Synonym of complete shambles


A state of complete disorder
chaos confusion disorder havoc mess muddle disarray disorganisation disorganization anarchy chance-medley disarrangement dishevelment disorderedness disorderliness free-for-all heck hell jumble madhouse messiness misorder muss omnishambles state tumble welter babel bedlam botch disaster fiasco hash hodge-podge maelstrom mess-up mix-up untidiness car crash mare's nest snake pit a mess complete mess clutter turmoil pandemonium tangle disruption commotion mayhem topsy-turviness rat's nest derangement tumult hullabaloo ataxia uproar furore upheaval madness lawlessness mishmash riot clamor unruliness irregularity furor clamour frenzy hotchpotch sloppiness entropy confusedness muddiness hubbub hurly-burly hodgepodge imbroglio complication snarl scramble a madhouse pig's breakfast discombobulation holy mess a three-ring circus all hell broken loose heap trouble unrest ruckus rout grubbiness muck dirtiness racket fankle a shambles a muddle ravel foul-up screw-up unholy mess huddle an omnishambles misrule snafu hue and cry can of worms topsy-turvydom utter confusion topsy-turvyness mistake misunderstanding untidy state calamity slovenliness scruffiness scrappiness grunginess anarchism fussing entanglement litter morass mass flurry disharmony disunity upset indiscipline bangarang dog's breakfast bungle predicament chaotic place web rush troublesome situation unkemptness train wreck discomposure a maelstrom discord mobocracy snarl-up comess error plight place of disorder incompetence inefficiency inadequacy disunion unconnectedness incoherence dissolution ineptitude ineffectiveness disjointedness grovel toss roll overturn noise rumpus mess and a half confused state miscalculation puzzle turbulence balls-up a dog's dinner a dog's breakfast ruction ructions a car crash wreckage din chaotic situation disquietude disquiet dog's dinner wild disarray lack of order perturbation ado stir consternation ferment bustle fracas wilderness row intricacy dislocation haze slip-up disturbance fuss stew agitation pother storm flap kerfuffle to-do bother bluster brouhaha hoopla hoo-ha ballyhoo shindy moil coil clatter blather whirl bobbery foofaraw squall williwaw splore helter-skelter corroboree hurly do hurry hurricane hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah zoo hurry-skurry fun dither alarums and excursions tizzy hassle fluster twitter melee panic lather excitement brawl flutter sweat fret outcry violence carry-on affray huff fever stink restlessness strife donnybrook broil big scene quarrel revolution stramash swivet swelter convulsion tizz distraction twit palaver rumble uprising scene insurrection scuffle tiz-woz shouting babble fray yelling state of agitation song and dance jangle bagarre tempest outburst shindig hysteria rebellion rampage tremor mutiny wildness pantomime inarticulateness worry state of panic hell broke loose hustle and bustle cataclysm big stink state of anxiety convulsions swirl unintelligibility struggle whirlwind paroxysm bouleversement earthquake screaming clangor clangour scrap babbling illogicality ailment shivaree dust-up delirium seething mass anxiety Sturm und Drang eruption rage upturn activity street fight fermentation aggro explosion performance ochlocracy rough house hustle tamasha annoyance blue funk nervous state argy-bargy state of confusion mob rule reign of terror breach of the peace destruction pig's upheavals altercation uncertainty rowdydow storms tohubohu dismay stooshie hectic anxiousness instability distress craziness bickering roughhouse hubba-hubba rhubarb scribble tremble alarm provocation incitement fury glow heat hype all hell breaking loose unquietness restiveness uneasiness scandal sensation folderol rubbish tension craze deliriousness tempests maelstroms quake controversy splash excitation mania feverishness shock fisticuffs hindrance action fireworks three-ring circus spasm discomfiture trepidation melodrama drama pell-mell production backwash combustion to do vandalism fight skirmish state of nervous excitement state of unrest distressed state blare katzenjammer chatter cacophony discordance rattle bowwow roar decibels bruit tussle set-to incitation bobsy-die fuss and bother wilding nihilism misgovernment tizz-woz confused noise charivari fix snit fuming fretting overthrow bad mood nongovernment hostility disregard street fighting distemper burst insurgence protest brannigan mob violence wingding violent disorder demonstration shower run-in revolt scrimmage clang tower jargon state of untidiness stirring flip-flop outbreak alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor crime criminality free fall punch-up rough-and-tumble absence of government vociferation insurgency shout rammy battle royal biffo lack of control irresponsibility terrorism lack of restraint words battle clash brush knock-down-drag-out new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game ululation caterwauling buzz enthusiasm thrill boisterousness tintamarre rambling nonsense disconnectedness incongruity animation elation passion inarticulacy incomprehensibility inaudibility indistinctness unclearness interruption division break interference stimulation disarranging disordering unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage a buzz a charge adventure a kick ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling undermining delay retardation delaying splitting separation severance holding up rigmarole fuss and feathers


Death and destruction
carnage butchery holocaust massacre slaughter bloodbath havoc annihilation bloodletting bloodshed death decimation destruction mass murder murder blitz blood butchering crime extermination gore hecatomb homicide insurrectionism killing liquidation manslaughter offing pogrom rapine slaying warfare wasting blood bath indiscriminate bloodshed mass destruction ethnic cleansing taking out blood and guts search and destroy genocide execution assassination mass execution Shoah mass homicide extinction devastation elimination murdering eradication indiscriminate killing wholesale killing battue wholesale slaughter mass slaughter mass killing patricide matricide parricide rubout infanticide filicide night of the long knives foul play cataclysm catastrophe disaster conflagration dispatch internecion fatality putting to death wiping out fratricide sororicide uxoricide regicide race extermination hit shooting persecution witch-hunt victimization racial killing genticide injury wounding mactation blood-letting megadeath mass suicide victimisation bloodiness blood shedding mass murdering war cruor grume inferno atrocity purge fire violence stabbing erase big chill ride second-degree murder first-degree murder bump-off demolition ravaging scene of carnage martyrdom immolation taking of life final solution race-murder mass extermination Roman holiday wholesale murder doing to death lynching obliteration dying off dispatching knifing the business rub out contract killing the works unlawful death ruin capital punishment bumping off debacle tragedy calamity loss wastage termination massacring slaughtering assassinating overwhelming finishing off lethality mortality loss of life humanness deadliness Ragnarok doomsday eschaton Armageddon armageddon putting to sleep bane rubbing out killing off snuffing out subjugation putting down mincemeat apocalypse Judgment Day end times day of reckoning end of the world


A place where animals are slaughtered


A sudden or unexpected failure
fiasco failure catastrophe disaster abortion debacle flop blunder lemon washout botch fizzer clinker cockup dud fizzle foul-up hash screwup wreck bomb breakdown bummer bust clunker embarrassment fail miss mess miscarriage route shipwreck turkey error farce frost loser rout snafu balls-up screw-up lead balloon car crash dumb thing to do collapse defeat bungle trainwreck calamity misadventure misstep failing implosion nonachievement whammy nonperformance nonsuccess tragedy non-starter train wreck let-down sinking ship dead duck damp squib dead loss false step no-hoper faux pas muck omnishambles muddle bodge downfall ruin rabble disintegration trouncing overthrow pig's breakfast smashup crash dissolution misfortune shellacking vanquishment defeasance crack-up devastation havoc smash ruination beating drubbing licking reversal blue ruin shit show loss annihilation setback thrashing mishap massacre frustration pasting hammering hiding fall caning letdown demolition disappointment trimming undoing foundering trashing waxing conquest destruction blow whipping clobbering reverse discomfiture pounding going-over overwhelming defeat crushing defeat slaughter mistake subjugation triumph cropper misfiring mastery killing misfire whitewashing extermination downthrow repulse lacing scalping rebuff ambush paddling count check insuccess trap KO break non-fulfilment vain attempt nonstarter also-ran plastering lump pig's ear non-achiever whaling unsuccessfulness flash in the pan lack of success coming to nothing fizzling out non-success falling through dog flopperoo bellyflop fumble bungling no-go thumping battering walloping anticlimax blank downer jalopy mauling junk reject drag old banger bringdown choker piece of junk non-event omission rejection slip thwarting fault breaking down mismanagement perversion oversight miscue underachiever has-been neglect want default defect delinquency underdog write-off nobody nonentity mischance aborting bankruptcy trouble spontaneous abortion still birth insufficiency lapse malfunction miscarriages interruption deadbeat down-and-outer flunkee underprivileged disadvantaged losel born loser stalemate two-time loser crumbling sore loser total loss buckling falling to pieces crumpling falling apart shutdown falling down falling depression landslide walkover romp disgrace descent decline vanquishing unseating end debasement declination demise deterioration degeneracy toppling declension degeneration ousting death devolution comedown Waterloo deposition decadence elimination comeuppance degradation nemesis eclipse flameout labefaction bane rack and ruin atrophy road to ruin loss of power doom loss of status loss of prosperity


An unstable time or period, usually marked by intense difficulty or danger
crisis catastrophe disaster emergency plight predicament dilemma mess trouble calamity extremity fiasco mire quagmire quandary adversity cataclysm conundrum setback tragedy upheaval bind blow complication difficulty distress entanglement impasse pickle chaos debacle disarray disorder drama failure hardship havoc hole imbroglio issue jam meltdown perplexity problem stew strait tribulation collapse crash fix hell misadventure misfortune mishap muddle pass pinch pressure reversal tinderbox turmoil urgency blight confusion depression devastation exigency horror reverse ruin scourge scrape stress trauma whammy affliction apocalypse bomb bust desolation disorderliness embarrassment hassle holocaust messiness monstrosity puzzle shipwreck shock situation trial woe dire straits hard times hot water sticky situation deep water sad state critical situation heavy blow tricky situation car crash difficult situation problematic situation big trouble hang-up tight corner tight spot unfortunate situation awkward situation hell on earth rabbit hole sorry condition hot potato train wreck reversal of fortune spot of bother vicious circle stroke of ill luck bad news no-win situation tight situation double trouble worst-case scenario spectacle botched situation commotion fuss incident scene melodrama disturbance business affair tension adventure circumstance occasion row fracas thrill excitement sensation farce to-do tear-jerker juncture clutch zero hour corner crunch vicissitude spot box head flash point turning point crossroads accident swamp conjuncture Dunkirk rattrap crossroad misery boiling point breaking point crunch time sticky wicket condition asperity mischance catch-22 contingency rigor desperate straits jackpot rigour deadlock drag kettle of fish need upset pretty kettle of fish fine kettle of fish stage danger pain burden panic stations state bale mishanter cross waterloo curtains buffet wretchedness bother how-do-you-do moment necessity the worst stroke of bad luck want exigence ruination urgent situation squeeze sorrow wreck contretemps crux interval position ill point in time straits a hole a fix a jam a scrape hardness knock nakba ticklish situation bad luck conflict tangle catch unholy mess holy mess difficult choice l Dutch trouble spot climacteric indigence destitution hot spot extreme suffering convulsion demand time point discomfiture equation constraint requirement loss downfall evil act of God potential crisis emergency situation demandingness acuteness mix-up visitation devastating blow flooding tight squeeze situational problem struggle needfulness requisite essential wont criticalness pressingness imperativeness jumble jar jolt grief uphill battle worst case frustration oppression duress downturn diffict situation uncertainty indecision worst outcome dependency dependence comess phase period glitch catastrophy reverse of fortune blue ruin poser state of affairs state of things compulsion push climax unforeseen circumstances worst that could happen involvement bad situation knot hazard exertion painfulness facer worst possible outcome worst comes to worst posture status instant choice abyss infliction labor barricade discouragement sweat labour uphill down double bind pretty harassment bad thing soup suffering a bad situation bewilderment mystification bottleneck a plight a mess a predicament a sorry condition a difficult situation moment in time a spot a stew dead end a pickle a tight corner a bind double whammy cross to bear knock-back heartache heartbreak torture torment choke point dolour travails theatrics histrionics dramatics peril downer poison hurting bummer jinx skids rough go theatre theatricals tough luck ill-luck pain in the backside hard knocks pain in the rear evil eye can of worms trials and tribulations pain in the neck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions tough situation ill luck bad break ill fortune ill-fortune theater dangerous experiences perilous experiences exciting experiences song and dance


Crowded, wild, and chaotic place


A collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things
hodge-podge medley assortment jumble mishmash mixture miscellany confusion hodgepodge hotchpotch melange mess mix pastiche patchwork potpourri variety assemblage collage collection combination farrago hash montage array blend conglomeration motley ragbag selection agglomeration clutter combo composition mélange menagerie miscellanea muddle smorgasbord stew agglomerate botch brew chaos diversity gumbo jambalaya litter mashup rummage salad scramble tumble welter gallimaufry jungle mass mingling oddments olio pasticcio ragout salmagundi shuffle colluvies mixed bag grab bag mash-up motley collection pot-pourri alphabet soup crazy quilt odds and ends omnium-gatherum patchwork quilt random collection random selection mingle-mangle olla podrida scissors-and-paste job omnium gatherum hotch-potch Whitman's sampler goulash heap tangle disarray scatter disarrangement macédoine disorganization untidiness turmoil disorganisation disorder fusion composite amalgam compound conflation intermixture amalgamation alloy meld synthesis admixture cocktail emulsion maze union choice group convolution mesh soup aggregate cross commixture mosaic concoction hybrid conglomerate skein bundle merger anthology garbage assembly snarl package grouping labyrinth plaid cat's cradle mix-up range cluster bunch aggregation accumulation line-up melee compilation cumulation web derangement entanglement huddle series knot sundries melting pot interfusion incorporation coalition conjunction marriage association pick `n' mix weave net complex arrangement compost variegation tessellation checker tartan check pluralism ataxia load multiplicity untidy heap confused heap spectrum congeries mishmosh kind sort diversification rainbow hotchpot rich tapestry tapestry tableau pig's breakfast wide range gathering amassment disparateness fluctuation discrepancy variability incongruity variance hoard trove accretion multiculturism ethnic diversity multiculturalism consolidation commingling miscegenation choosing selecting election picking cross section grab box coalescence merging dog's dinner dog's breakfast grab barrel fusing all shapes and sizes all sorts pasteup immixture homogenization imbroglio intricacy morass network pooling integration homogenisation intermingling balance complexity puzzle mutt mule blending everything but kitchen sink recipe perplexity mire twist half-breed everything but the kitchen sink combine cross-breed dough confection hybridization adulteration mash batter crossing infiltration transfusion saturation assimilation heterogeneous mixture batch lot set band block clump clutch suite battery constellation bank parcel passel muster clot number raft multitude garland treasury compendium library complete series corpus spicilege collectanea album analects florilegium digest omnibus ana collected works


A mistake, typically unintentional
screwup error mistake blunder slip fault oversight gaffe boob lapse clanger misstep inaccuracy slipup stumble gaff goof flub fluff fumble clinker miscue brick trip bobble muff mess muddle bumble wreck boo-boo foul-up slip-up blooper faux pas bungle howler miscalculation fail bloomer boner indiscretion misjudgement misjudgment flaw solecism thinko defect barry failure misunderstanding false step snafu lapsus calami lapsus linguae botch misapprehension bloop slip of the tongue screw-up miss impropriety misjudging slight glitch omission erratum slip of the pen mix-up fallacy botch-up floater false move error of judgment confusion cockup delusion goof-up misconception misinterpretation misreading aberration misreckoning err misdeed transgression literal negligence gaucherie wrong delinquency fall deviation pratfall shortcoming drop imprudence mishandling misfielding wrong move hesitation accident mishap upset bad move debacle fiasco mismanagement gremlin bug imperfection familiarity bodge inadvertence snag absurdity flub-up mess-up breach of etiquette indecorum wrength underestimation corrigendum carelessness typo neglect overestimation bozo eruption putting foot in mouth inattention dumb move dumb thing to do stupid mistake snarl-up unfaithfulness wrongness impreciseness unreliability illusion crime botched job laxity misapplication failing preterition chasm disregard overlooking blank overlook skip pretermission typographical error poor judgment trespass offense dilemma complication violation breach printer's error dereliction vice failure to notice misdesign mispositioning misarrangement misalignment upheaval difficulty trouble quandary hash hiccup sin offence disorder complexity emergency snarl encumbrance commotion intricacy struggle disorganization misconfiguration disarray disorganisation brain fart awkwardness involvement bungling bas wrong configuration poor layout poor configuration balls-up car crash misconstruction miscount Freudian slip misestimate misconstruing peccadillo misimpression mixup misestimation misknowledge exception incomprehension irregularity confounding breakdown false impression virus distortion abnormality misdemeanour felony misbelief misevaluation flop malfunction anomaly misconduct tongue twister eccentricity aberrancy wrongdoing misdemeanor oddity wrong impression false reading obstruction blip catch showstopper limitation rarity quirk wrong idea departure spoonerism freak rogue poor decision bad choice whoops malapropism flummox bonehead play foulup own goal slip up inadvertency flounder improper act poor decision-making bad overestimate foul up screw up bad idea break incorrect sum muddle-up underestimate overvaluation undervaluation blow lapse of etiquette social blunder colossal blunder false belief poor choice misstatement misspeaking blunder in etiquette jumble despisement scorn disdain error of judgement tangle hole self-defeating action cacology miscommunication misreading of the situation chaos fankle turmoil puzzle sus linguae misperception human error wickedness folly mischief mischievousness misbehaviour mispronunciation misuse abuse grammatical mistake barbarism misusage turkey bomb lemon bummer frost washout clunker bust dud fizzle hastiness ingenuousness simple-mindedness excitability naivete unseemliness indiscreetness stupidity thoughtlessness unthinkingness misspeak crudeness misbehavior disaster catastrophe bad behaviour malware foolish mistake want default loss computer malfunction hitch blemish problem something wrong computer glitch misappreciation dropping the ball straying happenstance surprise fluke coincidence peculiar turn of events unusual occurrence one-off hazard twist of fate divergence rambling wandering peculiarity inconsistency variation oddment digression oddness difference unusualness diversion phenomenon incongruity curiosity strangeness weirdness


Plural for an uneven walk or progress


To walk while shuffling or dragging the feet
shuffles stumbles lumbers strolls trudges ambles creeps plods sloughs totters traipses dodders loafs lolls mopes moseys rambles saunters tramps waddles wanders barges clumps crawls drifts flounders galumphs limps lumps scuffs scuffles skulks slogs stamps stomps stumps tromps changes drags flogs lurches pounds shifts straggles loiters walks drags your feet shilly-shallies goes slowly staggers reels teeters clomps hobbles blunders bumbles wobbles struggles walks heavily sways falters toddles hikes thunders treks thumps weaves thuds marches footslogs trails bangs tramples treads careens pads trogs yomps hirples drags oneself walks haltingly walks with difficulty trundles toils steps schlepps halts wavers hops treads heavily wallows walks unevenly walks lamely walks with a limp walks clumsily pitches muddles slouches crushes schleps clunks champs gallops gimps clatters patters shakes plods along runs heavily trembles blunders about treads clumsily quivers moves clumsily shivers quakes rolls shudders quavers rocks moves falteringly wades ploughs shimmies topples trips wheels slides hesitates walks unsteadily zigzags slips seesaws grinds plows duckwalks waggles wiggles walks slowly plugs along hitches moves unsteadily dallies delays dawdles strides lingers walks like a duck lags advances goes promenades moves idles tarries dillydallies diddles lollygags dilly-dallies pokes lallygags troops patrols mooches roams paces perambulates prowls passes time gets no place fast dabbles puts off lurks slackens procrastinates fritters away flags hovers pauses hangs about hangs out ambulates proceeds pootles steps out knocks about plods on roves hits the road stretches your legs stalks parades prances canters meanders wends your way traverses struts takes the air locomotes tours makes your way races files takes a turn hangs around waits stays goof around remains wastes time putters falls behind sticks around stalls kills time lags behind potters marks time stays put horses around stops dithers temporizes tootles trails behind takes one's time temporises drops behind moves slowly fools around potters around hangs fire abides bides haunts hangs on rests inches dwells swans tails hangs back whiles away time bimbles oozes maunders vacillates takes your time trifles spends time hangs round fannies about kicks around waits around frequents lounges about hums and haws bums around does nothing much plays a waiting game tools loses time filibusters noses snails resides lodges lounges fribbles passes the time holds back doodles goofs off retards strays stravaigs brings up the rear creaks along warms a chair fools about potters about havers monkeys around fiddles around beats the meat endures continues putters around potters round swithers holds on plays for time sits tight kicks your heels spins one's wheels messes around percolates sashays drags your heels stays behind ankles takes a walk takes a stroll goes for a walk farts around uses delaying tactics puts off doing something fritters slacks streels whiles away the time burns daylight fiddles about piddles takes one's own sweet time fritters away time shirks schlepps along stonewalls floats coasts goes for a stroll trills fluctuates kicks about diddle-daddles boondoggles blows hot and cold hems and haws pussyfoots around fritters time away decreases falls back drops fails diminishes strolls along takes it easy sits around scrounges around shleps along wanes drags behind ebbs fools with whiles away trifles with twiddles sits on one's butt buys time slows jellies loiters along plays games with goes aimlessly falls off inches along slows up ranges loses strength plays droops dangles sags lives prolongs adjourns postpones protracts defers stays close waits nearby waits about stands scrambles spreads hangs down errs straddles stops over goldbricks cools settles sticks stays nearby moves at a snail's pace strings out fills in time idles away the hours twiddles thumbs pokes around awaits hangs holds the phone takes a raincheck holds off postpones action lets something slide defers action suspends action kicks the can down the road lies around bunks outstays nests squats perches roosts peregrinates lies in wait for creeps around draggles boogies walks casually hoofs it ganders gets some air gets some exercise holds the fort sweats it out puts down roots establishes oneself remains behind keeps on establishes yourself stays out limps along creeps along wears on advances slowly hangs heavy appears to pass slowly slows down relaxes goes on too long goes on and on becomes tedious plays around prats about chills out fiddles amuses oneself clowns rests up clowns around lounges around mucks around has a lark larks around mucks about acts the fool lolls around plays the fool has a laugh lazes around mooches around faffs about holds out carries on clings on grips keeps it up sees it through sticks it out grasps perseveres goes on persists keeps a hold on clings holds fast clutches latches on

Antonym of complete shambles

Music ♫

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