Synonym of a spire


The top or highest point of an object, structure or landmass
acme summit apex pinnacle crown peak crest top brow tip vertex mountaintop head height cap ridge brink roof hilltop ceiling tiptop aiguille pitch tor crag elevation serac highest point high point tip-top highest part mountain top upper extremity high spot maximum height zenith apogee heights point limit very top upper surface upper part upper layer climax culmination capstone apotheosis sum noon crescendo noontime meridian tops high noon most sublimity greatest high-water mark max superlative culminating point maximum crowning moment ne plus ultra up there high water mark extremity ultimate epitome utmost perfection highlight crowning point extreme optimum consummation nonpareil uttermost best upper limit quintessence end prime best part fastigium depth flower nonesuch ascendancy nadir edge termination highest degree highest level peak of perfection pole cream eminence finale furthest point last word denouement finest bloom flowering boundary copestone best bit payoff nth degree dernier cri margin critical mass the last word greatest degree top form cope apoapsis apocenter apsis best example perfect example ultimate example needle nab latest most fashionable success achievement extreme case utmost extent floodmark watermark tidemark pay-off hoodoo inselberg puy steeple tower newest cusp heyday excess verge feature intensification capsheaf le dernier cri crowning glory most up to date inordinancy top part highest extent triumph rim brim completion finish conclusion accomplishment high best moment all-time maximum point close outside blooming bitter end result capper exemplar classic idolization exaltation ideal glorification deification byword memorable part golden age most memorable part icing on the cake most outstanding feature crème de la crème beau idéal record supremacy highest preeminence maxi immortalization idealization blow off crowning touch greatest extent top figure the end punch line idealisation beau ideal very limit mother of all best of times terminal acuteness marge ambit bourn pick aristocracy elect priesthood illuminati royalty fat pride A-list elite choice cat's whiskers cat's pyjamas the bee's knees best thing since sliced bread butt last extremes blossoming end point trim verdure fitness corps d'elite upper crust pink farthest point cut-off point full flowering good health best condition


An object or piece of something shaped like a wedge
wedge chunk segment block lump triangle hunk slice section slab wodge chock cleat cotter cusp keystone piece prong quoin shim sliver taper tapered piece solid piece portion bit mass cake nugget knob gob part fragment wad gobbet cube clump blob bar clod brick division dollop cut nub ball nubble glob clot scrap chip cluster share member parcel pat dab fraction quantity tablet wafer splinter loaf morsel subdivision pile bunch proportion flake square stick bulk particle crumb shard ingot quota end allotment item partition allowance take solid snippet lot bite bump mound shaving moiety excrescence excrescency group growth length spot node knot nodule concentration helping shred sample article offcut agglomeration pad wadding speck remnant grain mouthful mite department sector tranche half iota sampling smithereen dole branch wing component articulation amount subsection bundle joint clove dod large piece plug oblong curl loads batch doorstep roll paring element rasher collop round escalope splint skelf tuft cushion ream lining spall small piece percentage hunch scallop fricandeau scaloppina compartment module ingredient constituent unit divvy wood support bollard batten metal spur spell muck stave stone plate cutting board strip boulder billet rod rake-off break gallet spillikin office part of something doorstop filler meed detail instalment measure installment factor corner feature side atom quantum ration apportionment knurl extract excerpt passage molecule snip scruple tittle drop smidgen granule allocation mote trace jot fleck whit dribble patch nubbin quotation selection modicum flyspeck smidge tad scintilla citation whack quote ounce touch hint pinch dot suspicion line clipping clip paragraph suggestion verse dash split stanza little taste shiver lick commission tiny piece phrase shadow smidgeon spoonful tinge streak stim scantling sprinkling wisp snatch reading assignment driblet tiny bit stub sentence piece of the action chapter cite ratio whisper strain skosh nip splash spatter fillet filet droplet spark slice of the cake serving remainder dram oddment jot or tittle ace appropriation shade ray butt layer canto skerrick smack episode tier partage limit soupçon reference scene stump saying little bit minim degree dose text example band tatter projection hoot rag trifle ribbon column glimmer trickle remains smell snap smattering stripe due swatch peanuts clause grant dividend quotum belt tongue globule titbit interest slip timber shot chop stint narrow piece piece of the cake finger cut of pie small amount stipend slat fag end fig whoop syllable continental tail end rap durn darn piece of action sound bite end piece plank tiny amount least bit lath ghost chippings smudge payment area smear trimming potsherd sprinkle blot peck dispensation extension aspect leftover smithereens strand number act contribution drip needle kickback field slot paraphrase range briquette any bulge handful equity stake entitlement consignment mention allusion bead corn distribution abstract cross section pellet seed stitch chipping cross-section entity whole routine sequence utterance segmentation output product contract speckle analects matchwood flinders inch lion's share plateful slither affiliation rock class trailer moment attribute claim construction lyric partial quotient rake off extent size measurement rate magnitude dimension rove tear schtick small thing tutorial juicy bit thorn tile specimen offshoot illustration foldout flap insertion insert digit integer arm link fifty percent instance incomplete number platter lashing load slew bowlful course pencil rectangle comparison equation admeasurement capacity amplitude thin piece source quoting building block cinder block tip base diddly picayune spice squat eyelash prosodic unit infinitesimal minimum discrete item piece of pie bucket order spate fistful mountain meal tester pattern job group of words representative tiniest bit nucleus dog end coin representative piece pericope nibble case forkful notation note sip tidbit swallow test piece beam spacer leaf sup bole draft draught slurp pension annuity subsidy rest floorboard residue leftovers remittance trunk alimony salary endowment recompense bequest scholarship pay gift wage bounty aid permitted amount inheritance legacy prize budget honorarium permitted quantity fee fellowship balance residuum leavings deal lumber piece of timber tree trunk chunk of wood driftwood log block of wood survival pin money hangover dregs rump lees platform vestige residual relic heel excess surplus dross orts odds and ends last part smitch pin small portion chicken feed


To coil or turn in a spiral or circular motion
bend coil curl spiral wind convolute convolve corkscrew curve loop rotate twine twirl twist entwine scroll sinuate turn writhe curl around wrap around roll snake reel wreathe meander intervolve lap intertwine fold make serpentine wrap arch undulate crook furl zigzag swirl gyrate twist and turn kink wheel arc bow crimp encircle wave circle spin swerve contort screw round frizz crinkle surround weave hook frizzle buckle whirl swivel eddy ripple circulate swing tangle fold up wind up ring girdle encompass incurvate compass gird sweep trend crisp revolve stir pivot ramble roll up inflect veer begird swell deviate whorl flow surge envelop swish orbit whirlpool skew go round turn around plait slither spool intertwist inweave entangle enmesh entwine itself splice knit enlace ply billow implicate worm warp flex wrest wrench wring bundle up coil up swoosh stream unscrew wriggle deform bulge tighten work skew round distort indent pirouette stoop concave incurve divert convex roll something up form into ringlets fall off perm gyre deflect angle work in screw in pinwheel swathe enfold birl flutter swaddle form a hoop with bend into whorls make circles with form hoops with bend into spirals join make crooked make curved purl quiver knot enclose braid curl up wind round curve round oscillate wind around tie together curve around sway make a circle with turn round form a ring round vibrate pulsate palpitate move wrap up belt fluctuate environ inclose circumvent embrace circumscribe circuit bound enwreath heave contain cincture tour fence in ring round circumduct ensphere hem in hedge in vacillate motion rise and fall

Antonym of a spire

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