Synonym des puts effort


(slang) To put a lot of effort (into something)
goes ham goes hard gives it all you've got puts in effort works hard puts in one hundred percent gets your head down keeps at it toils beavers away plows away works like a dog labors puts in work works like a Trojan knuckles down slaves travails exerts oneself grinds gets down to it buckles down sweats blood labours works day and night moils puts effort into something strives endeavors endeavours struggles strains works drudges pegs away slogs away bends over backwards slogs sweats plugs away goes all out makes every effort plods hustles plows grafts ploughs knocks oneself out applies oneself kills oneself bangs away puts yourself out makes an effort pushes plugs goes for it busts a gut does all one can pulls out all the stops does your utmost tries grubs slaves away tries hard moves heaven and earth gives it your best shot drives tugs humps grinds away plods away digs away hammers away gives it your all goes for broke breaks your neck pushes oneself does your damnedest leans over backwards goes for the doctor works your fingers to the bone does one's best bullocks grubs away ruptures yourself perseveres makes an all-out effort spares no effort pours it on does your best gives your all attempts fights applies persists trudges keeps your head down tries as hard as one can has a crack bears down falls over backwards exerts yourself digs deeper breaks one's back digs deep sets out undertakes seeks assays essays aims pushes yourself grafts away scrambles battles busts chops takes pains plugs along jumps through hoops keeps your nose to the grindstone works like a slave overworks tries one's hardest burns the candle at both ends drives oneself breaks sweat works hard to grapples sticks with it leaves no stone unturned lumbers works one's butt off pegs along sweats away makes a supreme effort soldiers on pegs works oneself to the bone sticks at works at purposes does all you can staggers puts one's back into it puts one's back into something drags oneself moves mountains works very hard overworks oneself applies oneself to pegs away at trails schlepps ploughs through works away goes hammer and tongs goes all-out for goes the whole nine yards goes all-out empties the tank campaigns goes to war puts up a fight against endures withstands stands up to exerts gives all one's got gives best shot makes effort works one's socks off tries your best takes special pains goes out of the way makes a special effort taxes oppresses overexerts overtaxes punishes has a go gives it a fly has a stab has a bash gives it a burl has a shot takes it on oneself flogs kills oneself with keeps on hammers drudges away presses on aspires ventures takes on makes a run at has a swing at has a shot at has a crack at has one's nose to grindstone makes a great effort

Antonym des puts effort

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