Synonym of a tedious


Boring or severely lacking in interest
boring monotonous mindless mundane tiresome uninteresting wearisome dreary dull humdrum pedestrian banal colourless drab insipid laborious lackluster lacklustre leaden monochrome plodding ponderous prosaic slow soporific tired tiring trite unexciting uninspired uninspiring unvaried unvarying vapid wearying bland characterless colorless flat heavy overlong draggy drudging fatiguing jading jejune lifeless mechanical monochromatic numbing old prolix prosy routine stale stodgy stuffy arid bromidic common commonplace dragging dreich dry dullsville dusty enervating exhausting hackneyed interminable mortal pabulum poky samey snooze uneventful weariful weary depressing dismal endless nothing nowhere repetitious stupid tame unenjoyable unentertaining mind-numbing run-of-the-mill lacking variety deadly dull ho-hum dry as dust dull as dishwater ho hum long-drawn-out big yawn not fun unimaginative spiritless blah unremarkable sterile ordinary repetitive wishy-washy dead workaday vanilla everyday vacuous weak feeble anaemic unstimulating plain barren bloodless limp unoriginal anemic deadly derivative turgid soul-destroying nondescript usual quotidian lame torpid mediocre banausic inane platitudinous dim lustreless zero hacky unchanging wooden laboured zestless pallid labored featureless unanimated soulless milk-and-water conventional predictable apathetic watery stiff innocuous sluggish unexceptional irksome vacant antiseptic long-winded treadmill well-worn common or garden plain vanilla heavy-going dull as ditchwater toneless static matter-of-fact nothing to write home about pointless empty day-to-day uniform stock listless unmemorable unrelieved inoffensive normal stereotyped quiet lusterless tasteless flavourless expressionless flavorless monotone passionless driveling middle-of-the-road clichéd namby-pamby ornery drivelling threadbare muted corny moth-eaten lacking variation uncreative difficult neutral no great shakes truistic gray grey not up to much undistinguished square run of the mill non-stimulating customary pedantic trying typical regular sleepy familiar unproductive droning safe hollow undistinctive unpalatable average plebeian white-bread desolate garden-variety stilted yawnsome sapless stagnant overused downcast heavy going lowly flat tire trivial overworked one-horse hack so-so lacking excitement lacking interest ineffective unromantic stereotypical shopworn cliche obligatory musty hackney cobwebby timeworn worn-out cliché-ridden worn out dead-and-alive a dime a dozen old hat played out long serious usual thing over-serious prosing menial longwinded annoying irritating bummer drag cloying drear bomb uninterested tepid sleep-inducing miserable unspirited boresome vexatious disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing unfulfilling unlively unpassioned indistinct nitty-gritty terrestrial cardboard formal wordy deadening unexceptionable staid puerile drawling frustrating poor half-hearted inadequate verbose fuddy-duddy slack waterish nerdy wimpy unappealing workday unfeeling mat unexpressive matte unexcited dulled weighty unmodulated undemonstrative bleak dowdy inert soft nebbish beige fatuous tenuous slight subdued uninflected forced depressed half-pie bog-standard OK raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy meager backward unfateful indecisive noneventful unnoteworthy inconclusive meagre unprogressive inactive garden variety sombre somber unseasoned whitebread blind without variety unartistic uninventive straightforward down-to-earth factual reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged backwoods comatose demoralising unimpassioned unobjectionable hard to digest unadventurous derived not so hot harmless mainstream halfhearted diluted lead balloon cut-and-dry standard businesslike cut-and-dried standard-issue cliché flat as pancake useless behind the times boiled down without punch anodyne literal-minded no-nonsense puts one to sleep futile bathetic set imitative least Milquetoast automatic incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent vain profitless diddly practical actual practicable simple prose yawn clean passive formulaic passable low-grade steady level-headed unsentimental hard-headed lethargic robotic brainless unrewarding dense unreadable emotionless devoid of feeling devoid of emotion fruitless worthless undemanding cold slothful slow-moving slow but sure overdone badly written matter-of- fact aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless inexpressive time-worn hoary joyless lank spent lacking vitality two-dimensional cornball ineffectual otiose unavailing unsuccessful bootless inefficacious abortive literal dime-store facile noplace dumb hokey cornfed tripe unfruitful unfilled unprolific clear hicksville deadsville dragsville impassive languid deadpan blank indifferent unresponsive languorous fixed lazy stolid indolent numb enervated lackadaisical unemotional inscrutable poker-faced stony glazed somnolent unenergetic drowsy idle dopey straight-faced slumberous catatonic inanimate unenthusiastic fatigued glassy lymphatic phlegmatic quiescent unconcerned motionless dormant dispassionate laid-back lukewarm vigourless unmoved supine pathetic shiftless dozy hebetudinous out of it absent disinterested desiccated perfunctory stupefied yawny snoozy exhausted languishing dilatory dazed insensible debilitated sad cool etiolated stuporous lacking energy powerless laggard distant faraway moony irresolute drippy inattentive benumbed effete heavy-eyed bovine puny unmoving lacking in vitality vigorless unimpressed sleeping insensitive unthinking lax careless half asleep pale logy neurasthenic asthenic fishy narcotic energyless abstracted fainéant drugged down detached vague groggy faineant sedentary dreamy unflappable without energy absent-minded gloomy deep glum dingy dark cheerless nobody home forlorn shadowy tenebrous depressive macabre funereal lonely grim dolorous morbid second-rate inferior unfocused unconvincing dry-as-dust flaccid devoid stoic frail reluctant reactionless earthbound remote tardy loafing weakly unkind coldhearted anaesthetic anesthetic impotent heavy-handed unimpressive fish-eyed sluggardly lacking in energy unwilling paltry blasé soporous soporose calm aloof unvarnished unembellished unpoetic unadorned vegetating sullen off sluggard sleepyheaded lumpish mooney glassy-eyed phoned in hibernating unintelligent paralyzed sodden latent unhurried paralysed unreceptive nerveless desultory uneager offhand lacking personality lacking charisma dreaming inconscious out unsmiling po-faced do-nothing burned out slow-going slow-paced somnific flagging thoughtless unenthused false insincere fake stoical run-of-the mill mopish insouciant vegged out out cold uncomprehending ditzy incurious dead to the world out to lunch lacking feeling placid not amounting to much bored heedless witless foolish daydreaming silly easygoing impassible yawning uninvolved uncompassionate frigid desensitized affectless tranquil unexcitable masklike meaningless uncommunicative noncommittal immobile nodding feigned slumbrous desensitised instinctive along for the ride cold-blooded involuntary dozing knackered dopy unconscious restful droopy meek habitual machine-like low cursory impersonal ready for bed dog-tired half-asleep done in dead beat all in hardly able to keep one's eyes open naff passé cliched sleepyhead stretchy having spring fever spontaneous casual mechanic inhuman instinctual knee-jerk negligent motorized powered useful standardized reflex programmed mechanistic systematic laborsaving standardised motorised


Tediously long in speaking
long-winded verbose wordy prolix rambling diffuse lengthy circuitous circumlocutory windy protracted garrulous pleonastic prolonged discursive meandering long overlong repetitious periphrastic loquacious interminable tautological logorrheic bombastic boring voluble talkative wearisome tortuous tiresome ambagious gabby expansive palaverous chatty sesquipedalian long-drawn-out redundant turgid digressive inflated extended ponderous flatulent rhetorical dragging sustained dragged out drawn-out spun out talky wandering unending logorrhoeic convoluted seemingly endless maundering endless pretentious gassy lengthened pompous circumlocutionary laborious roundabout full of verbiage orotund fustian grandiloquent indirect marathon spun-out boundless limitless lingering flowery slow time-consuming without end dull dragged-out delayed waffly superfluous iterative verbal very long swollen king-size elongate oversized elongated king-sized elaborate empty oratorical gaseous rhetoric continued padded longish king size persistent enduring oblique over-elaborate superficial shallow breezy tumescent tumid overblown lasting never-ending everlasting ceaseless far great long-lived long-lasting long-term diffusive overextended tardy dilatory late incessant unceasing constant perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop forever and a day for ages unbroken monotonous continual immeasurable unbounded mouthy effusive unbound interminate eternal permanent day-and-night continuous looped timeless gushing multiloquent babbling multiloquous blathering strung out prattling jabbering repetitive yakking no end of no end to on a treadmill wittering prating gobby yacking involved magniloquent big-mouthed tautologous full of air repeating with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone highfalutin declamatory aureate gossipy high-sounding florid grandiose conversational euphuistic high-flown overwrought overripe ornate ostentatious communicative purple overdone eloquent lofty chattering articulate sonorous magnific motormouthed blabby extravagant forthcoming complicated glib hyperbolic silver-tongued affected vocal big fluent loose-lipped formal gossiping chattery erudite scholarly expressive hifalutin histrionic open profuse outgoing able to talk the hind legs off a donkey showy full of hot air theatrical bombast informative unreserved pedantic exaggerated loudmouthed gibbering slick smooth reiterative flamboyant having kissed the blarney stone windbag Ossianic loose alliterative hyperventilated reiterating uninhibited conversable repeated fancy ranting rattling demonstrative outspoken la-di-da rhapsodic prosy haughty desultory complex high motormouth leaping digressionary digressional noisy exalted grand-sounding Ciceronian devious roaming roving epideictic stilted ornamented dramatic arty-farty stagy elocutionary excursive tall free labored laboured strained Demosthenic Demosthenean big-talking embellished imposing having kissed the Blarney Stone puffed-up uninteresting insistent circumlocuitous circumlocutional circumlocutious vague waffling over-talkative duplicative disquisitional newsy mannered fulsome oratorial actorly baroque errant frank random copious exuberant lavish vociferous bigmouthed flashy rotund lyrical high-falutin plainspoken episodic communicable enlightening unrestrained unneeded unnecessary uncalled-for inelegant Miltonian epic Homeric linguistic running on high-minded snobbish bold blabbermouth yakkity wind-bag yakky tonguey loose-tongued cooperative obliging helpful overinflated learned stuffy stylistic melodramatic booming arresting candid figurative overwritten grand contrived flap jaw euphistic tall-talking free-spoken blessed with the gift of the gab fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing forceful intoning noble vivid gesticulative senatorial loud important stentorian ornamental rococo euphemistic running on at the mouth big mouthed fussy all jaw puffed familiar ordinary spoken intimate everyday decorated detailed perissological excessive rhapsodical overestimated spreading musing erratic deviating broad informal drawn out stretched out drivellous remote stretched deep stretch expanded outstretched distant faraway stringy running stretching far-off extensive towering lanky gangling enlarged rangy far-reaching spread out excessively communicative blustering balderdash ambiguous misleading unstraightforward confusing tricky deceptive mazy stuffed shirt byzantine involute perverse intricate difficult cunning difficult to follow frequentative


Requiring, or involving, great mental or physical effort
onerous arduous hard demanding difficult taxing strenuous gruelling exacting challenging laborious tiring exhausting trying punishing rigorous grueling uphill wearing fatiguing formidable toilsome stressful wearisome crushing grinding backbreaking troublesome exigent tiresome killing irksome ponderous weighty Herculean persnickety intolerable painful serious galling cumbersome distressing vexatious excessive merciless austere pressing grave embittering awkward inconvenient overpowering overtaxing back-breaking time-consuming tough burdensome draining wearying severe testing rough heavy oppressive sapping harsh excruciating brutal hellish enervating rugged torturous tortuous bruising agonizing herculean grievous harrowing bothersome effortful agonising murderous grim debilitating tall moiling sweaty killer daunting hellacious ambitious crippling operose knackering extreme forbidding fierce thorny toilful unsparing energy-consuming painstaking stringent unforgiving intense mighty labored laboured stiff colossal Augean unremitting unbearable upstream intimidating vigorous unyielding titanic hairy gargantuan cruel sticky nerve-racking weary traumatic worrying tense anxious drudging relentless fraught vexing frustrating pressured immoderate dour enervative exasperating agitating hectic worksome imperious impossible pick-and-shovel backbreaker immense unpleasant jarring prohibitive solemn distressful shattering depleting uncomfortable staggering gigantic slavish difficile really hard very hard anxiety-ridden tough going unreasonable exorbitant disturbing unfair steep tricky dogged slow boring wretched insufferable exerting ominous problematic hefty thoroughgoing dicey awful hazardous easier said than done high-impact torturesome unendurable hard-won drudgy no picnic vicious marathon troubling unnerving high-pressure problem tormenting not easy like getting blood out of a stone ferocious almighty savage scabrous uphill battle discomforting major emotionally draining hardworking work-intensive bitter upsetting disagreeable worrisome strict critical dire hostile terrible tight knotty mean energetic bleak spartan dangerous precarious perilous prostrating inhuman unkind searing Sisyphean superincumbent hardhanded dreadful monumental prickly delicate nasty murder impressive bad wicked problematical dodgy iffy ticklish dark chancy concerning unfriendly dubious suspect questionable a stinker of a busy huge stretching punitive inexorable searching physical massive withering uncharitable overwhelming racking chastening unrelaxing strained mammoth unrelenting overburdening aggravating powerful despotic domineering courageous forceful heroic nagging hypercritical thorough precise careful nit-picking shocking very difficult pestilent large order heavy sledding soul-sucking no piece of cake tragic heartbreaking controversial sensitive heart-rending by the book horrible rotten ghastly foul horrid vile horrendous abominable appalling atrocious frightful sad unfortunate disastrous significant life-threatening acute considerable carking dismaying regrettable a nuisance an imposition woeful dismal lamentable aggressive bold consequential grotty daring grandiose hurtful afflicting heartrending threatening peracute menacing sobering big intensive ugly industrious lousy beastly grand elaborate extravagant intrepid from hell visionary pretentious lofty frantic chaotic active eventful frenzied frenetic lively magnificent large-scale a bummer of a turbulent restless flustering full tumultuous animated riotous madhouse furious tireless bustling wild full on unruly spirited action-packed rowdy bumpy raucous


Causing irritation or annoyance
annoying irritating bothersome aggravating exasperating maddening vexatious boring galling irksome provoking agitating disagreeable displeasing disturbing harassing teasing troublesome wearisome bedeviling bedevilling discomforting discommoding discomposing disconcerting peeving perturbing pesky pestiferous pestilent plaguy tiresome unpleasant unwelcome vexing abrasive agonizing antagonising antagonizing awkward carking chafing confounded cussed difficult frustrating inconvenient infernal infuriating nettlesome nettling pestilential pesty plaguey rankling rebarbative riling troubling trying unamusing unnerving unpleasing unsettling agonising burdensome distressing enraging grating harrying jarring nagging niggling punchable uncongenial upsetting wearing enough to drive you up the wall enough to try the patience of a saint irking worrisome thorny knotty taxing incommodious tricky demanding objectionable traumatic worrying wretched repugnant painful troublous deplorable discouraging challenging forbidding puzzling lamentable problematic harrasive tormenting afflicting disappointing concerning mean festering antipathetic ugly wicked unsatisfying unattractive impossible nasty offensive distasteful disquieting horrible unpalatable awful obnoxious dreadful bad horrid bitter hateful repellent unsavory terrible alarming distressful hard unsavoury odious appalling detestable abominable ghastly nauseating abhorrent yucky harsh vile disgusting repulsive severe intractable foul revolting rotten icky sickening frightful contrary disruptive loathsome unlovely yukky frightening perplexing unfortunate disobliging unsuitable dismaying beastly hairy execrable embarrassing wilful harrowing nerve-racking headstrong insufferable refractory sour gloomy depressing uncooperative unhelpful froward creepy obstructive shocking inexpedient laborious unaccommodating obstinate unmanageable inopportune untimely cruel perverse fraught tough unreasonable despicable obdurate stubborn wayward onerous off-putting rough ominous sinister foreboding gross recalcitrant undesirable rude unacceptable unseasonable lousy unfavorable unfavourable nauseous invidious hurtful discommodious tense uneasy ungovernable contumacious startling toilsome miserable intrusive impeding threatening consequential horrendous prickly uncomfortable daunting mulish hideous unbearable dislikable afflictive disobedient obscene nail-biting contemptible unkind reprehensible bull-headed noxious inappropriate exceptionable pigheaded loathly balky disgustful repellant thrawn stroppy unhappy bolshie ill-timed renitent adverse anxious pervicacious gut-wrenching cantankerous nervous restless unruly pessimistic undisciplined prophetic uncertain sticky self-willed disadvantageous bloody-minded inconsiderate willful unfriendly horrific nerve-wracking poisonous gruesome detrimental unlucky ill-natured grody inflammatory macabre grievous torturous intolerable incendiary hostile abusive agitational God-awful unwanted grim inflaming regrettable dire woeful unsatisfactory rancid evil goading insulting bogging controversial tragic sad ornery inadmissible yucko affronting capricious unpredictable beyond the pale agitative incommoding provocative unhandy oppressive in-your-face contrarious vicious malicious morose unwieldy disorderly uncontrollable cumbersome spiteful horrifying outrageous grave aggressive atrocious rowdy lurid grisly nightmarish scary heavy cutting fractious venomous vindictive inimical monstrous touchy impolite stressful untoward biting inauspicious insubordinate confronting defiant cross-grained wild obstreperous fierce complex churlish great unpopular irritable unlikable anxious-making wounding malign heartbreaking brutal unappealing catty censurable mortifying unpropitious grotty hellacious wrong tricksy sombre dismal somber intense noisome base uninviting excruciating calamitous stinking heartrending scandalous fulsome ill-humored poignant ruthless hellish rejected distressed heart-rending ill-favoured unwished-for sick-making mean-spirited ill-favored ill-tempered ill-humoured bad-tempered unwished for accursed humiliating irrational acid plaguing biased illogical remote prejudicial arduous inflexible blinkered opinionated intransigent arbitrary stupid inciting importunate numbing instigative rousing mighty prejudiced intolerant idiotic murder uphill infestive dangerous damaging repressive messy dislikeable truculent peevish harmful acute anxiety provoking crashing injurious destructive fearful arousing unanticipated unexpected drag pain impertinent insolent discourteous scabrous scurvy charged dreaded disliked undesired shrewish crabby ticklish putrid damnable unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed skanky hateable instigating pill off-color heel savage tickly flustering discomfiting incensing unseemly blameworthy excluded incontrollable infelicitous inapt humourless poor crummy humorless sober doleful solemn unsought shunned useless to be avoided for the birds strictly for the birds outcast defective out of place loathed scorned uninvited murderous unrelenting relentless stiff chilling hardhanded merciless inhuman rugged searing ferocious confrontational heady dolorous bumpy indecorous opprobrious disheartening mephitical dreary melancholic bewildering dispiriting hopeless testing sullen troubled glum melancholy depressive revulsive austere parlous bleak cheerless sedate abysmal diabolical unendurable sore remorseless not wanted ill-advised too bad rabble-rousing complicated sensitive delicate terrifying hard-hearted intemperate rigorous inclement tragical uncool godawful saddening pathetic affecting itchy scratchy malapropos badly timed unfit malevolent intricate involved anguished sorrowful causing discomfort ill-fitting malignant poison panicky uncharitable dodgy baffling misfortunate unpliable hapless ill-starred star-crossed unyielding luckless indocile intimidating rebellious restive rebel recusant incompliant mischievous menacing not okay surly misbehaving dissident nonconformist paradoxical contrariant nonconforming discordant arsey disagreeing antagonistic misbehaved snide ignominious sordid ignoble currish dirty despiteful dishonorable virulent low paltry heart-breaking extremely bad problematical spiny catchy wrongheaded converse negative dissentient errant delinquent playful unbiddable sarcastic dishonourable convoluted impish mutinous roguish incorrigible rascally evil-minded low-minded low-down brattish scampish puckish prankish sinful echinated briery stimulating pointed unlovable pig-headed fiendish gallus wanton worthless naughty grewsome extreme terrific nightmare badly behaved full of mischief bad-mannered ill-disciplined attention-seeking belligerent very bad unloveable sharp caustic lewd cross stern vitriolic gnarly unfeeling brusque acerbic chippy eye-watering callous insensitive curt bulky cramped pitiless acerb unsympathetic comfortless spiky argumentative gruff hard to handle difficult to handle rubbing the wrong way hard to take


Somber or sedate in nature
humorless serious dry grim stern dismal intense sedate solemn staid sullen boring dour mournful severe sour straight grave humourless unamusing uncomic weighty dull earnest sober somber sombre unsmiling no-nonsense serious-minded heavy-going sobersided po-faced glum cheerless joyless gloomy dreary funereal sad miserable morose depressing unhappy forlorn doleful melancholy stony-faced depressed bleak deadpan saturnine lugubrious cold desolate comfortless poker-faced austere depressive wretched morbid disconsolate moody tenebrific tenebrous unhumorous blue elegiac elegiacal black down subdued drab long-faced strict dire drear downcast despondent melancholic godforsaken sepulchral plutonian gray disapproving grey lonesome dreich lonely chill darkening quiet muted Cimmerian straight-faced down in the dumps down in the mouth harsh hard dejected rigid businesslike dispiriting impassive expressionless forbidding dark implacable crestfallen stiff bitter blank downbeat sourpuss hurting low-spirited brooding grim-faced flinty bookish thoughtful uncomical stolid douce puritanical dolorous owlish studious murky sunless cloudy in the doldrums in low spirits moping in a blue funk taciturn pessimistic troubled leaden sage dignified contemplative pensive pokerfaced ponderous strictly business cold sober stone-faced bound and determined resolved introspective reflective composed ruminative unplayful resolute deep in thought steely dispirited bad heavyhearted droopy woebegone heartsick woeful sorrowful hangdog heartsore sorry saddened mirthless low heavy-hearted heartbroken downhearted brokenhearted inconsolable frowning intimidating surly dragged mopey cast down heavy saddening depressant fiery angry unfriendly inhospitable stark stony ungentle hostile furious sunk in gloom crabby unappeasable mortified critical mean have the blahs cast-iron boot-faced cruel oppressive unrelenting inexorable relentless rigorous pitiless rough brutal uncompromising inhuman tough trying onerous excruciating burdensome repressive rugged nasty searing grievous murderous savage obdurate astringent hard-nosed


Humble or lower in rank or status
menial humble lowly unskilled boring degrading low-status base dull mean routine humdrum abject low sorry demeaning fawning servile slavish vile grovelling ignominious inferior low-grade subservient sycophantic blue-collar ignoble obsequious unworthy baseborn basic common groveling obeisant subordinate plebeian minor ordinary unassuming lower-class second-class junior lesser low-ranking unpretentious proletarian lowborn low-born low-life lumpen prole vulgar obscure poor simple meek modest gentle unwashed mild submissive docile dutiful retiring reverential mundane withdrawing everyday prosaic cast down declassed average commonplace low-bred plain peasant deprived secondary mediocre unimportant subsidiary insignificant second-string undistinguished small smaller lousy miserable reduced meager measly ancillary second-rate second-fiddle puny bottom middling little inglorious paltry scrubby poorer slighter lower shabby wretched lower-ranking petty contemptible sad pitiful dinky minor-league small-fry small-time bush-league third-string lower in rank undersized subjacent lower in status meagre second-banana not very important beneath someone bottom-rung back seat below someone entry-level less important under someone's heel not so important less working-class lower-level under dependent accessory trivial second inconsequential lower-grade low-class marginal déclassé inconsiderable supporting reserve sub- popular subject plebby tributary subaltern younger of low birth two-bit peripheral supplementary nether supplemental auxiliary negligible lowlife satellite underprivileged backup light trifling relief blue-singlet unrefined unremarkable assistant piddling uncouth beggarly casual low-level collateral slight lower rung sub minus tacky vice- of low rank below the mark fall-back second-best dishonourable dishonorable diminished tinier crude petite cloth-cap lessened beneath bourgeois baser subalternate philistine bush incidental tangential non-essential inessential associate democratic people's grassroots smalltime deputy alternative declassé severe rough spare alternate substitute fallback attendant unsophisticated traditional banal conventional pedestrian substract lightweight extra unfit sordid a notch under youngest picayune of little account penny-ante feeding shoot side captive subjugated controlled governed obedient enslaved ruled liable vulnerable accountable disposed susceptible at one's feet in danger of bound by

Antonym of a tedious

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