Synonym des political unit


A division of a political unit
canton constituency district division parish county province region area borough quarter section subdivision part zone territory department sector state shire community ward demesne settlement administrative district administrative unit estate federal state electorate precinct diocese city municipality subregion local administrative unit electoral district colony dominion fief patch dependency protectorate mandate tract possession holding domain administrative area administrative division satellite state land realm country turf kingdom empire field terrain belt expanse nation enclave sphere arena property place lands barony jurisdiction manor area of land tract of land locality stretch commonwealth preserve dominions locale world township neighbourhood bailiwick firmament fiefdom spot neighborhood principality walk vicinity block neck of the woods plot duchy palatinate environment monarchy corner sweep sovereign state band parcel square wing motherland fatherland stamping ground home park stomping grounds sovereignty sovranty homeland republic continent parts nation state corridor neck scene stomping ground jungle range inner city ghetto clearing neck of woods environs scope suburb business line responsibility concern charge discipline orbit duty role post specialty element forte circle capacity function affair pigeon worry authority game speciality employment front area of interest area of knowledge area of responsibility area of activity line of country work pursuit champaign calling office prefecture line of business soil town extent pitch exclave compass

Antonym des political unit

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