Synonym of a lather


A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior
frenzy flap furore uproar hysteria turmoil tumult furor fever fuss feverishness stir fury ruckus excitement rage row rampage rumpus flurry ruction state whirl passion wildness ecstasy craze agitation rush rumble transport elation euphoria to-do free-for-all wild excitement hell broke loose commotion pandemonium disturbance hubbub ado hullabaloo bustle bother clatter ballyhoo hoopla storm pother bluster blather welter bobbery shindy foofaraw squall williwaw hurly zoo fun hurly-burly helter-skelter hassle disorder racket upheaval bedlam din clamour fracas unrest clamor kerfuffle brouhaha moil coil corroboree hurricane splore clutter stew hurry riot melee do hoo-ha hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah hurry-skurry dither alarums and excursions confusion chaos ferment trouble turbulence affray mayhem noise disruption outcry maelstrom havoc brawl strife outbreak hue and cry babel clangour altercation yelling shouting stramash quarrel violence loud noise upheavals disarray unsettlement seething upturn clangor jangle fight upset uncertainty convulsions tohubohu ailment anxiousness distress disquietude mix-up topsy-turviness anxiety instability Sturm und Drang hectic perturbation folderol disquiet broil bangarang activity stink aggro excitation donnybrook palaver splash scene action fermentation discomposure fireworks ructions pantomime restlessness discord hustle tamasha backwash annoyance combustion convulsion production song and dance carry-on argy-bargy hustle and bustle breach of the peace big scene fuss and bother bobsy-die big stink outburst scuffle fret fray eruption mêlée cacophony monkey business flare-up farce farcicality ridiculousness senselessness


A state of rage, anger or irritability
tizzy tantrum rage irritability huff petulance miff fury peevishness passion resentment stew impatience annoyance temper anger irascibility irritation ire choler dander storm tiff pique umbrage conniption displeasure indignation acrimony animosity antagonism chagrin disapprobation distemper enmity fume gall hatred infuriation madness outrage rankling soreness vexation ill-temper slow burn blow up cat fit hissy fit ill humor fit outburst wax snit tear furor crossness grouchiness huffiness touchiness cantankerousness furore tetchiness spleen sullenness fretfulness irascibleness sourness surliness tartness sensitivity temperament pugnacity excitability heat acerbity hotheadedness ill-humor low boiling point bad humor short fuse testiness pettishness grumpiness crotchetiness waspishness perversity crankiness perverseness irritableness biliousness paddy flare-up paroxysm short temper bad temper fit of rage shortness edginess asperity fieriness snappishness uncertain temper peeve dudgeon sulk mood scene wrath explosion needle pet strop grump bate blowout offense offence focus fit of anger fever fit of temper blind rage frenzy towering rage outburst of anger paddywhack foulie skid wounded feelings hard feelings bad mood fit of bad temper fit of pique fit of ill temper crabbiness snappiness exasperation ill humour moodiness querulousness fractiousness aggravation prickliness sulkiness bother frustration churlishness dyspepsia irateness angriness lividness lividity wrathfulness birse agitation curmudgeonliness crustiness bad-temperedness botheration discontent rattiness provocation nervousness tension anxiety restiveness disgruntlement stroppiness uneasiness jitteriness quick temper hot temper sharpness mad bile harassment bedevilment vehemence grief disturbance violence aggro pip nuisance high dudgeon air rage unhappiness distress oversensitivity hypersensitivity rancour hot-temperedness short-temperedness captiousness quick-temperedness quarrelsomeness pettiness terseness rancor spitefulness ticklishness crabbedness stickiness trouble seasickness nausea sickness vomiting queasiness ill-humour hassle motion sickness unsettled stomach arbitrariness whinginess tantrums bitterness caprice capriciousness mardiness ungraciousness cynicism viciousness hot-headedness scratchiness road rage discontentment a mood shrewishness pepperiness vengeance rise hate hatefulness spite orneriness chippiness shirtiness ill nature a bad mood soreheadedness dissatisfaction malice malevolence discomfort upset stress restlessness miffiness snakiness boiling point extreme anger a sore head mard fierceness fire blood lust resentfulness histrionics furiousness nerves tenseness a short fuse jitters flightiness skittishness jumpiness fidgets fidgetiness impetuosity twitchiness nerviness abruptness intolerance curtness brusqueness harrying disquietude importunity bugging teasing nervous tension bothering persecution pestering


The state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something
confusion bewilderment puzzlement perplexity bafflement mystification dither wonder befuddlement disorientation wonderment befuddling discombobulation discomfiture distraction doubt fluster muddle uncertainty bamboozlement discomposure disconcertion perplexing stupefaction agitation astonishment bemusement bewilderedness chagrin confounding confusedness daze discomfiting perturbation shock tangle abashment awkwardness demoralisation demoralization disconcertment dumbfounding embarrassment flap fog mixup stew unsettling upsetting whirl addling blurring cluttering difficulty maze misperception misunderstanding obscuring pother surprise tangling turbulence head-scratching stirring up stupor haze consternation amazement awe trance incomprehension distress disquiet dismay muddledness anxiety hysteria mortification nervousness trepidation incredulity nadaville gauze lala-land narcosis glaze uneasiness startlement unease disbelief obscurity fear spin alarm flusteredness shame dazedness discomfort swoon worry disturbance panic upset obfuscation devastation doubtfulness disquietude questioning fright suspicion nonplus humiliation inquietude disorder horror terror vagueness blankness deliriousness dread surprize derangement admiration egg on one's face muddlement insanity madness mania numbness delirium speechlessness fearfulness apprehension stunner marvel frenzy apprehensiveness astoundment state of shock something else one for the books unclearness dumbfoundedness giddiness concern dwaal cluelessness blur angst skepticism quandary wooziness doziness qualms misgiving dimness indistinctness malaise trepidity jumble dubiety fogginess dumbfoundment dwam blindness lack of comprehension disillusion curiosity scepticism flabbergastment astoundedness flabagast obliviousness trance-like state confused state loss of face state of confusion state of bewilderment state of disorientation feverishness fever trancelike state state of stupefaction crazedness harassment discord abstraction mental unclarity lack of understanding frustration beating ruin failure defeat state scare alarum funk tizzy tizz swivet undoing disappointment rout overthrow cold sweat jam crush cold feet rush confoundment stopper flabbergast mental distress comedown vexation descent conquest vanquishment defeasance dementia dementedness blow irrationality trauma bombshell hallucination lunacy incoherence calenture revelation whammy temporary insanity temporary madness injury thunderbolt earthquake excitement encounter rude awakening eye-opener state of agitation double whammy bolt from the blue state of perturbation source of consternation kick in the teeth source of distress a bolt out of the blue source of amazement a bolt from the blue


A thorough cleaning or inspection


To strike or hit repeatedly
beat thrash whip belt pound batter lash flog thump wallop bash hammer pummelled pummel tan whale pelt buffet drub birch club maul bludgeon lick hide bat lambaste slog switch slate lace paddle thresh lambast pommel baste whop whup whap tromp fib belabour belabor curry do bung up rough up work over punch out mess up hit strike clobber whack smack clout punch knock bang thwack cane flail cudgel slap sock slug flagellate box swat bop leather biff rap strap paste punish crack give someone a hiding horsewhip beat the living daylights out of scourge smite slam lam spank bust slash cowhide rawhide smash give someone a good hiding clip larrup swipe clock welt clap nail bonk bob zap tag assault whomp rain blows on beat up lay one on deck boff lace into lay into beat up on knock into the middle of next week knock around flay cuff trounce break chastise bruise attack tonk maltreat let someone have it knock about abuse slosh stripe thong quilt dong swinge ram tap pitch into mash stick one on do over tan one's hide cosh thud bullwhip manhandle forge draw lacerate drum quirt assail mutilate light into crush wax trash chin hit hard plug flax give someone a drubbing give someone a beating give someone a good beating give someone a good drubbing take a strap to revile blister pitch defeat bump impact drive jerk whisk shake knob finial saddlebow handle paddlewhack thump on knock on bear down fustigate wear out wham flutter flop flap ferule hit repeatedly blackjack fill in warm someone's seat dust someone's britches mistreat strike with a stick beat with a stick hook malleate slipper wreck deface brutalize mangle aim blows at disable disfigure maim contuse brutalise cripple lame let have it rain blows upon sucker-punch bash up duff up beat to a pulp dash against tear into crown take care of break face put in the hospital lean on weigh into set on floor jab pop scud skelp blast uppercut knock out kick ride roughshod ding stone give a black eye let fly lob pellet dot king-hit KO percuss brain dab zonk blitz whang welly discipline trim blip castigate give someone a licking scorch harass penalise excoriate terrorize scathe penalize terrorise give someone a hot bottom put over one's knee put someone over your knee whip someone's hide warm someone's bottom tan someone's hide injure hurt sail into ill-treat set about set upon harm have a go at mishandle bully crash persecute let fly at misuse get stuck into molest ill-use lash out at kick around mess over fall on turn on roughhouse treat badly handle roughly damage blow chop round on oppress torture treat roughly push thrust fly at wrong wound dash strike out at hit out at stab thrash about victimize slap around victimise pounce on shake up poke windmill shove dig mar correct chasten torment impinge afflict assault physically mark jump collide punish severely fall upon ruin outrage lunge total jolt box someone's ears tip pounce upon butt bump into crash into slam into come down on cut up give someone the works get at push around bang up bombard hack yerk stroke fillip haymaker aggress bam bushwhack berate clump hang one on conk prod take out plant one impel besiege knock cold whirl chip impair strike out flail around hit out pick stinger plump lay a finger on knock block off mug nudge knock for a loop swing wave contact pulp sink physically attack catch neglect spike strike at bust up plunge pull backbite rip knock someone's lights out beat someone's brains out go for interfere with be violent toward send connect with jump down one's throat elbow haul off on dump on do wrong give the shaft give black eye crucify martyr jostle hustle screw invade paw pat give the cat o'nine tails run propel battle peck lay about inflict suffering on martyrize impale grill inflict pain on put on the rack be hurled pervert misapply misemploy profane prostitute roust palpate jackhammer stick exploit desecrate corrupt bundle mismanage misappropriate twack slap lightly hit lightly strike lightly flap about beat about move erratically fire at go through run through blacken discolour spoil brand disfeature hassle needle hound pulverize do a number on zing make black and blue black pulverise discolor traumatize blemish immolate use demonize demonise bang into clash run into score traumatise scratch affect cut scar pinch scrape flaw murder sentence get scalp stack the deck have a down on be down on have it in for make things hot for someone discriminate against punish unfairly get on someone's back give a hard time have your knife into pick on run over plough into crack into rear-end plow into come into collision cannon into pile up meet head-on knock into go into sideswipe crunch come into collision with impact with crack against smash into fender-bend barrel into smack into recompense visit reprimand skin alive train incarcerate defrock dismiss tear down admonish skin fine immure rebuke mete out punishment to execute debar expel lecture blacklist drop on reprove exile slap someone's wrist bring to book make an example of give it to someone give someone what for do in rap knuckles attend to throw the book at give a lesson to crack down on give a going over come down on like a ton of bricks fix someone's wagon give something a going-over teach a lesson have someone's guts for garters


Cause to bubble


To defeat heavily in a contest
trounce thrash rout clobber drub beat paste cream whip annihilate defeat crush overwhelm flatten lick skunk shellac hammer wallop conquer pound overcome demolish whomp stuff destroy bury own slaughter whup smoke smother murder whop crucify whap pulverise pulverize trim massacre tank marmalize tromp dust bomb wax skin total trash bash pommel win waste swamp bust beat hollow defeat utterly make mincemeat of blow out run rings around wipe the floor with take to the cleaners give someone a drubbing blow away turn inside out bring someone to their knees snow under win a resounding victory over give someone a hiding walk over blow out of the water give someone a pasting put away defeat heavily cook one's goose fix one's wagon wipe off the mat best vanquish overpower worst subdue triumph over get the better of master overthrow prevail over outclass subjugate surmount win against outdo quash walk all over quell surpass top smash dispatch overmatch upend overbear excel undo better be victorious over get stop take transcend outshine exceed outstrip overshadow kill eclipse get around trump put in the shade slam outplay outperform cane cap break do down outrank go one better than flog outmatch run rings round put to shame outgun dominate run circles around wipe out gain a victory over reduce overtop overturn do better than tower over overrun outrival humble torpedo be better than belt pass knock out outdistance suppress bludgeon maul thump triumph repress slog upstage improve upon rise above improve on do be superior to throw bulldoze devastate lambaste outvie upset give a drubbing to be a cut above leave standing outrun bear down extinguish outpace subject pacify be victorious be head and shoulders above win over subordinate pip at the post tower above go beyond knock spots off spank finish outmanoeuvre prevail trample chasten strike down zap outmaneuver ruin work over blast put down floor render incapable beat up topple render helpless render powerless shut out decimate put paid to shut down wipe off map go one better dwarf shoot ahead of do in hide leave behind batter thresh buffet leather get the upper hand stagger down beat back pummel baste roll whale subvert hurdle curry immobilize drop immobilise punish pummelled chastise walk away from knock off whitewash wreck sink gain mastery over outwit beat down raze dismantle knock over shatter take a stick to mess up obliterate take care of grind down deck get the upper hand over cut to pieces outstep overtake take apart take out tan unseat raze to the ground pull down wrack nuke vaporize desolate pick apart override checkmate rough up bung up gain ascendancy over KO tear down edge out predominate come out on top outgo take it all break up vaporise stand above be on another level rub out put someone in their place be a class above be master of take precedence stand head and shoulders above be greater than negate muller nullify eat alive beat the pants off humiliate outsmart defeat easily tame take down steamroller settle eradicate demoralise astonish demoralize render speechless curb weather survive knock for six larrup capsize turn over thwart foil break down outfight shoot down shock stun render oppress outlive knock the stuffing out of dispose of see off mop up frustrate circumvent strike shake off overpass shame shoot ahead discomfit overmaster confound make a fool of get one up on gain the advantage over gain the upper hand over come out on top of knock your socks off steamroll whack level succeed over bring to knees trample underfoot slay edge out-think drive off put to flight slap about route shipwreck outhit entrap outjump flax outflank butcher ambush put to rout clean up on throw back in confusion blow out of water hose plow under knock down nose out leave tower outhussle finish off mow down win a victory over run roughshod over bring to ruin take to cleaners put an end to roll back disassemble control bring down unbuild blow up sweep pwn crack wipe off the map wipe off the face of the earth blow to bits throw down undermine wolf dilapidate blow to pieces reduce to ruins tear to pieces ravage put in toilet gobble up hegemonize win the race be successful carry the day get last laugh take the cake win through be the victor win out gain a victory take the prize prevail against come first gain mastery of take the honours win hands down take the crown blank stretch shellack dumbfound overawe gain control over bowl over shut off roll over lay out blight dash nix scotch banjax queer dish scupper destruct disrupt tumble put out of action write off blow a hole in put out of commission bring to naught lay waste lay in ruins do for put the kibosh on

Antonym of a lather

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