Antonym of utter pleasure


Opposite of a state of deriving, or a source that provides, gratification or enjoyment


Opposite of a condition or state of happiness, cheerfulness or optimism
sadness depression despair melancholy misery negativity sorrow unhappiness dejection gloom cheerlessness despondence distress woe disconsolateness dispiritedness melancholia dreariness glumness pessimism hopelessness sorrowfulness woefulness desolation despondency discouragement joylessness miserableness anguish forlornness gloominess foreboding moroseness lugubriousness pensiveness downheartedness heaviness wretchedness pain grief agony boredom disheartenment displeasure doldrums suffering trouble dullness plaintiveness torment sufferance tedium monotony heartbreak ill-being heartache mourning dolefulness seriousness dolor tribulation worry dissatisfaction misfortune discomfort affliction disconsolation disappointment calamity burden work grieving weeping upset low spirits malaise broken-heartedness ennui discontentment discontent discontentedness solemnity annoyance infelicity torture hardship apathy haplessness weariness tediousness listlessness ache anxiety disinterest dislike jadedness bummer dumps blues mopes bore the blues world-weariness tastelessness hurt drudgery lamentation angst low accidie vocation repetitiveness withdrawal symptom heavyheartedness adversity heartsickness heaviness of heart lugubriosity difficulty calm powerlessness weakness sickness disquiet irritation illness unwellness tenderness peakiness unhealthfulness ailment soreness remorse vexation tiresomeness fatigue bitterness moodiness flatness heavy-heartedness chagrin horror oppression poignancy detachment morbidity disgust indifference misgiving bleakness unconcern irksomeness lamenting trial lethargy mournfulness downer rue downcastness dysphoria funk the dumps pococurantism broken heart regret distaste incuriosity dismals lack of interest taedium vitae sameness blandness hatred hate letdown blahs lassitude bad news pangs indigence throe worriment anvil chorus stitch blue funk catatonia sordidness hurting blue devils earnestness ordeal penury pang twinge squalor deprivation saturninity bitter pill


Opposite of happiness, ebullience, or having a zest for life


Opposite of an indulgence in that which is considered immoral or depraved


Opposite of a feeling or deep satisfaction from one's own achievements, or the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated


Opposite of a deliberate or fixed desire or intention


Opposite of something or someone considered wonderful or perfect

Synonym of utter pleasure

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