Synonym of authoritive


Dictatorial or overbearing in the use of one's authority
dictatorial imperious domineering autocratic overbearing authoritarian tyrannical despotic peremptory bossy tyrannous masterful autocratical tyrannic dogmatic lordly doctrinaire dictative magisterial stern high-handed overweening arbitrary oppressive commanding arrogant harsh severe strict dominating repressive absolute pushy assertive imperative totalitarian undemocratic draconian autarchic rigid officious imperial anti-democratic high and mighty inflexible haughty controlling iron-handed monocratic firm willful wilful illiberal czarist tsarist coercive dominant unyielding heavy-handed imposing powerful forceful insistent bullish pushful iron-fisted egotistic demanding cocky emphatic ruthless disciplinarian ironhanded subjugating absolutist bullying pontifical one-party fascistic insolent regnant Neronian pompous proud self-willed ordering aggressive bidding exacting confident intolerant cruel autarchical throwing one's weight around impressive brutal absolutistic inconsiderate strong summary tough merciless unbending uncontrolled uncompromising unaccountable positive stringent rigorous compelling overpowering inhuman unconstitutional in charge not backward in coming forward mean unjust unreasonable dogmatical prescriptive single-party superior throwing one's weight about clamorous crack-the-whip cocksure presumptuous overproud throwing weight around lording it supercilious opinionated high-and-mighty ascendant preponderant prevalent cavalier disdainful unlimited dystopian pushing driving czarlike all-powerful strong-willed crack the whip in driver's seat on your high horse relentless pitiless fascist hard self-important monarchical hardhanded suppressive austere swaggering overwhelming crushing unfair supreme condescending sadistic autonomous punitive unrestrained lofty aloof insensitive contemptuous megalomaniac overconfident unsparing savage pretentious rough uppity power-hungry snooty scornful onerous stuck-up ramrod flinty power-crazy unrestricted omnipotent troubling depressing constraining prohibiting restrictive forbidding exploitive governing monolithic Stalinist unconditional stifling thoughtless undiplomatic sovereign preeminent full downright drastic communist totalistic total inexorable exigent extreme colonial no joke flat-out straight out spartan blustering hectoring boastful conceited audacious intransigent brassbound no ifs ands or buts unpermissive tightfisted cast-iron hard-line proscriptive antiliberal smug egotistical very severe hawkish vain bragging alt-right close-fisted vainglorious imperialist self-aggrandizing puffed up stuck up smart-alecky know-it-all loudmouth puffed-up high maleficent brutish wolfish violent truculent tormenting torturous barbaric unrelenting barbarous unfeeling unkind callous dour inhumane abusive heartless unsympathetic murderous unforgiving grim unmerciful patronizing unpitying snobbish critical hifalutin highfalutin hard-hearted huffish self-asserting hoity-toity huffy high-hat bumptious stiff-necked prideful toploftical toffee-nosed uppish self-assertive refined chesty assumptive important toplofty presuming sniffy hard-nosed hard-boiled hard-shell honourable patronising gracious grandiose honorable


Recognized as being reliable or accurate
true authentic accurate precise valid factual reliable veritable faithful sound certified dependable trustworthy proper legit truthful convincing definitive good verifiable verified authenticated proven confirmed attested learned circumstantiated solid supported validated scholarly documented respected well-founded straight from horse's mouth from the horse's mouth exact genuine legitimate correct veracious actual unquestionable real right honest certain unerring kosher irrefutable credible bona fide certifiable veridical undeniable strict pure on the money sure-enough faultless errorless infallible indubitable effective concrete absolute straight without error official bang on dead-on for real thorough believable safe failsafe undoubted indisputable tangible existent unimpeachable literal complete unqualified intrinsic evident pukka admissible echt dinkum incontrovertible natural watertight inerrant conclusive fail-safe final pucka unadulterated unmistakable sheer spot-on spot on clear-cut true to life on-target incontestable perceptible inescapable demonstrated established substantiated de facto palpable honest-to-goodness real McCoy original express especial very legal all right sterling lawful unalloyed compelling bonafide untainted unspoiled trusty true blue unvarnished full unspoilt rightful fair and square on the level aboveboard card-carrying right on fit unequivocal on target on the ball so matter-of-fact on the nose just so bull's-eye dead on clear on the button in every respect perfect reputable specific explicit meticulous unambiguous canonical minute detailed creditable flawless undisputed unrefuted definite word for word fact-based based on facts straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy on the nail error-free characteristic ingenuous archetypal regular guileless archetypical representative typical artless simple unaffected unpretentious unpretending appropriate average direct dinky-di standard normal undesigning fitting


Legally binding or recognized according to law
legal authorised authorized legitimate official lawful certified accredited sanctioned licenced licensed documented authenticated recognised recognized valid verified accepted formal ratified binding licit kosher bonafide correct legalised legalized legit certifiable contractual veritable bona fide legally acceptable legally binding in effect signed and sealed within the law authentic proper approved endorsed validated genuine true sound allowed effective in force influential prescribed effectual confirmed acceptable explicit methodical credible constitutional permissible actual real undisputed usable warranted pro forma rightful unexpired right signed canonical cleared true-blue signed, sealed, and delivered straight from the horse's mouth ex officio ex cathedra statutory just on the level allowable permitted admissible due original above board pure attested on the up and up honest justifiable established condign innocent protected ordained judged enjoined passed enforced decreed card-carrying de jure by the book going by the rules echt pucka pukka statutable unfaked acknowledged dinkum upright justified juridical judicial ordered commanded warrantable ruled legislated enacted jurisprudent vested mandated legitimatized jural genuine article of right suitable appropriate admitted orthodox decriminalised decriminalized fair enforceable sanctioned by law granted straight precedented chartered enforcible aboveboard trusty faithful unadulterated unalloyed sure true-to-life sterling live unfeigned indisputable accurate indubitable precise proved uncounterfeited creditable simon-pure sure-enough honest-to-goodness reliable veracious twenty-four carat your actual real thing veridical trustworthy dependable real McCoy fair dinkum


Having great influence or persuasion over
persuasive convincing compelling strong powerful effective influential forceful weighty efficacious potent forcible impactful emphatic impelling motivating motivational swaying affecting consequential provocative hard-hitting telling cogent sound plausible impressive irresistible valid conclusive eloquent well-founded satisfying credible decisive moving lucid effectual logical rational reasonable reasoned unanswerable clear striking pertinent coherent incisive inducing puissant urgent meaningful relevant well reasoned punchy solid trenchant material convictive compulsive inspiring inspirational pivotal touching incontestable articulate enthusiastic dynamic vigorous swayful alluring masterful pithy enticing seductive dramatic momentous unmistakable sharp coercive expressive great significant aggressive vivid purposeful mighty powerhouse firm indubitable efficient categorical intelligent assured clear-cut capable able unequivocal far-reaching successful well-defined definitive energetic imposing irrefutable incontrovertible reliable undeniable unassailable believable assuasive substantial winning suasory stringent constraining elemental gutsy electric insistent overpowering coming on strong evocative sufficient authoritarian animated vivacious zestful well-established on the ball exciting vehement grand charming direct theatric histrionical graceful important acute performant high-powered salient formidable crystalline evident passionate decided undisputed obvious infallible ingenious insightful unambiguous distinct intuitive graphic crucial instrumental zappy in-your-face stirring rousing guiding succinct terse competent fateful formative monumental useful central responsible contributory controlling encouraging operative robust stimulating critical considerable animating justified consistent satisfactory systematic methodical orderly suasive apt apposite fitting well-grounded well organized


Having authority over the policies, actions, and affairs of a state or organization
governing supreme dominant commanding ruling controlling directing supervisory administrative ascendant dominating executive regulatory guiding influential absolute superintending overseeing gubernatorial conducting magisterial determining mastering ordering presidential restraining predominant powerful superior reigning leading imposing regnant imperious strong almighty mighty puissant potent powerhouse prevailing heavy-duty domineering prepollent prominent assertive prepotent transcendent emphatic presiding surpassing formidable important significant forceful predominating heavy indomitable pre-eminent omnipotent fearsome redoubtable in control all-powerful preponderant dominative chief principal main foremost major on the throne uppermost ascendent vigorous boss high sturdy forcible dynamic overpowering great overwhelming plenipotent effective spanking trenchant punchy gutsy hegemonic demonstrative impressive holding the reins decisive effectual able towering efficacious capable competent hard in the ascendancy invincible weighty eminent efficient high-level high-octane high-powered in charge plenipotentiary officiating predominate prevalent supereminent prime premier unassailable authoritarian autocratic insistent dictatorial remarkable compelling paramount sovereign preeminent overriding overbearing successful greater larger extensive pivotal rife current popular widespread rampant upper overruling primary central key first highest cardinal greatest capital grand master arch primal big overmastering ultimate prior peerless matchless unconditional total full unlimited unrestricted unrestrained utter unbounded infinite boundless lofty majestic number one numero uno more powerful more important most powerful most important


Indisputable, beyond doubt
unassailable incontrovertible irrefutable indisputable incontestable undeniable conclusive unquestionable indubitable certain definite sure positive clear unequivocal unmistakable unambiguous sound absolute inarguable evident true watertight plain obvious proven undoubted reliable patent manifest real demonstrable guaranteed genuine trustworthy infallible undisputable hard unerring firm set verifiable fixed ascertained confirmable destined determined establishable known predestined provable supreme beyond doubt beyond question beyond dispute sure thing beyond a shadow of a doubt on ice salted away having down pat in the bag safe compelling categorical unarguable irrefragable convincing final solid valid unanswerable unchallengeable accomplished decisive recognized clear-cut confirmed not in doubt recognised definitive dependable forceful cogent emphatic unfailing persuasive unquestioned unchallenged accepted acknowledged uncontested decided assured accurate foolproof irrevocable well-founded established palpable settled surefire unqualified sure-fire apodictic fail-safe can't-miss determinate transparent undisputed not in question inerrant as sure as eggs is eggs self-evident airtight clinching undebatable telling ultimate powerful open and shut frozen sealed flat inexpugnable hard-and-fast stable overpowering nailed-on without question there are no two ways about it all sewn up tyrannous dogmatic arbitrary factual inevitable not disputed freely admitted strong demonstrative concrete credible unconditional doubtless resolute sober faithful secure independent trusty precise questionless failsafe plausible weighty resounding authentic rigid unalterable absolutist logical serious efficacious unbeatable effective well grounded one hundred per cent tried and true handy agreeable tried and tested effectual right acceptable correct satisfactory helpful useful steady undeceivable exact always effective unimpeachable efficient omniscient never failing inerrable satisfying in black and white unchangeable unmovable non-relative non-variable flawless faultless uncontroversial impregnable perfect straightforward express pronounced marked observable without loopholes as plain as a pikestaff staring one in the face actual unbreakable double-checked no mistake no ifs ands or buts inalienable immutable inoppugnable material binding unshakable invulnerable for sure unequivocable uncontestable impressive authenticating well-proven nailed down validating above criticism unvarnished verified irresistible irrebuttable ironclad overwhelming invincible apodeictic no two ways about it apparent downright pat well-grounded undoubtable sure-enough veritable bare cold odds-on nof ifs ands or buts can bet on it last deciding down pat bona fide for certain without doubt revealing settling resolving irrefrangible determinative determinant tested tried beyond a shadow of doubt flat-out litmus test all out straight out what you see is what you get goofproof impeccable veridical idiot-proof never-failing unfabled holding water holding up standing up holding up in wash


Boldly self-assured
dominant assertive commanding confident domineering assured bold bullish strong demanding determined feisty firm forceful imposing pushy controlling decisive forward insistent bossy imperious overbearing positive ambitious audacious driven fearless fierce collected committed composed daring emphatic intrepid poised powerful resolute resolved spirited staunch steadfast steely tenacious tough zealous self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-reliant strong-minded can-do cool-headed decided self-possessed strong-willed dynamic vigorous vehement energetic strenuous aggressive violent potent competitive in-your-face muscular resounding full-blooded uncompromising hardline influential convincing compelling persuasive militant stout robust effective brassy hard-hitting self-asserting enterprising driving gutsy pushing hard-nosed take-charge not backward in coming forward go-ahead nervy single-minded resilient titanic unwavering ballsy dauntless tough-minded unsentimental overconfident dogmatic peremptory stubborn cocky opinionated intense eager enthusiastic keen ardent earnest passionate dogged active fiery persistent purposeful unyielding fervent wild fanatical unfaltering obstinate indefatigable go-getting unrelenting dedicated persevering unbending unshakeable unflinching impassioned avid fervid pertinacious raging industrious perfervid intent obdurate untiring unswerving mettlesome forcible tireless sure unflagging plucky high-powered passional wholehearted motivated high-pressure indomitable hungry burning impetuous animated loud uncontrollable unhesitating aspiring pushful emotional unremitting hearty tumultuous stalwart rabid flaming frenzied warm spunky self-starting assiduous intensive unrestrained intransigent uncontrolled unbridled iron-willed desirous thirsty punchy rampant brash pulling no punches feverish importunate inexorable hot-blooded red-hot warm-blooded diligent obsessive irrepressible rigorous inflexible torrid obsessed offensive charged heated demonstrative immovable obnoxious bumptious indurate turbulent incandescent bent ungovernable blazing religious all-out superheated glowing hyper rock-ribbed thrusting inspired consuming furious ruthless vital strident dead set impulsive progressive pioneering urgent cocksure hard-driving lively hot lusty self-driven goal-oriented bent upon ferocious devoted Herculean zestful undaunted excited courageous compulsive brave relentless power-hungry adamant fixed possessed extreme besetting striving set all out serious undeviating have-a-go eager beaver deep blunt arrogant fast full of determination obtrusive overwhelming overpowering impertinent frantic effectual red-blooded loudmouthed convulsive constant ringing unwearied irresistible unruly patient out-and-out steady inexhaustible unmalleable imperative paroxysmal incessant weariless full of oneself on the make consumed compelled explosive heartfelt antsy certain high-octane go-go game perseverant heroic unbendable unshaken unshakable grind mulish afire dashing ebullient galvanized monomaniacal impelled profound independent sedulous rugged conscientious messianic hammer and tongs coming on strong fixated obsessional induced self-motivated rigid sagacious crazy knock-down-and-drag-out hardy pushed steered galvanised guided blood-and-guts hard-working full of beans faithful bang-bang acute stout-hearted self-willed deep-seated moving urged on eloquent stirring as game as Ned Kelly keen as mustard steamed up poignant stimulated self-seeking precipitate headlong power-loving gung ho inspiring get up and go hell-bent high-reaching ironclad hotblooded expressive thrilling affecting quickened presumptuous officious stentorian purposive self-disciplined torrential concentrated sharp-elbowed bludgeoning rapid storming racy restless painstaking coercive telling deliberate assaultive complete rushing explicit concerted direct pressing unavoidable inescapable radical laborious definitive stormy tight loyal unwearying magnetic electric tempestuous allegiant iron-jawed deep-rooted immodest rough exigent thoroughgoing thorough gritty downright stiff-necked die-hard perky jumping zippy peppy self-directed unconditional adventurous hopeful unstinting firm in spirit perceptive two-fisted resourceful take charge mean valiant total sweeping full unpreventable inevitable cutthroat sustained ablaze amorous hectic valorous iron on the go ball of fire volcanic flamboyant gallant unabated bloodthirsty stringent cyclonic warlike gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy bullheaded flush gingery sparky all-embracing exhaustive not taking no for an answer doughty all-consuming like a ball of fire upwardly mobile highly motivated desiring success fast-flowing hang-tough intensely competitive go for broke fiercely competitive bound and determined stop at nothing having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog volatile reiterative dire continuous clamant monotonous crying fated overmastering oppressive destined ineluctable lionhearted charismatic energizing hyped-up activating go-getter productive vitalizing vibrant highpowered energising manful virile unmixed sound stouthearted blustering boisterous mad full of get-up-and-go clinging unpredictable unafraid trenchant pointed sober accented solemn greathearted heroical crazed out and out bursting gutty full of vim and vigour full of life raving bound focused out focussed one hundred per cent undauntable manic at the boiling point maniacal unfailing manly inflamed clear-sighted do-or-die hell-bent on flat-out hell-bent upon bent on straight out unceasing delirious lion-hearted hard arduous taxing exhausting brisk unquenchable unstoppable hopped up stirred up enthused exuberant unstinted undeterred hysterical pumped raring insuppressible thrilled willful wilful titillated willing vivacious stoked headstrong agog voracious fascinated interested solicitous exhilarated great ready intractable rhapsodic geeked aflame nutty wacky concerned appetent animate impatient nuts anxious tantalized unqualified refractory juiced itching tantalised bugged zesty yearning athirst gaga pleased sprightly warmblooded recalcitrant sincere keyed up hot to trot turnt hepped up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed gone on chomping at the bit hopped-up ready and willing as keen as mustard greedy champing at the bit mad keen raring to go high-spirited devout mullish over-assertive frenetic stubborn as a mule fanatic itchy ripe zealotic fired fireball evangelical gung-ho wild-eyed


Conforming or adhering to whatever is customary, traditional, or generally accepted
orthodox conventional traditional standard accepted customary regular common established normal usual prevailing popular prevalent ordinary routine formal familiar mainstream proper recognised recognized sanctioned authorised authorized approved official acknowledged ceremonial correct ceremonious received legitimate right canonical square doctrinal kosher straight rightful derivative unheretical unoriginal well established well-established bien pensant by the numbers in line straight arrow according to the book legal lawful stock undoubted unquestioned sound natural statutory undisputed canonic uncontested strict express documented valid prescribed methodical orderly set regimented explicit fixed certified systematic ritualistic formulaic ritual formalistic ceremonialistic bona fide typical general accustomed habitual everyday wonted commonplace average expected time-honoured run-of-the-mill time-honored long-established universal classical classic settled current prosaic frequent decorous confirmed unexceptional bog-standard characteristic plain quotidian unremarkable workaday vanilla regulation well-known widespread household garden-variety standard-issue old going ubiquitous daily long-standing prescriptive acceptable fashionable garden variety public staple respectable proverbial day-to-day cut-and-dried stereotypical cut-and-dry well worn common or garden representative ancient appropriate long-lived age-old archetypal predictable basic decent chronic archetypical deep-rooted standardized old-fashioned dignified standardised conforming enduring lasting predominant de rigueur comme il faut seemly punctilious nice overall admitted renowned suitable fitting proven befitting simple true fit hackneyed starchy bourgeois stereotyped rooted understood conservative apt long-lasting constant conformist traditionalist steady OK genteel stuffy typic agreed upon entrenched matter-of-course tried and true tried and tested old hat long-term stately famous courtly abiding famed agreed historic durable mediocre generic stable shared indifferent endorsed legendary great ruling majority known rife mundane stilted stiff honoured institutionalized institutionalised undistinguished permanent passed stiff-necked so-so repeated becoming refined honored humdrum polite remembered folk suburban civilized allowed overused recognizable consistent preferred stipulated respected hacky favourite favorite good done native recognisable staid civilised okay widely held white-bread chosen in vogue well known par for the course fuddy-duddy dull strait-laced favoured long-living collective extensive pervasive boilerplate touted acquired unopposed legit okayed old-world ancestral old-time wide tralatitious protocol in order straightforward favored comfortable domestic one-size-fits-all derived rehearsed broad stated believed vulgar couth moral mannerly well-mannered declared identified perceived in established usage unspontaneous distinguished done thing acquainted lowly venerable OB realized long-running ornate elaborate uneventful long-existing unsophisticated net diplomatic unadventurous arrived at stale artificial realised professed imposing august handed down existing recurring inconspicuous mutual garden given used habituated careful inherent symptomatic socially acceptable obligatory buttoned-down homespun common variety humble matter-of-fact anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic right stuff middle-England petit-bourgeois widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted tried and trusted of choice in the habit of in circulation in force distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing past congruous adopted intermutual embraced united across the board colloquial commutual like timeworn individualistic clichéd cliched standard operating procedure playing it safe sop in a rut same old wont in the groove according to Hoyle vernacular unprogressive in keeping in character portly notorious dialectal true to form to be expected regulated only to be expected regularised regularized on the cards middle-class … all over true to type banal trite informal dyed-in-the-wool solemn antique perennial inveterate backward-looking old school old line earlier generation idiomatic platitudinous overworked tired vintage firm periodical periodic corny self-evident axiomatic persistent celebrated readily available widely available canned ready-made worn out worn-out antiquated supported ratified affirmed illustrious medium unofficial backed validated apposite surviving repetitious practised practiced mechanical reiterative iterated automatic ongoing addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory cyclic seasoned passable fair reputed infamous eminent permitted legalized certain OK'd acclaimed moderate legalised made official vouched for outstanding tasteful tolerable staunch time-hallowed unforgettable mature plastic adequate widely used ingrained comely pukka presentable grind glorious in-between middle-of-the-road traditionalistic old-style officially recognized prudent storied memorable second-rate secure unshakable vested remarkable lacklustre uninspired unexciting forgettable lackluster pedestrian half-pie run-of-the-mine amateurish run-of-mine amateur inferior second-class fair-to-middling laureate serviceable modest O.K. heroic epic not so hot middling no great shakes fairish not up to much all right satisfactory nothing to write home about plain vanilla commemorated narrow-minded parochial immortal genius stodgy puritanical Pooterish Biedermeier straight-laced stick-in-the-mud small-town button-down dogmatic of the old school most common


High or prominent in rank or status
ranking chief top leading principal prime first premier main primary senior foremost commanding superior preeminent lead presiding dominant head grand prominent notable noteworthy elevated distinguished eminent influential powerful upper important prestigious lofty consequential illustrious exalted ruling celebrated famous renowned high-ranking pre-eminent top-ranking high-level top-level top-notch high-grade big-time major league high supereminent skookum key executive central serious considerable decision-making fundamental responsible supreme highest cardinal paramount great major predominant sovereign big arch master capital greatest overriding primal number one overmastering overbearing sovran noble topmost numero uno outstanding best prior august uppermost number-one higher ultimate controlling dignified elite governing directing magnificent highest-ranking in charge inflated pompous front core essential vital crucial stellar champion bombastic fine of note esteemed orotund fustian proud imposing honourable honorable grandiloquent revered venerable overblown glorious focal sublime critical astral unequaled headmost star consummate surpassing unrivalled transcendent intrinsic top-drawer incomparable matchless unsurpassable unsurpassed peerless well-known unequalled towering unrivaled elemental prevailing underlying rudimentary salient loftier top-tier higher-level higher-ranking dominating guiding basic integral pioneer crack root elementary original simple excellent unmatchable honoured intellectual momentous constitutional overarching second to none upper-level reigning of the first rank special utmost uplifting self-important superb exaggerated immodest excessive honored arch- lordly necessary particular managing executive level definitive first-string superordinate of higher rank pivotal high-status unparalleled unmatched decisive inimitable superlative absolute nonpareil untouchable unbeatable total staple unconditional perfect pretentious highest ranking mother of all No. 1 urgent must-have rhetorical haughty verbose high up higher up magniloquent histrionic stately majestic regal above noted overhead famed acclaimed exclusive select aureate oratorical declamatory respected overlying cliquish private tall high-sounding splendid heroical monumental magnific epic massive grandiose royal gallant aristocratic baronial heroic Homeric significant signal upward lionized legendary remarkable conspicuous bright imperious impressive luminous insular cliquey exclusionary redoubtable name superstar further-up celebrious celeb redoubted VIP imperial magisterial leonine lionlike lionised well known clannish big-name page-oner of high standing big-league big league big-gun pertinent rarefied relevant heavy primo heavyweight initial hotdog hotshot first-rate importunate solid definite of concern immediate vigorous germane operative pressing standout marked of interest emphatic A-number-1 at the leading edge heavy stuff at the cutting edge hot stuff A-1 more elevated most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most significant most skilled


Superseding others in importance or status
greatest best apex supreme top dominant head lead peerless prime unequalled unequaled utmost biggest finest matchless optimal peak predominant preeminent premium reigning ultimate unparalleled unsurpassed ascendant chief consummate foremost highest incomparable leading record regnant superior transcendent unrivaled unrivalled complete core inimitable key major optimum perfect predominate premier prevailing principal ruling unassailable unprecedented big central overriding primary supereminent unexampled unexcelled unsurpassable utopian arch capital cardinal exemplary grand main master nonpareil paramount primal select sovereign unbeatable unbeaten undefeated furthermost largest overbearing overmastering sovran best possible second to none without equal beyond compare industry leading number one pre-eminent top-class top of the line top of the range top-tier first class first-class record-breaking top-drawer a cut above the rest number-one numero uno par excellence top-of-the-range number 1 sans pareil top drawer topflight prize-winning first great prior outstanding prominent topmost commanding important uppermost maximum essential vital superlative maximal uttermost presiding champion eminent top-notch star crucial notable fundamental first-rate high most pivotal focal excellent elite illustrious unmatched max surpassing basic super prevalent crack exceptional preponderant controlling distinguished stellar crowning extreme greater towering better larger arch- of greatest importance unique renowned choice famous critical salient absolute dominating staple tops apical mother of all full unmatchable A-1 tiptop intrinsic rudimentary elemental influential outside significant overruling primo utter celebrated nth culminating underlying directing noble exalted senior top-ranking extraordinary world class noted lofty of prime importance boss well-known headmost worthiest quintessential highest-ranking out of sight No. 1 lion's share bulkiest unequalable powerful fine five-star indispensable loftiest front effective official governing total enormous ace unconditional ranking radical last urgent faultless crown rare alpha prestigious top-priority mighty elevated august dignified honoured esteemed noteworthy high-class potent especial final revered regal respected recognized definitive exquisite redoubtable choicest all-time of the first rank big-time first and foremost of supreme importance honored A-number-1 world-class flagship beyond comparison highly regarded recognised greatest possible major league initiative characteristic inherent state-of-the-art luxury quality high-quality top-of-the-line majority marquee integral elementary ideal higher bigger elder winning root richest popular successful special perpetual everlasting enduring oustanding serious basal constitutive hugest upmost top-rank chad necessary particular consequential momentous weighty decisive simple hot crackerjack fab nice untouchable apogean unlimited unrestricted unrestrained climactic overarching constitutional burning unbounded terrific telling infinite boundless axial strongest determining maxi all-out majestic guiding must-have compelling intervening only superseding Grade A executive upper bright immediate singular imperious highest ranking out-of-sight overpowering second-to-none severe intense acute efficacious A-list luminous unparagoned of the highest quality one-in-a-million vintage blue-ribbon estimable superfine cool gilt-edged zenithal of greatest significance alone all-time best without an equal in a class of its own hors concours stand alone without peer aces astral high-up high-grade tip-top heavy unchallenged heavyweight to the fore initial hotshot hotdog high priority out of this world the most A1 solid-gold gilt-edge respectable venerable patrician refined aristocratic top-level tremendous of note heavy stuff hot stuff at the cutting edge at the leading edge genteel deadly indescribable hard-core raging helluva hardcore mortal posh highborn upmarket large highbred gentle huge grave wellborn high profile honourable gifted high-minded well known signal resonant legendary well-connected trusted all-important heroic magnanimous triumphal idealistic imposing honorable high-powered reputable fabled high-level puissant formidable first rate sublime highly rated learned famed notorious prized seminal admired stately glorious iconic acclaimed big league valued very great furthest farthest outermost blue-blooded upper-class widely praised well born silk-stocking well thought of upper-crust of distinction high-born remotest classic approved farthermost accepted established outmost magisterial classical exhaustive standard reliable faraway nethermost flat-out material requisite imperative high-priority considerable far-reaching foundational pressing needed meaningful monumental substantial innate high-ranking required rudimental historic heavy-duty pertinent life-and-death conclusive eventful primitive deciding necessitous marked of great consequence substantive appreciable exigent major-league structural conspicuous beginning introductory profound original earth-shattering constituent settling meat-and-potatoes bottom-line sizable striking emphatic prerequisite extensive of consequence natural earnest ingrained mandatory earthshaking in charge abecedarian keynote sweeping operative strategic predominating of concern needful remarkable impactful dire fateful big-league large-scale landmark relevant mainstream valuable vitally important hefty of the utmost importance of the essence primordial true compulsory obligatory deep-rooted clear defining acknowledged deep-seated familiar organic definite immanent determinative worthwhile public almighty widespread solid ponderous current germane hard-wired rife forceful importunate rampant pronounced prepotent deep demanded tough at the heart of distinctive certain lionised life and death lionized wanted much sombre hard sober somber causal steady tectonic skookum memorable called for all important mammoth of great import no joke of moment no laughing matter of significance of high standing king nucleus pioneer managing formative ascendent mainline everything worthy stipulated difficult nuclear executive level irrevocable categorical higher-ranking higher-level high-status solemn in first place splendid at the core of integral to fundamental to central to determinate closing in control prepollent big time dynamic invaluable favorite nitty-gritty at the center of extra special applauded super colossal component connected concluding clinching out of the ordinary brilliant infamous responsible shaping evaluative accomplished recognizable sustaining trenchant axiomatic axiological supporting substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom underived groundlaying desperate dandy appropriate unequivocal visible in the ascendancy sizeable decided incisive expedient desired preferred proper de rigueur binding incumbent on name of game specified recommended of repute far-famed widely knowbn talked about big-name much publicized emergency drastic sore impelling reputed in the limelight extolled pointed instrumental terrible clamant driving crying parlous emergent standout tip top recognisable big-shot feted high-flying lauded crisp fatal settled peremptory sensational strong headline noticeable obvious portentous unforgettable worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous impressive milestone glaring front-page unusual unordinary ponderable climacteric newsworthy real much needed very important life-or-death overshadowing life-changing dangerous grievous high-profile much-publicized called-for time-critical firm sound of interest litmus test good useful healthy massive prodigious vigorous historical superabundant abundant vast favourite right-hand common big-deal general usual customary conventional normal in the public eye regular universal ordinary stock of influence of mark set overall received going built-in deep-down comprehensive inborn native indigenous hardwired inbred connate engrained fashionable worldwide congenital existing vulgar catholic commonest preponderating ecumenical all-embracing by the numbers in style in circulation in vogue in fashion arterial through trunk more powerful more important most excellent most important most influential most outstanding most prominent most illustrious most significant most powerful most obvious most noticeable most skilled most scholarly most reliable most perfect most complete most usual most frequent


Renowned and recognized in a given field or domain
respected esteemed celebrated distinguished renowned acclaimed famous prestigious noted important reputable famed recognised recognized venerable respectable admired estimable reputed honoured honored name acknowledged valued prized appreciated praised beloved reliable highly regarded well thought of well-regarded highly rated well received much touted highly esteemed much vaunted highly thought of eminent illustrious great influential prominent notable leading imposing powerful exalted august grand predominant noble dignified preeminent elevated glorious dominant honourable honorable supreme superior well-known foremost commanding major noteworthy magnificent majestic impressive revered pre-eminent regal of note worthy extraordinary premier seminal chief stately magnific outstanding prevailing notorious prime formidable fabled well known marvellous highest well-connected puissant trusted all-important alpha iconic heroic lofty potent high profile senior mighty high-level incomparable marvelous royal signal first-class high-powered resonant top significant substantial storied high-profile feted forceful weighty primary capital main principal magnanimous paramount sublime superlative number one triumphal legendary idealistic learned of high standing in the public eye major league overbearing arch- unparalleled unequaled unequalled gifted matchless arch first high-minded redoubtable prior of the first rank first rate unsurpassed primal peerless big league greatest unexcelled grandiose imperial fine splendid epic baronial resplendent excellent wonderful terrific gallant extravagant tremendous heroical superb fantastic massive first-rate monumental proud Homeric controlling eventful top-level head big upper memorable phenomenal of influence oratorical high-up high-ranking distinctive integral towering historical aristocratic four-star successful rich upper-class top-ranking VIP good big-time well-thought-of of good repute conspicuous key major-league of repute central big-league pivotal venerated star lionized lionised of distinction brilliant essential core remarkable lauded superstar of good standing heavyweight top-drawer much-publicized big-shot well respected with a good reputation big name consequential fundamental considerable upright cardinal serious focal exceptional luminous trustworthy bright decent far-reaching astral honest popular recognizable celeb top-notch redoubted dependable established recognisable sound widely known in the limelight big time high-flying material prodigious public decorated critical crucial celebrity heavy vital vaunted stellar meritorious of mark applauded requisite intrinsic marked famous name infamous laureate visible of great consequence singular big-name especial special striking unforgettable shining necessary needed indispensable world-class kingly nonpareil arresting worthy of mention worthy of note stand-out lordly staid having made a name for oneself up there solemn portly heavy-duty earnest high-priority hallowed master highfalutin' awe-inspiring lead dynamic instrumental energetic talked of patrician refined premium skookum apex transcendent genteel elite sovereign posh biggest largest highbred gentle widely praised well born highborn huge upmarket upper-crust sovran silk-stocking large number-one high-born overriding blue-blooded numero uno overmastering grave wellborn legitimate creditable principled conscientious virtuous irreproachable sincere righteous faithful favored just straightforward fair constant legit truthful in high favor favoured salt of the earth of good report tried and trusted high-principled copper-bottomed anti-corruption above board familiar accomplished extolled


Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind
classic best excellent fine finest classical consummate definitive grand ideal masterly superior exemplary fab famous fantastic master prime top-notch wonderful fabulous frontline great marvellous marvelous noble outstanding prize stellar sterling superb superlative top quality unsurpassed first-rate first-class world-class of the highest quality awesome splendid terrific sensational choice fantabulous cool divine neat swell dandy cracking nifty heavenly peachy radical topflight mean groovy dynamite hot immense beautiful corking crackerjack dope supernal phat lovely righteous slick topping prizewinning banner primo tip-top capital bumper high-class keen gilt-edged gangbusters bang-up jim-dandy out-of-sight top-of-the-line gangbuster boss top-shelf bully A-OK wizard blue-chip bonny blue-ribbon first-string boffo gilt-edge brag par excellence five-star down bonnie brave peachy keen hype numero uno number one gone four-star out of this world super magnificent exceptional brilliant supreme wicked smashing too much tremendous ace perfect exquisite glorious champion brill supercalifragilisticexpialidocious very good sublime rad select peerless matchless admirable beaut good impressive bosting top-hole magic schmick ripping spiffing mega sik bodacious amazing tiptop on fleek striking sovereign incomparable topnotch premier remarkable A-1 bonzer pre-eminent extraordinary exo belting worthy chillin' unparalleled rare premium unrivaled magisterial elite preeminent class delightful transcendent of the first water top-drawer applaudable greatest accomplished unrivalled dazzling of high quality amazeballs crack pearler accepted barrie approved phenomenal special official mind-blowing def recognized elegant top-class eminent A1 unreal notable stunning flawless unique leading unexcelled breathtaking formidable of the highest standard sound gorgeous winning fly splendiferous awesomesauce top-level high-grade crucial bosker highest exclusive incredible recognised spectacular too good to be true fancy top-grade unequalled of the first order desirable standout deluxe vintage quintessential unmatched singular stupendous outrageous model nice lofty unequaled high-quality established far-out dreamy optimum spanking without equal second to none beyond compare optimal way-out beezer reliable top-quality top-tier hunky-dory far out highest quality top of the line very best top of the range of the highest order exhaustive canonical chic ultimate masterful valuable standard illustrious plush invaluable certified praiseworthy laudable noted high distinguished attractive meritorious priceless estimable commendable prodigious dominant mint fantastical legit bad delectable surpassing cream star memorable top-of-the-range lead renowned flagship faultless unbeatable inspired uppermost tops marvy untouchable fabby effusive goodly extreme excessive inflated lank exaggerated kif worthiest exalted the dog's bollocks solid gold award-winning in a class all by itself the best grade A above and beyond of highest order of a high standard superfine majestic refined enviable celebrated fashionable unorthodox deep wild colossal posh ritzy foremost successful sophisticated polished idyllic advanced crowning ambrosial superhuman lush adorable bestselling radiant mighty sanctioned authorized foxy juicy rocking canonic creditable distinctive choicest first pleasing peak legitimate accredited commanding pick fat paragon hand-picked elect really good really nice red-letter selected gnarly ka pai noteworthy top quality sup rior all very well well and good authorised dainty high-test high quality not too shabby best ever like wow out of sight cat's meow elevated august splendorous high-end A-grade prize-winning solid proud favored 10 popular preferred preferential grade-A with it pretty cool the very best state-of-the-art a standout super-duper virtuous top drawer top-flight baller crash hot nang No. 1 handpicked plum favorite precious exciting congenial above average pleasant slap-up enjoyable thrilling diverting not bad favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual 24-karat carefully chosen first-line unprecedented novel essential prototypical typical one-off inimitable irreplaceable extraordinaire signal unparagoned sui generis one of a kind unexampled archetypal one and only in a class by itself utmost unrepeated nonpareil unrepeatable unheard-of once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind separate without precedent fresh mother of all flat-out arresting unforgettable skilful skillful virtuoso scrumptious moving eloquent zero cool resplendent imposing stately sumptuous awe-inspiring luxurious grandiose expert wondrous opulent palatial delicate lavish regal skilled astonishing adept monumental royal adroit rich imperial epic princely heroic proficient dexterous baronial astounding magnific deft massive dignified Homeric practiced practised dextrous talented heroical able competent clever gallant fascinating pleasurable classy splendacious lordly charming extravagant alluring expensive experienced swanky versed staggering kingly workmanlike veteran ravishing educated appealing gifted sightly unbelievable magnolious upmarket artful fair gratifying bravura captivating complete professed enchanting compleat venerable agreeable impeccable pretty costly blissful beauteous bewitching prominent taking capable satisfying coruscating fetching swank swish plushy luxury joyous luxuriant statuesque handsome professional important elaborate exhilarating tasty mind-boggling genius eye-catching honourable honorable cute esteemed bright jaw-dropping well-favored stirring out-of-this-world good-looking honored immaculate pompous well versed powerful ornate unblemished snazzy enthralling irreproachable favorable favourable refreshing to die for delightsome rapturous honoured showy miraculous intoxicating profound dramatic well-known fun intense effulgent rewarding palatian splendrous Lucullan eye-popping efficient trained graceful comely irresistible beguiling upscale magnetic extremely good influential ostentatious angelic shapely something else delicious enticing engaging pulchritudinous likable shining dear exceptionally good solemn fit for a king positive what considerable symmetrical towering well-formed recherche big league particular copacetic big stylish glittering acceptable hypnotic spotless comforting lovesome tempting euphoric presentable shipshape entertaining knockout pure surprising stainless respected finished dollish showstopping welcome blessed profitable cheery prestigious smart indefectible virtuosic magical sweet the high-ranking glitzy likeable paradisiacal darling dulcet blest recreative paradisiac relishable transcendental uplifting unmarred inspiring affecting crazy absolute qualified conspicuous A-list demon happy unspoiled unspoilt rockin apt promising portentous irie ridiculous jolly knowledgeable aristocratic ambitious seductive momentous what great banging haughty likely major gee-whizz rousing handy unsurpassable thoroughbred eye-opening central pricey fine and dandy schooled effective portly nice-looking aesthetically appealing aesthetically pleasing fine-looking large savvy lavishly appointed spendy ultraexpensive pricy easy on the eyes fit immortal triumphant time-honored famed first class up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par big-ticket palatine celestial drop-dead prepossessing tantalizing glamourous photogenic seemly tantalising queenly easy on the eye fanciable ominous glamorous top-end high-ticket piked picturesque courtly eventful splendent unimpeachable hotshot arrestive high-born amiable marked hundred-proof mostest blameless tophole no-expense-spared frabjous proper sunny significant awing magnifico flamboyant splashy baroque weird outlandish bizarre very fine crashing intelligent insane first rate better than expected fit for a prince convivial balmy exacting creative worthwhile aesthetic theatrical cordial meritable dream strong blinding especial fit for a queen fit for a princess spiffy embellished deserving respectable jovial scintillating vivid ecstatic very agreeable very pleasant very nice good quality high-caliber a cut above imaginative satisfactory colorful chur ingenious better improved enhanced eclectic esthetic overwhelming innovational innovative healthy blooming pretentious flashy tasteful a million dollars good-quality high-calibre haute beyond price innovatory colourful gaudy sacred holy spiritual abstract well trained daring absorbing awe-striking heart-stopping eximious awful ample amusing heartwarming hunky dory strange absurd mad far-fetched intellectual unutterable five star of the highest type top grade best-quality like a million dollars highest-quality enterprising original inventive better than usual of the best quality better than average unusually good dishy reputable zingy soothing consequential resourceful the most couthy cheerful mooi comfortable lekker felicitous titantic one in a million in a league of their own cordon bleu surpassing belief forcible vital crash-hot worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas genial paradisal paradisaic savory super-eminent savoury super-excellent paradisaical well-versed astral self-important overblown immodest top-ranking highest-ranking impassioned untainted tutored multitalented fitted well-rounded multiskilled sure-handed effectual taught practical all-round all-around a hand at seasoned culminating prized primary specialist sexy physically attractive indispensable valued inestimable treasured propitious auspicious entrancing facile leet opportune of genius well-done intact sharp au fait dapper telegenic voluptuous curvaceous winsome sheen beddable willowy personable sensual camera-friendly drop-dead gorgeous prettyish debonair optimistic advantageous hopeful spellbinding unbroken undamaged whole hot property rosy heartening encouraging providential unimpaired roseate upbeat immensely skilled highly qualified very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled extraordinarily skilled highly trained intriguing unmarked fortunate well executed luxe inviting mesmeric heady mesmerizing silken without blemish pristine golden utopian enchanted entranced charmed bewitched luscious Babylonian picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect seamless fairylike acclaimed Lucullian charismatic dreamlike mesmerising fiendish conjuring palace unsullied copybook fairy-tale entire as good as new as sound as a bell just so upholstered prodigal ultra profuse full of promise rose-colored staid de luxe hallowed highfalutin' rich-looking highly regarded of repute well thought of of high standing of distinction high-minded most reliable most scholarly most complete most perfect most significant most valuable most precious


Based on, or displaying, common sense
valid reasonable sound rational logical coherent telling convincing good powerful substantial believable compelling credible justifiable plausible reasoned right sensible strong sustainable bona fide cogent congruent defensible grounded just legit lucid prudent realistic solid viable acceptable accurate arguable astute balanced commonsensical confirmed deductive defendable effective informed irrefutable maintainable perceptive perspicuous persuasive probable proven sane supportable true workable analytical commonsense conclusive determinative discerning germane justified legitimate levelheaded practical pragmatic reliable weighty analytic commonsensible consequent consistent efficacious firm forceful pertinent relevant sober stable vindicable attested intellectual kosher potent tested trustworthy uncorrupted well advised well-advised well-founded well grounded well-grounded well reasoned well-reasoned well thought out clear-headed down-to-earth able to hold water matter-of-fact holding water satisfactory thoughtful satisfying advisable responsible orthodox together established accepted profound cool right-thinking right-minded all there got it together circumspect judicious wise objective shrewd level-headed common-sense tenable clear-sighted intelligent sagacious politic hard-headed clear-eyed full of common sense with both feet on the ground dinkum fair admissible genuine understandable enlightened decent perspicacious real percipient reflective feasible mature moderate businesslike cerebral philosophic thought-out well-thought-out unidealistic no-nonsense hard based on good sense hard-nosed with one's feet on the ground appropriate correct warrantable warranted proper authentic clear sage discriminating rightful verifiable pukka acknowledged canny equitable estimable straight deliberate impartial sapient unprejudiced restrained conservative controlled temperate standing to reason cognitive knowing unexcessive thinking unextreme ratiocinative making sense unbiased joined-up well balanced fair-minded evenhanded clear-cut open to reason in one's right mind unsentimental unromantic hardheaded pragmatical robust earthy unemotional utilitarian tough-minded unfantastic hard-boiled


Having great influence on the result of something
decisive crucial significant critical final influential conclusive important momentous deciding key major pivotal absolute definite definitive determining forceful chief fateful imperative imperious paramount prime principal trenchant vital certain decided incisive settling crisp fatal peremptory settled litmus test ultimate categorical official irrevocable clear determinate closing concluding emphatic clinching determinative last unequivocal essential necessary fundamental central indispensable urgent consequential pressing cardinal must-have life-and-death all-important requisite acute compelling serious pre-eminent high-priority primary of great consequence required needed integral leading of the utmost importance of the essence main grave big dominant basic climacteric predominant premier preeminent weighty grand primal capital overriding supreme master strategic needful quintessential exigent burning meaningful necessitous far-reaching prerequisite developmental earth-shattering formative life-or-death vitally important shaping foremost dire sovereign great desperate historic defining first material lead overbearing arch epoch-making overmastering intrinsic top sovran core number one numero uno mandatory radical heavy now or never much needed world-shaking bottom-line foundational constructive seminal creative determinant focal portentous foreordained inevitable predestined doomed destined apocalyptic overruling determined climactic ruling constitutive underlined controlling outstanding earth-shaking nitty-gritty meat-and-potatoes name-of-the-game coal-and-ice responsible causal evaluative demanded unlucky life-saving of vital importance extremely important world-shattering life or death of great moment very important moulding guiding appropriate inherent rudimentary innate substantive called for expedient wanted desired preferred proper de rigueur binding incumbent on name of game specified all important elementary recommended forming severe drastic perilous clamant crying terrible emergent importunate hazardous testing awful precarious trying searching molding instant dreadful profound psychological highest parlous salient alarming head egregious bad utmost greatest operative keynote clamorous afflictive prevailing life-threatening unequaled superior insistent showdown touchy climatic commanding consummate topmost unparalleled unmatched surpassing unrivalled presiding inimitable transcendent superlative incomparable matchless unsurpassable prior nonpareil untouchable high supereminent unsurpassed unbeatable best peerless total governing directing unequalled uppermost unconditional towering unrivaled perfect highest ranking top-drawer mother of all hanging by thread on thin ice touch-and-go most influential


Having or showing knowledge, learning, or devotion to academic pursuits

Antonym of authoritive

authoritive Idiom, Proverb

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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