Synonym of complete course


An amount of time or a particular time interval during which something happens
duration length term lapse life period span stretch sweep extent run time fullness spell elapsing interval perpetuation prolongation timeline full length life span length of time time frame time span season cycle while patch stint date phase continuance space lifetime session epoch standing period of time era point days passage age chapter time period time interval interval of time existence interlude round stage continuation tenure bit moment instant juncture continuity active life occasion shift endurance career generation swing years day tour eon aeon turn functioning period period of effectiveness period of usefulness century millennium tour of duty moment in time amount of time sequence snap flow year chronology incumbency hitch progress progression spot watch snatch bout interim times term of office period of office administration go timespan stretch of time path episode measure longevity history point in history point in time life expectancy period of efficacy period of validity validity quarter semester pause intermission break gap interruption lull hiatus delay wait lacuna passing breathing space time lag reign hour position tenancy time in office timescale dynasty regime occupancy occupation time scale page window period in office slot step duty task job o'clock post appointment zero hour 60 minutes fit yearhundred world clause inch place leg minute second lapse of time part decade milestone tide origin stage of development piece half inning residence time of life turnaround mandate age group go around stage of life share fall working time autumn spring division summer winter vintage quota assignment consignment work participation chore scheduled time work period active period time of year time of origin spell of work managership presidency empire stay rule time in power period of influence period as champion emergency crisis conjuncture exigency extremity clutch tinderbox Dunkirk crossroads crunch strait head contingency crux predicament state pass crossroad posture circumstance boiling point crunch time quandary status choice breaking point condition flash point plight turning point


A dish, or a set of dishes served together, forming one of the successive parts of a meal


A series of repeated treatments or doses of medication


A procedure adopted to deal with a situation
plan action procedure angle arrangement move policy process programme strategy undertaking approach avenue contrivance machination manner measure method methodology option path plot ploy practice program scenario step system tactic technique way agenda blueprint choice conduct design formula means mechanism operation regimen route routine ruse scheme setup style alternative behavior behaviour exercise line maneuver manoeuvre mode possibility praxis protocol recipe stratagem tack drill enterprise maneuvering manoeuvring proceeding racket course of action game plan line of action master plan plan of action method of working modus operandi mode of behaviour mode of conduct grand design road map MO red tape expedient medium fashion agency device form instrument trick initiative agent vehicle tactics channel shift road recourse custom ministry channels game order resort refuge apparatus makeshift ways and means organ stopgap instrumentality project rubric resource expediency artifice gimmick machinery relief intermediary schedule direction pattern rule tool instrumentation dodge nuts and bolts ground plan plan of attack disposition line of attack appliance substitute contraption act auspices factor paraphernalia aid equipment power organization pathway convention position how venture stepping-stone tradition deed plans stance code treatment organisation prescription heritage habit agendum rules measures transaction normality condition modus performance solution set of tactics tenor normalcy guideline series sequence how-to order of things series of measures the book means of expression controls dials control panel instruments dashboard instrument panel console campaigning generalship manoeuvres gambit control devices planning diplomacy defence defense campaign maneuvers variation principle springboard set stunt wiles steps idea norm modality schema effort intention wangle caper subterfuge diet wrinkle mission tracks series of steps stepping stone deal suggestion guidelines proposal business plan mind-set point of view practise model barometer benchmark proposition capacity touch technic regime intentions theory legal action thought wile wont formality yardstick operating procedure standard operating procedure the numbers SOP routeway means of access way in catalyst force machine structure submission animus purpose notions originality creativity ingenuity wits imagination inventiveness projection outlet vent release dogma administration management standard par vector implement conduit mouthpiece pipeline platform specification preparation course of therapy proposed action hope activity development task list itinerary big picture opportunity hoard worth capability wherewithal creation store source support surrogate substance stockpile riches property ability wealth capital assets talent stock cleverness reserve fortune quick-wittedness guiding principle remedy adventure instructions curriculum roadmap training lesson affair progression help release mechanism safety valve action plan chance movement source of assistance evolution growth way of harnessing means of release mode of expression happening possible course of action nest egg source of help go-down something to turn to someone to turn to vein state quality genre posture wise book type kind sort resourcefulness dictate prescript regulation skill science ritual rite art discipline knowledge tone workings wisdom methods rote layout body of knowledge usage mores law work influence effect ingredients receipt directions craft way of achieving means of achieving source of way of ensuring means of ensuring compound stages organizing system story cogency persuasiveness procedures likely cause of assistance approaches démarche groove practices ways processes formation attitude demeanor guise systems etiquette locution artistry cycle M.O. tendency phraseology demeanour rut attack practises use framework regularity beaten path usual procedure lockstep modus vivendi ceremony method of operation manner of working rule of thumb method of operating mode of operation method of functioning methods and means methods and resources way of doing things manners set of procedures set of principles fixed order decency solemnity ceremonial observance social practice propriety proprieties decorum logical order frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines set of channels systematic process oratory logical process precept canon convenance ropes concept basis right practice set formula by the book kawa tikanga do's and don'ts by the numbers done thing theorem base foundation branch grounds systemization codification formularization conditions lore information area of study scholarship learning education body of facts field branch of knowledge erudition body of information


A continuous horizontal layer of brick, stone, or other material in a wall


An act, or the state, of streaming or flowing out, especially rapidly
surge stream flow rush flood current spurt outpouring gush torrent outflow cascade jet motion issue tide deluge flux discharge efflux outflowing outrush outburst welling effusion trickle drain drainage storm ooze river oozing seepage inundation movement drift trend tendency run progression wind direction passage progress leaning swing sweep spate tenor shift development swirl circulation passing spout advance transit roll moving tideway bias inclination orientation turn bearing aim transfer fluidity fountain path outflux spritz trail way draft gravitation turning heading ebb and flow draught bent drive slant tilt travel inclining curve squirt percolation mobility drip emanation leak continuance continuation continuity advancement locomotion move dribble undertow march leakage going travelling procession process traveling ambulation push charge headway crossing ebb traversal onrush traverse drag undercurrent wave race dash effluence escape outpour exodus overflow effluent debouchment expression blaze barrage emission avalanche volley hail flurry blast hemorrhage haemorrhage onslaught inrush heave effluvium gushing burst exudation spill battery dart shedding voidance emergence outbreak eruption explosion outfall diffusion pouring exudate spasm paroxysm loss streaming depletion effluxion spring exuding disgorgement excretion well up venting secretion ejection downpour cataclysm cataract alluvion freshet swell flush gust billow shower upwelling flash upsurge blow gale uprush bombardment stab overflowing overrunning monsoon


A way used as a road
roadway road way avenue street thoroughfare route highway boulevard drive expressway freeway artery row pass turnpike drag pike arterial trace carriageway thruway path passage track lane pathway trail parkway direction byway pavement line superhighway terrace asphalt concrete throughway subway viaduct cobblestone crossroad dragway high road main drag back street parking lot alley channel footpath walk walkway promenade approach trackway alleyway aisle corridor passageway access gangway footway routeway opening esplanade towpath ride sidewalk berm beaten path motorway dual carriageway ice road road surface side road toll road journey steps advance progress entrance entry driveway ave. broadway av. paseo outlet exit av ave round mall boardwalk hallway egress clearing ingress trunk road conduit sewer canal trunk route main line strip tube main route main road duct court crossing pier catwalk cloister platform bypath trunk line close vennel snicket ginnel road division major road twitten wynd twitchel gully areaway means of access way through riding bridleway sidetrack bridle path causeway crosscut rut rail shortcut bikeway cycle track jogging track cycle path right of way cycleway groove pavé interstate parade access road four-lane prom seafront tollgate beltway skyway state highway no-brainer direct route byroad super slab clearway autoroute traffic lane crossway Autobahn autostrada side of the road arterial road A road B road autobahn strait waterway beef road national road blacktop way in landing gate through road through street crescent turf place stroll side street back alley dead end front alameda gallery marina deck cakewalk public walk sea front


The object or goal of something
idea motivation objective aim intent value gist initiative object point purpose reason significance advantage essence motive use outline utility direction mark meaning overview project target thing big picture end in view solution summary sketch snapshot end design goal intention plan ambition desire aspiration wish scheme resolve grail dream hope ideal pretension desideratum bourn bourne desired result holy grail Holy Grail object of the exercise where one is heading raison d'être mission determination resolution inclination destination vision focus longing function urge want object of desire pursuit yearning passion craving hankering why and wherefore basis cause expectation principle interest proposal fancy hunger drive whole idea name of the game itch justification rationality end goal concern impetus view grounds lust programme ulterior motive thirst prize notion planning endeavor mind program system strategy proposition yen premeditation endeavour thinking plot sense calling vocation bullseye disposition push game plan master plan road map ground plan agenda pie in the sky duty consideration conception thought fire in the belly ambitiousness venture activity enterprise bull's eye undertaking job go-getting business exploit feat work matter affair ultimate object purport spot drift occasion bull's-eye butt daydream end purpose telos will prospect ache liking whim the why and wherefore castles in the air scope where one's heading nirvana terminus bucket list milestone big idea whyfor appeal attraction bent leaning emulation charm impact usefulness validity cogency fascination validness tendency preference prayer consequence central theme benefit logic sake nuts and bolts eagerness good final cause upshot worth rationale incentive something in mind instigation catalyst incitement spur persuasion inducement stimulant enticement inspiration stimulation carrot determinant need preoccupation care essential lack good judgment task prerequisite requirement responsibility commission charge stunt engagement errand act doing deed burden action contract exercise accomplishment obligation piece of business gig racket brief process assignment chore end game operation driving force necessary requisite hidden motive hidden agenda vested interest score to settle special interest reason why campaign arrangement blueprint game occupation deliberation deal baby setup plan of action pet adventure indispensable thing desired thing sine qua non missing thing needed thing forethought plotting prearrangement pre-planning scheming heart's desire reflection cogitation predetermination malice aforethought calculation mens rea advance planning coldness contemplation criminal intent cold-bloodedness malice prepense


A general meaning or character
tenor drift meaning sense theme purport substance tendency burden intent gist import intention thread trend way aim direction essence message mood path purpose significance spirit thrust character flavor flavour strain vein body core evolution inclination meat nature pith run stuff tone course of thought implication duration signification denotation content point thesis scope object idea design end current movement general meaning general intention connotation subject heart bottom line nitty-gritty acceptation interpretation subject matter nuts and bolts significancy name of the game nuance bearing nub understanding intimation suggestion matter topic upshot intendment definition allusion force context nature of beast punch line meat and potatoes explanation marrow symbolization effect text relevance motif score moral heart of the matter crux kernel keynote nucleus lesson worth root value sum centerpiece net pivot question nubbin designation summary short precept insinuation reason motive focus bull's-eye inference sum and substance view viewpoint centrepiece main point kicker subtext main idea nature of the beast explicit meaning implications consequence ideas rationale importance argument account hint indication digest thought specification plot center centre undertone essential point central point proposition undercurrent circumstance salient point case focal point scenario storyline statement opinion the long and short concise summary reference overtone brass tacks action sequence subcurrent line of reasoning most important fact hidden meaning secondary meaning train of thought adage teaching maxim story line sermon truism moralism saying dictum rule apophthegm proverb motto aphorism epigram saw quintessence basis soul anecdote gnome axiom use goal objective target aspiration long and short main theme central idea central theme important point mission ideal general picture ambition plan wish pretension desire dream mark grail thing bourne bourn holy grail where one's heading


An area of life a person has experienced including their careers, and position within society
walk area discipline domain field calling circle element department speciality specialty territory vocation arena bailiwick front line province sphere terrain trade barony business career demesne dominion firmament metier métier realm precinct profession topic subject curriculum theme field of study subject matter branch of knowledge branch of learning area of study course of study practice exercise fief method fiefdom game mastery field of inquiry kingdom specialist subject specialism branch of study sector jurisdiction orbit occupation world zone job turf function work capacity sphere of influence employment scope line of work walk of life pursuit thing racket scene area of interest activity section region line of business sphere of activity preserve day job concern purview part role position specialization post station specialisation area of activity milieu neck of the woods branch interest compass livelihood pigeon avocation forte range place universe bag patch neighborhood area of knowledge neighbourhood responsibility study duty charge craft affair task tract authority engagement expanse locality area of responsibility living enterprise class slot assignment office sphere of interest employ block beat county state shire chosen work line of country area of expertise stomping ground manor seigniory medium society compartment turfdom breadth stage operation baby theatre forum rank environment ambit person's calling extent stratum remit status battlefield battleground administration berth classification spot niche incumbency life's work field of influence area of power lists area of influence worry margin subfield confines pale patronage custom way purpose theater radius ground dimension grip sphere of study industry champaign prefecture dodge biz stint sphere of action area of conflict field of conflict stomping grounds nine-to-five contract commitment obligation gig service what one is into division recruitment hiring situation bubble sport district proceeding undertaking contracting day gig daily grind quarter belt land means of earning one's living country parts rat race line of employment neck locale stretch corridor vicinity ward ghetto borough neck of woods jungle inner city clearing environs constituency suburb haunt hangout purlieu habitat home headquarters rendezvous abode dwelling den living quarters gathering place retreat street favourite spot stamping ground local hang-out


The way in which one conducts themselves relative to social norms
behavior actions conduct demeanor action acts attitude comportment decorum deeds demeanour deportment habits manners bearing activities address delivery gest geste dealings morals convention ethics etiquette expression mien code form guise mannerisms mode practice presence propriety savoir-faire seemliness speech style tact talk taste tenue tone social graces what's done way of life manner behaviour carriage appearance air aspect cast look way posture custom habit mannerism performance way of behaving ways character stance idiosyncrasy personality port disposition peculiarity temperament way of carrying oneself way of holding oneself wont procedure rule ritual routine approach pattern policy set nature characteristic exploits practices trait countenance bedside manner way of acting way of standing practises engagements movements way of bearing oneself fashion use figure way of conducting oneself practise pose method tack usage tradition praxis mores modus operandi tikanga decisions handling of matters customs doings persona tenor feel affectation temper image social behaviour portance front poise rapport relationship social habit performances gests garb regard dress outside ease dignity attribute oddity habitude trick contortion seeming facial expression physiognomy visage mug propensity proneness tendency aptness consuetude second nature modus vivendi groove dignified demeanour dignified air dignified bearing ilk gait spirit quirk capers quality thing description way one is protocol tenet ceremony system formality matter of course norm way of doing things conventionalism design rules decency how solemnity ceremonial rite formula observance social practice proprieties tactics recipe technique regimen strategy methodology precept canon convenance proceeding by the book kawa channels do's and don'ts setup by the numbers right practice law ropes set formula process done thing regulation


Path down a ski hill


A undertaking, typically one that involves risk
venture enterprise project undertaking adventure scheme campaign operation pursuit business affair endeavor endeavour expedition exploit mission quest activity crusade effort engagement escapade feat plunge proposition shot trial attempt caper deal deed essay experience experiment exploration flier flutter flyer gamble hazard investment measure move proceeding setup speculation stake task act chance crapshoot fling jeopardy peril plan play process risk romp stab throw try voyage wager charge spec stunt test thing business enterprise pet project leap in the dark exercise action work go crack bid assay job bash whack assignment whirl pass programme program course of action manoeuvre maneuver offer happening striving event performance procedure exertion incident push shot in the dark game episode labour bet labor movement occupation struggle doing step concern ground plan game plan responsibility brief duty commission accomplishment throw of the dice antic system occurrence plan of action lottery design achievement strategy baby errand function toil travail long shot gest matter drive blueprint initiative blitz lark raffle spree implementation drill master plan hunch proposal time coordination idea transaction detail emprise goal industry stint arrangement province contrivance outside chance tactic racket purpose aim tactics method road map dry run problem piece of work big idea line of action contingency cause jaunt post foray leap interest trade vocation tryout punt outfit conception lesson agenda shenanigans onus calling handiwork employment risky business random shot proceedings maneuvering geste triumph attainment plot coup pot luck chore trick lick tilt wheeze manoeuvring stratagem outline toss up obligation application ploy try-on execution device scam one's all ruse energy one's level best toss-up machination stroke burden intention machinations conspiracy subterfuge wile best shot fall of the cards pig in a poke stab in the dark objective tour de force gig secret plan piece of business appointment gambling option shop hassle uncertainty trip scene endangerment dealings deployment suggestion workout productivity progress pursual craps game exciting experience risky venture speculative enterprise bag do ballgame issue gesture challenge risky action one's best behavior conduct behaviour victory blind bargain hunt seeking follow through artifice dodge iffy proposition big chance one's darnedest all one's got number case blow gambit what one is into role line something done pet contribution office spin of the roulette wheel sham con fastie shift dealing worry long row to hoe action item fun and games workflow go-down fifty-fifty attempt on crack at bid for path route conquest consummation wish ambition aspiration hope pretension ideal holy grail target contract desire intent crafty designs set-up cunning plan grand design game of chance taskwork devoir care steps lookout preserve headache craft heroic act daring act policy practice recipe formula luck fortune jape shenanigan measures expedient layout mischief masterstroke rib bailiwick pigeon funeral brainchild skylarking rollick channels development cabal antics tour of duty scrape field sphere potshot successful manoeuvre complete success act of genius the luck of the draw training progression folly vagary procedures high jinks fooling around evolution growth reaction response matter of chance goings-on diligence conscientiousness acts undertakings luck of the draw turn of the wheel flip of the coin toss of the dice trouble force stress sweat strain graft muscle pains power try on expenditure bother while slog moil resolution yakka battle strife determination discipline pull strength tension welly sweat of one's brow hard graft blood, sweat and tears old college try elbow grease hard yakka position situation service profession commitment art part capacity career place bandwagon métier line of work trust niche lifework speciality specialty hard work day job walk of life directive object circumstance journey instruction question imperative incumbency grind occasion toiling delivery juggernaut use phenomenon hap eventuality interlude department station area lay throes berth billet avocation living area of interest set of tactics line of country involvement chosen work rat race slot handicraft set of circumstances line of employment line of business survey secondment entrada right requirement beat prerogative end committal need pledge custody remit briefing privilege area of activity foundation resolve person's task life's work nine-to-five life work subject entanglement slap jab pop dab moral obligation job description topic field of expertise mechanics technique mechanism motion conviction belief charity tenet chores steadfastness doggedness tenacity resoluteness earnestness principles expertise competency competence skillset message lobby point march faith negotiation shopping run collection servitude focus participation rôle utility creed item sector form style way employ demonstration skill forte livelihood bargain pain faculty connection domain drudgery appeal organization mobilization hobby pastime biz raison d'être meaning mark realm world walk element circle arena front enactment approach workings routine fashion inconvenience dedication point at issue terrain demesne territory jurisdiction zone agreement promotion fight war impetus turf fief barony bubble precinct sport fiefdom section gauntlet load albatross difficult task hardship gruntwork value donkeywork sale pact bond compact treaty artistry manner realization organisation mobilisation firmament orbit area of study kingdom settlement blood, swear, and tears complication carrying out rendering realisation purchasing disposal intercourse covenant buying selling convention purchase thing to do conundrum dilemma knot perplexity solution designation business deal puzzle difficulty quandary nut predicament consignment legation embassy command puzzlement formal order matter of contention point of contention


Movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system
circulation flow motion movement passage circling rotation circuit circumvolution current flowing gyration gyre revolution round turn twirl wheel whirl circle roll spin pirouette swirl cycle reel turning wind orbit stream drift gush sweep surge tide spate trickle winding twist flux swivel pivot lap welling rush loop circumrotation convolution curve arc arch twisting curvature bow transfer fluidity spinning roller whirling swivelling twirling wheeling pirouetting revolving swirling revolve eddy twizzle birl swiveling whirlpool ring circumference spiral band circumnavigation tour shift crook bend angle swing inflection turnabout curving hoop compass circumscription inflexion hook yaw sphere ball circlet globe disc orb roundel eye zodiac cirque full circle ringlet annulus bead curvation disk outpouring flood outflow issue spurt run deluge jet squirt progression percolation drip emanation ooze leak progress river discharge effusion continuance continuation continuity tideway spout oozing dribble undertow seepage leakage torrent efflux cascade emission wave outburst drainage escape exudation secretion advance drain effluence storm passing hemorrhage haemorrhage bleeding transit process outpour upsurge burst flurry fountain onrush moving effluent spill charge draught effluvium draft explosion outbreak excretion outflowing onslaught rash outrush eruption gust spritz march outflux swell blast exodus blaze flush procession inundation leaking trend direction exhalation avalanche series issuance seeping epidemic advancement tendency spray loss emergence breeze chain heave sequence string crossing succession flash debouchment upwelling dash leaching leaning puff dart depletion traverse extravasation gale headway going barrage influx undercurrent trickling uprush inrush blood loss billow push waste filtration volley flow of blood relocation spring ejaculation battery shower voidance drop effluxion sweating diffusion emptying trail release blow ebb issuing springing transition travelling egress journey groundswell rise transferral zephyr waft breath spell gushing traversal tenor flare-up uprising upswing traveling spasm paroxysm seeping away train furtherance expression path patch bout migration transference bleed escalation rapid loss fit hæmatorrhœa hæmorrhœa bubble ebb and flow nosebleed welling up current of air hail tail infiltration transudation quiver emerging shedding outfall slip pull flowing out onset stampede blitz way dripping streaming travel exudate pouring streak air shot mobility riptide vortex sewage locomotion move transporting squeeze tingle airflow production pass line array traversing pollutant ambulation splash transmittance transmittal transmission traject trajection breath of wind whiff persistence field transportation undulation suppuration giving off sending out moving on exuding pollution radiation lapping race drag conveyance runoff breakout ebullition overflow voiding ejection disemboguing frenzy spree transferal transplanting flare blowup bursting start agony detonation wash swishing murmur surging gravitation liquid waste plague building up build-up rush of air vent elimination recrudescence boutade inflammation sally shifting bilge water cluster access blow-up sudden appearance vomiting welter stab journeying displacement repositioning airstream time period interval span rise and fall flight withdrawal voyaging term duration stint thermal season while backdraught backdraft updraft updraught session prolongation life snap slipstream tour of duty stretch bit steady flow


A category having attributes in common while differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality
class kind type sort order genre genus grade species variety brand breed category family ilk set classification denomination nature stamp strain stripe tier bracket caliber calibre cast division group grouping hierarchy league make mold mould quality range rank rating rubric style collection description fashion feather generation grain kidney like manner standing branch character designation domain frame origin rate source state status suit colour color department name phylum province school sect section selection temperament value form level ranks model categorization lot race grading line position vintage design standard ranking station pattern subdivision compartment shape degree echelon place pigeonhole list condition head rung likes field sphere cut mark heading stage notch speciality batch area specialty realm gradation subclass persuasion kingdom worth listing stock point scope repute step disposition band series way number arena sector conformation cohort jurisdiction barony circle capacity stratum stature placing subspecies pedigree stream size measure taxon phase estate tribe subject mode taxonomic group likes of kin lineage string ordering arrangement extraction progeny hue suite gender assignment business bailiwick territory function bunch discipline element turf terrain demesne fief fiefdom firmament game front walk caste subgroup dominion area of interest walk of life variant peg benchmark specification topic dignity unit practice method system lineup part pick evaluation virtue personality type chapter derivation version inch sample body score estimate assessment appraisal figure anatomy framework structure temper mettle production run turn remove age group label study group spirit measurement sorting estimation valuation judgement judgment image limits make-up parameters span calibration distinction issue marque makeup tendency fiber fibre significance prestige footing shade tint tone tincture tinge pecking order graduation analysis sizing consignment coordination alloting pigeonholing cataloguing allocation typecasting cataloging ordination tabulating collocation distribution disposal assortment distributing allotment apportionment regulation importance crop wave cast of mind turn of mind habit specimen inclination bent degree of proficiency degree of merit degree of quality crowd embodiment demeanor complexion semblance air demeanour responsibility preserve pack duty occupation specialism concern charge precinct affair pigeon task job compeers peers contemporaries bag thing baby peer group activity area of responsibility vocation administration berth sphere of activity spot niche incumbency avocation slot orbit zone region compass extent remit universe sphere of influence neck of the woods area of study organization organisation plan systematization planning purpose regularity codification orderliness systematisation setup array sequence placement systemization formation positioning layout line-up configuration methodization symmetry ranging neatness filing composition format scheme marshalling alignment standardization standardisation management adjustment arranging set-up marshaling collation tidiness uniformity taxonomy categorizing stationing profile comparison categorising logic display setting out constitution routine typology control use implementation spread precision presentation exhibition dressing gathering mustering direction construction assembly setting up lining up utilization employment formulation chemistry harmony methodology scale ladder making forming unity combination setout utilisation deployment situation organism whole interrelation of parts gauge marking marking out scale point gage verification marking up succession progression procession aligning chain establishment procedure computation


The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject
study learning research consideration examination investigation education account advisement analysis debate deliberation delving disquisition examen exploration inquest enquiry inquiry inquisition inspection lessons probation probe probing reading scholarship schooling swotting work academic work cogitation perusal scrutiny tuition abstraction analysing analyzing application attention class comparison cramming exercise experiment homework lesson questioning reasoning revision schoolwork school work search subject thought training weighing book work memorising memorizing review survey evaluation scrutinization dissection assessment scan check interrogation contemplation reflection audit trial thinking breakdown test once-over heed assay concentration observation fact-finding quest going-over appraisal poll experimentation deconstruction legwork cross-examination anatomization calculation forethought scanning discussion anatomy look meditation pondering musing checkup interpretation regard anatomizing view quiz tryout glance weighing up browse hearing verification fishing expedition skim rumination estimation sifting look-see assignment diagnosis postmortem task case testing diligence industry assiduity brainwork look through thoughtfulness intentness attentiveness coursework heedfulness project look-over third degree inventory fact finding prep try-out canvass trial and error pilot study dry run trial run treatment R and D leaf test drive reconnaissance notice mulling flick autopsy census brooding checking read care grilling excogitation questionnaire quizzing cerebration resolution regardfulness absorption immersion mind engrossment circumspection groundwork browse through glance through sampling audition surveillance excursus premeditation read-through balancing judgement judgment essay analyzation tally query skim through leaf through flick through substantiation try serious thought feeler fact checking opinion poll research and development trial balloon public opinion poll run-through breaking down lucubration grind check-up investigating exploring dissolution travel detection criticism quarry monitoring look at catechizing pursuit interrogatory caution carefulness reconnoitring sounding critique breakup recce supervision vetting dissertation experiments superintendence analyses tests enquiries indagation studies deciphering decoding straw vote reconnoitering concern stocktaking report Q and A surveying snoop snooping gander analyzes screening attempt paper cross-questioning investigation into traineeship apprenticeship approval proof novitiate giving someone the third degree careful considering drill contrast translation delineation initiation division tentation piece of research juxtaposition differentiation action screen test acid test noviciate post-mortem discrimination distinguishing collation road map dismemberment trial period distinction careful examination learning new things mindfulness observance test period demonstration experimental period differentiating contrasting tab close-up perlustration histology medicine etiology biology morphology physiology aetiology embryology cytology genetics zoology hit and miss hit or miss cut and try relating collating paralleling knowledge eye ascertainment awareness studying advertence advertency ear note close study venture procedure ratio analogizing discernment dividing consultation speculation close examination the eye eagle eye undertaking spotlight ballot conferring operation fling try-on enterprise long hard look telling the difference scientific test rap planning prudence wariness ventilation negotiation purpose ratiocination dummy run market research try out R & D


To move (quickly) without obstruction
run race flow gush rush stream cascade speed surge barrel dash pour careen career hare hasten hie highball hump hurl hurry hurtle hustle jet move rip rocket rustle scoot scurry scuttle shoot step tear travel trot whirl whisk zip zoom belt blast blaze blow bolt breeze dart drive flood fly jump motor nip pelt ram roll scud sloosh sweep tumble bomb bowl bundle bustle buzz cannonball chase gallop pump scamper spring move apace crack on hotfoot it charge sprint streak whizz whip flash boogie scramble post bucket go like a bat out of hell clip scutter go hell for leather stampede hightail go like lightning leg it burn rubber barrel along zap wing shift fleet wheech bound get a move on go like the clappers whoosh swoop get the lead out scorch make haste whiz cut along step on it spank along hightail it haste flit beetle hotfoot bowl along go fast lay rubber go like the wind dive plunge rattle along make tracks skip get cracking jog accelerate steam glide skedaddle move quickly sail beat it shake a leg go quicken pound burn canter slide expedite amble leap push flee fling drift fast-track spurt put on some speed tear along speed up proceed put your foot down cruise flutter skim pass rage trip boil lunge depart dispatch break whip along hurry up really move slip coast clear out yeet fuss wash progress cannon storm bullet spur beeline plough skirr tool lope bestir stir vroom ride plow lash dust go like a bullet run out press pace belt along bomb along get your skates on go like a bomb cover ground lose no time go quickly escape abscond decamp patter dog it get out cut and run waltz double swoosh skitter catapult skite roar swirl roll along well thrill spill out jogtrot dogtrot move briskly kite leave scat vamoose split outstrip go briskly step lively start march go rapidly drive fast hop pop run fast step on the gas well up slip away be off like a shot rush headlong circulate steamroller railroad blitz buck retreat rush around hop along step along sluice run like mad plunge ahead prance frisk tear up the miles go like greased lightning go at breakneck speed go away move fast make time be quick disembogue express launch pitch float make a run for it swarm rush at run off bug out run away drain make it snappy get on it gear up bowl over gather momentum press on get moving go all out stride go like lighting rack hurdle waste no time whip around move along not lose a minute take wing make oneself scarce go along glug brush throng crowd launch oneself throw oneself go headlong smooth along pile continue move past smoke whish burst sally rush forward stroke cross journey wend crawl drag pass by go through push on move onwards run through run by pass through blow past gust lurch whistle pounce wind hop it take flight jostle go faster get faster pick up speed make off shove bluster flurry gambol stir one's stumps increase speed gather speed advance pass quickly light out pick up the pace rev up take off step up barge propel waft crack romp tear out scatter move forward move rapidly go by scrabble exhale go at top speed move like greased lightning run very fast flicker flick frolic flourish dance caper billow eddy descend plummet drop brandish put on a burst of speed book it chuck it down surge through startle flitter duck dodge head bounce show quickly thrust pack stomp spin swish twist seethe churn rush off speed away nosedive flirt play stoop cavort stalk gee up bob stamp flounce scram beat a retreat turn tail squeeze jam crush flock squirt puff squall fall tear around hover skidoo run for it clear off scarper make swing strike attack blow fiercely dip hook it skip off levant buzz around fall upon make for set upon rev run round in circles fly down elbow peel out make a break for it head for the hills make a quick exit cut out beat a hasty retreat set out set forth aim cut head off set off make a break steer bear veer stride angrily move suddenly shoot through fly the coop show a clean pair of heels do a fade do a bunk kick rocks take a powder do a runner get lost climb gain momentum move faster drive faster put on a spurt open it up get a wriggle on get a wiggle on open up the throttle put pedal to metal put on afterburners peel rubber open up put on speed


To move or proceed across, over, or through
cross traverse cover range roam wander navigate negotiate pace span track transit tread bridge follow perambulate peregrinate travel go cut across pass over proceed along go across journey across journey over travel across travel over pass through range over tramp over wander over go over run over run through journey make your way across move pass voyage trek do intersect walk ply cruise sail move over go through move across put behind one cut bisect crisscross move through tread across proceed through get across ford wade walk through drive across cross over walk across make it across wade across voyage across sail across sail over voyage through travel through voyage over cruise through tour proceed rove globetrot tramp hike progress ride backpack roll ramble circumnavigate take a trip wend hop explore jaunt junket scour migrate transmit overnight go round move round make your way cover ground knock around go into orbit take a plane make a journey take a boat get through go riding take a train set out wend your way make one's way set forth extend across extend over stretch across arch over arch reach over transverse vault over lie across link vault travel along keep on stay on connect go along overpass arch across overlap tread through ride out move along range across reach across decussate visit drift traipse meander stroll tour in trek around stray sweep travel in look round tour around journey through look around look at take in the sights of stop in take in sightsee in prowl amble gallivant galavant knock about go walkabout mooch bat straggle encompass hit the trail reconnoiter search spread through gad about circumambulate make circuit follow one's nose reconnoitre hit the road maunder kick around globe-trot


(of game) To pursue, typically in order to keep track of, or to apprehend, someone


To gush out in a sudden and forceful stream
spurt gush discharge spout jet pour issue flow spill spew stream emit squirt rush surge expel eject ooze well emanate erupt shoot disgorge burst belch eruct spray swoosh spring spritz sloosh pump emerge fountain pour out belch forth flow out run cascade roll flood trickle disembogue swirl leak dribble glide slide overflow ripple swell deluge sputter teem exude sluice gurgle regurgitate seep drip tumble well up well forth fire shed squeeze spit splur brim let off brim over rise spring up purl go spread bleed waft spiral drop eddy heave billow egress proceed steam stem drift slip whirl leak out run out spew out throw out send forth release excrete percolate pour forth irrupt cast out drain spit out give off vent ejaculate escape evacuate vomit weep give out shoot out send out extrude extravasate sweat spurt out strain leach filter exudate empty transude pass exhale hemorrhage haemorrhage leech seep out gush out pump out spill out flush out swish cough up drain away seethe void boil cast dislodge stream forth hurl explode diffuse secrete force out expire radiate irradiate outflow belch out let out drive out throw off hiccup lose spew forth perspire churn out spin out ooze out throw up seep away squirt out flow away flow rapidly burp flush water well out eructate let flow eliminate exhaust issue forth break dispense sweep scatter regorge upchuck drool transpire transmit filtrate arise blow lunch blast blow gust emit liquid come out of overflow with ventilate gulp posset repeat rustle whiz evolve force break out breathe forth spill over gush forth give vent to wind spin churn twist splatter spatter pop squall puff cough out flurry rupture permeate splash drizzle be ejected burst out burst forth inundate touch off give forth go bang go off babble abound pullulate

Antonym of complete course

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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