Synonym des more hebete


Comparative for annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
obtuser stupider duller slower denser dimmer thicker dumber stolider simpler dozier crasser sluggisher thicker-skinned dopier dorkier softer ignoranter dafter placider heavier unworldlier greener shallower foolisher sillier crazier dippier softer in the head unwiser barmier goofier dottier daffier scattier blinder battier loopier darker screwier flakier ruder giddier absurder rasher madder jerkier soppier weaker feebler coarser grosser flightier dizzier ditzier recklesser foolhardier pottier nuttier clumsier awkwarder wackier gawkier ungainlier more unintelligent more witless more doltish more dopey more uncomprehending more slow-witted more thickheaded more boneheaded more dim-witted more imperceptive more dull-witted more blockish more brainless more chuckleheaded more dunderheaded more half-baked more insensitive more lamebrained more lumpish more bovine more simple-minded more blockheaded more muttonheaded more airheaded more birdbrained more bubbleheaded more chowderheaded more divvy more dotish more empty-headed more fatuous more glaikit more gormless more knuckleheaded more mindless more oafish more opaque more pinheaded more senseless more softheaded more thick-witted more unsmart more vacuous more woodenheaded more purblind more slow on the uptake more inert more lifeless more phlegmatic more torpid more wooden more inanimate more somnolent more lethargic more listless more inactive more slothful more unresponsive more uneducated more illiterate more untaught more unlearned more unknowledgeable more benighted more untrained more unschooled more unsophisticated more uninformed more unenlightened more unscholarly more naive more inexperienced more unaware more superficial more backward more unintellectual more innocent more unqualified more unconversant more imbecilic more cretinous more analphabetic more moronic more uninstructed more idiotic more vapid more asinine more imbecile more simpleminded more inane more gullible more thoughtless more unperceptive more unmindful more oblivious more unreasoning more thick-skulled more unthinking more unobservant more feebleminded more undiscerning more unconscious more feeble-minded more tomfool more insensible more unreasonable more injudicious more unwitting more harebrained more deficient more irrational more clueless more uncultured more thick-headed more uncultivated more unsuspecting more scatterbrained more featherheaded more imprudent more loggerheaded more boorish more laughable more ridiculous more inattentive more vacant more halfwitted more ill-advised more impercipient more insensate more heedless more insentient more indiscriminate more myopic more clownish more nearsighted more risible more puerile more cloddish more idiotical more ludicrous more hebetudinous more careless more cockamamy more neglectful more numskulled more ill-considered more short-sighted more unimaginative more unstudious more incognizant more unknowing more unappreciative more ill-mannered more addle-brained more doolally more childish more immature more duncelike more unacquainted more sappy more inept more limited more crackpot more Boeotian more notional more invalid more fallacious more boobish more buffoonish more unconsidered more surd more nerdish more credulous more comatose more shortsighted more clottish more unsavvy more rattlebrained more numbskulled more impassive more fatheaded more unversed more anencephalic more unrefined more indiscreet more skittish more featherbrained more frivolous more irresponsible more inappropriate more indelicate more nonsensical more cracked more nuts more crackers more mental more cuckoo more inadvisable more farcical more preposterous more impolitic more illogical more misguided more retarded more pointless more bungling more derisory more derisive more comical more pea-brain more pathetic more cockamamie more improvident more lumbering more nitwitted more negligent more elephantine more pie-faced more spaced-out more inconsiderate more unco more cumbersome more puddingy

Antonym des more hebete

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