Synonym of a same


(the same) Not differing in any way, shape or form
matching identical alike duplicate twin paired coupled double indistinguishable interchangeable corresponding equivalent parallel like comparable similar correlative carbon copy clone congruent look-alike coequal equal even tallying agreeing selfsame concordant consonant all of a piece carbon-copy indiscriminable like peas in a pod like two peas in a pod of a piece very very same correspondent uniform analogous tantamount homogeneous cognate commensurate undifferentiated ditto synonymous the same akin consistent related matched close resemblant kindred proportionate resembling exact cut from the same cloth connate much the same suchlike compatible much of a muchness such homologous same difference congruous identic near complementary substitutable unvaried one and the same homogenous on par undiverse Xerox like Tweedledum and Tweedledee conforming of a kind twinlike undifferenced conformable reciprocal allied standardized unvarying agnate standardised dead ringer Tweedledum and Tweedledee associated approximate convertible carbon amounting self-same same as mated substitute harmonised coincident in agreement regular equalized equalised harmonized exchangeable coordinate almost identical spitting image to the same degree exactly the same reminiscent analogical impossible to tell apart harmonious no different connatural replica coordinating copied duplicating the same as as good as dupe likewise aforesaid similarly aforementioned identified connected workalike mutual converse reciprocative synonymic even-steven proportional relatable apposite even-stevens counterpart coterminous symmetrical very similar undistinguishable approximative according the dead spit a dead ringer evenly matched two of a kind companion jibing in the same manner linked interconnected correlated invariable all alike solid smooth difficult to tell apart equaling equalling synonymous with commensurate with much the same as all the same all one affiliated of a piece with break even like as two peas in a pod as like as two peas in a pod congeneric congenerous allying kin relating coextensive of the same kind on a plane on a par on level pegging reconcilable generic consanguine general universal incident symphonious not unlike congenial invariant approximating fungible stack up with in harmony in conformity in accord in step facsimile in tune in parallel in balance on the order of relative commensurable accordant coherent nonconflicting suitable interrelated agreeable sympathetic conformable to correspondent to correspondent with obverse united blending attuned verging on tied friendly approaching autologous homologized answering harmonizing imitative patrilineal agnatic almost looking like looking alike associate connected with allied with cognated complementing coordinated adapted coordinative bordering on toning coinciding Connected germane closely related harmonising closely connected not a million miles away from of that ilk in the same category sister co- fellow logical conterminous joined in line in keeping according to equable conforming with corresponding to conforming to drawn combined joint bound married balanced amalgamated leagued confederate unified integrated syndicated cooperating aligned wed partnered with nothing to choose between them nip and tuck on a level side by side close together level pegging neck and neck all square level in a position of equality in league in cahoots hand in glove amicable unanimous qualified frictionless harmonious with in accordance with congruous with compatible with according with consistent with accordant with concordant with in rapport in harmony with at one with in agreement with understanding responsive companionable by comparison modified like-minded allusive metaphorical not absolute conditional reasonable vying contrastive in proportion restricted comparative fair rivalling provisional not positive rivaling in comparison with reservation contingent of one mind in sympathy on the same wavelength more or less the same


Not changed or modified
unchanging unchanged changeless unvarying unvaried invariable perpetual unaffected unaltered unfailing constant consistent uniform regular steady stable unwavering undeviating unfluctuating even persistent continuous continual predictable invariant fixed immutable set unchangeable inflexible dependable reliable rigid ceaseless eternal enduring uninterrupted abiding lasting continuing static unfading true unrelieved stabile unalterable unswerving homogeneous incommutable fast inalterable hard-and-fast unbroken homogenous level orderly monotonous habitual unmodifiable immovable undiversified balanced matching metrical alike expected not changing true to type sure infallible boundless endless certain never-failing inexhaustible steadfast can't-miss fail-safe loyal unlimited surefire faithful undying unerring unflagging staunch bottomless tried and true come-through solid diligent tried and tested unrelenting straight assiduous absolute dyed-in-the-wool trustworthy unshakable tried-and-true delivering counted on rock solid there permanent incessant imperishable unceasing ageless unremitting relentless sustained interminable equable stationary unabating unabated monolithic never-ending non-stop never-changing firm everlasting unending perennial unfaltering timeless immortal ongoing dateless resolute unyielding persisting durable unbending perdurable nonstop irreversible deathless indestructible indefinite indefatigable forever lifelong dedicated stubborn repeated single-minded set in stone dogged unshakeable continued indelible established indissoluble uncompromising determined running frequent resolved round-the-clock unflinching recurrent long-lasting committed settled ineradicable stalwart smooth tenacious obdurate chronic unhesitating unshaken rhythmic persevering decided unwaning inexorable repetitive standing around-the-clock sempiternal obstinate implacable true-blue adamant hard consecutive untiring systematic staying unflappable remaining devoted infinite surviving oft-repeated earnest trusty devout on an even keel dutiful undaunted steely recurring honest amaranthine pertinacious spirited ardent determinate frozen honourable final upright conscientious flat purposive deep-rooted tireless mettlesome definite strong allegiant without end perseverant long-lived strong-minded attached strong-willed long-standing indomitable intense stout honorable set in concrete connected aeonian stiff calm in for the long haul incorruptible unbendable equal tranquil dead set on ordered symmetrical unaltering methodical hidebound true-hearted entrenched consonant intent standardized nonnegotiable irreparable standardised strict periodical periodic old illimitable prevailing regulated systematized good immemorial ingrained longstanding purposeful arranged always perduring intransigent inexpugnable insistent long-term carved in stone inveterate systematised deliberate for keeps plucky brave patriotic bold courageous genuine unvacillating returning sincere scrupulous manful truthful unmovable bound obedient pat unqualified vigorous gritty affectionate valiant strenuous bulldog indurate gutsy serious forever and a day spunky hard and fast cast-iron four-square without respite stout-hearted round the clock behind one all-year-round meaning business on the level solid as a rock rock-ribbed brick-wall flowing intractable fluent sine qua non fluid frictionless fossilized plain driven unswervable gridlocked fossilised fresh unspoiled youthful unspoilt written in stone termless prolonged living regularised regularized atemporal agelong solid as rock nonrandom etched in stone without ceasing without interruption long-established long-running moderate temperate iron like the Rock of Gibralter unmerciful interminate unwearying total unequivocal agreed 24-hour day-and-night concrete yearlong annual yearly seasonal non-extreme fair never-ceasing wholehearted specified compulsive full of determination grim classic repetitious bullheaded in a straight line hardheaded hardened deep-seated well grounded not changeable irremovable sacrosanct year-round steady-going hardline repeating predetermined preset well-established rooted fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians reoccurring going on intermittent uncooperative fixed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians never dying anti-aging staying put pigheaded ironclad jelled confiding hard-core tried loving circumspect hardcore liege string along with veracious diehard plumb iron-willed die-hard well-set locked in stiff-necked secure pious composed stanch inexpungible unruffled serene incorrigible ossified normal compatible patterned measured unwearied well-proportioned well-balanced of a piece peaceful sedate recollected untroubled placid possessed coolheaded undisturbed limpid unemotional collected cool unsparing unalleviated sedulous congruous mechanical harmonious successive accordant alternating punctual precise cyclic serial till the cows come home controlled down-the-line disciplined organized exact unperturbed together unworried trusted in order self-composed self-possessed even-tempered unbribable neat tidy dull strictly regulated principled intrepid decisive regimented organised well-organized well-ordered restricted correct just moral proper high-principled anti-corruption fanatical passionate on one's side out peremptory high-minded virtuous ethical upstanding righteous right-minded intent on set on do-or-die determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle no-nonsense hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on hell-bent upon bent on bent upon hell bent on intent upon closely controlled strictly controlled on a tight rein noble decent respectable inextinguishable above suspicion undestroyable pure untouchable


(the same) The same thing as something previously spoken about


In a manner demonstrating fairness or justice
fairly justly legitimately equitably impartially properly legally honestly lawfully objectively clean justifiably honourably honorably fair neutrally licitly dispassionately disinterestedly cleanly equally deservedly even-handedly by the book without prejudice without bias according to the rules open-mindedly in accordance with the rules without fear or favour with an open mind fairly and squarely without favor without fear fittingly rightfully duly appropriately rightly suitably evenhandedly befittingly right decently reasonably fitly on the level ethically condignly morally on the up and up aptly correctly well squarely righteously accurately indifferently virtuously detachedly appositely sincerely fair and square meetly congruously permissibly meritedly justifiedly allowably sportingly unbiasedly spotless tidy with fairness uprightly reliably evenly conscientiously truly by rights trustworthily abiding by the law within the law without cheating fair-mindedly goodly straightforward honest without foul play impartial aboveboard just considerately soberly kosherly legitly principledly according to your due scrupulously civilly rationally straightly blamelessly honest and aboveboard with objectivity with impartiality with detachment without corruption with clean hands by fair means by just means in good faith acceptably correspondingly adequately accordingly nicely satisfactorily decorously becomingly precisely judiciously faithfully alright perfectly sensibly passably fine serviceably in the approved manner faultlessly in a satisfactory manner as is appropriate to a T happily without error in due manner in the appropriate manner in a satisfactory way as intended relevantly without flaws unerringly in the accepted manner tolerably in the true sense flawlessly with decorum

Antonym of a same

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