Synonym of complete buffoon


One who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion
blockhead dolt dunce fool idiot nincompoop chump donkey dope dullard dunderhead ignoramus jackass moron numbskull simpleton birdbrain bonehead buffo clot dag droll fathead halfwit ninny nitwit numpty twerp twit wag zany antic berk bozo joculator muppet nit prat wazzock monkey silly billy dimwit imbecile lamebrain nerd dork goon loon oaf dummy turkey dipstick clod jerk sap cretin boob pinhead knucklehead mug dumbhead airhead charlie putz git chucklehead mooncalf dingbat thickhead wally goof pillock noodle noddy schlemiel doofus chowderhead dum-dum schmuck clunk simp divvy yo-yo dumbo tomfool clodpole dip cluck loggerhead ding-dong plonker bogan lamer goofball numskull coot muttonhead dumb-bell pea-brain gobdaw knobhead nyaff gowk klutz sumph lummox galoot drongo spud zombie wiener galah dumbbell pudding-head nerk balloon dill wooden-head goofus weeny schlepper poop dingleberry gink squarehead boofhead palooka mompara poon nong alec goat meathead lump spoony meatball wing nut ninnyhammer stupid yahoo half-wit dodo nimrod schlub mutt clown clodpoll stupe bubblehead woodenhead deadhead mome dummkopf shlub natural saphead lunkhead cuddie hammerhead schnook stock hardhead ratbag cuddy gander golem goose know-nothing dim bulb geek thicko eejit dweeb dorba booby lightweight plank featherhead cuckoo gonzo illiterate bore prick dumb ox silly charley lunatic softhead stooge ding-a-ling nutcase nut dumb cluck weenie joke butt laughingstock simple stupid person lame-brain sucker mockery innocent target brute jest mark mock sport derision foolish person twonk bruiser Neanderthal dupe weirdo lout clodhopper boor gawk lug rascal lubber hulk baboon freak duffer drip scatterbrain loser hoot object of ridicule easy mark victim fair game peabrain musclebrain lowbrow prig yokel juggins muggins incompetent schmo featherbrain rattlebrain flibbertigibbet ditz numptie wimp goof ball bumpkin hick yobbo wuss joker ape stumblebum barbarian Simple Simon yob tosser tit dildo bear gorilla figure of fun blunderer hobbledehoy bosthoon churl goober witling beast scozza chav skate oik cougan ox jestee plaything weed butt of jokes clumsy idiot Merry Andrew clownlike person merry-andrew dull person object of derision giggle bird-brain schlep clodpate mampara bungler kook goop butthead milksop loony screwball dumdum pain in the backside pain in the rear pain in the neck pain in the bum harebrain pea brain botcher bumbler amateur tosspot bodger bimbo retardate ignorant dotard retard addlepate beefhead bust jughead slow learner mental defective born fool cloth-head fluffhead airbrain space case silly person silly goose weakling nutter eccentric fruitcake maniac crank crackpot head case crazy oddball wacko madman madwoman crackbrain headbanger nutjob schizo oddity character crack quiz sicko bug sickie nutso psychopath flake meshuggener whacko psycho radge original codger weirdie wackadoodle wack basket case wackadoo bedlamite zealot dement odd bod bigot non compos mentis


A person who amuses with jests and pranks
jester fool harlequin motley comedian comic joker madcap pantaloon zany clown merryman mummer prankster court fool court jester clownlike person merry andrew merry-andrew humorist card wag jokester wit droll wisecracker farceur cutup gagster quipster kidder funnyman gagman entertainer life of the party gagger joculator funny man character buffo trickster funster funny woman stooge actor banana stand-up comic top banana laugh jokesmith caution comedienne punster hard case dag funny person scream hoot case josher straight person second banana practical joker pierrot punchinello riot antic punner quiz barrel of laughs show-off million laughs comedian comic jackpudding one yell sketch hoaxer kibitzer Pantaloon Pierrot Punchinello jestress larker banterer japer fribble trifler comedy actor comedy actress stand-up a million laughs standup comic wearer of the motley nut screwball dolt funny girl mime punch picador cut-up ribald funnyperson mountebank merrymaker oddity crack crackbrain nutcase nutter flake kook oddball weirdo crackpot crank eccentric fruitcake original codger simpleton moron idiot head case gag person knee-slapper satirist stand-up comedian epigrammatist caricaturist cartoonist tease comic writer impressionist writer of comedy class clown amusing person lark giggle amusing situation nonconformist individualist somebody very funny something very funny piece of fun wacko odd fellow oner square peg in a round hole queer odd bod zombie odd fish wack spook rara avis freak queer fish rare bird


A rough, bad-mannered, or generally reprehensible person
boor brute creep dork hooligan jerk rascal ruffian schmuck weasel barbarian clown cretin goon hick joker lout rapscallion rogue scoundrel scum scumbag sleaze slimeball thug cad chav clod dastard degenerate louse miscreant oaf rake reprobate scuzzball skunk sleazebag sleazeball slime slob stinkard swine vagabond varmint vermin weirdo wretch yahoo beast brawler bumpkin buzzard chuff clodhopper clodpole crud dirtbag dog fink hoon knave loudmouth peasant philistine pig rat roughneck rowdy savage scalawag scuzzbag slimebag slimebucket snake toad yob yobbo ape blackguard bleeder bogan boob bosthoon bruiser charlatan churl cougan dirtball fraudster gorilla heel hound lubber lummox lump Neanderthal pervert redneck reptile rotter rough rube skank stinker toughie trickster varlet villain vulgarian worm bear blighter bounder butthole cheat crumb cur deviant dingo dip hayseed liar mofo monster mother oik pill primitive rounder scozza scrote sleeveen spalpeen stinkpot swindler tough wastrel bully boy lager lout rat fink hard man so-and-so son of a gun bad egg nasty piece of work snake in the grass good-for-nothing bad lot reprehensible person dastardly person sly person unprincipled person Philistine dolt yokel rustic hillbilly countryman provincial lowlife cornball chawbacon ignoramus backwoodsman backwoodswoman animal country cousin country boy country girl no-good SOB sadist ogre bum lowbrow wrong 'un farmer vandal hind countrywoman hoodlum devil fiend rural idiot jake cornfed heathen local yokel jackass radge evildoer scamp ratfink scallywag meanie baddie baddy caitiff meany prick nazi scapegrace heavy demon cannibal kuri country bumpkin swain stupid mucker gawk bucolic plebeian cootie maggot bourgeois materialist caveman traitor serpent betrayer turncoat pleb peckerwood white trash cracker trailer trash good old boy twit dipstick Judas quisling double-dealer double-crosser anti-intellectual unpleasant person back-stabber viper informer riff-raff refuse rabble garbage trash shyster numskull Goth two-timer trog dirt undesirable rass recreant apostate backstabber despicable people rats despicable person bad person troglodyte black sheep ne'er-do-well illiterate bigot ned dirty dog dregs of society bovver boy pond scum lowest of the low wild woman wild man hun crude upstart plowman boot shoe ploughman low-life boot boy ghoul savage person bully parvenu arriviste nouveau riche sloven layabout sluggard slummock slug slacker laggard ragamuffin lurdan tatterdemalion draggletail schlump lardass hog couch potato slattern messy person


A person, especially a child, who is mischievous in a likeable or amusing way
mischief rogue devil imp rascal scamp monkey nuisance pest prankster rapscallion hellion ruffian scallywag urchin villain booger cutup hood hoodlum hooligan joker jokester knave minx nointer pixie puck rowdy scapegrace troublemaker tyke vandal wag thug mischief-maker fun-maker hell-raiser little devil little rascal practical joker bad boy enfant terrible life of the party little monkey monster wretch horror perisher varmint pickle scally fiend rip scalawag whippersnapper scoundrel spalpeen evildoer holy terror demon jackanapes reprobate miscreant baddy hound caitiff varlet savage nazi meanie baddie beast brute heavy meany no-good brat gamin punk tearaway terror heel toerag mischievous child recreant felon sinner robber swindler fraud trickster delinquent charlatan bully profligate rake cheat sneak liar black sheep slyboots chit fairy gremlin troll deviling gnome devilkin mischief maker little dickens badly behaved child agitator instigator firebrand inciter incendiary waif ragamuffin stray inflamer mudlark guttersnipe wastrel tatterdemalion scarecrow rabble-rouser malefactor agent provocateur degenerate wise guy smart aleck loose cannon offender lawbreaker outlaw criminal gamine kid convict wrongdoer tyrant lowlife supervillain cub tinker dastard transgressor bandit brigand gangster scumbag psychopath thief mugger pup Puck disgrace racketeer fraudster pirate sociopath terrorist crook shyster vagabond mischiefmaker juvenile delinquent rat antagonist blackguard louse dog shark con snake desperado crim stinker incorrigible rotter misfeasor swine bounder libertine cheater malfeasant infractor cad maggot tramp jester opportunist bum cardsharp idler tease loafer mischievous person skunk tough beggar grafter prodigal git pretender hypocrite gunman creep antihero jailbird bad news nasty person bad egg mean person good-for-nothing bad character cruel person gaolbird evil-doer ne'er-do-well wrong 'un bad guy bad lot snake in the grass nasty limb of Satan black hat evil person unprincipled person culprit lout barbarian ogre scrote cur blighter pig skelm rat fink trespasser scum jerk mobster sadist sleeveen yob yobbo schmuck nasty piece of work cretin perpetrator mother weasel slimeball roughneck grifter sleaze fink sleazebag animal sleazeball outcast dirtbag mug hoon con man boor perp con artist goon hustler guilty party slob gorilla bruiser vermin toad slime scuzzball stinkard chiseller yahoo rorter toughie mofo lag conman hoaxer deceiver mountebank yardbird fugitive scofflaw clown phoney sharper quack gangbanger rough gangsta phony defalcator buzzard crud chuff marauder churl bleeder confidence trickster reptile violator impostor confidence man plug-ugly pill bully boy crumb rogue trader ghoul lifer defrauder bunco artist monstrosity so-and-so sham toughy chav young offender worm sharp flimflammer shicer imposter ex-con fakir twister magsman illywhacker pariah immoralist fake flimflam man SOB derelict prisoner son of a gun bad apple yakuza hoodie humbug trusty lighty wrong'un transport loser faker hoodwinker dissembler old lag bogan cougan scozza tsotsi quacksalver ringer butthole rounder tregetour lager lout turd dingo raider stinkpot renegade ratbag rip-off artist burglar shoplifter housebreaker jagoff rapist archfiend yegg tief larrikin keelie cracksman violater radge peculator slicker ned highwayman armed robber filcher pilferer purloiner roughie myrmidon blackmailer suspect murderer huckster hellhound scammer bogeyman footpad scamster tea leaf finagler bilker oaf person responsible exploiter deluder masquerader black marketeer schlenter drifter bovver boy bear counterfeit guilty person pseudo actor fallen angel gold brick tough guy wanted criminal double-crosser con-artist boot boy con woman double-dealer four-flusher confidence woman dastardly person hard man sly person public enemy number one malevolent universal foe cut-throat debauchee vaurien roué rakehell picaro victimizer riffraff pickpocket bootlegger drunkard sleveen daemon serpent juvie bad person picaroon cutthroat swashbuckler face killer ratfink problem atua Mephistopheles diablo backstabber adversary devil incarnate rotten egg bete noire common enemy cannibal bravo wild man tough person grotesque grotesquerie grotesquery exile inmate goldbrick shammer mafioso public enemy bilk sharpie cozener skinner chiseler tricker dodger sharpy dork hoser simulator counterfeiter playactor being gargoyle glutton quadruped hick JD unpleasant person pond scum dirty dog Mafioso spectre specter conniver despicable person gunslinger absconder runaway weirdo clod poltroon ronion bezonian pauper scullion looser cullion pilgarlic ingrate abuser assassin pusher dealer hitman captive repeater long-termer bumpkin clodhopper clodpole slimebag peasant loudmouth philistine scuzzbag brawler slimebucket lower animal living thing wrong number slippery customer pervert Neanderthal lump redneck rube skank ape lummox boob lubber bosthoon dirtball vulgarian freebooter gang member dip hayseed oik primitive deviant impersonator hit person hatchet man hijacker plunderer looter reprehensible person member of a criminal gang member of the family member of the Mafia imitator bluffer pettifogger empiric plant beguiler mimic medicaster scorner duper mocker do-nothing rustler pillager casual forager reaver ravager gunperson snaphance mosstrooper cateran highwayperson scrounger slacker layabout drone cadger yardie rioter no-goodnik malingerer vagrant slugabed sluggard laggard shirker lounger no-account bioterrorist cyberterrorist embezzler narcoterrorist agroterrorist ecoterrorist deadbeat muscle holdupper holdup person waster lazybones skiver bad actor dropout smooth operator slippery eel confidence artist


Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner
mock ridicule deride scorn tease laugh at taunt chaff insult flout jeer at kid pillory rag rib scoff sneer chiack gibe jeer jibe josh scoff at scout skewer sneer at treat contemptuously twit jibe at make fun of make jokes about poke fun at razz treat with contempt be sarcastic about goof on hoot jape needle rag on rally shoot down wind up make a monkey of laugh to scorn make sport of poke mullock at show contempt show contempt for sling off at thumb nose at make a monkey out of take the mickey take the piss out of satirize lampoon satirise jive put down banter roast joke belittle ride disdain quiz slight send up guy jest disparage fun bait dis goad pooh-pooh quip parody pull one's leg haze diss contemn humiliate torment provoke jolly caricature dismiss pan have on despise annoy revile fool gird harass heap scorn on affront flout at heckle smoke bother make a fool of disrespect spurn pick on slang slam shuck discount reject mimic hold up to ridicule wisecrack burlesque put on gag pour scorn on denigrate aggravate rot outrage run down sledge dump on snub yuck yuk sniff at spoof badger abuse pester hassle offend look down on irritate harry decry fleer slap fool around slur give a hard time gibe at derogate hate laugh show up repudiate hoax cock a snook at trash play down call names poke borak at laugh out of court mess around pull someone's leg knock bad-mouth trash-talk plague nudge disturb wound dog squib deprecate detract torture raz persecute bedevil lead on lout hurt depreciate disregard rebuff take off diminish minimize tantalize jab abase tantalise discredit dishonor travesty be scornful about abhor mortify high-hat snoot vilipend make light of scout at shun slag off undervalue criticize deflate poke borack dishonour condemn hold up to shame criticise hold in contempt misprize swipe at minimise renounce sneeze at feel contempt for fool about poor-mouth pull someone's chain play a prank make a game of rail at curl your lip at play a practical joke look down upon set up look down one's nose at cry down turn your nose up at talk down turn up one's nose at make fun pasquinade censure frazzle vilify kid around detract from rail get at imitate reproach dig upbraid twitter make a joke of hound walk over flip prank divert entertain hurl insults at tear to pieces do a number on cut down raspberry disbelieve boo brush aside pun sally crush irk nark gall amuse fleer at have a joke with downcry shame comment negatively opprobriate cartoon expose unmask snicker at snigger at dig at ridge stay bone mess get smile at nag anger write off kiss off wipe wave aside make little of undermine slam-dunk frolic gambol bite one's thumb at hack you off hoodwink trick dupe deceive delude beguile snigger get on the nerves of be on the back of express contempt rot someone mess about put someone on play the fool play tricks play a joke play a trick get in the hair of con bamboozle gull cozen crack underrate swipe dump be contemptuous of grin leer hold up to scorn expose to ridicule make someone a laughing stock make a laughing-stock loathe be contemptuous about be above detest spit on refuse refute piss over confute avoid defy piss on quip at rank out exploit manipulate maltreat victimize oppress violate spite abominate execrate take in flimflam mislead yank someone's chain blow raspberries at upset treat with disdain make cutting remarks about say contemptuously give Bronx cheer laugh in the face of consider beneath you turn down malign mistreat antagonize ill-treat turn up one's nose slander consider beneath one turn back on give the Bronx cheer to spit in the face of spit in the eye of libel defame dislike deplore misuse wrong stultify impugn shrink from calumniate disoblige find intolerable disrelish regard with contempt molest harrow asperse neglect eschew be repelled by injure miscall curse debase blister degrade worry ill-use impose on martyrize take advantage of antagonise victimise do an injustice to martyr give offence to make ridiculous make absurd not be able to stomach not be able to stand feel contempt have a down on have no use for not be able to bear be allergic to wipe out cause offence to be rude to cut dead treat disrespectfully hector step on the toes of step on one's toes hurt somebody's feelings cast aspersions on throw shade cut to the quick importune vex devil gnaw beleaguer sound snap go for jugular hit where one lives give no quarter lay a bad trip on flirt with be at


mime ape copy imitate mimic copycat emulate caricature clown express farce mock parody ridicule satirise satirize symbolise symbolize take off echo do parrot impersonate ditto mirror reproduce travesty repeat simulate send up do like go like follow burlesque spoof lampoon counterfeit monkey do an impression of follow suit make like follow the example of duplicate quote recite reecho reiterate chant affect represent fake make fun of take after model yourself on take as a model pattern yourself after take as an example take a leaf out of someone's book repeat mechanically follow in the footsteps of repeat mindlessly say again repeat back guy replicate feign hoke assume clone reduplicate rip off pattern oneself on render take as a role model take as a pattern follow in someone's steps play sham pantomime enact act personate perform model epitomize personify embody reflect depict typify incarnate portray epitomise phoney phony make believe do an impersonation of act like do a take-off follow example behave like take leaf out of book restate regurgitate say poke fun at take the mickey jeer distort put on sheik pervert roast joke misrepresent take the piss out of do a takeoff of laugh at deride exaggerate twist disparage jest sheikh reel off trot out match approximate parallel equal rival compete with surpass outdo rivalize outvie compete vie with contend with contend challenge come near to come close to be on a par with follow in footsteps pattern after be the equal of be in the same league as resemble show image illustrate exemplify correspond to be similar to model after borrow bear a resemblance to act out pretend recall be like style oneself on look like suggest masquerade as pose as instantiate be consistent with smack of adopt the style of have earmarks of be the very picture of remind one of evoke conjure up favour favor characterize incorporate bear resemblance to body emblematize have signs of look a lot like body forth be the embodiment of stand for give human form to playact put on an act be the incarnation of give human shape to characterise pass oneself off as pretend to be be representative of bring to mind coincide with come near recapitulate signify glass double correspond recap rehearse reaffirm reprise pass off purport to be represent oneself as profess to be double as assume character act a part take the part of dress as play a role iterate ingeminate manifest Xerox forge carbon falsify second redouble inherit externalize materialize substantiate personalize play a part do likewise do an impression try to be like re-echo encapsulate call up exteriorize contain objectify hominify personalise materialise personize live as bring alive externalise give a human face make human be the spitting image of put one in mind of be a chip off the old block have the look of cause one to remember make one think of paint draw sketch profess dissemble bluff picture limn take fabricate delineate give the appearance of invent knock off pass for disguise lie pose deceive equivocate concoct lift pirate feature prevaricate cheat go through the motions of gloss over create steal mock up crib fence draw inspiration present figure character paint a picture of put in words photograph set out paint in words draw a picture of paint a mental picture of demonstrate be influenced be inspired exhibit stage produce betoken mean be sparked be guided be impacted be dictated be driven be affected be impressed be motivated be symbolic of be a symbol of equate act in place of buy for serve as factor assume the role of be a typical sample of substitute for equate with substitute play the part of steward appear as act as sell for play the part

Antonym of complete buffoon

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