Antonym of a contradict


Opposite of to declare to be untrue
confirm verify acknowledge admit allow avow concede own affirm agree authenticate defend endorse support accept aid approve assist consent help OK permit prove reconcile sign vouch agree with go along substantiate validate assert corroborate declare maintain aver state certify establish demonstrate swear show uphold evidence vindicate check profess allege insist ratify warrant justify accredit attest confess avouch asseverate proclaim recognise recognize vow back up attest to testify to vouch for show to be true demonstrate the truth of show beyond doubt bear witness to give credence to lend weight to give weight to give force to pin down suss out concur believe sanction credit harmonize harmonise claim embrace obey stay swallow trust lose surrender accede give in assent follow observe fix yield keep compliment praise welcome grant join comply with accord acquiesce agree to take on board build up conform to testify release flatter back strengthen mind reinforce bolster hold love like abet attract fail encourage hide coincide buttress sustain back down bear out declare true shore up forbear answer restrain retreat make peace buy into have faith in subscribe to accept as true retain emphasize commend laud emphasise make happy heed match fulfill realize know note serve fit blend facilitate perceive understand see respond to stand by fulfil appreciate cognize come clean accede to let on own up fess up open up be wise to be aware of realise be conscious of set off conform with conform own up to


(deviate from) Opposite of to run counter to


Opposite of to contravene an accepted rule or stipulation


Opposite of to defy or put up an opposition to

Synonym of a contradict

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