Synonym des most nebulose


Superlative for visually indistinct or unclear
vaguest unclearest dimmest faintest haziest obscurest shadowiest mistiest blurriest bleariest cloudiest foggiest murkiest fuzziest gauziest darkest palest smokiest filmiest dullest muzziest dreamiest woolliest wooliest loosest sketchiest unsurest roughest shadiest greyest grayest broadest slightest muddiest dewiest mushiest lightest softest duskiest weakest widest sloppiest squishiest airiest thinnest finest widestspread most indistinct most blurred most nebulous most amorphous most indefinite most indistinguishable most formless most indiscernible most indeterminate most blear most opaque most unformed most distant most dreamlike most elusive most enigmatic most impalpable most tenebrous most unexplicit most ill-defined most ambiguous most doubtful most inconspicuous most unrecognizable most unfocused most unspecific most tenuous most equivocal most ambivalent most unsubstantial most inexact most imprecise most structureless most unstructured most unshaped most illusory most intangible most clouded most visionary most befogged most undistinct most uncertain most confused most questionable most muddled most dubious most debatable most unintelligible most general most approximate most overcast most mixed most imperceptible most unsettled most unknown most disorganized most crepuscular most disorganised most puzzling most remote most mysterious most faded most sweeping most imperfect most incomprehensible most inaccurate most unsound most bewildering most unobtrusive most incoherent most muffled most shrouded most vaporous most bleached most unestablished most unresolved most hidden most evasive most unlimited most approximative most unascertained most undecided most perplexing most speculative most indeterminable most innumerable most noncommittal most undependable most apocryphal most careless most coarse-grained most up in the air most incorporeal most insubstantial most undescribable most immaterial most delicate most disembodied most imponderable most unapparent most indescribable most global most indiscriminate most comprehensive most generalized most universal most generalised

Antonym des most nebulose

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