Synonym des takes responsibility of


To take control of
takes over assumes undertakes accepts bears shoulders handles manages takes on takes the reins of takes up deals with takes charge of takes up the baton for gains control of takes control takes control of assumes control of assumes responsibility for assumes responsibility of takes command of comes to power over takes the reins holds the fort coming to power assumes responsibility steps in takes charge takes up the baton enters upon takes on oneself takes responsibility for embraces is responsible for are responsible for gets to grips with takes upon yourself tackles begins commits to enters on engages in sets about embarks upon takes upon oneself carries meets attempts embarks on attacks starts commences approaches adopts sustains sets about with goes for goes about falls into addresses oneself to concentrates on agrees to supports tries goes in for devotes oneself to has a go at has a crack at gives something a whirl participates in makes a run at has a stab at becomes involved in gets down to takes part in gets cracking on launches into ventures on has a shot at attends to upholds absorbs dons acquires takes responsibility addresses oneself commits oneself volunteers oneself to tries out moves into engages hazards endeavors to do has a hand in endeavors takes the plunge essays puts in motion endeavours to do carries out goes into endeavours sets in motion takes forward contracts initiates ventures into has a try at answers for holds down holds has fills takes to occupies sets to faces avows turns one's hand to

Antonym des takes responsibility of

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