Antonym of so passionate


Opposite of marked by strong and intense feelings or emotions
apathetic unemotional dispassionate emotionless affectless bored callous cold detached disinterested impassible impassive incurious insouciant lackadaisical languid listless lukewarm non-committal numb perfunctory phlegmatic pococurante stoic stoical stolid unambitious undemonstrative unenthusiastic unfeeling uninterested uninvolved unmotivated unmoved unresponsive untouched cool half-hearted indifferent languorous nonchalant subdued dispirited dull feeble gentle happy lethargic meek mild moderate passive peaceful uncaring unconcerned unexcited weak calm passionless laid-back lazy frigid casual uneager aloof spiritless flat blasé moony insensible torpid draggy unpassionate lackluster lacklustre lifeless cold-blooded neutral droopy wimpy unexcitable relaxed unruffled unimpassioned blah blank unflappable unexpressive impartial halfhearted impotent reserved uncurious complacent unfriendly placid serene indolent expressionless pleased heartless cavalier easy-going limp restrained deadpan stony mellow imperturbable collected distant composed wooden unimpressed languishing weary bland heedless easygoing inactive idle sluggish boring disenchanted unloving nerveless level-headed cool-headed even-tempered depressed tolerant slapdash unwilling self-controlled insincere unsympathetic slothful enervated inert inattentive inexpressive breezy nonemotional platonic loose nonrevolutionary liberal empty lax unrevolutionary disinclined vacant tired unaffectionate insipid icy hollow unenthused unfazed impersonal unperturbable reluctant unsentimental insensitive frosty sad unflustered careless vapid unerotic nonerotic unsexy monotonous dry dead inscrutable hateful carefree straight-faced poker-faced slow inanimate controlled dim quiet middle-of-the-road leaden cursory wanting disloyal ineffectual unshakable thoughtless dependable tranquil easy stand-offish slack ineffective tepid unexciting unthoughtful low-key doubting uncommitted disimpassioned laid back deliberate reticent wishy-washy flippant self-possessed not enthusiastic characterless even-keeled orderly matter-of-fact unmoving candid toneless averse hesitant unaroused irreligious vacuous dead-pan glacial withdrawn loath folksy unfussy homey loth purposeless informal unstimulated abstracted faineant laissez-faire spring fever fainéant unsocial faint quenched satisfied full ugly together standoffish unaffected unimportant nonpartisan nonemphatic fatigued nonassertive narcotic exhausted laggard somnolent drowsy sleepy debilitated unemphatic disregardful unattached remote broad-minded undersexed forbidding slipshod gleeful joyful open-minded stony-eyed impervious shoddy sloppy unpremeditated unprepossessed blithe reckless haphazard off-putting cold-hearted sexually unresponsive impulsive extemporaneous dreary uninspiring negligent unworried tame jaded turned off couldn't-care-less unenergetic undynamic minor pessimistic tedious irregular intermittent occasional derelict untidy pokerfaced uninteresting commonplace temporary aperiodic vanilla depressing conservative episodic spontaneous sporadic sane well sullen low-spirited undistinguished colourless static incapable unproductive fruitless impermanent choppy hardened uninspired unimaginative episodical rational reasoned civilized friendly fixed prosaic muted unromantic laodicean gloomy content frozen civilised kind sedate mundane unlively humdrum unrevealing insusceptible wearisome periodic down heavy unhappy discouraged lacking needing insufficient nonromantic drab establishmentarian dejected unimpressible ho-hum seasonal inexcitable fundamentalist discontinuous trivial nonphysical nonsexual aromantic calm and collected cool as a cucumber hostile antagonistic indurated taciturn colorless introverted traditionalist self-contained dead pan dishonest false unreal small not giving anything away non-physical non-sexual part-time short-term unprogressive indecisive uncertain weak-willed irresolute unable agreeable weak-kneed wavering timid defeatist untrustworthy unsure facile self-doubting diffident vacillating unassertive lacking drive timorous insecure cowardly palsied infirm shaky undependable frightened faint-hearted unreliable unadventurous intimidated unassured browbeaten daunted ambivalent fainthearted unserious unpersevering tiring unpurposeful


Opposite of having an unwavering devotion


Opposite of relating to or involving gratification of the one's pleasure-seeking senses and desires


Opposite of tending to, or intended to, arouse lustful desire or interest


Opposite of having connotations of amorous desires


Opposite of acting or done quickly and without thought or care


Opposite of having pledged oneself to a particular belief or course of action

Synonym of so passionate

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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