Synonym of appropriate guideline


A non-specific rule or principle that provides direction to action or behavior
measure standard criterion yardstick benchmark touchstone gage gauge guide mark rule specification instruction procedure signal advice protocol suggestion direction marker principle proposal prescription requirement counsel guidance limit clue policy parameter recommendation constraint precept regulation code directions key guiding principle ground rule standard procedure rule of thumb barometer model pattern norm exemplar example basis test par indicator point of reference litmus test bar archetype metric grade precedent paradigm convention formula gold standard index scale prototype ideal reference average canon meter metre order sign sample law hallmark check mean custom omen indication pointer median reference point warning bellwether beacon hint frame of reference design level blueprint display paragon optimum classic example target referral symbol rule of order signpost type plan guide to perfection measuring stick standards morality ethics principles morals ethos beau ideal standing order map instructions medium last word exhortation diagnostic zero control enjoinder rider urging submission advocacy proposition baseline roadmap practice way routine tradition form advisement normality habit rubric heritage formality wont condition normalcy point of departure starting point starting position reference line charge method praxis course order of things original foundation point of comparison epitome template quintessence essence classic embodiment illustration specimen instance exemplification mould normal representative mold stereotype representation usual authority master lodestar idea lead mirror midpoint case apotheosis centre role model perfect example middle center copy inspiration representative case eidolon framework personification typification avatar proof acme textbook example antecedent typical example definitive example precursor forerunner exhibit sampling typical case demonstration portrayal case in point variety exhibition golden mean tenet measurement ensample assize maxim system units ordeal version archetypal setup style guiding spirit required standard byword incarnation parallel case height ultimate rulebook rules mock-up shining example standard of comparison source icon torchbearer pioneer trailblazer zenith exemplary expectations assumptions classic case ancestor predecessor granddaddy grandaddy first foregoer daddy representative example polestar focus cynosure luminary compass appreciation game plan occasion occurrence first model first example aim guiding light expression manifestation exposition exponent antecessor case history detail situation evidence image portrait item real McCoy genuine article guiding star nonpareil patron saint nonesuch interpretation predictable typical unexceptional mode expected compromise previous case previous instance prior case prior example prior instance previous example balance run intermediary centermost intermediate mid midway equidistant medial central halfway midmost middlemost happy medium middle path middle way mid point middle ground central point middle course to be expected par for the course prime example arithmetic mean perfect specimen classic exemplar only to be expected what one would expect typical amount common run general run


A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group
doctrine creed dogma credo belief principle ideology philosophy tenet canon rule conviction teaching code opinion precept idea tradition position maxim convention gospel notion theory axiom testament idealogy thesis attitude regulation fundamental instruction proposition kaupapa statement article concept indoctrination credenda inculcation basic declaration implantation policy propaganda article of faith code of belief set of beliefs universal law unwritten rule set of guidelines dictum law order decree command statute edict directive dictate direction injunction formula ordinance ruling mandate commandment standard prescription motto prescript criterion reg truth ethic act requirement fiat aphorism guide pronunciamento ukase bylaw byword saying bidding behest word pronouncement decretum proclamation by-law moral proverb adage gnome enactment saw epigram apophthegm slogan charge truism apothegm bill mitzvah catchphrase sententia platitude cliche constitution commonplace imperative watchword stipulation theorem precedent enthymeme postulate writ brocard assize ground rule lesson wisdom ethos thinking view stance learning morality procedure sanction authorization authorisation local law briefing guidance golden rule recommendation suggestion chapter and verse Bible numbers book no-nos parameter standing order information enjoinment resolution demand covenant measure promulgation motion ratification decalogue diktat institute notice practice foundation cause reason equity warrant divestiture proposal garnishment generalization decision generalisation principium caveat base exigency ground due process idiom repartee tag expression colloquialism epigraph phrase no-no propriety decorum court order etiquette quote witticism quotation interjection mantra folk wisdom paroemia tag line pearls of wisdom words of wisdom signature phrase catch phrase catchline pearl of wisdom shibboleth accepted truth turn of phrase utterance general truth tagline idiomatic expression assertion old saying a few words of wisdom sound bite axioma articulation remark cry working principle preception action epithet device bon mot principles faith beliefs persuasion tenets rules canons ideas religion ethics teachings ideals custom standards maxims folklore mythology lore legend myth legendry culture axioms theology guidelines conventions system outlook convictions world view cult ritual opinions notions school of thought conception science sayings articles of faith ism Weltanschauung mythos rites scholarship values fable superstition erudition observance morals folk-wisdom ideal mores hypothesis traditional wisdom oral tradition credence assumption traditions knowledge denomination orthodoxy laws legends set of principles religious belief religious persuasion viewpoint thought experience saga tale line enlightenment virtues customs superstitions school way code of behavior way of life ethical codes rules of conduct moral beliefs know-how value-system moral principles moral values how-to moral law moral philosophy moral code code of ethics ethical values code of behaviour code of conduct standards of behavior moral standards movement belief system views politics stand news message revelation tidings deduction credit spirituality divinity dogmatics religious studies mysticism say-so myths core value saws stories bible study theism received wisdom concepts lemma conjecture profession prevailing attitude accepted belief accepted view fantasy mythus gospel truth presumption postulation criteria trust impression creeds self-conviction storeys letters component of a theory dogmas credos formulae institution habit usage praxis dicta mottos routine wont ceremony verdict judgement judgment sentiment aphorisms mind feeling birthright tikanga established practice eye slant system of ideas set of ideas principled explanations essence say so judgment call catechism keystone basis approach method style value model religious conviction religious beliefs understanding reasoning way of thinking stamp system of belief sect rationale sense logic argument rationality point of view argumentation dialectics aesthetics esthetics truths assembly congregation attitude to life basic idea formal system chain of thought logical thought communion hauhau line of reasoning process of reasoning chain of reasoning chapter schism affiliation religious group society faction connection church gathering body


A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual
policy scheme line procedure program programme strategy approach blueprint code plan schedule stratagem system guidelines methodology plans practice action course intentions position protocol rules stance theory arrangement notions administration dogma management method order tactics proposed action guiding principle red tape course of action tactic way recipe tack technique process design style means move game plan master plan manner line of action formula game ploy manoeuvre maneuver direction plan of action line of attack modus operandi form path angle project proposition routine regimen operation setup trick device machination ruse ground plan maneuvering road map measure contrivance mechanism plot artifice manoeuvring fashion route planning mode custom idea MO organization expedient shift undertaking initiative how pattern avenue manoeuvres proceeding treatment step set of tactics generalship conduct enterprise campaign organisation rule disposition maneuvers running option handling channels gambit proposal scenario wile gimmick masterminding orchestration dodge alternative principle wangle choice agenda exercise solution canon racket drill series sequence layout transaction regulation grand design maxim plan of attack series of measures campaigning application devices diplomacy defence defense road apparatus diet venture praxis behaviour possibility stunt wiles manifesto behavior tenor variation outline set caper subterfuge regime moves story method of working play mode of behaviour mode of conduct organizing system attack how-to mind-set point of view practise model logistics sleight jig juggle shenanigan framework regularity course of therapy knack flimflam modus set of procedures set of principles fixed order wheeze fetch game plans battle plans intention logical order frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels systematic process logical process deal suggestion mission prescription sleight of hand law business plan thought military science submission animus purpose projection regulations constitution ritual principles big picture control charter laws precept convention precepts roadmap supervision jurisprudence decalogue action plan guidance formulation theorem specifications description rite rubric credo rote creed equation leadership controlling managing presidency intendance oversight charge coordination superintendency superintendence stewardship care overseeing government governance discipline digest body of law codex prosecution carrying out manipulation execution wielding measures steps agendum series of steps performance nuts and bolts standard operating procedure the book the numbers SOP act effort affair activity deed exploit endeavour pursuit endeavor engagement task movement crusade cause assignment instructions business implementation adventure drive work push scam lockstep secret plan rut groove bandwagon job aim specification map proceedings juggernaut conception concern feat expedition baby struggle ambition machinations conspiracy agency thing attempt ways and means blitz development motion shifting habit preliminary design progress shenanigans detail post dealings deployment brief sham con fastie definite plan cycle démarche medium brainchild event prototype stopgap resort makeshift crafty designs set-up cunning plan modality schema cabal intrigue legal action subversion wrinkle preparation authority list itinerary fix draft booby trap draught covin secret scheme curriculum beaten path directions ingredients receipt detailed plan five-year plan parameters spec procedures usual procedure jurisdiction lobby approaches affairs interface conditions details provisions requirements occupation treadmill source of likely cause of compound way of achieving means of achieving way of ensuring means of ensuring practices processes ways company pet matter intent demonstration stipulations tactical plan working plan strategic plan objective systems appeal mobilization object API grind goal dedication battle commitment end focus target establishment association promotion fight war impetus practises methods point instruction mobilisation outfit interest hope methods and means methods and resources cooperative institution corporation show group desire menu escapade plunge fling experiment essay stake quest flutter exploration wish dream consortium bag investment do romp gamble try risk striving hazard speculation ballgame trade aspiration federation society pet project follow through big idea leap in the dark

Antonym of appropriate guideline

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