Synonym des to pip


A small hard seed in a fruit


A small spot or mark
spot speck dot fleck speckle blotch patch point mark splotch eyespot mottle dapple blemish stain smudge smear blot daub pop dab splodge mote pinpoint streak iota mite jot macule macula splash smutch blob pinprick stripe particle bit petechia flyspeck smirch splosh molecule dash birthmark taint period naevus spatter discoloration tittle minim scrap trace dollop mottling stigma breakout acne strawberry mark whit defect modicum flaw fault fragment port wine stain atom circle droplet grain tiny mark freckle stipple crumb morsel scruple smidgen dribble granule snippet scintilla shred drop snip driblet ounce sliver piece nugget smidge lick fraction pinch chip sprinkling nubbin dram tad shaving hint dose splinter trickle touch sample taste portion flake smidgeon peanuts lump smut tinge trifle strain skosh tiny piece pockmark glimmer pock skerrick suspicion segment slice share tiny bit shard chunk butt stub little bit pit snatch moiety specimen chicken feed nip extract line shade ray fingermark soupçon suggestion part shadow end spark smitch mole parcel excerpt division item section stim ort stump scar scratch lentigo dent bruise spoonful nick impression sprinkle bubble globule little mouthful drip glob imprint notch bead score cut pearl tear blight marking excrescence fingerprint excrescency blaze mar smack bite blur teardrop dewdrop ace smell snap check stroke shot brand scantling minimum scale niggle small portion small piece jot or tittle pigmentation ephelis source peck pepper amount quantity some pellet vestige scoosh slur onus drib spheroid snort tiny amount whisper dirty mark disfigurement deformity small amount tiny part small thing soiled spot gash incision pimple fig rap hoot tarnish nevus bug wart blister maculation whitehead hickey nodule zit blackhead impurity cicatrix bloom defacement snag detail any eyesore bubkes diddly tiniest bit durn whoop squat diddly-squat continental ghost beans darn doodley-squat bupkes syllable doodly-squat beauty spot least lowest blot on the landscape depth tick bottom nadir slightest checkmark base indicator cross pea bean margin smallest amount narrowest pittance smallest rock bottom lower limit bare minimum gleam bottom level hair lowest level ink sign X paring hunk gobbet pin


Something that is a very superior example of its kind, thing or class
beaut beauty standout corker knockout ripper doozy dream honey humdinger ripsnorter dandy hummer snorter crackajack crackerjack lollapalooza doozie lulu sweetheart daisy peach nifty dilly pippin sockdolager sockdologer jim-dandy hot stuff the bee's knees cat's meow something else cracker wow stunner something smasher ace pearl smash hit killer exception surprise innovation stonker nice one champion hit champ whopper winner pistol cat's whiskers the fox's socks the business cat's pyjamas cat's pajamas the bomb dog's bollocks looker eyeful dish vision fox cutey babe sensation cutie good-looker cooky ten cookie goddess showstopper glamour-puss queen dreamboat doll hottie picture enchantress lovely beauty queen gem belle smash dolly bird joy to behold big success Venus sight for sore eyes bombshell siren eye-catcher bobby-dazzler angel pin-up beautiful woman good looker cover girl bathing beauty charmer dazzler seductress dollface tomato cupcake centerfold centrefold marvel cutie-pie glamour girl English rose raving beauty good-looking woman hot dish hot number sex kitten dream girl sex bunny bit of all right spectacle sight delight beautiful sight pearler joy broad bunny chick sexpot enchanter ornament attractive woman wonder vision of loveliness pleasure to behold phenomenon triumph head turner bit of alright bimbo jaw-dropper debutante coquette show bit of crumpet model treasure pleasure thrill delectation ecstasy ravisher mantrap perfect picture dolly Miss America Miss Universe feast for the eyes Apollo Adonis glamor girl sex pot heart-throb femme fatale glamour puss good-looking person blockbuster star portent astonishment curiosity wonderment miracle prodigy genius whiz one for the books the eighth wonder of the world


The state of being annoyed or exasperated
annoyance vexation irritation exasperation grief aggro frustration bother botheration aggravation anger chagrin displeasure resentment indignation ire discontent pique crossness disgruntlement provocation fury wrath rage testiness infuriation hassle choler ill humour upset dissatisfaction gall spleen harassment irritability tetchiness umbrage temper stroppiness crabbiness weariness irascibility impatience trouble animosity nuisance disturbance disappointment bedevilment offense aversion offence enmity antipathy passion disgust bile exacerbation unhappiness distress shortness plague enragement madness besetment outrage snappiness bitterness discouragement letdown dismay dispiritedness disheartenment depression ill-temper touchiness stress discomfort discontentment grievance petulance agitation peevishness bad temper worry needling hot temper discomposure perturbation mortification discomfiture disquiet being rubbed up the wrong way furor angriness lividness wrathfulness lividity irateness birse mad furore acrimony cantankerousness asperity dander mood high dudgeon snappishness air rage extreme anger boiling point antagonism acerbity hostility rancour vehemence bluster ferocity ferment rancor slow burn more heat than light dudgeon querulousness bad mood hate flare-up vengeance storm conniption huff stew hatefulness rise grouchiness crotchetiness grumpiness prickliness pettishness curmudgeonliness moodiness churlishness waspishness scratchiness crankiness fractiousness a mood shrewishness pepperiness crustiness perverseness orneriness biliousness irritableness a bad mood chippiness shirtiness perversity huffiness rattiness soreheadedness irascibleness ill nature quick temper miffiness short temper snakiness a short fuse sharpness


A fertilized and ripened ovule, containing an embryonic plant


That which achieves wealth, respect, or fame

Antonym des to pip

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