Synonym of complete book


(usually in plural form "books") A set of records or accounts
accounts ledger records archives log account book record book balance sheet financial statement record journal register account archive daybook registry dossier report logbook diary documentation document chronicle annals file write-up books results chart tally financial record minutes listing blog notes calendar documents case particulars profile docket charts data summary information case history case study case notes almanac compendium files directory memorandum encyclopaedia scroll encyclopedia reference book memoir transcript history proceedings annal note story chronology commentary transcription notebook vlog weblog moblog narrative narration statement casebook list description transaction recital autobiography transactions follow-up evidence entry script catalogue minute yearbook daily record inventory day-by-day account detail commentaries manuscript writing catalog tale recountal exposition study article version opus item acta day-to-day account form submission recollections life memories experiences reminiscences thing paper chronicles saga muniments folder facts intelligence gen portfolio database affairs biography résumé return tabulation FilofaxTM scrapbook datebook album relation chronicon commonplace book memoirs recapitulation written account personal account recorded information epic transliteration memo pad text prehistory public records goings-on concerns doings dealings publication matters activities life story personal recollections print translation portrayal recording recounting recount portrait chronicling sketch rehearsal telling rendering detailing written version lowdown plot outline recorded material play by play run-down printed version story line sequence of events blow by blow written copy draft annotation jottings impressions synopsis marginalia rough draft apostil draught summarized record composition column review treatise bulletin thesis essay dissertation editorial post discourse analysis treatment critique feature exposé discussion exclusive proceeding disquisition uncovering revelation scoop paragraph section sitrep news piece of writing inside story press report think piece editorial column news story transcripts instrument deed memo act memorial certificate trace legend muniment inscription written material paper trail swindle sheet procès-verbal


(the Book) A religious book made up of the writings as accepted by Christians


(rare, slang) Information that is available only to a select few
scoop dope skinny lowdown tip inside poop details intelligence account inside story inside information heads-up exposé revelation chatter beat dossier disclosure story inside track dinkum oil juicy morsel inside dope unvarnished truth naked truth tip-off absolute truth information facts info data news particulars statistics figures gen knowledge documentation notice documents material word instruction advice latest guidance enlightenment deets counsel direction bumf developments low-down report communication dispatch dirt tidings message announcement statement leak rumor rumour bulletin scandal gospel clue score gossip item chapter and verse communiqué notification description detail reports talk brass tacks bottom line whole story intimation tittle-tattle briefing goods heads up specifics essentials specification numbers hearsay discovery eye-opener the goods cue fact like it is correspondence findings warning gospel truth caution exposition goss advisement buzz tattle materials summary reportage file picture scuttlebutt what's what real McCoy reality certainty greetings advices uncos idea letter update hint concept status thought understanding conception quotation substantiation telling headlines release telecast broadcast copy cable slander status update directive commentary testimonial papers testimony revelations calumny libel memorandum memo break smear aspersion alert forewarning document tale comment promulgation blurb literature documentary drum publication line tidbit titbit note phone call email dirty linen excerpt text fax intimate intelligence writing pipeline mail ideas missive acknowledgement admission avowal know-how front-page news news flash cognizance itemization recognition recital telegram particularization narration apprisal declaration alarm expose acknowledgment confession proclamation admonition alarum wake-up call advance warning surprising fact surprise fact point tiding specific insight feedback element particularity circumstance feature notes results records wisdom conclusions consultation aspect thing respect nicety regard datum instructions observation clues erudition directions background files input learning illumination recommendation suggestion fine point article case evidence ammo Bible truth plain truth unalloyed truth straight truth hard truth specialty nitty-gritty facts of life ABC's particular nuts and bolts rundown speciality hot tip word to the wise


A creative literary work
work of fiction story tale narrative fantasy novel fiction short story account chronicle narration novelette novella romance epic adventure autobiography drama fictional account biography yarn prose record report legend chronology allegory cliffhanger myth potboiler memoir folk tale piece of fiction best-seller parable bestseller history anecdote recital blockbuster yellowback pot boiler piece paperback hardback three-decker cliff-hanger commentaries info item version intelligence word commentary gen tidings spiel news advices information relation testimony detail urban myth beat sequel saga comedy nonfiction apologue urban legend old saw conte tragedy serial long and short of it poem play thesis verse literary work composition dissertation poetry manuscript exposition fable tradition fairy tale tall tale lore folklore journal folk story annals tall story fairy story mythos description sketch register diary uncos log archive annal life mythology reminiscence rigmarole mythus traditional story ballad shaggy-dog story fish story romp moral study legendry explanation dramatization bio adventure story portrayal palaver fictionalisation dramatisation fictionalization blog profile portrait depiction life story dossier note fictional version past song and dance short novel lengthy story vita lengthy explanation soap opera old chestnut folk tradition memorial oral history folk history communication roman-fleuve archives phantasy knowledge review notion gag episode chestnut incident calendar analysis voice-over recountal chronicon written account memoirs recapitulation firsthand account old wives' tale fallacy superstition prehistory cover public records lesson escapism horror sci-fi superstitious belief false knowledge false belief exemplum Haggadah teaching science fiction cover story symbol emblem song fabrication metaphor symbolism analogy moral tale sword and sorcery typification figuration symbolization carry-on to-do performance moral story historical account monograph essay pantomime indirect representation extended metaphor recitation sea story cock and bull story background lengthy statement traveller's tale treatise recollection article memory discourse tractate transactions confessions paper burble burbling journey career maundering overelaboration adventures curriculum vitae life history experiences catalogue of disasters chain of events document file personal record trials and tribulations personal narrative close-up personal account confession growth tearjerker education résumé biopic documentary development documentation evidence culture existence experience weepie lyric melodrama idealization idyll transcript minutes transcripts catalogue transaction daydream sensation idealisation reality struggle sense past history sith banging on almanac instrument deed registry transcription script data memorandum list inventory memo proceedings writing entry logbook act yearbook directory certificate trace case history swindle sheet muniment written material case study catalog paper trail scroll casebook inscription procès-verbal romantic short story love story romantic fiction romantic novel sense of excitement romantic film sense of history romantic comedy light fiction tissue of lies romantic story sense of adventure sentimental fiction romantic tale tear-jerker tear jerker


A bill for goods or services provided over a period
account bill invoice statement charge check tab costs ledger charges expense balance fee receipt score tally price rate reckoning register amount computation damage debt inventory itemization sum total amount due list of charges bad news checking account note of charge statement of charges bill of sale IOU itemized account request for payment statement of indebtedness arrears liability obligation indebtedness chit voucher note liabilities arrearage commitment debit record deficit price tag dues due duty debts debits outstandings albatross mortgage responsibility capital debenture claim credit cuff financial obligation baggage encumbrance bite outstanding payment manifest shot money owing promissory note red ink balance due amount outstanding sum unpaid amount overdue memo draft memorandum cost demand ticket coupon draught tariff pass pasteboard note of charges payout running total audit budget affidavit collectible payment subtraction withdrawal accounts entry deduction bills points result outcome number count aggregate average number of points final result final score end result summation stock final count number of runs sum total summary number of goals levy unpaid bill toll assessment tax accountability culpability blame onus amenableness subjection owing amenability compulsion accountableness outstanding account receivable hock outstanding payments deficiency account payable taxation vulnerability exposure back payment imposition usually account receivable arrearages impost outstanding debt unpaid debt susceptibleness openness susceptibility burden vulnerableness contribution subscription fees answerability protection ante kickback pay collection custom rates premium outlay blameworthiness incrimination fault surcharge investment expenditure figure disbursement rap legal responsibility guilt spending membership fee out of pocket bottom line


A book containing songs


A hardware device used to read e-books


Something that is invented or untrue
fiction fabrication fantasy invention fancy concoction falsehood untruth fable fibs illusion improvisation lie lies tale figment legend myth nonsense novel phantasy porky romance sham story bulldust creativity imagination narration storytelling alternative fact anecdote cliff-hanger clothesline crock deceit drama fake news fib hooey literature misrepresentation narrative nonfiction pork pie potboiler prevarication smoke trumped-up story unrealism urban myth whopper yarn creative writing urban legend best seller fish story short stories short story terminological inexactitude cock and bull story figment of imagination figment of the imagination made up story tall story work of fiction works of fiction work of imagination fairy tale falsity fairy story piece of fiction mendacity deception tall tale falsification pretence taradiddle tarradiddle exaggeration pretense white lie made-up story porky pie barefaced lie pretext red herring little white lie half-truth departure from the truth folk tale flight of fancy rumour rumor ruse trickery wile stratagem account saga canard line novelette parable novella delusion adventure epic hallucination daydream fallacy inaccuracy untruthfulness folk story falseness forgery report spiel allegory dream chimera cock-and-bull story fallaciousness vision erroneousness phantasm misinformation perjury dishonesty disinformation dissimulation fake hogwash history mythos distortion kidology lore folklore prose fraud pipe dream fraudulence untruism chronicle unreality chimaera record autobiography shaggy-dog story biography song and dance traditional story fictional account bubble nightmare duplicity misconception fictitiousness misstatement hollowness gossip propaganda deceitfulness creation tradition hypocrisy hyperbole jazz error castle in the air fakery conceit disingenuousness incorrectness unveracity fantasm mythology nonentity rigmarole jive detraction relation legendry bestseller Märchen cover-up feigning mythus chronology conte memoir apologue cliffhanger best-seller pishogue whisper lying bunk whimsy phantom of the mind creature of the imagination creation of the brain wildest dream false statement misinterpretation misunderstanding nancy story evasiveness equivocation spinach truthlessness inveracity half truth novels fibbery economy with the truth persuasion conspiracy theory scandal chestnut defamation big lie remarkable story one for the birds false report contrivance prepared speech Marchen misbelief piece hardback paperback self-delusion guile subterfuge blockbuster superstition thought reverie spectre wraith image trance idea specter incubus vagary impression speculation rainbow backbiting evasion yellowback escapism horror sci-fi false notion mistaken belief castles in the air pot boiler three-decker science fiction poem mental picture head trip pie in the sky fictitious story folk ballad cover double-dealing treachery inexactness play deviation from the truth deceptiveness perfidy cheating poetry disregard for the facts cover story oral history folk tradition spuriousness uncandidness insincerity speciousness composition dissertation thesis exposition verse manuscript phantasma sword and sorcery claptrap literary work opus artifact work artefact recital production sketch version commentary information info tidings news advices item intelligence word gen commentaries detail testimony tragedy sequel beat comedy serial reminiscence apparition mirage song old saw imagining long and short of it sea story act simulation facade charade con traveller's tale tearjerker façade hoax trick phoniness imposture dissembling flimflam feint weepie lyric romp melodrama idealization idyll put-on snow job play-acting put-up job burlesque faking counterfeit sell humbug spoof false front imitation ballad sensation idealisation romantic fiction romantic short story romantic novel sense of excitement romantic film sense of history romantic comedy love story adventure story light fiction tissue of lies romantic story sense of adventure sentimental fiction romantic tale tear-jerker tear jerker make-believe masquerade pose artifice posturing posing disguise daydreaming playacting phony phoney acting posture self-deception mendaciousness show front shamming guise semblance copy excuse airs lack of veracity display appearance veneer stall ideation imaginativeness visualization visualisation swindle castle in Spain fool's paradise imaginative faculty angler's tale fibbing unreliability perfidiousness originality double-crossing two-facedness codology telling stories inventiveness pretending baloney rant misjudgement misjudgment spin sophistry calumny affectation dreaming romancing creative thought chicanery attitude bluff performance obfuscation misreport stance dissemblance purple prose veil stunt shuffling routine cloak ostentation gag mask schtick snare pretentiousness pageant pretension role-playing game chaser ploy hamming dissimilation false rumour false information phantom bogy monstrosity monster will-o'-the-wisp false display sweet talk soft soap a put-up job a put-on shuck and jive bending of the truth false trail attitudinizing cant ignis fatuus virtual reality fata morgana reproduction bum steer misleading information counterfeiting wish conception simulacrum putting on an act mock-up dummy pirating coining caprice whim false pretense dumb act lookalike likeness power of invention wishful thinking conceiving hope fond hope air castle envisioning cloud cuckoo land product of someone's imagination mind trip fanciful notion desire flight of imagination utopia pinchbeck rip-off dupe knock-off pirate false colours mind's eye mental image imaginative power pseudo four-flusher sleight junque gold brick replica imposition scam impersonation fraudulent imitation fraudulent copying


A way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done
mode fashion manner method style way process system approach form technique practice procedure condition course means plan state vein locution phraseology quality tone custom methodology routine channels genre kind mechanism modus posture rule situation sort status type wise modus operandi nuts and bolts strategy recipe tack tactics formula line course of action scheme how MO tactic programme policy program proceeding protocol regimen route design line of action method of working red tape plan of action arrangement operation conduct step blueprint angle move setup praxis stratagem line of attack game plan master plan tenor mores usage attitude action path measure road behaviour option rules idea pattern plot agenda exercise alternative tradition maneuver manoeuvre drill behavior how-to plan of attack the book road map law grand design movement agency demeanor guise measures steps concept order capacity touch technic demeanour transaction medium organisation methods organization standard operating procedure agendum series of steps the numbers set of tactics SOP performance model direction operating procedure tendency modality schema rubric organizing system wrinkle perspective slant stab whack mind-set point of view practise viewpoint game ground plan ways and means etiquette ritual convention use undertaking ceremony scenario avenue ploy machination contrivance habit wont formality attack choice ruse manners framework regularity possibility decency solemnity ceremonial rite observance social practice propriety proprieties decorum theory enterprise manoeuvring maneuvering racket artifice M.O. workings mode of behaviour mode of conduct precept canon convenance by the book kawa tikanga by the numbers right practice ropes set formula done thing regulation set of procedures set of principles fixed order method of operation manner of working rule of thumb method of operating modus vivendi mode of operation method of functioning way of doing things logical order frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels systematic process logical process prescription principle position mission business plan stance ingredients instructions receipt directions way of achieving means of achieving guidelines source of way of ensuring likely cause of means of ensuring compound activity stages principles formulation theorem specifications description credo rote creed precepts maxim equation treatment project layout instrumentation formation


A book or website listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers
directory index list listing record register catalogue inventory archive agenda almanac atlas calendar catalog charts encyclopaedia encyclopedia folder gazeteer handbook lineup manual roster scorecard syllabus yearbook blue book hit list laundry list reference book short list social register white pages who's who yellow pages little black book roll canon table registry checklist menu schedule log file roll call price list brief prospectus flyer tally programme program bill plan tabulation docket guide synopsis pamphlet chart bulletin brochure booklet enumeration card timetable appendix slate compendium series scheme account outline scroll summary playbill graph digest illustration statistics curriculum details recital rota leaflet manifest listicle diagram itinerary table of contents advertisement description specification litany draught draft line-up bill of fare list of performers nose count list of artistes list of players head count enum census key archives refrain repetition recitation chronicle annals worksheet spec muster classification entries worklist programme of entertainment business gazetteer official list tale memo cartulary magazine gazette announcement schema arrangements appointments plans meetings memoranda happenings chores preparations affairs spreadsheet grid to-do list report book list things to be done list of items order of events order of the day things to do necessary acts series of events order of business particulars conspectus ticket graphic vector panel lexicon leet literature design circular dictionary ballot contents thesaurus notice list of books bibliography handbill arrangement handout supply repertoire pool budget fund reservoir force stock timesheet vocabulary flier reading list list of suggested reading list of references statement hoard store stockpile itemization stock list stock book portfolio backlog reserve mailshot mailer short hand-out printed document information sheet


A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority
regulation rule law order canon ordinance procedure statute decree dictate edict requirement ruling directive act by-law direction precept pronouncement bylaw command dictum fiat guideline injunction mandate proclamation reg commandment prescription pronunciamento ukase Bible code decretum ground rule instruction no-nos numbers parameter prescript principle chapter and verse standing order demand behest diktat imperative stipulation charge enactment bill rescript bidding word constitution writ promulgation convention criterion maxim decretal tenet measure resolution standard guide axiom custom do declaration warrant motion doctrine covenant precedent bull assize fundamental firman irade decalogue formula summons say-so recommendation briefing policy statement manifesto ratification tradition notice institute ethic heritage authorization authorisation announcement judgement judgment practice proposal dogma advice mitzvah suggestion guidance system rubric enjoinment subpoena guiding principle assertion legislation instrument sanction propriety decorum brocard etiquette ipse dixit local law affirmation no-no information saying rap charging say working principle motto byword modus operandi court order moral law preception action teaching the word point of departure the riot act exhortation requisition request imposition ultimatum hest obligation will ordering exaction dictation call adjuration interdiction notification devoir memorandum memo message communication treatment medicine preparation drug rules regulations remedy charter laws routine normality habit normalcy course yardstick cure dose mixture benchmark jurisprudence touchstone gauge mark medicament medication specification credo belief creed foundation postulate cause signal discipline method digest body of law codex reason equity divestiture garnishment generalization decision generalisation principium truth caveat base exigency ground proposition protocol physic medicinal nostrum marker order of things counsel limit due process clue forescript constraint key directions kaupapa gage standard procedure rule of thumb wish desire appeal claim plea solicitation permission restriction invitation application okay petition prohibition green light ban insistence licence embargo bid imploration authority license admonition bar supplication consent accreditation want go-ahead carte blanche importunity commission monition invocation indent condition provision purchase order dun veto drive choice permit entreaty urging proscription approval endorsement empowerment clearance allowance agreement support leave sufferance interdict concurrence granting right credentials verification written order dispensation legal ruling restraining order exclusion order gagging order thumbs up prompting task process nomination appointment rule of order calling bell cry assignment beck expressed desire recall asking script recipe official sanction warning citation intimation caution hint forewarning prompt cue ask beck and call delegation comment pressure cautionary advice supervision order enjoinder piece of legislation verdict amendment Act of Parliament clause legislative document commitment tip-off high sign need clamour ordainment blank check info tattoo enquiry pursuit question must-have impetration clamor prayer counterclaim arrogation suit entreatment detail proviso petitioning intention interrogation inquiry interest pleading beseech security particular big ask papers pledge warranty official document instructions inheritance estate legacy bestowal device description delineation testimonial passport certificate guarantee credential authentication assent acceptance acquiescence access countenance blessing backing approbation privilege freedom power entitlement exemption prerogative validation confirmation tolerance discretion admission avowal concession liberty acknowledgment condonance impunity blank cheque pass acknowledgement endorsation green-light stamp of approval all clear free rein condonation seal OK admittance sanctification rubber stamp latitude run nod seal of approval free hand toleration O.K. say so imprimatur passage


A book with spaces for each day of the year in which one notes appointments or information
diary calendar schedule agenda organiser organizer timetable Filofax program programme engagement book personal organizer appointment book year planner datebook planner plan roster order of business chronology daybook record list docket sked itinerary timeline rota moire appointments address book day planner log book agenda book almanac ephemeris journal tab log logbook table pipeline time bulletin register engagement diary appointment diary chart social life memo arrangement system of reckoning menology card annal lineup calends planning aid organization order of the day organisation table of events sequence of events order of events things as they happened roll call social calendar list of appointments to-do list listing bill syllabus curriculum details arrangements line-up catalog catalogue slate business memoranda plans meetings happenings affairs index outline synopsis necessary acts things to do series of events rubric bill of fare roll schema scheme list of events things to be done chores preparations playbill job sheet frequency engagements cast period programme of entertainment worklist inventory basis list of performers worksheet checklist announcement brochure movements activities time interval frame routine procedure menu registry preparation specification course directory pamphlet advertisement particulars conspectus description time scheme schedule of operation program of operation instructions setup list of items booklet literature handbook design leaflet agendum plan of action prospectus


(slang) To leave a place, often for another
bail exit go begone depart move part get quit vamoose scarper bail out bug off clear off clear out pull out run along take off walk out bug out buzz off pack up peel off push off push on shove off cut out dig out get off go off pack off pike off pike out sally forth step along leave scram go away beat it hit the road split skedaddle take a hike withdraw escape decamp retire take a powder make oneself scarce pull stakes move out scoot flee hightail make off get going run away run off get away bolt blow get out take flight head off be off take leave sling your hook make a break for it set off get lost hook it retreat evacuate be on your way fly beat a retreat beat a hasty retreat light out make a run for it pack your bags make tracks set out hightail it make an exit absent yourself voetsak hamba scat hop it rack off run desert abandon vacate abscond git disappear head for the hills make a quick exit bog off cut and run do a bunk say your goodbyes abstract oneself up sticks say goodbye skip out hit the trail take yourself off slope off make a move go out shoo avaunt alight embark kite remove oneself skiddoo skidoo walk post security stand surety forsake leg it levant turn tail go to hell maroon range cruise strand start out wend lam mosey walk off make for make one's way put up bail obtain somebody's release skip off fly the coop peel out march run out drop out check out take a walk get on your bike get up and go storm off leave suddenly storm out flounce out go off in a huff make a sudden departure take wing go through shoot through run for it do a fade do a runner ship shove flow leap bustle off-load hurry show a clean pair of heels move about flit vanish abdicate migrate remove emigrate sally repair advance absent start proceed troop go forth blast off move on make a break set forth slip away move off break camp betake oneself march out hit the bricks head make strike out issue exeunt make one's departure go offstage flake off step out do vanishing act bid farewell do a disappearing act sod off skip make a getaway nick off go jump in the lake withdraw from go and jump in the lake break get along naff off set sail clear haul off steal away take French leave take to your heels depart from abscond from move along adjourn exit from escape from be off with you take it on the lam recede on your bike travel fade fall back break out sail go away from move out of move away get under way sneak away draw away back out duck out set forward go AWOL pass make a start do a moonlight flit be gone from go on the lam back away drop back relocate pull out of retire from evaporate hotfoot it separate avoid shun dash defect elope hie break free evade hotfoot bound elude break loose get free head out career hustle dart draw back scamper shift pull back slip out disappear from absent oneself from fade away run away from get out of get moving break out of take a long walk on a short pier back off burst out cut loose hop the twig push along get stuffed pop off hop the stick move abroad transfer evanesce dematerialize recoil resign end dissolve disperse transmigrate ebb begin one's journey ditch break up stir regress renounce absquatulate discontinue shrink empty walk away tear away finish evanish relinquish slip drop be gone sneak off emerge double break off part company cut make a escape go from walk out on leave for disengage clear out from melt away do a Skase cast off decamp from say one's farewells seclude oneself make your escape flee from take your leave of fly from ride off break away set out from leave port be lost to view recede from view be lost to sight give the slip step down move from haul away retreat from do a vanishing act run out on pull away go missing play hooky get away with pull up stakes go your way take off from take oneself wriggle out take on the lam go back work out of get out of my sight take oneself off from drag away bow out go scot-free move back take to flight put forth leave in a hurry start off drift wander amble canter hasten gallop course barrel egress sign out say adieu immigrate bust have it away make away set about get on the road jump say farewell budge from go out of shift from void fold commence make like a tree and get out of here make like a tree and leave conk out dedomicile get out of someone's clutches break away from make good one's escape slip through your fingers go like lightning dog it go absent without leave go west back down give way give ground take one's farewells resettle step on it make quick exit shut oneself away in step on the gas make a move from run for the hills skidaddle displace go to one's room uproot transport ease out leave flat ship out go and chase yourself shrink back duck dodge circumvent flit from leave hastily defect from leave abruptly beat off hurry away split up quit the scene go their separate ways go separate ways trek retrogress hide depart suddenly retrograde go one's ways make one's farewells move overseas return bolt from bail out from clear from pull out from head out from hasten away run from rush yeet disengage from slope off from come away move house do a bunk from retrocede leave your country start a new life go forward sunder out burst out of break loose from bust out come out make one's escape from run off from move out from make vacant make empty eject from retract sprint aim beeline scramble scurry shoot scuttle race steer bear veer draw secede become independent gain autonomy divide off disaffiliate move further off go down flow back disintegrate motor hand in your notice stand down step aside give notice pack in relinquish one's position part with dump discard vanish from sight shut oneself away pass from sight be dispelled put out leave harbour leave dock drop out of sight melt into thin air vanish off the face of the earth cease to be visible raise sail put to sea put out to sea hoist sail make headway weigh anchor hoist the blue peter head for cease be done with terminate journey retreat to resort process brush off bail from give up drop out of bow out of check out from break off with say goodbye to walk out of blow off run along from cast aside step aside from call it quits retire to go to adjourn to elapse expire halt lapse depart for set off for withdraw to remove to stop close dwindle conclude betake oneself to wend one's way to take off for determine wane let up die out wind up draw to a close dead-end come to an end pass away leave off wink out blow over cease to exist run its course peter out melt sink dissipate die be invisible become invisible be exterminated be wiped out disappear from sight be lost vanish into thin air


To register or record into a book
record note register note down take down write down jot down put in writing make a note of enter catalog list catalogue put down log inscribe file enrol enroll index post chart minute tabulate chronicle mark set down report schedule document slate detail transcribe docket enumerate copy diarize insert put on record put down on paper put on file put on paper mark down commit to paper write in write engross make an inventory of take notes preserve pick up keep a note of keep details keep account keep information bill fill out affix enlist poll inventorize add categorize rank place group sort inventory classify peg tab scribble pen author jot put down for specialize put down as categorise specialise script compose scrawl engrave pencil scribe print commit indite knock out rewrite put down in black and white knock off letter ghost address scriven push a pencil make a list of bang out tell autograph write up reproduce typewrite squiggle chalk turn out put in black and white scratch out dash off ink put pen to paper set forth doodle key input type indicate tally show introduce inject book down put in key in archive systematize summarize submit systemize summarise systematise draft describe trace order range arrange organize codify class alphabetize grade draught compile itemize assort dispose digest methodize lodge rate code itemise keep track of organise set out write about lay out excerpt follow numerate take matriculate write out feed into outline monitor tag keep notate mention recount recite narrate rehearse relate denote include blog track designate load cite ticket label scan audit check store graph instance particularize marshal capture make note of structure particularise pigeonhole accession compartment separate relegate compartmentalize marshall array table process distinguish distribute collate condense collect keep count of scribble down keep a record of compartmentalise keyboard keep a tab on keep details of keep account of gather together draw up break down keep a record set down in writing set down in black and white type in feed in tabularize enter data figure formulate present


To appoint to a given position, role or duty
commission appoint assign designate nominate select name place constitute ordain detail employ attach engage depute induct inaugurate enrol enroll hire recruit contract enlist crown co-opt sign up retain charter take on secure reserve procure pay assume lay on take into employment take on board put on sign on have in employment secure the services of truck with have on the payroll come on board bring on board put on the payroll elect delegate install instal authorize choose authorise make empower adopt decree pick charge deputize establish order deputise tag slot fee tab tap post contract for create accredit allocate vote invest mandate cast legislate pass enact enjoin call institute identify ink lay down allot install as fix vote in peg mark set decide on settle on pin down put down for fill a position send station conscript advance sign find employment for promote to apprentice indenture elevate to relegate find a job for consecrate anoint frock appropriate consign keep on the payroll take into one's employ refer ascribe specify determine declare decide announce command handpick confer holy orders on found brand resolve denote dictate flag recognize figure recognise conclude propose classify rule label earmark initiate start begin opt pronounce direct prescribe opt for point to put one's finger on cherry-pick single out settle upon indicate finger prefer favour favor form set up originate plump for plant launch develop introduce pioneer shape innovate organize foresay deal walk heavy impose put your foot down adjudge set down bless lay down the law proclaim deal with button down point out draft organise draught promote dub select for install in detail for induct in invest in ordain in institute in decide on for choose for put in place hold responsible bring in give a break give job to add to payroll find help give work take into service put to work


To record the cost of something as an amount payable by someone, an account, or a credit card

Antonym of complete book

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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