Synonym of acting supervisor


A person who manages an organization, project or people
manager director chief boss superintendent head administrator overseer controller governor executive foreman gaffer honcho exec superior foreperson organiser organizer archon inspector administrant super conductor steward zookeeper custodian curator caretaker straw boss brass hat slave driver leader head honcho principal captain master kingpin top dog president commander skipper baas employer taskmaster bigwig chairperson officer headman chairman chair chairwoman head man forewoman CEO official big cheese managing director boss man chieftain helmsman chief executive numero uno padrone owner proprietor line manager big wheel comptroller manageress sherang jefe ruler sachem Mister Big head person premier big gun number one dominator authority team leader figurehead big kahuna taskperson MD high muckamuck helmer chief executive officer President person in charge ringleader big person minister ganger key player guide chargehand grieve producer taskmistress commanding officer elder monarch lord sovereign mandarin mistress wheel higher-up brass pit boss pannikin boss dean chancellor big white chief big shot observer agent commandant duty officer convener moderator fat cat adviser watchdog bossman senior senior manager functionary invigilator commissioner representative ramrod trainer patron overman disciplinarian examiner provost counsellor monitor proctor counselor regulator better patriarch heavyweight VIP general person upstairs head of department handler head woman Mr Big big noise lord and master front office tycoon member of the board skip industrialist co entrepreneur businessperson kahuna planner pilot in command accountant maestro driver checker sitter keeper jailer magistrate tyrant marshal financial officer business manager player top woman top man prepositus supremo executive officer top person overlord headmaster scrutineer verifier superior commander headmistress overling appointee helm suit senior administrator senior official viceroy crew leader boss woman boss lady maistry induna headship liege suzerain servant courtier attendant gaoler pusher top cat reins director general seneschal intendant warden proconsul guv bailiff supervisory body top brass coordinator hierarchy big Daddy big Chief C.E.O. delegate prime minister floor man floorwalker coach head teacher magnate Big Brother regisseur outfit capitalist management corporation juice establishment person slavedriver gubernatorial leader presiding officer matriarch pedagogue pedagog grandee mogul baron nabob lead-off person driver's seat liege lord Big Daddy Big Chief chief of state meal ticket production manager sales manager Capt. macher workers big cheese operations manager operational manager floor manager big enchilada CFO old man four-striper operator pilot royalty top higher up top banana cap king queen emperor auditor tsar prince auteur choreographer princess guru chamberlain mentor eaves-dropper listener informant torchbearer stage director guv'nor big hitter mover and shaker big name standard-bearer bureaucrat general manager judge ambassador consul mayor prez admin kingfish mastermind biggie high-up spokesperson brains rector guvnor heavy prex prexy hotshot tribal chief commander in chief vice chancellor heavy hitter major player major leaguer big leaguer big-timer important person political boss headliner seigneur strongman gang leader instigator stirrer troublemaker potentate doyenne coryphée doyen agitator inciter orchestrator presider speaker prolocutor muckety muck grand poobah leader of the pack cacique CO POTUS C.O. big boss czar don dignitary commander-in-chief office-holder chief officer officeholder office-bearer high priestess C in C high priest point person C.-in-C. apparatchik jack-in-office very important person federal case major concern big fish matter of life and death serious issue big deal secretary incumbent panjandrum public servant top drawer treasurer office bearer civil servant nawab nob bigfoot big nibs influential person high-muckety-muck muckety-muck pooh-bah poo-bah muck-a-muck high-muck-a-muck big boy


A person to whom the authority to settle or judge a dispute is delegated
umpire arbiter judge referee adjudicator arbitrator ref moderator linesman ump overseer umpie assessor assistant referee chair umpire compromiser inspector justice line judge mediator negotiator official peacemaker proprietor settler intermediary conciliator intercessor go-between intervenor expert reconciler fixer authority middleman interceder maven holdout middleperson broker appeaser pacifier buffer intermediate interposer honest broker dove liaison officer examiner referee's assistant reviewer honor justice of peace critic marshal magister legal official bench jurist interpreter court chancellor magistrate warden judiciary appraiser justice of the peace evaluator honour arbiter elegantiarum scorer peacemonger peace-monger pacifist satyagrahi make-peace statesperson peacekeeper pacificator peacenik peace-lover placater diplomat conscientious objector passive resister jurisprudent advocate scorekeeper facilitator intermediator medium interagent troubleshooter middle person third party rent-a-judge representative agent liaison factor delegate entrepreneur envoy emissary connection dealer contact proxy linkperson attorney linkman linkwoman influence negotiant deputy matchmaker messenger link frontman contact person contact man contact woman interdealer broker ambassador pig in the middle pleader spokesperson intervener interface supplicant petitioner haggler intermedium bargainer wheeler-dealer speaker dealmaker rep trustee politician mitigator alleviator tactician broker-dealer piggy in the middle channel organ vehicle cutout instrument tactful person public relations expert minor party third force unbiased observer


A person who teaches or educates, especially in a school
teacher educator instructor schoolteacher educationist pedagogue coach counselor educationalist guide guru lecturer mentor preceptor professor trainer tutor advisor counsellor dominie don fellow master mistress reader schoolmaster schoolmistress exponent governess handler leader pedagog sophist abecedary adviser dean demonstrator oracle pandit schoolie schoolmarm wizard academic beak chalkie consultant disciplinarian doctor edifier intellectual monitor pundit schoolman teach usher department head faculty member manager nursery school teacher preschool teacher supply teacher workshop leader sage confidant expert swami savant authority spiritual leader specialist scholar egghead maharishi therapist counsel confidante mahatma mystic academician aide helper analyst guidance counsellor brain thinker guiding light philosopher researcher bookworm spiritual guide woman of letters man of letters instructress consigliere psychologist guardian psychiatrist prof psychotherapist tipster religious teacher shrink Dutch uncle spiritual teacher acharya bluestocking university teacher grind mind doctor rav rebbe rabbi boffin Maharishi highbrow Roshi main man docent roshi acca intellect head doctor trick cyclist head shrinker learned person solon prophet evangelist pedant instructer governor director supporter private teacher torchbearer torch-bearer tout kibitzer crammer clubhouse lawyer second-guesser backseat driver skipper expositor life coach trusted adviser psychoanalyst lector speaker drill instructor tutoress duenna expounder presenter pupil student psychoanalyser scholastic physical education instructor yogi headshrinker healer couch doctor nanny tutrix tutress tutrice college teacher buff mind mastermind polymath Nestor Solomon elder bookman pointy-head maestro doyen wise man wise man/woman Solon college lecturer litterateur illuminati scientist wise person critic augur person of letters tool disciple bookish person gnome whizz wonk fundi wise woman chair quant principal assistant learned one self-appointed expert member of a policy unit cognoscenti member of a think tank auger cereb commentator one of the cognoscenti learned man learned woman tohunga statesman head of faculty Regius professor emeritus professor consultee lawyer head of department full professor rocket scientist solicitor holder of a chair admonitor nestor old soul man of learning wise old man advice-giver right hand man right hand woman right-hand man spiritual advisor high priest

Antonym of acting supervisor

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