Synonym of a trivial


Of little value or importance
insignificant trifling inconsequential negligible paltry unimportant petty inconsiderable minor small slight piddling measly nugatory nominal minute piffling frivolous worthless little incidental pointless footling inappreciable niggling irrelevant picayune meaningless immaterial inessential piddly fiddling valueless insubstantial pimping meagre meager scanty foolish peanut chicken nonessential marginal idle puny mean pettifogging flimsy trite ignorable everyday diminutive microscopic no-account small-fry of no consequence nickel-and-dime of no account non-essential Mickey Mouse of little account de minimis of no importance not worth mentioning penny-ante of little consequence of little importance twopenny-halfpenny small-bore beside the point not worth bothering about skin-deep minimal tiny inadequate light derisory insufficient miserable superficial pitiful exiguous peripheral casual pathetic lightweight minuscule dinky inferior secondary mingy low poxy lesser infinitesimal small-time unsubstantial unnecessary scant limited poor shallow useless token of no moment modest base minimum subordinate extraneous unessential skimpy stingy contemptible silly sparse two-bit shoestring ungenerous deficient neither here nor there wretched empty beggarly cheap miserly inconsequent subsidiary lower minor-league second-rate imperceptible futile bush-league expendable dispensable pitiable purposeless senseless not worth speaking of smaller junior of no great concern unproductive needless vain gratuitous nothing slender unneeded purportless second-string neglectable of no value lean frugal nondescript of no matter sorry hollow accessory lowly unprofitable mere tenuous time-wasting under profitless weak dependent inane shabby superfluous extrinsic peppercorn vapid unwarranted ineffectual unrequired unsatisfactory reduced forgettable redundant low-ranking excessive insipid unremarkable unmemorable uncalled-for all the same ancillary not required uncalled for fussy tangential scarce mediocre sparing aimless restricted scratch potty hairsplitting barren lousy subnormal unavailing ineffective trashy short substandard mild motiveless fruitless supplementary younger tacky subaltern minus frothy disposable bitty smallish banal bogus abject nit-picking basal null small potatoes fractional less important ordinary unconsiderable of minor importance underrepresented inappropriate of no merit unwanted smalltime below the mark very little optional unmerited no big deal lamentable low priority additional cosmetic no great shakes lower-level of no use no-good surplus to requirements not needed hair-splitting impractical niggly common cursory wee faint small-scale twopenny bland uneventful little bitty lilliputian toytown unconsequential subservient disappointing scrimpy quibbling picky rinky-dink insulting hardly worth mentioning no biggie two bit entry level of no significance surplus local outrageous spare humble ridiculous absurd ludicrous laughable risible preposterous cavilling finicky jejune loitering idling casuistic collateral reserve sterile waste drossy counterproductive ignoble inutile despicable abandoned unusable lacking substance second exorbitant unimpressive subject caviling tributary artificial skippable replaceable unreal otiose unsuccessful bootless background auxiliary skimp slim fatuous puerile flippant unhelpful occasional second-class uncelebrated obscure feeble chaffy inefficacious abortive unsound flighty shoddy no big thing removable dead illogical feckless of little import thin woeful not enough sad tinpot zero zilch zip indifferent a minor point junky irrational by-the-way by-the-by of less importance unreasonable vacant unpurposed throwaway least smallest littlest slightest unimposing rubbishy lowest invalid good-for-nothing too little too late minutest tiniest fewest merest unreasoning low precedence low preference not a priority empty-headed without depth fallacious disregardable nonrational low-grade third-rate low-quality poor-quality next to none smallest amount of least possible next to no illegitimate extra subpar unacceptable dissatisfactory fortuitous undesired wanton luxury deadwood uncritical crummy lame wasted avoidable prodigal haphazard noncompulsory causeless excess baggage random undesirable chance accidental bad wack wanting crumby punk no need inapposite irrelative inapplicable off bush sour wrong ill to no purpose to no avail suboptimal from hunger below par not worth worrying about unrelated not pertaining to unconnected impertinent off the topic off the point not at issue not the issue not connected with off the subject nothing to do with the case not germane


Unable or insufficient to produce any effect or result
fruitless futile useless vain idle ineffective unprofitable inefficacious worthless ineffectual otiose unavailing valueless bootless pointless unproductive unrewarding abortive impotent profitless unremunerative unsuccessful inefficient nonproductive uncreative unyieldly wasteful to no effect empty meaningless hollow insignificant unimportant senseless nugatory trifling purposeless barren hopeless to no purpose in vain inconsequential aimless sterile without rhyme or reason to no avail inadequate inutile purportless needless negligible footling irrelevant insubstantial mindless unreasonable nothing petty meritless paltry of no benefit unsatisfactory impractical wasted failed thwarted delusive of no use on a treadmill groundless forlorn slow lazy blocked baseless casual unfounded rambling unhelpful doomed lost exhausted losing unsubstantial unreal impracticable insufficient resultless unneeded lacking foundation powerless self-defeating no good to gundy no dice baulked of no avail without grounds not serious without foundation misfired unsound unmeaning frustrated foiled time-wasting unnotable no-win frivolous void puny misleading delusory balked slight not a prayer in vicious circle going nowhere without success null chaffy counterproductive junky poor inferior unusable lame pathetic banal unfructuous deficient miserable unessential wanky pants waste trashy measly defective silly poxy wretched rubbishy piddling rubbish abandoned bogus ignoble mediocre no use no-good two a penny not much cop a dead loss


Requiring or involving very little or no effort
soft easy effortless easeful easygoing facile simple straightforward unchallenging mindless uninvolved undemanding untroublesome cushy unexacting untroubled lax plain unburdensome little relaxed uninhibited uncomplicated unproblematic safe downhill paltry painless easy-going laid-back manageable stress-free wieldy trouble-free comfortable easy-peasy basic breezy elementary idiotproof inconsiderable obvious quick smooth fluid cheap light as easy as ABC a snap a breeze a pushover easy as pie a piece of cake as easy as falling off a log a doddle duck soup a cinch money for jam ready a bludge money for old rope snap apparent hands-down easy-breezy not difficult idiot-proof pushover picnic royal child's play no sweat a walk in the park leisurely as easy as pie a cakewalk a picnic a gift rudimental attainable perspicuous weightless piece of cake palpable unambiguous unmistakable workable evident unequivocal user friendly accessible transparent a snip kids' stuff cinch a piece of old tackle user-friendly distinct slight clear clear-cut no muss no fuss patent bed of roses open-and-shut no trouble simple as ABC yielding no bother plain sailing no problem nothing to it easily done manifest not burdensome too easy fluent intuitive routine practical a five-finger exercise rudimentary not hard comprehensible handy easy to use a doss convenient intelligible a snack casual useful untaxing feasible natural moderate fundamental essential elemental introductory underlying beginning abecedarian easily operated easy to understand bearable meat-and-potatoes graceful minimal nothing flowing initial foolproof benign basal manipulable ergonomic adaptable straight short carefree fast efficient tolerable endurable low impact necessary basilar lowest simplistic superficial well-ordered parsimonious unsophisticated easy to do unfussy uneventful easy going smooth sailing easy progress straight sailing easy ride unmissable cream puff direct easily accomplished without a hitch well ordered unlabored elegant easily understood easily grasped easy to learn low-maintenance down-to-earth easy as ABC lazy cool cavalier spontaneous instinctive unforced ordinary precise non-complex specific runaway functional usable practicable applicable working useable applicative serviceable applied actionable ultrapractical easily won exploitable breeze primary foundational primitive preliminary original ABCs primo prefatory substratal uncomplex simplest simplified simplex meat and potatoes


Made or done without much thought or premeditation
casual offhand random throwaway impromptu passing spontaneous parenthetical unconsidered unpremeditated unstudied unthinking unguarded ill-considered off-the-cuff ill-judged spur-of-the-moment unprepared improvised unplanned unrehearsed extempore extemporaneous ad-lib impulsive unscripted improvisational improvisatory ad lib extemporary offhanded snap improv on-the-spot automatic improviso makeshift ad hoc down and dirty hasty ad libitum headlong off the cuff autoschediastic informal on impulse made-up winging it by ear careless nonchalant incidental off-hand winged whipped up played by ear spur of the moment shot from the hip toss off toss out rash thoughtless uncircumspect reckless foolhardy inadvertent unconscious temerarious unthought-out ill-thought-out unintentional unintended uncontrolled unarranged extemporized involuntary uncontrived natural undesigned sudden extemporised not planned imprudent injudicious wild impetuous incautious madcap devil-may-care unwary precipitate harum-scarum heedless ill-advised harebrained overhasty irrational indiscreet daring irresponsible hotheaded premature headstrong adventurous brash passionate venturous venturesome precipitant jumping to conclusions bold daredevil hurried improvident fiery determined furious insuppressible immature frenzied audacious slapdash foolish hare-brained hot-headed hell-for-leather suicidal unwise ill-conceived misjudged uncareful kamikaze mindless self-destructive negligent regardless not thought through badly thought out capricious instinctive whimsical intuitive uninhibited unprompted emotional unrepressed freakish abrupt abandoned quick unpredictable superficial perfunctory speedy swift unmeditated unexpected hectic jumping the gun precipitous rushed misguided cursory gadarene flying overbold badly planned helter-skelter over-adventurous drive-by pell-mell


So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
banal commonplace ordinary tired stale stock trite hackneyed unoriginal boring dull pedestrian threadbare vapid platitudinous routine stereotyped unimaginative humdrum common conventional everyday hack predictable stereotypical clichéd dreary monotonous mundane overdone overused overworked prosaic tedious tiresome vanilla corny derivative hoary time-worn uneventful uninspired uninteresting bromidic cliche cobwebby cornball hackney hacky ho-hum mind-numbing moth-eaten musty obligatory repetitious run-of-the-mill shopworn timeworn well-worn worn out cliché-ridden dime-store old hat truistic unvaried wearisome blah bland cornfed dumb facile hokey noplace nothing nowhere pabulum played out square stupid tripe zero ho hum dull as dishwater drab ponderous wearying slow numbing tiring jading puerile flat jejune colourless arid colorless weary stodgy unexciting worn-out old insipid dry unremarkable lacklustre lackluster uninspiring workaday lifeless tame cliché heavy worn quotidian stuffy characterless unexceptional monochromatic normal usual warmed-over set plain vanilla leaden drudging dusty sterile spiritless average mediocre undistinguished standard bathetic familiar tune ready-made bog-standard exhausted stereotypic drained mildewed chain platitudinal well worn dry as dust cliched used-up indifferent unstimulating a dime a dozen no great shakes middle-of-the-road nothing to write home about garden-variety plodding customary featureless mainstream nondescript typical familiar so-so not up to much ornery samey plain wishy-washy uncreative formulaic unvarying repetitive common or garden out of the ark prosy regular antiquated matter-of-fact standard-issue deadly cut-and-dried cut-and-dry half-pie garden variety unmemorable barren forgettable middling not so hot lowly second-rate soporific inane plebeian warmed-up banausic obsolete uninventive dreich passé lacking variety OK dim draggy unadventurous anaemic day-to-day derived passionless imitative dead lame terrestrial anemic unsophisticated monochrome fatiguing run of the mill mawkish turgid unentertaining unenjoyable stiff passable mean depressing unappealing yawnsome nitty-gritty dullsville lacking variation wooden garden bush-league inferior weariful lacking excitement lacking interest not much cop dime-a-dozen nothing to get excited about big yawn yawn vacuous frayed simple faded zestless old-fashioned defunct lusterless bloodless fair inoffensive fuddy-duddy old-hat out of date undistinctive weak soulless unchanging outworn humble prevalent unanimated medium cribbed mechanical heavy-going tolerable unnoteworthy gray grey empty unspirited irksome traditional soul-destroying milk-and-water past their sell-by date sapless prolix deadening dismal unrelieved laborious amateur formal amateurish innocuous white-bread monotone insignificant popular plastic run-of-the-mine run-of-mine second-class laboured dull as ditchwater whitebread deadly dull ten a penny labored not very good cliché standardized conventionalized unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed mass-produced typecast antwacky vieux jeu cut and dried orthodox passe useless tarnished unartistic modest difficult ineffective unspecial standardised phoned in outdated menial homespun unromantic unpretentious outmoded serious dated worn thin silly mindless over-serious sentimental kitschy cheesy aged homely formalistic treadmill toneless desolate used uninterested tepid staple out-of-date suburban boilerplate overlong workday played-out old-chestnut old-saw general not bad world-worn jake raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy downcast dragging enervating interminable mortal exhausting poky snooze generic feeble low-grade impersonal vacant pointless uniform endless pedantic staid limp middle of the road nothing special unfeeling expressionless mat unexpressive matte watery unexcited dulled prevailing going basic current verbose torpid clinical uninviting lustreless pallid household accustomed weighty stilted antiseptic not appealing family casual ubiquitous habitual domestic frequent informal canned established unseasoned unpalatable blind muted unpleasant unattractive disagreeable hard to digest heavy going wonted not fun long-drawn-out natural moderate lead balloon namby-pamby adequate readily available widely available institutional decent meager meagre fairish intermediate boiler plate meh fair-to-middling fair to middling copied proletarian lower-class rehashed plagiaristic second-hand plagiarized straightforward businesslike unembellished unemotional unadorned deadpan working-class ignoble clean low echoic non-innovative secondhand baseborn low-class lowborn copycat lumpen peasant low-life vulgar unwashed low-born prole low-ranking evolved procured borrowed plagiarised hereditary obtained acquired ancestral inferential subordinate cognate connate caused inferred blue-singlet of low birth coming from not original


Very commonly encountered or observed
quotidian everyday ordinary common commonplace average conventional mainstream middle-of-the-road normal run-of-the-mill standard typical unremarkable characterless colorless colourless garden-variety modest nondescript plain routine simple undistinguished unexceptional unpretentious workaday boring dull humdrum mundane pedestrian prosaic uneventful uninteresting unmemorable bog-standard familiar frequent homely homespun household OK regular so-so ubiquitous uninspiring usual common or garden customary habitual ornery a dime a dozen no great shakes nothing to write home about not up to much vanilla stale wonted banal monotonous day-to-day plain vanilla trite stock unexciting bland uninspired accustomed daily general natural standard-issue cut-and-dried hackneyed cut-and-dry indifferent predictable mediocre garden variety dreary unimaginative prevailing prevalent established tedious traditional garden jejune wearisome old tiresome lacklustre lackluster flat drab insipid dry settled stodgy ponderous expected unoriginal tame derivative hacky corny tired lifeless vapid popular generic slow unnoteworthy leaden unvaried arid stuffy heavy numbing jading monochromatic dusty stupid ho-hum mind-numbing old hat middling stereotyped constant set sterile recurring tiring repetitive wearying fixed drudging weary bromidic white-bread dime-a-dozen repeated second-rate overused forgettable rife universal overworked repetitious unvarying persistent fair clichéd overdone terrestrial lowly recurrent banausic humble cornball run-of-the-mine time-worn run-of-mine half-pie perpetual worn out dime-store samey nitty-gritty played out blah nothing to get excited about dry as dust accepted stereotypical anaemic rampant recognized matter-of-fact platitudinous suburban orthodox current barren inconspicuous formulaic passable periodic featureless widespread domestic run of the mill plastic anemic medium inferior mean chronic going unstimulating recognised typic bush-league basic empty second-class deadly dreich not so hot incessant continual not much cop nothing special ten a penny two a penny bog standard methodical well-worn lacking variety lacking variation worn-out familiar tune spiritless unadventurous passionless derived straightforward adopted public endemic tolerable uninventive not bad practical acknowledged unspectacular pervasive unimpressed uncreative unmoved heavy-handed yawn familial irritating annoying domiciliary diurnal par for the course scheduled unnoticeable inconsequential superabundant gray grey okay known family casual informal desolate monotone treadmill dim toneless prosy plodding boresome vexatious bloodless soul-destroying congruous characteristic seasonal whitebread weariful stiff wooden orderly acquainted well-known well established phoned in staple representative dragging nowhere blending into the background draggy yawnsome unsophisticated archetypal archetypical true regulation intermediate cheap and commonplace profuse reiterated extensive unimpressive periodical no big deal wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry windy downcast recognizable proverbial boilerplate canonical threadbare dull as dishwater lacking excitement lacking interest ho hum timeworn native recognisable hack shopworn one-size-fits-all well known time-honored fair to middling middle of the road no-frills intermittent common variety cliche musty hackney numerous occurring often obligatory cobwebby antiquated obsolete outdated hokey plebeian hoary truistic outmoded tripe moth-eaten old-hat old-chestnut out-of-date old-saw played-out workday boiler plate grind matter-of-course monochrome inane dullsville unrelieved innocuous meager meagre dull as ditchwater classic time-honoured classical received confirmed long-established rooted sanctioned overall proven prescribed majority predominant official prescriptive proper inveterate approved fashionable ritual ruling acceptable authorized shared standardized age-old historic standardised steady ritualistic idiosyncratic authorised ancient ingrained agreed well worn folk enduring ancestral lasting in vogue in circulation deep-rooted tried and true tried and tested correct widely held right distinctive vintage appropriate square dominant conformist quintessential comprehensive model adequate insignificant by the numbers doctrinal vulgar perennial sweeping moderate prototypical decent signature widely used inborn inbred ideal determined fair-to-middling unmitigated across the board existing only to be expected authoritative vested fairish formal present defined ongoing symptomatic ceremonial favourite favorite endorsed mechanical taken for granted well-established comfortable long-standing long-lived old-world old-time understood permanent admitted dead consistent stable dyed-in-the-wool sound unquestioned certain distinguishing perfect passed traditionary stipulated absolute chosen pabulum iterated cyclic reiterative broad median preponderant regnant zero nothing preferred consummate ineradicable exemplary collective inherent paradigmatic in character textbook definitive fundamental in style in fashion essential total compulsory central agreed upon immemorial mandatory required emblematic de rigueur what one would expect amateurish amateur satisfactory prototypal obstinate in force tenacious true to form stubborn O.K. deep-seated true to type all right definite explicit precise respected pervading diagnostic venerable obvious contemporary latest extant modern express exact OB usual thing long-winded big yawn acquired honored gut default staid canned anonymous valid touted unartistic ready-made core in-between in use unopposed okayed legit given used habituated lamestream fitting sop wont decided honoured abiding primary next presentational famous notorious legendary famed uncontested undisputed statutory undoubted legal lawful canonic unromantic continuing jake reigning arranged specified immortal ageless local innate same old predetermined serviceable mutual readily available widely available cyclical continued timeless appointed good playing it safe standard operating procedure in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle not very good unimportant entrenched prearranged reoccurring axiomatic renowned self-evident useless practised automatic long-term addicting disciplined perfunctory practiced systematic iterative seasoned arrived at of choice in the habit of united embraced like circulating irrelevant paltry inconsiderable ultimate unmistakable symbolic unforgettable memorable undying deathless mass wide lingering incurable lifelong rolling repeating successive pointless immaterial piddling worthless random individual foreseeable indicative anticipated foreseen reliable planned supreme compulsive whatever meaningless reputed infamous likely unsurprising incorrigible commutual intermutual traditionalist recommended assigned superior hardened overarching national blanket communal global joint outright oft-repeated individualistic cliched peculiar officially recognized traditionalistic old-fashioned old-style afoot ceremonious in keeping at his best at its best at her best institutionalized institutionalised non-specific legitimate of little importance of no consequence of no importance of little consequence not worth mentioning of no great concern of no account secure unshakable to be expected societal wholesale epidemic nationwide special respective particular personal own distinct about considerable out-and-out complete utter broad-brush broad-spectrum across-the-board all-round all-around certified straight kosher … all over on the cards allowed in the air bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use on everyone's lips going around talked of prime imitable copybook rightful supported unheretical midway middle affirmed ratified specific generous tidy abundant significant appreciable marked noticeable goodly sizable worthwhile substantial sizeable biggish medial mid backed validated thoroughgoing royal real arrant positive thorough dinki-di pathological halfway intermediary vacuous bien pensant permitted legalized OK'd in line straight arrow respectable reasonable legalised according to the book lusterless neutral midsized midmost midsize mediate full identifying bred-in-the-bone par made official vouched for businesslike unadorned unembellished unemotional deadpan clean unmistaken medium-sized middle-sized worldwide discriminating identifiable catholic ample sufficient goodish commonest predominating done principal influential operative main preponderating ecumenical all-embracing intensive up to standard good enough pretty good comme il faut necessary socially obligatory a must conforming to accepted standards called for au fait most common most typical most usual most frequent


Tending to find fault or raise petty objections
captious critical carping cavilling fault-finding hypercritical censorious deprecating disparaging nagging overcritical niggling nit-picking pedantic pettifogging quibbling caviling criticising criticizing disapproving faultfinding hair-splitting judgemental judgmental nitpicking rejective pass-remarkable pernickety acrimonious cantankerous cavillous contrary crabby cross demanding exacting exceptive finicky hairsplitting irritable negative nitpicky peevish perverse petty petulant sarcastic severe testy thorny touchy tricky unfair unjust very critical condemnatory reproachful hard to please deprecatory condemning scathing overnice picky censuring judgy complaining fussy castigatory denunciatory reproving unfavourable contemptuous stern pejorative over-censorious pharisaic griping bellyaching unfavorable whingeing calumniatory belittling cutting cynical difficult to please self-righteous derogatory nit-picky impossible to please nice fine punctilious subtle unsympathetic querulous over-rigorous overexact overprecise over-strict overrefined persnickety unforgiving berating damning reprobatory grousing grouchy moaning grumbling reprobative on someone's back ultra-critical culpatory accusatory denouncing reprehending vituperative reproaching chiding severely critical grouching whining bleating slighting kvetching particular mithering chuntering full of reproof dissatisfied discontented scolding critic humbling demeaning harsh trenchant sharp biting choleric withering satirical lowering uncomplimentary denigratory abusive depreciative scornful insulting derogative depreciatory detractive offensive hostile disdainful derisory degrading denigrative defamatory contumelious unflattering damaging discouraging scurrilous injurious decrying unfriendly slanderous libellous opprobrious libelous antagonistic accusing derisive adverse poor vilifying rude hurtful nasty deprecative maligning bad invective vitriolic spiteful upbraiding inimical vicious calumnious jaundiced catty low detracting sneering discrediting scurril vituperatory truculent scurrile traducing sharp-tongued malicious naysaying damnatory denigrating admonitory disrespectful mean adversarial sardonic slating knocking adversary personal disavowing opposing minimizing dismissive detractory minimising destructive antipathetic inhospitable prejudicial unhelpful dishonouring scandalous undermining disobliging invalidating obstructive mud-slinging counter defaming vexatious dishonoring despiteful malevolent humiliating ill-disposed malign insolent debasing reviling corrosive caustic abrasive troublesome brusque cruel disappointed blameful accusive proscriptive cursing admonishing frowning incriminatory accusatorial familiar intrusive impertinent cheeky ambiguous equivocal evasive boot-faced disapprobatory displeased shrewish scoffing jesuitical sophistical reprehensive unpleasant maledictory scandalmongering muckraking backbiting contemptible arrogant mocking condescending diminishing deflating maledictive slurring virulent discreditable venomous hateful irreverent disadvantageous sniping dyslogistic downgrading blunt ironical obloquious castigating calumniating ranting aspersive honest candid attacking aspersing untoward libeling injuring excoriating despicable hurting offending abasing libelling vile shaming malignant disgracing vulgar stark straightforward realistic outspoken unappealing uncharitable snide straight from the shoulder epithetical warts and all

Antonym of a trivial

Music ♫

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