Synonym of complete controller


A person who audits, and manages the financial affairs of a company or government
administrator checker chief comptroller director driver foreman head manager organiser organizer overseer superintendent supervisor head man boss leader governor gaffer executive head honcho honcho principal master captain ruler baas exec employer top dog kingpin president commander chairman skipper chairwoman headman taskmaster forewoman bigwig superior sachem chairperson foreperson chieftain big cheese numero uno chair CEO boss man sherang administrant officer owner big wheel conductor padrone super proprietor managing director straw boss archon head person helmsman jefe premier inspector Mister Big manageress chief executive big gun big kahuna high muckamuck line manager lord steward MD producer official helmer authority dominator number one promoter chargehand mistress grieve big person arranger ganger key player custodian monarch big white chief sovereign chief executive officer team leader elder taskmistress wheel impresario agent taskperson President ringleader zookeeper entrepreneur brass higher-up slave driver person in charge pit boss pannikin boss commanding officer Mr Big judge guru minister mandarin bossman senior functionary patriarch commissioner overman ramrod guv'nor dictator commandant heavyweight VIP business manager chancellor curator provost lord and master suzerain fixer co big shot better general warden person upstairs financier fat cat member of the board head of department top brass lead-off person accountant financial officer marshal overlord old man expert examiner sitter player ariki patron headmaster supremo liege headmistress pundit determiner maistry induna rector executive officer top person helm handler head woman top woman top man headship top cat headliner pusher viceroy reins crew leader boss woman boss lady caretaker prex prexy overling senior manager suit senior administrator senior official critic matriarch pedagogue pedagog trainer kahuna seneschal intendant regulator proconsul guv bailiff brass hat superior commander prime minister doyenne coryphée doyen director general liege lord head teacher Big Brother hierarchy businessperson industrialist tycoon big Daddy big Chief bureaucrat driver's seat gubernatorial leader presiding officer arbiter vice chancellor coordinator developer planner designer Big Daddy Big Chief chief of state dealer contractor ambassador dean consul regisseur mastermind mayor trader prez admin facilitator CO C.O. czar don skip kingfish partner front office commander-in-chief speculator businessman businesswoman chief officer high priestess higher up C in C top banana high priest point person commander in chief showman promotor publicist C.-in-C. auteur choreographer venture capitalist broker operator maestro sponsor showperson entertainer stage manager stage director money man figurehead convener moderator king queen emperor tsar prince princess mentor counsellor torchbearer counselor big hitter big noise mover and shaker big name guide monitor capitalist magnate speaker presider prolocutor merchant spokesperson adviser baron business person business executive executive director mogul dignitary magistrate merchandiser representative keeper trafficker wheeler-dealer high-up watchdog duty officer prepositus introducer pilot spokesman board member big businessman disciplinarian nabob grandee MC office-holder appointee buyer and seller tutor officeholder office-bearer public servant apparatchik shop steward top office bearer master of ceremonies big enchilada father of the chapel civil servant tribal chief jailer regent guardian headteacher tyrant spearhead prime mover POTUS management corporation establishment slavedriver outfit juice person preceptor director-general meal ticket gaoler conservator workers big cheese flag-bearer flag carrier macher Capt. chief administrator jack-in-office head of school CFO royalty pilot in command four-striper cap symposiarch incumbent panjandrum top drawer brains secretary treasurer toastmaster big boss invigilator observer magnifico millionaire billionaire multimillionaire enterpriser storekeeper spokeswoman faculty head nestor lion Napoleon zillionaire squillionaire potentate intermediary middleman standard-bearer captain of industry investor merchant prince top executive plutocrat department head legislator professor lead tack ecclesiastic auditor founder hustler whizz-kid go-getter high-flyer impressario undertaker backer supervisory body instructorship professorate mistress of ceremonies mother of the chapel throne tutorship position of control fellowship franchiser organization person gray flannel suit career person tradesperson working woman big-time operator tradesman wealthy businessman floor man floorwalker teacher commercial intermediary listener eaves-dropper informant proctor buyer wholesaler manufacturer elder statesman college head head of faculty university official wealthy person confidant office holder committee member organization administrator distributor shopkeeper marketeer vendor seller consultant therapist floor manager retailer purveyor supplier vender homme d'affaires main man guidance counsellor


A person exercising government or dominion over a place or people
ruler monarch sovereign king potentate leader emperor lord overlord empress prince queen chief despot baron mogul tyrant princess majesty czar dictator dynast autocrat tycoon magnate commander sovran dame lady governor chieftain kaiser sultan caesar khan shah duchess mikado autarch caliph czarina ethnarch imperator royal rajah gerent countess maharajah pasha oligarch baroness contessa count tetrarch duke rex maharani rani sultana crowned head head of state tsar liege suzerain sheik sheikh captain liege lord emir royalty Crown atheling royal duke grand duke Napoleon lion crown prince prince regent supreme ruler head master crown superior elector consort princeling tsarina raja maharaja seigneur oppressor absolutist authoritarian fuehrer totalitarian tyrannizer monocrat strongman Hitler fascist absolute ruler pharaoh Big Brother control freak queen consort queen mother man on horseback female ruler Her Majesty queen dowager female sovereign female monarch wife of a king amir Führer Pharaoh archduke nobleman emeer tzar autocrator imperatrix tsaritsa sovereignty monarchy royal person his majesty royal personage big man royals feudal lord milady goddess diva ringleader supremo adviser boss disciplinarian martinet usurper slavedriver commandant nobility don lord and master parliamentarian drighten bishop dad marquis the throne noblewoman old man man upstairs viscountess peeress archduchess gentlewoman grand dame princess regent heiress to the throne crowned princess matriarch regina ranee regent royal lady king's consort


Software between application and operating system


A person employed to inspect something
inspector examiner investigator auditor monitor supervisor checker overseer scrutinizer surveyor scrutineer superintendent analyst appraiser assessor censor observer reviewer detective examinant ombudsman scrutinator sleuth tester watchdog police officer private eye researcher evaluator inquisitor questioner prober inquirer gumshoe analyser judge interrogator listener proctor regulator invigilator taxer revenuer interviewer quester adjudicator attorney hound querier police agent quizmaster snooper arbiter marker spy prosecutor critic expurgator editor assayer grader quizzer hearer accountant actuary eavesdropper cashier bookkeeper private detective undercover cop plainclothes officer asker querent Sherlock Holmes guardian protector custodian guard explorer official verifier cartographer civil engineer chartered surveyor factfinder experimenter enquirer searcher measurer supervisory body guide mapmaker topographer land surveyor adviser director eaves-dropper counsellor disciplinarian counselor duty officer informant keeper caretaker steward defender watchman warden bodyguard warder guardian angel protection preserver curator sentry escort minder manager janitor champion lookout sentinel watch chaperone trustee picket watcher administrator paladin angel officer governor doorman concierge porter patron watchkeeper skipper gamekeeper deacon representative savior factor benefactor handler friend saviour bulwark hero tutelary abettor hired gun bailiff reeve groundskeeper foreman chamberlain white knight knight in shining armour tower of strength estate manager land agent attendant carer patrol caregiver chaperon conservator safeguard nurse sitter shepherd cerberus cop sponsor vigilante godparent baby-sitter bird dog


A hardware device designed to allow the user to play video games

Antonym of complete controller

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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