Antonym of a incorruptible


Opposite of having or showing high moral standards
sinful bad dishonest evil immoral unrighteous wicked black dishonourable dishonorable evil-minded indecent unethical wrong corrupt debauched depraved vicious vile unprincipled unjust unscrupulous base ignoble low disreputable unconscionable cutthroat devious crooked unworthy nefarious degenerate villainous dissolute unvirtuous iniquitous rotten unfair untrustworthy contemptible decadent amoral unlawful reprobate shady irresponsible low-down vulgar impure deceitful shameful shameless wrongful abandoned mean obscene detestable dodgy unseemly unreliable graceless unsavory false morally wrong unsavoury offensive reprehensible despicable heinous treacherous ignominious deplorable dissipated disloyal perverted mendacious infamous lewd dark fraudulent odious debased licentious execrable deceptive non-moral dirty profligate perfidious indecorous unrespected fallen lying unclean underhand unchaste pitiful shabby abominable miscreant unreal fake unsuitable Machiavellian loose negligent inaccurate without scruples unconscientious inexact uncareful fast aberrant sinister immodest malevolent coarse underhanded unkind corrupted malicious rakish warped diabolical squalid degraded wretched sordid dastardly saturnalian illegal scam fishy slippery improper cheating prone different dirty-dealing double-crossing flimflam two-timing under-the-table sneaky two-faced inequitable prejudiced not cricket biased unjustified excessive nonobjective bigoted discriminatory influenced terrible weighted partial undeserved slanted preferential partisan inappropriate unforgivable unmerited wanton faltering objectionable cruel faithless traitorous undependable parti pris one-sided ex parte without standards without morals uncertain blameworthy unsafe untrue inconstant irresolute unfaithful apathetic erring dubious wavering errant recreant libertine atrocious untruthful hesitant dispassionate unbecoming fickle uninterested shaky vacillating below the belt lacking unfit shoddy unhealthy uncaring inadequate noxious misbehaving unpleasant tainted disagreeable forged inconsequential inconsiderable incompetent unskilled easy uncritical lenient easy-going undemanding sloppy unrespectable disgraceful horrifying appalling lowly horrible pathetic horrid obnoxious hateful caitiff nasty dreadful awful loathsome disgusting abhorrent abject repulsive degrading discreditable repugnant filthy sorry worthless repellent scurvy low-minded


Opposite of willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one's own


Opposite of difficult to break and therefore able to withstand rough usage

Synonym of a incorruptible

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