent unvarnished optimum decided unregenerate actual usual quintessential crass infamous notorious vile undisputed terminal without reservation totalitarian uninterrupted inclusive systematic unimpaired maximal intensive last horrible stone-cold nothing other than point blank without qualification long-range long-term rightly so called through-and-through no strings attached one hundred per cent sovereign untarnished untouched unaltered habitual undying confirmed in-depth no joke shocking manifest superlative predominant inexorable excellent unsurpassable errant perfected ideal inimitable transcendent flawless impeccable finished unbound tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful boundless unconditioned audacious evident heinous omnipotent unconcealed transparent massive preeminent inordinate shameful scandalous terrible reprehensible disgraceful iniquitous apparent villainous wicked terrific fantastic open-ended brass-necked hellacious with no strings accurate exact precise unbearable unshakeable whopping deep acute almighty staunch fervent earnest zealous enthusiastic unflinching hearty exclusive thumping unwavering devoted unfaltering spot-on radical brutal preposterous enduring heartfelt stalwart unfeigned ardent warm focused undistracted collective thundering roaring valid dinkum engrossed unshared consistent uber loyal impassioned abiding passionate fullhearted rip-roaring honest dead-on certified good faithful pukka on-target echt so satisfactory pucka sure-enough unerring certifiable united absorbed unflagging focussed unanimous scrupulous attentive continued concerted admissible sound factual fast deliberate circumspect all minute diligent detailed vigilant intent whole-hearted undoubted watertight veridical immaculate rigorous amen inerrant bang on undistorted solemn hundred percent whole-souled lock stock and barrel right on never-failing unquestioned unhesitating unshakable implicit virtual implied contained understood unsaid constructive undeclared tacit inarticulate latent unexpressed unspoken practical inevitable implicative inferential inferred unuttered taken for granted unashamed established long-established long-standing incorrigible undoubting outstanding frank incurable particular diametrical entrenched vast immense flaming diehard hardened unrepentant bold deep-rooted unapologetic straightforward bald reliable card-carrying uninhibited even prodigious goodly substantial gigantic upright colossal giant stupendous mammoth impressive monumental elephantine gargantuan bleeding settled titanic mountainous blithering confident natural flipping uncontested seasoned compulsive round wordless visible hopeless dependable effing blinking notable noteworthy memorable remarkable phenomenal muscular indisputable incontestable incontrovertible irrefutable vehement chuffing convincing meticulous robust strong humongous mega jumbo monster astronomical bally forceful unfathomable personal polar individual irredeemable unreformable obsessive noticeable extensive plurry special specific whacking ginormous ruddy blunt big all-encompassing ingrained unembellished congenital correct legit whopping great large mad keen die-hard bred-in-the-bone unadorned candid unsparing deep-seated well-established keen as mustard dirty great whacking great upfront unguarded plainspoken close literal bare-faced matter-of-fact plain-spoken no-nonsense stupid marked signal singular plenipotentiary pathological drastic perceptible swift prompt rapid obsessional full-frontal unfettered effusive gushing thrashing without reserve basic distinct convinced sublime eminent cordial bare beyond hope irrepressible awful flaunting doubtless persuaded satisfied right royal ostentatious immodest concrete highest unshaken dyed-in-the wool in person obedient unthinking automatic biggest topmost flagitious crying from the heart to the exclusion of everything else self-assured self-conceited self-confident flagitous diametric greatest refined purified pristine abysmal grody free from doubt affirmative cold vigorous dead on verbatim inalienable bald-faced hard forcible cocksure inarguable strenuous intemerate stick out like sore thumb hanging out immediate rooted guileless outspoken irrefragable undisputable greatest amount of greatest possible unhidden vested intricate experienced forthcoming heartless perennial set lifelong intrenched devout guaranteed unchallengeable aggressive violent energetic dynamic indelible proved immutable unyielding pinpoint raw observable recognizable torrid fanatical obstinate impenitent intransigent stubborn fiery ineradicable longtime veracious all-embracing unbridled hard-hitting free-spoken up-front brutally honest penetrating firsthand accustomed inured habituated staid pointed unarguable persuasive uncontradicted accomplished tangible unanswerable sicker defined surgical full-bodied rich lusty potent secure legitimate recognized plain to see unchallenged writ large accepted encyclopedic essential elemental elaborate virile full-blooded hardy powerful vital well-defined on the money error-free inch-perfect on the nose on the button instilled infixed unchangeable deep-down full-fledged 24-carat hard-core official trusty recognisable kosher bonafide unspoiled for real original unspoilt untainted credible as clear as day authoritative unencumbered recognised unmortgaged plush heady encyclopaedic intimate hands-down hard-line well established red-hot deep-set hard-shell all-consuming firmly established freaking doggone as plain as a pikestaff deeply ingrained as sure as eggs is eggs beyond question beyond a doubt first-hand careful illimitable to the core standing out a mile pulling no punches painstaking immeasurable bottomless sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb blimming sticking out like a sore thumb punctilious industrious measureless incalculable assiduous unmingled stuffed boiled down telescoped crashed undiffused inexhaustible countless untold sedulous laborious hard-working never-ending indefinite immensurable stellar horizonless fathomless searching ultra-careful loving studious persevering fussy cosmic inestimable religious full-out numberless incomprehensible universal interminable on tap wide open unfathomed no end to no end of ad nauseam unconfined tough heart and soul into exacting fastidious walking on eggs minding p's and q's hanging in hanging tough heedful playing safe conscientious punctual most extreme


Not susceptible to corruption, especially by bribery
incorruptible honest unbribable honourable straight trustworthy upright principled anti-corruption conscientious correct high-principled just moral proper scrupulous ethical good high-minded righteous right-minded upstanding virtuous decent noble respectable constant honorable immortal inextinguishable loyal perpetual pure reliable unchanging undestroyable untouchable above suspicion true reputable right faithful dependable conscionable blameless worthy law-abiding exemplary irreproachable truthful stand-up trusty unimpeachable moralistic fair nice admirable laudable morally correct true-blue saintly dutiful sincere equitable sinless guiltless all right straightforward innocent clean steadfast responsible on the level angelic unwavering square immaculate steady kosher uncorrupted squeaky clean self-righteous pious lofty meritorious elevated praiseworthy lawful irreprehensible staunch chaste chivalrous whiter than white pure as the driven snow genuine patriotic fair-minded unswerving full of integrity of good repute dedicated sure dignified tried impartial tried and true tried and tested saintlike godly impeccable devoted estimable seemly commendable wholesome veracious respected right-thinking aboveboard enduring resolute obedient dyed-in-the-wool fast firm clean-living circumspect up front true blue ardent hard-core behind one allegiant sensible unfailing creditable level-headed inculpable decorous sound venerable knightly incorrupt committed humane fitting unstained sanctimonious forthright legit lily-white holy spiritual of principle faultless unobjectionable distinguished proud down-the-line devout stanch gallant magnanimous noble-minded attached on the up-and-up squeaky-clean confiding tried-and-true above reproach loving affectionate string along with unerring above-board strict redoubtable modest celibate rectitudinous punctilious Christian undefiled confirmed rightful above board professional reverent liege morally right morally acceptable vestal G-rated untainted favoring balanced incorrupted high guileless honest-to-goodness card-carrying stalwart orthodox on up and up greathearted natural lordly cultivated tractable charitable well-behaved heedful punctual exact precise fastidious critical courteous unbiased unprejudiced uncompromising deep-dyed unfaltering objective credible favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly unmarred highly regarded in good faith dapper alright inoffensive clean-cut goody-goody precious die-hard esteemed humble authentic extremely careful thinking twice unpretentious uncontrived unfeigned salt of the earth neutral open-minded even-handed legitimate non-partisan disinterested anti-discrimination non-discriminatory evenhanded equal dispassionate nonpartisan indifferent reasonable candid true-hearted trusted uncolored nondiscriminatory immovable true to life believable quality secure safe solid foolproof trustable calculable mature guaranteed unbuyable fly right to be trusted straight-up sure-fire worthy of trust boy scout tried and trusted down home never-failing rock solid always there as good as one's word untarnished without reproach in the clear on the up and up of excellent character excellent considerate gracious benevolent sterling deserving fine generous model applaudable beneficent thoughtful unblemished hospitable great kind polite gentlemanly meritable altruistic mannerly courtly big-hearted big helpful beyond reproach civilized unselfish unblamable kindly refined philanthropic kindhearted great-hearted notable respectful exceptional worthy of admiration well-mannered bounteous civilised valiant liberal free munificent praisable legal urbane well behaved easy well mannered peaceful sporting orderly civil duteous acceptable bountiful thankworthy not bad heroic giving outstanding noteworthy benign batting a thousand not too shabby paradigmatic classic quintessential peaceable tolerant philanthropical bighearted bueno neato prototypical classical unsullied representative typical illustrative characteristic sympathetic pleasant worthy of commendation genteel stable brave obliging lavish gentle unspoiled unspoilt stainless spotless stellar unsparing suave choice sublime stately ladylike amiable strong understanding clear mild affable accommodating select super compassionate sturdy gentlemanlike compliant valuable irreprovable open genial loose soft-touch moderate unstinting ace honored humanitarian first-class first-rate kind-hearted attentive honoured tender beyond criticism disciplined large-hearted stout courageous self-sacrificing eminent wonderful rational superb virginal established profuse warm-hearted prestigious prudish soft-hearted delicate unaffected marvelous boss bold intrepid splendid polished prissy worthwhile ungrudging prodigal open-handed slick agreeable joyous pleasing cultured valorous strait-laced virgin keen willing marvellous exquisite positive flawless rad neat gnarly savory superior satisfactory white prime friendly congenial indulgent amicable grand capital fulsome openhanded freehearted freehanded uncorrupt savoury sociable comely attractive couth A1 benignant reproachless wicked smashing impressive well-bred fab supercalifragilisticexpialidocious copacetic good-hearted competent unprofaned splendiferous reputed suitable selfless champion merciful well bred brill beaut without fault highly respectable tip-top caring bully goodhearted top-notch top-hole princely go-to palmary public-spirited well-thought-of peacekeeping complying protective revered particular palatable idealistic glorious eleemosynary almsgiving finicky apple-pie of note smart submissive biddable amenable manageable conformable docile fussy sane inspiring distinctive individual chivalric frank deferential God-fearing pernickety terrific mean daring perfect discreet maidenly godlike matchless peerless unquestionable adult unassailable well favoured well-favoured capable predictable infallible kin self-respecting highbrow composed sweet goodish of good report time-honored decisive determined squeamish sophisticated fair and square crimeless up to the mark unequivocal careful ideal swell non-erotic non-violent illustrious independent regal self-sufficient classy supportive spirited manly quixotic copybook according to the rules sporty according to Hoyle full-figured well-rounded plump portly womanly capable of being trusted gone veridical wholehearted undistorted truehearted consummate straight-arrow fearless dauntless stout-hearted continent inviolate unspotted unblighted extraordinary remarkable debonair acquitted picture-book cleanhanded picture-perfect letter-perfect absolute indefectible seamless abundant ample beyond question beyond suspicion formal no lie name deserving congratulations lily white wide-eyed durable stylish uninvolved free-handed ready ceremonious unchangeable immutable pristine recognized valued pure as driven snow babe in woods wet behind ears characterful fixed rigid aristocratic snow white clement licit not to blame not guilty guilt-free plentiful full proved pitying meritious winner meedful golden becoming befitting good-natured approachable cordial forthcoming bonhomous complaisant bland unctuous lasting unshakeable world-beating tender-hearted female motherly top drawer permanent plenteous willingly given unstinted handsome important principal main favorite equable prized admired meretorious appreciable major league in limelight big time big name high-powered august recognised fit settled demure conventional bulletproof perdurable sedate certain long-standing long-lived long-lasting neighbourly close intimate favourite matronly well balanced well-built well-balanced conforming done deep-rooted right-hand comradely puritanical priggish game meet de rigueur regardful companionable rocklike neighborly in line by the book comme il faut by the numbers copper-bottomed devil-may-care gamesome frolicsome larkish frisky kittenish mischievous sprightly merry impish antic lively rollicking roguish waggish coltish sportive gay jaunty playful wild good as one's word to be counted on carrying the load well-disposed well-brought-up satisfying likable delightful appealing enjoyable magnificent straight shooting square shooting square dealing gorgeous exhilarating favorable elegant comforting beautiful enviable lovesome flashy pleasurable ravishing enchanting comfortable photogenic hunky stunning tasteful pretty tempting lovely euphoric glamorous fascinating seductive presentable sunny engaging supreme brilliant cracking cool resplendent dollish amusing glossy snazzy flamboyant fetching taking aesthetic well-favored showstopping OK cheery welcome drop-dead splashy good-looking beauteous glamourous intoxicating showy in order dishy radiant relief glad dainty knockout blessed pulchritudinous statuesque fun foxy hunky-dory cunning cute heavenly eye-catching zingy soothing rapturous spanking sightly arresting prettyish superlative peachy tiptop crackerjack passable delightsome telegenic charming paradisal paradisaic elating deluxe copasetic recherche esthetic paradisiacal super-eminent grateful shipshape darling dulcet super-excellent blest stupendous paradisaical calming splendorous recreative gratifying paradisiac ecstatic alluring relishable noted schmick dope rare dream phat masterly belting pearler sovereign sik unreal greatest likeable irie favourable exo barrie chillin' A-OK of the first water best ever super-duper out of sight of the highest order A-1 zero cool hunky dory world-class ka pai second to none of the first order out of this world cat's pajamas

Antonym des being persistent

Music ♫

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