Synonym of complete checking


An act of carefully examining or scrutinizing something
inspection examination scrutiny investigation survey exploration analysis review probe check scan observation search evaluation view audit assessment perusal checkup appraisal consideration surveillance recce supervision perlustration surveying overhaul vetting inventory appraising assessing examining investigating superintendence frisk inquest enquiry inquiry inquisition research tour going-over once-over look-see check-up look-over check over scanning test study breakdown dissection testing diagnosis screening canvass spot check balancing verification quality check stocktaking report quality control reconnaissance assay trial glance the eye random sampling random investigation browse skim look reading read look through read-through contemplation scrutinization shufti probing interrogation eye attention regard observance disquisition examen delving watch anatomy deconstruction anatomizing anatomization probation gander lookout viewing notice deliberation sight reflection heed watching estimation dekko peek peep experiment questioning recon monitoring reconnoitring vigil vigilance patrol glimpse thought scout reconnoiter reconnoitre cast sifting interpretation critique eyeing stare gaze reconnoitering account looking debate gape poll tab experimentation application legwork quest scouting eagle eye fact finding fact-finding try expedition treatment exam hunt hearing heedfulness service forage discussion cogitation resolution alertness watchfulness ascertainment butcher's lookover advisement concentration glare case autopsy musing pondering work cross-examination eyeful sample peer geek squiz thinking reasoning attentiveness awareness essay quiz analyzing analyzation pursuit try-out exercise judgement judgment substantiation comparison weighing up analysing squint sweep tryout aspect discovery quick look pilot study Jack Nohi run-through trial run dry run test drive fixed look intent look trial and error display sounding servicing dissolution combing guard maintenance tune-up travel criticism upkeep excursus careful examination medical meditation rumination mulling perception visitation regarding close-up breakup valuation measurement rating taste cognition close study tour of inspection concern handling coverage forethought alert physical biopsy postoperative audition attempt paper outline overview close examination recognising overlook recognizing noticing synopsis approval proof feeler health check retrospect reconsideration reappraisal reexamination retrospection long hard look précis doctor's visit maintenance check routine check weather eye division looking over action care syllabus digest aperçu compendium staring at glaring ogling screen test contrast quizzing catechizing grilling postmortem interrogatory sketch pandect acid test rubbernecking seeing dismemberment differentiation juxtaposition rap recapitulation file drill reevaluation diligence assiduity industry mindfulness leaf fish eye looking at gazing at spying snoop snooping discrimination distinguishing collation empiricism calculation learning third degree fishing expedition Q and A trial balloon medicine etiology morphology genetics zoology histology biology physiology aetiology embryology cytology distinction query flick knowledge intentness advertence advertency studying ear note espionage bugging differentiating contrasting process fresh look second thought second look glance through browse through paralleling relating collating demonstration spotlight education post-mortem ratio analogizing discernment dividing preliminary survey skim through leaf through flick through overall picture fact checking scholarship swotting lessons schooling spying out scouting out venture procedure tail surveyance shadowing tailing following dataveillance stakeout track telling the difference breaking down undertaking groundwork fling operation try-on enterprise tuition academic work close observation peeled eye scientific test training class weighing subject cramming abstraction memorising schoolwork lesson course homework school work revision research and development dummy run R & D try out R and D memorizing book work dig digging foraging scavenge scavenging ferreting rummage rifling chase scouring hunting pursual pursuance rummaging around witch hunt ferreting around ferreting about pursuit of seeking after rooting around rummaging about rooting about


The action of inhibiting a process
inhibition hindrance obstruction restraint restriction bar impediment check obstacle barrier block discouragement hampering suppression bridling constraint curbing deterrent prevention repression retardation arrest balking baulking blocking cramping encumbrance fettering frustration hazard holding back shackling smothering stifling baulk balk chain clog cramp crimp curb drag drawback embarrassment fetter foiling halting handicap hitch holdback hurdle interference let manacle quashing shackles snag stop stopping thwarting trammel interdict straitjacket blockage embargo hangup prohibition stumbling block sublimation nipping in the bud putting an end to putting an stop to delay opposition holdup impedance choking barring concealment control discipline self-command self-control refrainment discretion continence self-restraint reserve containing deadening muffling containment choking back keeping back keeping under control spoiling defeat failure countering circumvention disappointment forestalling scotching crushing dashing derailment setback hindering snookering crippling baffling foundering collapse nonfulfillment nonfulfilment blow scuppering contravention unfulfillment lack of success nonsuccess disturbance non-success limitation brake difficulty damper burden stoppage catch rein cumber disadvantage stricture complication fly in the ointment shackle spanner in the works monkey wrench in the works circumscription ball and chain bridle hiccup millstone problem disincentive determent inconvenience interruption limit hamper facer dissuasion barricade catch-22 monkey wrench road block curtailment albatross baggage cumbrance detriment rub wall ceiling clampdown deterrence retardant lock inhibitor glitch condition fetters excess baggage bottleneck gridlock issue load joker uphill confinement blockade restrainer defect weakness wet blanket preventive hang-up jam-up retardment sticking point dead weight millstone around your neck bond trouble congestion slowing restraining handicapping deadweight shortcoming headache bonds hobble occlusion yoke small difficulty pitfall hold-up chains psychological baggage millstone round someone's neck obviation preemption intimidation preclusion biting back hardship halt interception holding in keeping in check weary load bump stumbling stone nuisance railing traverse fence defence defense leash preventative roadblock buttress tie disablement impairment flaw disorder fault bottling up booby trap mountain to climb defensive measures break reverse reversal red tape blank wall chill saddle debt duty guilt cross stone in one's path safeguard cloud depressant rebuff whammy harness gloom pall thorn in one's side monkey on back ban hold depression maximum cold water weight order reduction cap sabotage intervention threshold bound demarcation bounds regulation foot dragging deal-breaker extent constrainment border perimeter boundary constriction margin confine curfew line cutoff point cut-off point upper limit tops line of demarcation




verifying proving authenticating confirmation confirming corroborating substantiating substantiation validating validation verification proof evidence testimony corroboration endorsement attestation ratification authentication testament witness documentation testimonial support voucher agreement consent affirmation assent passing nod sanctioning okay passage accord justification admission avowal affirming accepting supporting visa authorizing authorising green light go ahead stamp of approval demonstrating establishing vindication examining testing justifying approval authorization sanction acceptance certification demonstration warrant recognition legalization authorisation legalisation approbation indication establishment permission backing manifestation licence adoption license OK blessing acknowledgment enactment accreditation go-ahead grounds seal of approval acknowledgement say-so imprimatur reason case favor argument favour reinforcement thumbs up acquiescence clearance rationale concurrence excuse leave allowance reasoning explanation O.K. rationalization averment rationalisation affidavit rubber stamp defence authority defense advocacy recommendation declaration data countenance mandate facts basis formalization information display foundation formalisation sanctification raison d'être why and wherefore espousal sign assurance legislation exemplification encouragement reflection promotion yes profession ratifying guarantee tribute compliance monument show the nod dispensation maintenance fiat implementation premise documents sufferance clincher pretext credentials granting concession permit charter logic reasons endorsation thinking seal principle motivation sense theory smoking gun carte blanche motive thesis philosophy account story whatfor solemnization celebration logical basis song and dance benediction formal acceptance sureness double-checking statement bolstering weight circumstantiation sustainment reassertion legitimization official approval expression warranty accession validity illustration signing credential certificate signal notification info cincher suggestion citations records papers crosscheck assenting acceding good wishes flaunting exhibition consent to agreement to assumption word proclamation approving decreeing ordaining stamp accounting whys and wherefores whyfor sour grapes the big idea the whole idea hypothesis legislating appliance application appropriation probate access right selection acquisition affectation embracing assuming taking on acquiring choice affecting assertion privilege freedom power entitlement exemption liberty prerogative condonance tolerance discretion empowerment claim arrogation following rubber-stamping impunity pass latitude run order toleration decree condonation admittance command making law protestation blank cheque green-light free hand no objection all clear say so free rein ammunition avouchment championship record exhibit trace pledge oath insistence vow goods embracement championing paper trail patronage upholding pronouncement commendation argumentation apology taking up taking over signature connection plea syllogism ratiocination absolution rationality straight stuff mitigation exoneration extenuation exculpation apologia good sense school of thought whitewashing wherefore answer palliation palliative acquittal alibi enunciation just cause whole idea


To touch with the purpose of ascertaining the degree of something
feeling testing examining inspecting investigating probing analyzing assessing evaluating exploring trying analysing trying out running one's hands over palpating confirming verifying ascertaining finding out substantiating determining validating discovering corroborating seeing studying researching monitoring scrutinizing establishing certifying surveying noting scanning vetting dissecting reviewing auditing parsing casing telling checking out testing out taking a dekko at enquiring into giving something a once-over taking stock going through scouting out giving the once-over inquiring into counting comparing making sure of candling giving something a going-over keeping account eyeballing quizzing proving correcting ensuring going over with a fine-tooth comb looking over enquiring about looking see working over scrutinising looking into frisking giving something a look-see going into looking at viewing appraising considering going over searching poring over delving into checking over perusing sizing up taking stock of sifting digging into conning overlooking questioning observing weighing up overseeing inquiring enquiring prospecting assaying canvassing judging weighing reconnoitring reading reconnoitering subjecting to an examination checking up on eyeing scoping recceing scouting pondering watching contemplating running through looking through searching into running over giving the once over checking up scoping out regarding screening estimating delving anatomizing looking querying thinking through chewing over checking into looking at carefully running down putting under a microscope casting an eye over sussing out putting to the test taking a look at examining closely sampling interpreting deconstructing cutting browsing digging gauging skimming flicking through seeking interrogating breaking down gaging experimenting sounding out making enquiries into eyeing up conducting an enquiry into prying into summing up conducting an investigation into probing into summarizing beholding reading through winnowing leafing through flipping through clocking following up brainstorming penetrating sifting through knocking excogitating prying making enquiries about experimenting with valuating measuring panning picking at thinking about spying poking discussing pegging feeling out nosing around picking apart running your eye over cross-examining dipping into skimming through staking out poking around making inquiry trying to get to the bottom of sizing staring at gazing at summarising inquiring about conducting investigations into epitomizing abstracting digesting encapsulating understanding outlining recapitulating rating balancing reprising scouring briefing sweeping tasting fathoming synopsizing resolving separating dividing valuing recapping raking catechizing perlustrating asking questions about finding out about noticing surfing supervising following glancing over diagnosing piercing bugging tapping slamming trashing reediting ripping raving zapping revising staring superintending searching the evidence concerning asking questions of looking upon sorting out playing around with diving into boiling down mulling over getting a load of sorting through looking something over writing a critique wading through taking apart reading up on making inquiries browsing through wrapping up doing research into thumbing through listening in looking around looking up and down shaking down sifting the evidence concerning reading into making inquiries about putting questions to touring turning over brooding over deliberating on having a look at glancing through looking round epitomising trying on trying on for size searching for asking about perceiving discerning adjudicating double-checking censoring redacting muckraking underseeking wiretapping questing making a recce of spying on making an observation of casting your eye over grading running hands over esteeming treating tackling identifying passing under review reading over boning up passing through contextualizing contextualising snooping making enquiries repeating bad-mouthing reiterating restating putting down dissolving referring to devouring burying oneself in ploughing through asking decomposing picking over decompounding looking on thinking of wading into leaving no stone unturned kicking around opening up sitting in reporting getting down to brass tacks tracking taking a good look at gazing peering witnessing seeking an answer conducting an enquiry keeping an eye out looking out patrolling going through with a fine-tooth comb glassing laying bare diving in doing research following a line of investigation doing tests looking up consulting consulting the archives apprising memorizing keeping an eye on keeping under surveillance giving the eagle eye memorising keeping tabs trialing trialling hunting skirring setting guesstimating pricing rumbling riffing flashing riffling glancing at taking a gander having a look-see triangulating having a tour of going on a tour of having a look round having a look around drilling mining dowsing roasting requesting hitting grilling nitpicking plotting mapping out graphing charting making a survey of going after parading mustering having one's number figuring out figuring in adjudging figuring deeming calculating taking account of setting at unraveling comprehending criticizing unravelling unpacking piloting demonstrating seeking information of testing the waters requesting information of requesting information seeking information hitting up finding fault spot-checking looking closely fanning patting down criticising picking holes grasping sounding fooling with experimentalizing road-testing carrying out trials conducting research giving a tryout field-testing making a trial run practicing with conducting experiments putting to trial messing around test driving carrying out tests doing tests on carrying out trials on putting something through its paces giving something a whirl giving it a go having a taste of putting to the proof wearing knowing combing underseeing practicing auditioning practising fitting taking soundings plumbing getting to the bottom of smoking burning up taking the measure of examining carefully contrasting marching past juxtaposing regulating reconsidering differentiating collating correlating stripping down re-examining reexamining giving something a check-up overhauling debugging paralleling competing parallelling balancing the differences between setting side by side setting against standing the pace measuring the differences between weighing the differences between standing the test stacking up against weighing against another weighing against matching up opposing putting side by side confronting measuring up hanging segregating placing in juxtaposition pursuing getting back to chasing up giving opinion subjecting to an inspection kicking the tires

Antonym of complete checking

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