Synonym of complete information


Knowledge about a given topic
facts data figures knowledge details evidence findings insight intelligence material particulars statistics clues detail verification what's what chapter and verse observation whole story gen deets orientation ammo lore science info documentation dope low-down input documents specifics reports numbers proof records results dossier scoop advice notes news background dirt files testimony report materials conclusions score goods instruction brass tacks clue fuel support lowdown notice inside story notification analysis file ammunition statement picture bottom line like it is resources answers solutions determination readout conclusion ideas idea arguments bum steer work papers verdict hint concept actuality truth pointers points considerations thought understanding conception text facts and figures reading finding features subject matter encouragement research archives archive poop baseline abstracts return compilations know-how memorandums minutiae record testament credentials affidavit deposition witness set of data set of results set of values technicalities stats substantiation niceties fact hard facts cold hard facts hard evidence concrete information smoking gun concrete data cold hard evidence concrete evidence fine points concrete happening how it is demography census enumeration counsel exposition account word latest communication erudition directions enlightenment leak briefing reportage learning tidings illumination guidance disclosure story feedback item heads up tip-off hot tip inside information inside dope word to the wise


Reports of recent events or facts
news info findings communication scoop message notice commentary description detail details dirt dossier inside story leak lowdown papers particulars report statement testimonial testimony tidings word announcement break correspondence dope heads up score story account comment literature materials document documentation documents exposition latest low-down promulgation revelation bulletin chatter dispatch gossip item reportage tale tattle tidbit titbit blurb drum briefing documentary publication file line intelligence gen advice talk advices rumour rumor communiqué buzz intimation notification hearsay scuttlebutt data goss note uncos release whisper scandal dish facts letter missive memo posting memorandum noise canard bruit knowledge broadcast declaration summary instruction skinny piece warning piece of gossip narrative proclamation murmur whispering email epistle earful reporting grapevine rumble rundown guidance advertisement piece of hearsay advert communique poop ad on dit mention article history tip enlightenment chronicle tittle-tattle record recital handout narration inside information version brief relation wire disclosure update alert advisory book directive bumf write-up blow by blow mail speculation prating chitchat chat postcard feature kite acknowledgement the latest text acknowledgment speech conversation hash cry written communication written message junk mail reports greetings whole story a briefing a brief headlines bush telegraph facts and figures column piece of information tweet SMS status flash headline newscast analysis exposure news coverage forewarning discovery paragraph news report press release caution hint insinuation suggestion news item official statement what's happening news summary the dope news flash what's going down eye-opener status update outline address coverage digest picture opinion pronouncement cable paper telegram skinder hubbub furphy apprisal alarm the goods advisement writing word of mouth shu-shu statistics small talk fax admonition alarum fact exposé admission avowal figures phone call goods excerpt pipeline ideas notelet encyclical scratch invite card tab thank-you cannonball FYI get-well résumé hot wire précis heads-up inside material answer reply expose confession pamphlet leaflet brochure post billet wake-up call advance warning flier love letter poison pen billet doux surprising fact surprise fact deets presentation counsel circular mailshot handbill publicity flyer broadcasting direction publishing film developments rescript transmission dissemination breaking news docudrama printed matter reading matter yarn program programme anecdote movie romance fiction legend novel chronology novelette commentaries novella spiel memoir apologue biography tragedy fantasy conte myth potboiler sequel epic nonfiction allegory cliffhanger beat saga comedy short story adventure autobiography parable drama serial factual film factual programme urban legend fictional account urban myth folk tale old saw long and short of it


The act of imparting knowledge


(information theory) Numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome


A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory
illustration explanation elucidation exposition explication interpretation clarification commentary exegesis report description illumination definition delineation account construction story narration rendition detail brief portrayal version depiction narrative representation characterization recital assessment rendering details portrait impression summarization perspective portraiture view viewpoint rundown outline presentation relation appreciation slant take recountal writeup showing analogy road map blow by blow point of view statement summary tale expounding demonstration elaboration enlightenment breakdown specification chronicle example simplification note telling record history recounting declaration testimony picture vignette sketch teaching translation presentment monograph evocation resolution annotation expression display comment assertion attestation affirmation testimonial claim word picture ABCs yarn recitation confession meaning decoding answer evidence deciphering solution gloss sense talking writing side chronicling chronology detailing relating describing news why and wherefore lowdown run-down play by play mansplaining womansplanation womansplaining mansplanation rehearsal study recapitulation construal performance storytelling reading run through understanding analysis commentaries treatment communiqué make voice-over enumeration dissertation paraphrase delivery discourse anecdote accounting unfolding the picture biography restatement rewording condensation the whole picture profile story telling critique itemizing listing list catalogue litany recount composition take on log discussion thumbnail sketch disquisition criticism opus memoir annal plot appraisal exposé enucleation enunciation catalog fable musicale musical itemising sequence of events story line write-up reason principle germ spring cause


The state of being educated or enlightened
edification teaching education instruction enlightenment tuition schooling tutoring training tutelage coaching cultivation improvement pedagogy inculcation learning andragogy guidance knowledge indoctrination development illumination nurture elevation elucidation uplifting bettering betterment enhancement irradiation building up apprenticeship direction discipline study erudition science reading background civilization civilisation book learning preparation drilling scholarship literacy proselytism catechism finish refinement learnedness brainwashing breeding rearing culture propagandism pedagogics lessons book-learning e-learning formal education grounding classes tutorials rules priming lectures drill lesson chalk talk practice polish sophistication tutorial upbringing gentility class induction orientation couth civility urbanity manners letters proficiency savvy mastery research studying swotting foundation paideia academic work buildup groundwork tutorship basics crash course price charge expenditure fee boot camp programming persuasion qualifications credentials proselytization propaganda intensive training discrimination mind-control taste accomplishment discernment exercise custody guardianship wing care protection supervision sharpening readying seasoning expert hand session delicacy aestheticism tune-up culturedness seminar period lecture professional development intellectual awareness artistic awareness subject good taste refined taste course lear period of instruction information taught period of coaching period of teaching period of tutoring period of schooling courtesy politeness elegance grace style politesse graciousness conduct good manners social standing


A collection of documents about a particular person, event, or subject
dossier report account record document file register documentation chronicle annals journal log data diary archive annal logbook evidence documents summary note memoir archives casebook catalog catalogue list profile inventory notes chronicles detail database facts folder gen intelligence muniments portfolio case study case history personal account recorded information history statement case particulars docket charts book form submission write-up paper case notes tabulation return records files papers rolls accounts registers deeds minutes transcript dossiers ledgers transcripts transaction almanac transcription script instrument deed registry chronology memo proceedings narrative entry memorandum commentary writing act yearbook certificate directory trace memorial manuscript narration paperwork legend muniment blog inscription scroll scorecard story written material paper trail swindle sheet procès-verbal biography description portrayal portrait depiction ledger vita compendium encyclopedia guidebook guide handbook life sketch encyclopaedia study essay calendar workbook reference book bio article life story transactions legal paper legal agreement legal form official paper written communication official documentation official document index record book commentaries follow-up version recountal recital written account chronicon text annuary annual periodical annual report comic book testimonial pages testimony analysis review table synopsis survey outline characterization examination vignette rundown autobiography background information manual journey career historical account monograph adventures curriculum vitae past personal record résumé biopic trials and tribulations life history documentary saga development experiences personal narrative close-up confession growth atlas ephemeris gazeteer treatise dissertation recollection memory discourse tractate thesis reminiscence anecdote confessions agenda yellow pages who's who blue book white pages social register little black book source book charter contract acquittance authorization certification language authorisation treeware credentials


A piece of information that may help in an investigation
lead clue pointer tip-off hint tip guide indication suggestion indicator sign signal info proof cue evidence inkling intimation key dead giveaway inside wire smoking gun telltale sign trace track trail whisper word confidential information wind advice steer piece of information recommendation guideline reference notification warning piece of advice idea alert caution forewarning dope prompt nod news forecast message buzz tocsin red flag secret information word of advice red light information received wake-up call word to the wise handwriting on the wall reminder implication mark notion symptom innuendo telltale omen hot lead token insinuation index tipoff manifestation demonstration attestation inference prompting model alarm note expression basis prod wink significant indicia notice mnemonic high sign gesture heads-up signature glimmering imputation zeitgeber impression sneaking suspicion catchword allusion spur jolt stimulus counsel maxim guidance mention signification disclosure display portent declaration signifier show augury exhibition goad nudge jog help revelation vestige nap wrinkle flea in ear measure record register communication prognostic admonition feed twit announcement inside information how-to proclamation alarum preamble explanation prefiguration auspice adumbration prolegomenon notifying tidings gauge alarm bells advance warning heads up word of warning prior warning barometer gage symbol bellwether ratio rule indicant formula beacon testimony Mayday SOS okay blinker bleep smoke signal signal fire warning sign gentle reminder substantiation sure sign straw in the wind incontrovertible evidence corroboration conclusive evidence hard evidence absolute indication indisputable evidence unmistakable sign


A state of consciousness or knowledge of something
awareness cognizance cognisance consciousness acknowledgment acknowledgement alertness attention enlightenment familiarity knowledge mindfulness perception understanding concern observance observation realisation realization recognition regard advertence advertency appreciation apprehension attentiveness care comprehension conception consideration discernment experience grasp heed heedfulness knowingness notice responsiveness sensibility vigilance wariness acquaintance acquaintanceship apperception assimilation cognition insight knowledgeableness self-awareness self-understanding sentience wakefulness grip sensitivity to acquaintance with familiarity with insight into sensibility to sense percipience ken apprehension of understanding of grasp of comprehension of realization of awareness of cognizance of knowledge of command of perception of conception of mastery of ken of judgment judgement hold perceptiveness intuition impression intelligence idea erudition interpretation sapience wisdom acumen mastery command perceptivity notion take astuteness concept schooling perspicacity sageness education thought assessment expertise view shrewdness ability sagacity estimation penetration vision authority capacity proficiency learning belief acuity intellect cultivation scholarship intimacy expertness learnedness skill knowing know-how sharpness wit fluency perspicaciousness sensitivity cleverness acuteness canniness control picture viewpoint attitude capability mastership smarts sharp-wittedness feeling sagaciousness reading inkling opinion discrimination decipherment arguteness slant prowess deftness aplomb adeptness virtuosity facility adroitness persuasion conversance savvy point of view intellection better understanding expertism finesse skilfulness accomplishment dexterity way of thinking analysis conviction deduction sentiment clear understanding tuition savoir faire common sense clear message firm grasp nous sympathy respect handle instruction valuation practicality esteem clearer picture appraisal clearer vision clearer view perspective horse sense aha prehension sensitiveness clearer insight clearer understanding clearer awareness outlook approach ability to understand double take slow take prudence worldliness account greater understanding comprehensive understanding enhanced understanding improved understanding superior understanding aesthetic sense cunning ingeniousness savviness elucidation construal visualisation knack version representation contemplation good judgment intimacy with edification proficiency in absorption expertise in digestion visualization skill in uptake grapple clear thinking conversance with knowing inside out aspect look translation riff variation prospect glimpse clue clear interpretation clear idea clear view clear impression clear conclusion clear notion clear belief fluency in IQ ability in farsightedness keen-wittedness quick-wittedness intuitiveness judiciousness clear-sightedness image eye keenness percipiency insightfulness nose sensation presumption conclusion theory position study conceit apprehending realizing identification estimate assumption forecast guess indulgence prognosis calculation principle recollection surmise trust expectation hunch projection suspicion conjecture sneaking suspicion thinking surmising personal feeling funny feeling acceptation feel postulation supposition presupposition prediction signification ideology faith construction hypothesis taste realising light


Great depth of insight or knowledge
profundity intelligence insight wisdom discernment acumen astuteness understanding shrewdness perception perceptiveness perspicacity penetration sagacity comprehension discrimination acuity sapience brains knowledge judgment savvy judgement perspicuity sageness reason percipience prudence sagaciousness erudition depth gumption judiciousness thoughtfulness profoundness enlightenment foresight learning practicality experience circumspection sanity sophistication balance caution pansophy poise solidity stability insightfulness horse sense deep insight good judgment clear thinking savoir faire perceptivity sense awareness sharpness intellect grasp apprehension cognition cleverness smarts nous ingenuity levelheadedness common sense intuition canniness wit keenness acuteness appreciation grip knowingness genius wits clear-sightedness familiarity discretion cognizance perspicaciousness intellectuality cultivation tact quickness sensibleness capacity heedfulness pragmatism watchfulness consideration good judgement good sense sound judgment presence of mind education conception schooling thought intellection learnedness acquaintanceship logic vigilance expertise incisiveness mentality wariness lucidity lucidness tactfulness forethought reasoning providence rationality soundness marbles commonsense rationalness know-how soundness of mind powers of discernment cognitive faculties sound mind recognition subtlety ability realization brilliance proficiency worldliness consciousness authority mindfulness acquaintance capability sensibility adroitness scholarship intimacy deftness skill adeptness smartness observance coherence dexterity expertness ratiocination clear mind logical thought good reasoning scientific thinking sharp-wittedness arguteness realisation mastery knowledgeability brain fluency taste command refinement apperception control sensitivity assimilation brightness precocity mastership precociousness conversance cunning selectivity vision observation prowess aplomb virtuosity facility intuitiveness ingeniousness braininess expertism good eye grey matter better understanding powers of reasoning native wit common IQ finesse skilfulness accomplishment deepness omniscience rationale clearer insight clearer vision clearer picture clearer understanding clearer awareness clearer view separation fastidiousness demarcation distinction discreteness saneness aestheticism clearness culture culturedness connoisseurship policy heed maturity worldly wisdom knack greater understanding comprehensive understanding enhanced understanding improved understanding superior understanding edification astucity good taste concept idea clue fluency in ability in sentience savviness talent conversance with familiarity with knowing inside out intimacy with acquaintance with instruction tuition brainpower skillfulness bookishness artfulness masterfulness art suss artistry artifice competence knowledgeableness craft ken great intelligence brain power mind mental acuity mental ability intellectual capacity intellectual power fine mind mental capacity mental agility great intellect I.Q. gift flair foxiness caginess quick wit calculation esprit quick wits cageyness hardheadedness alertness responsiveness accuracy precision quick-wittedness


Knowledge in a particular field or domain


An instruction on how to do something
direction instruction charge command order decree dictate directive edict injunction bidding behest briefing commandment guidance guideline imperative requirement rule prescription recommendation regulation suggestion enjoinment word mandate ruling precept demand canon ordinance dictum fiat law ukase statute pronunciamento pronouncement rescript do stipulation proclamation act diktat writ request prescript exhortation enactment say-so summons warrant will code promulgation bill decretum call principle decretal firman irade resolution judgement announcement constitution reg desire judgment ultimatum wish hest sanction bull declaration subpoena mitzvah measure bylaw criterion authorization guide authorisation statement by-law advice monition invitation convention adjuration admonition tenet manifesto doctrine caveat maxim notice formula axiom standard fundamental invocation go-ahead covenant urging appeal encouragement legislation precedent assize amendment clause assertion insistence prompting solicitation want affirmation authority requisition memorandum memo consent message communication imposition enjoinder obligation expressed desire ordering exaction dictation interdiction notification devoir ground rule ordainment standing order ban bar prohibition embargo restriction choice charging say saying ipse dixit plea working principle motto byword the word the riot act beck and call counsel admonishment cue signal prompt dogma preception action teaching propriety decorum brocard etiquette calling bell cry Act of Parliament verdict commitment caution warning no-no piece of legislation legislative document okay court order call to action entreaty motion ratification decalogue credo belief creed ethic high sign green light tip-off thumbs up input lecture lesson institute practice foundation postulate cause reason equity divestiture proposal garnishment generalization decision generalisation principium truth base exigency ground proposition kaupapa due process pressure persuasion apprisal piece of advice instrument claim application petition bid imploration condition supplication procedure protocol importunity publication policy form provision indent dun veto drive broadcast proscription purchase order interdict public statement heritage legal ruling restraining order exclusion order gagging order task permission assignment agreement approval endorsement asking official sanction intimation hint citation forewarning ask rule of order comment cautionary advice recall payment clamour need programme draft bulletin info program dispatch report enquiry prayer counterclaim arrogation suit pursuit question must-have impetration entreatment clamor advisory tattoo document article petitioning intention interest interrogation inquiry policy statement beseech pleading public notice big ask detail parameter proviso bestowal device instructions dispensation inheritance estate directions legacy check cheque draught particular custom description specification delineation norm way routine tradition normality habit barometer benchmark wont normalcy rubric formality yardstick method praxis pattern course par order of things


Subjects referred to in speech or writing
things subjects issues topics arguments propositions questions scenarios themes accounts areas cases concepts fields motifs problems reports storeys stories subject matters theses blurbs discussions entities news gists proposals substances particulars portions matters points concerns circumstances talking points cans of worms controversies proceedings goings-on affairs situations business puzzles bones of contention disputes contentions occasions items contents essences texts drifts focuses thrusts ideas senses purports tenors messages imports significances threads significations meanings businesses motives pith meats stuff implications problemata bottom lines denotations burdens spirits nuances hearts cores materials acceptations intimations understandings contexts thoughts nitty-gritty nuts and bolts connotations intents objects keynotes bearings suggestions significancies resolutions symbolizations allusions theorems chapters intentions divisions directions definitions interpretations morals cruces bodies insinuations motions explanations snags holes puzzlements predicaments quandaries hitches titles jams pitfalls quagmires stumpers interests catches mires challenges pickles studies catch-22s premises forces essentials classes lines values cruxes enigmas conundrums dilemmas effects uses indices elements aspects considerations centres centers features details parts states articles informations forms components sections constituents nubs inferences undertones marrows lessons undercurrents references overtones subtexts precepts plots moot points heads leitmotifs worths consequences ingredients strains intendments veins subcurrents centerpieces nets nubbins kernels bull's-eyes nucleuses pivots roots sums relevances focal points salient points categories storylines centrepieces kickers views punch lines meat and potatoes scores statements opinions viewpoints actions sequences story lines trains of thought hints conundra enigmata dilemmata

Antonym of complete information

Music ♫

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