Synonym of a leave


(of a place or location) To go or get away from
quit flee abandon move vacate depart evacuate flit desert embark escape exit go forsake split vamoose decamp defect disappear elope emigrate retire scoot abscond cut fly issue migrate relinquish sally scram vanish part start stir depart from go away move out pull out run off withdraw from abscond from be gone from check out clear out decamp from disappear from go from head out retire from run along say goodbye set out take off walk out absent oneself from beat it bog off bolt from break away clear off cut and run escape from flee from fly from go away from go forth make off make oneself scarce make tracks move out of pull out of remove oneself ride off run away from set out from slip out take a hike take leave take your leave of come away cut out disengage from exit from give the slip hook it push off shove off slope off from step down up sticks do a disappearing act go AWOL pack your bags take oneself off from do a bunk do a bunk from sling your hook take French leave say one's farewells say your goodbyes walk away skedaddle withdraw scarper bolt run away begone retreat bail out bug out buzz off bug off get get out bail take a powder go off set off sally forth take flight step along run hightail it head off hit the road get off get going light out be off pack up push on book pack off pike off pike out get away beat a hasty retreat peel off dig out do a runner run for it hightail absent yourself make a run for it make a break for it fly the coop beat a retreat get lost scat skip back out hit the trail start out break head for the hills voetsak rack off hamba be on your way blow leg it hop it show a clean pair of heels slip away peel out steal away set forth remove make a getaway shoo turn tail make an exit move off abstract oneself duck out sod off resign avaunt chuck skip off drop out scamper back off pack in resign from nick off walk off give up clear walk out on go jump in the lake take to your heels repair do a moonlight flit go and jump in the lake betake oneself naff off get along disengage haul off slope off move away make a quick exit proceed step down from go out travel take it on the lam relocate be off with you sneak away set sail on your bike skidoo lam head move along opt out abdicate step out go on the lam pull back fall back hotfoot it break out separate adjourn wriggle out pull stakes recoil sneak off set forward make make a move pop off break camp bow out resettle step on it cut loose make your escape break free take wing jack in break out of draw away back away take yourself off strike out sail renounce renege dash scurry recede avoid shun pass transfer race dart rush hurry shrink move on evade elude hustle get out of be gone make a start get under way draw back levant step aside from run out on get moving go through shoot through fade away push along get stuffed make a break do a Skase make quick exit bow out of hop the twig hop the stick run out do a vanishing act break loose take a long walk on a short pier call it a day burst out drop back get free move back fade zip apostatize ditch revolt rebel finish journey scuttle hasten speed hie git trek bag uproot shoot jump move house tergiversate sprint career regress retreat from repudiate range detach abandon ship turn your back spur expedite whiz begin one's journey tear away turn reject change residence clear out from head out from slip leave flat advance give notice hit the bricks emerge double immigrate pull up stakes get out of my sight skip out throw up run off from take off from move out from beeline transmigrate stop work break off part with part company contract out shift one's ground go over change sides secede walk out of break away from sell out leave for go your way chuck in stand down from haul away pull the plug shake a leg seclude oneself back out of hurry up walk away from throw in the towel stop participating in pull away down tools go missing opt out of go like lightning play hooky get away with do a fade make time give ground make one's departure go back on knock off make a escape make a sharp exit make haste be lost go over the fence take on the lam fall away from turn one's coat get a move on work out of move fast drag away rat on take a walk go scot-free take to flight slink off slink creep sneak skulk leave in a hurry skidaddle have it away make away cruise wend mosey maroon sign out strand absquatulate start off beat off hurry away make one's way skiddoo tear off absent troop say adieu budge from go out of shift from make for creep off bust depart suddenly segregate free exeunt break up say farewell walk go to hell hide run for the hills hotfoot empty conk out dedomicile blast off make like a tree and get out of here make like a tree and leave get on your bike make a move from pull go and chase yourself get out of someone's clutches make good one's escape slip through your fingers distance oneself back down fold give way go back go secretly hasten away run from set about get on the road leave port take one's farewells duck dodge circumvent bail out from clear from pull out from march out put forth step aside move from commence go absent without leave go west spring eschew step on the gas ease out ship out resile pop out step outside go offstage flake off do vanishing act bid farewell abstract rat dump defect from change place storm off leave suddenly go off in a huff make a sudden departure get up and go storm out flounce out drop shrink back kite make vacant make empty eject from bound aim scramble steer bear veer move abroad flit from leave hastily leave abruptly split up quit the scene go their separate ways go separate ways disassociate dissociate shy away step back turn away spurn shrink away demit recede from detach yourself stop participating scratch from go to one's room shut oneself away in go one's ways make one's farewells delink cop out kiss goodbye leave high and dry change allegiances turn traitor revolt against secede from go over to the enemy change loyalties break faith be apostate exclude oneself make a dash for it leave in the lurch draw change house change address change jobs passage become independent gain autonomy divide off disaffiliate leave holding the bag kick rocks go forward throw away move overseas take the count throw in the sponge give something a miss make one's exit run like scared rabbit scram from run along from vamoose from hare hurtle sunder out burst out of break loose from leave your country bust out split off start a new life come out make one's escape from egress take leave from head off from remove oneself from cut and run from set off from clear off from check out from weasel out forgo zoom jump ship shut oneself away take oneself make oneself scarce from take a hike from say goodbye to give the slip to slip out from trot belt pelt tear stop discontinue cease drift wander head for cancel halt end terminate charge skirr whizz skitter rove roam voyage retreat to resort process go south make scarce make a quick getaway dog it depart secretly ram hurl drive blast careen rip highball whirl bundle rustle breeze beetle rocket nip motor chase bomb jet whisk step buzz hump blaze course barrel bustle bowl scutter cannonball retire to go to adjourn to cry off dispense with finish with have done with post accelerate depart for set off for withdraw to remove to leave work take a break call it a night close shop clock off finish work finish working shut down finish the working day shift retract divert crack on betake oneself to wend one's way to take off for tergiverse hike globetrot itinerate move quickly be quick nomadize move around travel around move about dissolve change your mind evaporate evanesce dematerialize melt disperse sink dissipate die melt away be invisible be lost to view be wiped out become invisible disappear from sight be lost to sight recede from view vanish into thin air be exterminated


(of a person or object) To leave behind
abandon desert dump ditch drop jilt discard chuck forsake maroon quit relinquish renounce strand surrender cast off forbear give up cast aside blow off break off with brush off leave stranded walk out on bin off kiss off leave flat run out on throw over give notice to leave high and dry leave in the lurch give someone the push give the elbow give someone the big E turn back on break with leave behind break up with reject abdicate turn your back on wash your hands of kiss goodbye finish with rat on separate walk away from betray withdraw from hang out to dry let go of yield leave hanging disown jettison sacrifice split cut off get rid of walk away back out of run away from isolate part company part ways beach repudiate shed resign cast away cast ashore divorce cede eighty-six orphan disclaim abjure give someone the air split up with dispense with split up run away give the heave-ho become estranged break up dispose of bust up cut loose leave someone holding the baby bail out on reach a parting of the ways secede escape pull away go trap disappoint deceive stop going out with leave isolated forget coquette break off one's relationship with kiss good-bye disavow depart from leave in trouble bail on leave holding the bag leave helpless neglect shun leave in a lurch break off walk out turn down spurn do the dirty on split from leave all alone divorce oneself from end relations with have nothing more to do with give the old heave-ho leave at the altar go away from abstain from drift away forgo make an orphan leave alone leave parentless take your leave of change one's tune take the oath show the door junk scrap grant remit waive screw alienate dissociate segregate delink hand over sign away do without turn over toss bin can disaffiliate defect bail out break away throw out do away with unload toss out bow out give up the ship flake out cop out let someone stew in their own juice leg it pull out of storm out drop out fly the coop opt out of chicken out take a powder take a walk secede from detach shuck off throw aside cast lose exorcize shuck exorcise put out to pasture write off throw away cashier deep-six part company with sever connections with break off relations with part stop living together part with get divorced end relationship tell somebody it's over go separate ways eschew abnegate disinherit forswear refuse deny rebuff refuse to acknowledge recant decline avoid disacknowledge oust concede have nothing to do with give a wide berth to pass up scorn exclude disdain excommunicate discount leave off cut off without a penny unfollow cast out refuse to recognize shut out cold-shoulder swear off retract withdraw shirk negative repeal pass disapprove reprobate unsay nix renege deselect foreswear turn tergiversate apostatize tergiverse steer clear of apostacize shy away from disprofess rescind stay clear of weasel out of banish balk at opt out throw off defect from not accept have no more truck with have done with sell out toss over be against lay aside fly in the face of send packing snub cut blackball ostracize blacklist ignore repulse repel blank veto forfeit disfellowship ostracise unfriend despise burn divest freeze out give someone the brush-off give someone the go-by scoff at cut dead put down kick in the teeth send to Coventry hand someone the frozen mitt not buy leave out in the cold give the cold shoulder bereave exheridate deprive evict dispossess forego withgo leave penniless cut off without a cent cut out of will cut out spare say goodbye to let go pay with prostitute be deprived of lay down cough up be stripped of refuse to abide by go without kiss goodbye to turn in render


To trust to the care of
entrust commit delegate consign assign confide hand trust allot give refer vest cede pass transfer bequeath commend deliver intrust recommend repose transmit will apportion hand over pass on turn over give over relinquish relegate grant convey surrender confer devolve hand on bestow sign over hand down make over yield place give up commission charge allocate present deposit abdicate let go of part with send authorize invest abandon unload authorise resign turn in cough up lay down deliver up remit submit renounce render dump task waive depute sacrifice dispatch give to cast shed alienate offload give away send on get rid of make something over to someone impart proffer tender confine divert redirect designate endow lodge channel appoint render up engage shunt appropriate shift offer ordain move put issue lay deed alien change reassign promise employ destine toss throw give custody of leave with give custody give free rein deposit with send on errand send on mission parcel out hold responsible for let off drop off set down chuck yield up cast off sign away lay aside bestow on grant to confer on furnish invest in settle pertain belong entrust to put in charge of leave to exchange reach bung circulate forward let someone have patronise advance let store loan lend patronize aid command put in the hands of direct dispense allow to look after let out make trustee put into the hands of put into hands of forfeit point onpass foist guide discharge decentralise decentralize fork out fork up disburden empty tip jettison unlade unship pass to hand to pass down fob off be handed down palm off route distribute drop show steer usher marshal marshall empty out debark tip out send to direct to consign to deliver to turn over to put in touch with pass on to


To give, especially by way of a will after one's passing
bequeath endow will transfer demise devise transmit confer convey bequest donate legate hand down make over give grant gift bestow accord contribute pass on present award furnish provide impart offer vouchsafe hand on pledge turn over hand over cede yield bless invest favor endue favour hand put up lend indue supply devote pass proffer deliver volunteer extend fork out cough up shell out chip in stump up purvey ante up present with kick in give away leave in one's will pony up give out gift with provide with let someone have furnish with commit pass down entrust disinherit probate disherit consign settle on afford cut off hand out pitch in come up with dish out leave to share pay sacrifice sponsor throw in fund subsidize lease bestow on confer on give over dispense devolve deed advance give a donation of part with give up make a donation of subscribe leave to by will come through dower tender sweeten the pot sweeten the kitty subsidise assign grace alien enable alienate empower equip give the right of give the title of arm begift enhance surrender relinquish slip lay out supply with spend expend dole out disburse lay on put in render splurge lavish distribute pay out donate to serve provision pay up come across with put out issue venture outlay drop promise put at someone's disposal make available do your part spend money make a donation make a contribution make a gift of give to get rid of bring cater produce arrange loan put forth feed remit credit fork over replenish tithe decimate shower put forward speculate gamble risk bring forward inject clear squander bear let oneself in for dissipate sub pay in advance supply on credit free waste fork up sink in plough in accommodate someone with pay for pick up the tab use up club together have a whip-round allow endow with get it up make a contribution of feed the kitty pass the hat give of get in the act put oneself down for deploy free up release blow award to present to allot accord to apportion defray deal back finance sign autograph ink acquit distribute to bequeath to consign to invest in vest in apportion to afford to allot to assign to lavish on honour with commit to impart to entrust to heap on underwrite honor with render to foot the bill lash out enroll set register buy chip into make a deal contribute towards enrol signature make a subscription second sign up pitch into give money


To cause to remain as a trace or record
cause generate precipitate produce create deposit effect engender foment initiate occasion spur be the cause of bring about contribute to culminate in lead to result in bring on give rise to set in motion put in motion induce prompt beget effectuate catalyze yield trigger bring breed translate into catalyse provoke spawn invoke make foster spark off incite elicit instigate promote work enkindle set off stir up do draw on bring forth inspire kindle whip up bring to pass evoke affect trigger off bear originate make for arouse stimulate touch off start introduce end in make happen achieve advance hatch realize call forth begin develop accomplish realise activate be conducive to be at the bottom of give spark establish drive rouse contribute work up kickoff perform excite launch institute further afford carry out entail provide conduce to enact make possible bring off supply render raise be instrumental in motivate muster execute conduce cultivate attain amount to engineer carry off add up to carry through contrive sow the seeds of spell fulfil deliver pull off actualize encourage cause to occur cause to happen compel influence secure fulfill push forward add to stir brew set up abet help turn out give birth to ferment have a hand in impart have a part in lead lend play a part in organize instil instill implement play a role in actuate put in place expedite finish in mean complete return earn net organise bring out procure multiply progenerate propagate fetch educe manage discharge compass awaken wreak inaugurate found pick quicken bring into being bring in pull in rake in inflame have as a result have as a consequence pay out force tender fire up draw forth move conduct terminate in enforce set in conceive administer perpetrate accelerate issue succeed inflict fix be the origin of form consummate impel be a factor in equal imply sway dispose open open the door for pose constitute present administrate finalize agitate fester start off cook up draw start the ball rolling bring up get things rolling conjure be responsible for have the effect of draw out forward be partly responsible for oil the wheels of succeed in eventuate arrange for get up finish add inject conclude pay accrue animate fire rally prime galvanise pique bestir impassion build up galvanize exercise rev up whet suscitate waken run gather in offer proffer haul in furnish admit give off beam sell for bestow blossom be the inspiration for finalise turn the trick put across redound have an effect on confer summon set on foot set afoot set on cause to appear summon up call up conjure up start up resurrect set going extend get turn grow into wax run into undertake commit prosecute transact negotiate make ready operate engage in put through determine necessitate invite risk involve cost


(of an object or person) To put in a specific location
place put rest set deposit dump lay plant position stand stick stow depose lodge prop settle sit situate stash station bung emplace park plonk plop plunk pop pose set down lay down put down plank down put away plunk down dispose set up posit lean fix drop shove seat establish repose plank leave out plump locate spread store balance set out drape bear install lay out instal throw down support unload steady arrange stuff array roost ensconce post lock bestow introduce deploy clap prop up embed bring consign to concentrate fling down set in position put in position let fall insert site base root implant orient mount fit orientate slip put in place slide put in align range attach nestle connect lie perch squat found unlade enroot garrison sit down inculcate instil instill assign imbed infix entrench turn face pitch moor detail erect put on duty flop sequence flump hang tuck poise push thrust posture build lounge reside dwell inhabit cast plonk down plop down outfit dig in rig center ground hang one's hat lower centralize land slot domiciliate centralise put down roots centre slap implement drop in aim furnish line fling kit out rig out fit out secure join fasten set in place institute imprint impress inseminate sow settle down fix up build in settle in bed in couple anchor link breed slant direct angle affix glue bind tie cement pin steer design intend clamp bond nail consolidate ingrain bed lash bolt hitch screw intrench bend engrain catch stabilize clip solidify rigidify make fast congeal stiffen tack stabilise tie down graft sow the seeds of nail down stay put freeze to make permanent


To allow to continue
allow let have suffer permit let be let continue let stay let go sanction authorize enable empower entitle license grant licence warrant OK tolerate countenance endorse approve brook agree to give someone leave assent to consent to authorise approve of acquiesce in accede to give the nod give permission give the thumbs up to give the green light admit of give the go-ahead give the go-ahead to give the green light to qualify admit legitimatize legitimate endure give someone authorization legalize cause legalise charter humor okay legitimatise pass agree give the OK to accept acquiesce boost concur concede privilege let pass humour give your blessing bless thumbs up say the word go for shake on franchise give carte blanche buy sign grant the right wink at say yes accede green-light consent condone blink at abet facilitate sanctify acquiesce to indulge sign off on clear take kindly to commission certify greenlight give permission to hear of give leave to grant the right to give one's assent to say the magic word give okay give the O.K. live with accredit support legitimize validate go along with legitimise ratify bear take confirm decriminalize put up with vest approbate rubber-stamp invest stand for decriminalise regulate stand stomach accord sustain give permission for abide make legal swallow hack give back give the stamp of approval to submit to undergo formalize finalize homologate finalise formalise grant permission to entertain favor assent favour give consent to legislate capacitate give one's blessing to enact ordain endow decree constitute excuse bestow comply receive wear bide give authority to give a blank cheque to give power to thole stick out sweat out cope with provide give approval to concur with say yes to offer vindicate clean up justify withstand confer recognize handle weather absorb concede to give authorization to meet brave pocket stick affirm recognise entrust give the right to enter vouch for come round yield to comply with go through bear with subscribe to give green light nod at give the go-ahead for equip give access take in let in give thumbs up be big on normalize delegate codify formulate launder normalise pronounce lawful merit subscribe give the means to give the green light for mandate award rate uphold afford conform oblige go adopt second pardon acknowledge yes ditto experience vouchsafe get behind present accommodate carry call for qualify for undertake engage abide by concur in give authority grant leave to grant authorization to grant a permit to grant a licence to give a permit to grant authority to give a licence to conform to be a justification for be a reason for agree with yield toe the line play ball explain away say uncle cooperate with be a defence of tough out give one's leave allow for cut a deal be doing with bestow on offer grounds for give the go ahead to confer on bear the brunt of give in to defer to give the thumbs up take on declare lawful unban regularize regularise give leave for underwrite confer a right to harbour lodge shelter initiate house introduce harbor contract lend your name to be authorised let someone have be authorized enfranchise recommend advocate feel give the seal of approval to give the OK resist contract out go with the flow see seal prepare assist give authority for understand stick with stand up to sweat sit tight hang in there hang in be big face be subject to permit to allow to engage in make eligible conceive consider establish make charge respect heed rubber stamp give go-ahead grace hand confront put John Hancock on care for smile on give stamp of approval be in favour of give the okay to give the right make law stump for buy into lap up push for make valid take up O.K. aid help string along adjust bend adapt consign sit still for reconcile jibe shoulder assume encounter have coming fit for absolve defer vote in give thumbs-up forgive put into effect make into law afford with intromit legislate for lay down sign on vote for bow to invest with power give means to give the power to give someone the authority toe the mark pay attention to play along with bow down to be guided by set up condition ready wait out sit and take it vest in entrust to endow in grant to put in someone's hands arm consign to invest in give to confer a right exempt exonerate exculpate whitewash make allowances for laugh off accept apology for make allowance stand by accept tacitly go along give the nod to rationalize acquit come to grips with ride out subject oneself to be faced with come up against live through sit through resign oneself to submit oneself to grin and bear be forced to contend with meet with be in line for espouse comprobate relent astipulate give the resources to make it possible for give the opportunity to provide the means to back down roll over and play dead throw in the towel enter into be game for relent to come round to cave in to surrender to back down to give way to embrace cede to favour with be grounds for rationalise be good reason for entitle one to add render declare legal knuckle under give in pass on give five cave in supply pay furnish impart contribute demand deserve require earn welcome enrol enlist entail necessitate fall for do register include bring donate allow entry give right of entry to allow to enter let through allow in give access to make way for give admission to permit entry show in enroll welcome in let by usher in grant entrance to greet let past sign up lay on one extend trust lend inject shark loan shark stake lend-lease hand out account for give ground for be worth be deserving of be entitled to be worthy of


To exit a user account in a computer system, so that one is not recognized until logging in again


To be superior to in performance or standard
eclipse surpass top outshine excel outdo exceed transcend beat outclass outstrip better overshadow trump cap upstage outrival outmatch outgun outdistance overtop dwarf surmount extinguish overrun shame overwhelm overpower put to shame be superior to tower over put in the shade tower above be a cut above be head and shoulders above outperform defeat outplay outvie outrun leave standing run rings around go one better run circles around do better than run rings round walk away from overtake outmanoeuvre outrank trounce out-think be better than outpace own outstep dominate tower pass outhussle best leave behind outmaneuver improve upon go beyond get the better of rise above go one better than win the race crush overcome lick wipe the floor with triumph over vanquish win against cream conquer rout thrash subdue outsmart prevail over master knock spots off drub clobber improve on stuff hammer blow out of the water dispatch overmatch slaughter upend skunk stop take outwit be greater than lead beat hollow get ahead of worst overthrow undo outgo subjugate overbear outfox get whip get around walk over make mincemeat of overstep tank shake off predominate demolish quash get further ahead of outflank shellac override crucify triumph outthink smash be one up on be victorious over shoot ahead of take to the cleaners stand above be a class above blow away be on another level stand head and shoulders above outjockey draw away from quell down destroy annihilate rank outweigh paste murder trim be more than do in shoot ahead win score points off knock over be victorious throw into the shade blow out go above bring someone to their knees leave in the shade walk all over gain the advantage over do down be master of take precedence bypass outride outgallop head take over crown diminish nullify break outcompete minimize outshadow minimise stand out knock off unseat bulldoze cook trash snow bury finesse undermine obliterate shade transform preponderate gain on overpass wallop pulverize pound overreach fox outslick be at the front of massacre marmalize flatten dismantle pick apart be first in fake out be superior leave in the dust be ahead of rule over outreach be over catch napping steal a march on trample over be more than a match for get one over on get the upper hand over outguess con make look pale by comparison break down widen the gap scoop wax overdo out-distance overtax distance humiliate pulverise kill be larger than blow out of water pull a fast one defeat utterly break record go by have advantage slam have command over get upper hand suppress give a drubbing to curb weather survive floor devastate have it all over have a jump on turn inside out shock oppress throw stun reduce outlive prevail hurdle render take in whitewash win over knock out gain a victory over render incapable render powerless render helpless hose get one up on make a fool of give someone a hiding wipe out come out on top of grind down knock your socks off come out on top pip at the post shut out see off


To cause to feel less close or friendly
estrange alienate disaffect antagonise antagonize divide part separate withdraw disunite make hostile withhold alien disgruntle distance drive apart lose sour disenchant disillusion dissatisfy disunify divert divorce isolate set at odds sever split sunder wean drive away make unfriendly set against turn away break up keep apart make hostile to push away set at variance sever connections between turn off cause antagonism between destroy the affections of put at a distance set at odds with sow dissension between drive a wedge between put on the outs turn your back on burn your bridges split up anger envenom detach embitter disengage set apart come between sow dissension make bitter make resentful poison segregate cut off exasperate annoy empoison frustrate irritate disperse disconnect dissociate set against one another cause a rift cause disagreement between put at odds pit against one another set in opposition part company set as rivals turn against pit against end on a sour note break off make indifferent kick down the ladder displease disquiet discontent destroy relationships withdraw the affections of pull apart disjoin vex jaundice discourage exacerbate aggravate rankle worsen quit ramify disjoint partition disband dissever dismantle uncouple resolve decouple disrupt unyoke disassociate unlink venom upset acidulate bother make rancorous acerbate bitter rive embroil dissolve break undo insulate sequester quarantine seclude break away cocoon dedomicile exclude cloister offend hassle repel gall distance oneself become estranged close off shut away be estranged cordon off seal off abstract confine rope off fence off island keep out screen off remove keep in solitude put a cordon sanitaire around form a ring around tape off block off shut off partition off curtain off go different ways reach a parting of the ways break it off get divorced go separate ways untie the knot stop living together get a divorce pull out hack off lose the affection of unhitch unfasten break apart disarticulate rend disentangle splinter unfix factionalize cleave diverge dichotomize unhook take apart disassemble bifurcate loose free loosen disaffiliate tear asunder luxate go in different directions shatter rupture branch dissect scatter triangulate dismount dislocate untether break down come apart untie cause dissent go their separate ways cause disagreement among fork move cut dispel displace section relocate spread bisect subdivide divaricate tear off unbutton open disintegrate divide in two branch off dislodge branch out split in two cut up unhinge stir the pot sow dissension among cause to disagree cause disagreement sow disaccord abjugate unstrap delink unmarry extricate decompose reduce segment unravel uncombine draw back put away dismember unclasp break open wedge apart clear fragment come away unbuckle unbolt crumble become disconnected become detached tear apart unpin move apart unzip draw apart divide up rift put asunder unsnap unclick unbridle fragmentize tear rip asunder clip off chop off nip off pull off prune off strip off fork off schismatize shift disturb transfer breach rip off rip in two split down the middle demarcate reposition budge transpose differentiate dissipate hack slice polarise polarize rip apart disappear dismiss create a rift in create a schism in cause a rift between crack squander vanish rout cause a breach quarter rip chop halve slash rip open demobilize banish subluxate pierce smite slip send off demobilise drive off chase away crack open chop up split open lay open slice up clear out rummage perturb misplace interrupt spread out get rid of take off in all directions move in different directions put to flight unjoint put out of place put out of joint put out


To divide into two or more branches
fork diverge divide part separate split bifurcate branch subdivide branch off divaricate spread furcate ramify angle branch out go separate ways go in different directions split in two turn off fork off expand extend disunite diversify sever bisect grow divide in two proliferate deviate depart split off turn aside go off at a tangent intersect cross disconnect disjoin divorce dissociate cleave halve sunder uncouple unlink decouple unyoke disassociate dissever resolve cut disjoint cut in two cut in half dimidiate hemisect dissect dichotomize split down the middle cut across break up break in two separate into two split up detach undo break isolate disengage unfix take apart break apart unfasten segregate unhitch disentangle abstract disarticulate disband disaffiliate partition rive dissolve section set apart cut off loose unhook break off break down fan remove withdraw free distance radiate disassemble luxate loosen disrupt rend alienate segment fan out spread out keep apart come apart cut up abjugate unstrap untether untie factionalize delink extricate reduce decompose dislocate unmarry dislodge move dismember relocate splinter disintegrate draw back dismantle put away distinguish clear disperse embroil estrange put asunder draw apart move apart scatter rupture unravel uncombine set at odds become disconnected pull apart come away become detached divide up tear apart wedge apart break open set at variance quarter shear carve chop carve up fractionate tear abscind chop up slice up dismount ray emanate tear off branch from radiate from be diffused ray out from shoot off from fan out from ray out


To cause to be empty or vacant
empty clear vacate discharge evacuate exhaust expend unload deplete dissipate tap unburden unpack void bleed disburden drain dump eject expel extract release remove spend withdraw decant disgorge gut milk purge sap unlade leak pour out siphon off use up clear out flow out make void draw off make vacant pump out remove the contents of run out rush out consume the contents of empty out consume draw finish go through suck dry run through tip waste burn siphon syphon squander draw down absorb devour impoverish get through jettison use deprive play out clean out draft eat up diminish fritter away pump off-load disencumber draw out draught reduce drop take out bleed dry pour offload transfer bankrupt suck utilize blow lighten wash up run down pour off utilise tip out get rid of finish up finish off frivol away swallow up squeeze weaken shed strain unship attenuate depopulate slash dry evict fritter employ throw out dry up dig into divert bring out wear out burn up take last of put off burn through ease the load of drain out turn out blow through get out dispose of make use of take away run up throw away fleece dispatch enervate relocate filter pay out mine suck out deposit be emptied of the contents of have recourse to put to use avail oneself of break bust collect disperse eat dispel clean up throw erase run off draw on draw liquid from draw forth strip catheterize pump off exhaust one's supply of devolve distribute abandon delegate drive force oust rid frivol leave empty free up wanton transport relieve burn out unbox uncrate undo debark drive out unstow free from get last drop take up filter off wear down force out bail out eliminate zero trifle fiddle abstract produce clear away do away with pass on remove cargo take off carry away lavish shift unpeople misuse misspend cast away pull out dislocate displace move splurge lose fiddle away misapply send away pour down the drain throw around like confetti remove from misemploy run dry waste away spend like water gamble away be wasteful with trifle away clear from ebb fish out move out spend recklessly decrease lessen lower pare down slim down undermine cut back


(dated or law) Consent, usually formal in nature from an authority
consent permission authorisation authorization sanction clearance warrant concession concurrence dispensation licence agreement approval assent blessing indulgence liberty acceptance acquiescence allowance authority backing confirmation freedom go-ahead granting green light license mandate ratification sufferance permit tolerance okay rubber stamp OK seal of approval say-so imprimatur approbation thumbs up endorsement nod right power empowerment privilege stamp of approval support carte blanche favour favor accreditation warranty entitlement O.K. exemption nihil obstat prerogative accord discretion yes grant validation charter advantage commission compliance countenance credentials affirmation franchise toleration certificate say so blank cheque good wishes encouragement admission acknowledgment acknowledgement delegation choice ability latitude due claim birthright independence the right fiat word pass title recommendation passport a blank cheque free rein immunity green-light blank check order indemnity accession droit decree condonance verification condonation apanage appanage free hand sanctification perquisite run endorsation admittance welcome satisfaction leniency strength notarization recognition signature thumbs-up A-OK faculty stamp regard okaying letting deputation valediction assenting acceding ratifying Godspeed proxy brevet agency interest OK'ing subpoena summons business buy-in call document writ security access power of attorney benefit merit priority justification edict papers pledge official document consensus avowal pretension pretence pretense dibs understanding impunity passage seal command visa certification guarantee testimonial written order credential authentication all clear voucher ticket no objection laissez-passer triptyque firman carnet opportunity autonomy flexibility empowering badge legalization legalisation card patent safe-conduct capability scope capacity leeway facility space possibility convenience margin room perk leisure unrestraint ease breathing space complete discretion complete freedom rein breathing room wiggle room unrestricted freedom elbowroom lack of restrictions elbow room commendation passing enactment attestation sanctioning adoption corroboration praise substantiation evidence acclaim acclamation validating advocacy laudation documentation proof the nod pat on the back establishment respect legislation admiration appreciation promotion championship testament assurance championing esteem espousal testimony patronage witness adulation veneration ovation affirming supporting clean bill of health homage tribute extolment compliment good word benediction official sanction notification legitimization affidavit formalization defence defense upholding decriminalisation decriminalization covenant endowment allotment statement free will formalisation bonus proclamation approving decreeing ordaining consent to agreement to boon asset application legislating appliance implementation utility plus luxury applause freelage chance reward expedience profit making law kudos flattery plaudits fringe benefit aid assistance help demonstration accolade plaudit liking salutes congratulations sentiment courtesy accolades seconding congratulation bells proving hand cooperation boost assist abetment lift adoration honor honour exaltation encomium bouquet high regard unconditional right no holds barred complete authority full power full authority proxy in blank unrestricted authority say unconditional authority diploma accepting corroborating authorizing verifying authenticating accompaniment authorising eulogium blarney eulogy cajolery blandishment panegyric kudo glorification deed ID missive documents plug go ahead auspices backup secondment adherence suggestion reference references flattering remark mark of respect tip moral support identification papers ID card docket bona fides identity papers helping hand leg up warm fuzzy honeyed word strong praise rave review buttering up trade last salutation judgement mention judgment proof of qualifications letter of credence letter of introduction letter of recommendation proof of identity character identification letters of credence identity card token urging instruction special mention letter of support words of approval two cents' worth honourable mention favourable mention honorable mention favorable mention words of approbation character reference


The state of not being at a particular place, especially when one's attendance is expected


A pause or interval
rest break pause breather intermission lull recess halt hiatus interlude interval remission respite stop adjournment cessation discontinuance discontinuation disruption downtime interruption lapse suspension cutoff holiday stoppage vacation check letup moratorium vacay cut-off hold-up time off time out breathing space let-up stay layoff entr'acte delay stopover spell interim interregnum gap breathing spell breath time-out surcease wait discontinuity sojourn coffee break standstill abeyance parenthesis hiccup hiccough caesura lacuna layover break-off closure visit arrest postponement hols tea break ten stopping intermezzo short break schoolie deadlock interstice trip gridlock pausation freeze stand tour day off end deferral termination finish close conclusion ending deferment suspense shutdown expiration cease arrestment abeyancy stop-off closedown sit-down shutoff smoko tarry residence furlough impasse sabbatical offset five vac staycation logjam slack breaking off tarriance leave of absence grinding halt screaming halt virgule dormancy episode winter hesitation midweek break breathing room weekend break space a few days away weekend away relief closing meanwhile idyll meantime time away limbo outing desistance interspace finishing halting ceasing beat visitation abandonment moment instant second intervening period intervening time hush silence lapse of time stillness hitch comma dead stop winding up pause in the action call cutting short short respite recovery time breathing time holdup hold break off happy hour rest period awkward moment detention repose holdback lunch break half-time freedom elevenses time wasted time lag period of waiting holding pattern spare time free time time to burn time to kill doldrums holidays time on your hands getaway latency one's own sweet time goof-off time retreat prorogation refreshment break awayday recreation escape fiesta two weeks with pay few days off day of rest long weekend mini-break acumulated day off rest and recreation R and R rescheduling shelving stalemate temporary closure pigeonholing temporary cessation of business cessation of business standoff tabling mothballing Mexican standoff half-term continuation put-off putting off screeching halt expedition journey voyage let up temporary cessation period of leave school holiday week off month off knocking off suspension of proceedings taking five away day accumulated day off


The act of estranging
estrangement alienation disaffection division parting split breach break-up hostility separation disunity antagonism antipathy embitteredness isolation withdrawal withholding antagonization difference disgruntlement distance divorce schism souring unfriendliness variance breakup disagreement disassociation discord dissociation distancing falling-out leaving removal rupture severance turning away parting of the ways rift dissension disunion conflict bust-up dispute detachment dissidence split-up disharmony strife discordance break argument difference of opinion feud chasm friction discordancy quarrel gulf clash dissent disaccord war dissention misunderstanding divorcement altercation falling out inharmony infighting dissonance row divergence scission warfare spat dissolution fight run-in animosity judicial separation bustup partition annulment gap squabble wrangle secession divergency contretemps contention controversy faction trouble cleavage scrap war of words difficulty legal separation indifference remoteness diversion ending coolness cutting off diverting rivalry disjuncture disconnection disjunction setting against farewell vendetta breaking off grudge enmity goodbye disrelation bickering broil splitting up breaking up quarrelling fractionalization sundering bifurcation fractionation khula talaq tussle leave-taking feuding drifting apart splintering splitsville official separation dedomiciling acrimony ding-dong arguing discontent fracture fissure fracas contest bad blood combat battle royal quarreling decree nisi break up dissatisfaction disloyalty debate great divide disputation dislike resentment tiff aversion frustration restlessness barney set-to nonconcurrence insurrection mutiny repugnance rebellion sedition insurgence insubordination ruction contestation firestorm dustup contrariety hatred disillusionment cynicism apathy dissensus beef opposing views brawl hassle words brannigan brush blowup bit of argy-bargy bone to pick brush-off ill will opposition wrangling squabbling divisiveness tension polarity bad feeling clashing ill feeling bitterness dichotomy confrontation sour note incompatibility fighting unrest contradiction dissonancy backbiting inharmoniousness lack of agreement factionalism flak dissentience paradox affray polarisation polarization contrast jar duality resistance protest objection disapproval shouting match remonstrance nonconformism demur misbelief fuss bad vibes internal strife power struggle argumentation turbulence exchange bicker tangle tumult disparity unharmoniousness animus argy-bargy upheaval doubt grievances grudges divided loyalties unorthodoxy dispeace independence scene quarrelsomeness sectarianism counteraction ruckus rumpus battle struggle niggle conflict of opinion clashes counter-argument afters palace politics palace intrigue oppositeness static striving emulation slanging match angry exchange passage of arms contrariness tug of war defiance antithesis nonagreement nonconformity dualism refusal denial duplexity doubleness bone clinker contraposition contradictoriness bone of contention antinomy contradistinction antonymy lack of concord internal conflict ambivalence incongruity biformity irreconcilable difference dyad complement lack of consistency

Antonym of a leave

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