Synonym of eminently pious


Following the precepts of a religious practice
religious devout godly holy saintly dedicated devoted spiritual reverent righteous God-fearing prayerful churchgoing dutiful sainted faithful born-again clerical divine ecclesiastical moral moralising moralizing orthodox priestly reverential sacred smug virtuous pure blessed hallowed believing saintlike pietistic devotional sanctified consecrated angelic god-fearing good sacrosanct venerable revered humble worshiping venerated worshipping innocent upright perfect unworldly spotless seraphic glorified just chaste clean immaculate worshipful solemn practising committed pietistical faultless untainted uncorrupt godlike sublime undefiled practicing obedient scriptural blest consecrate sacral deferential sinless sacramental admiring unprofane venerational adoring upholding appreciative theological goody-goody celestial churchly church heavenly respectful awed theistic enshrined supernatural numinous regardful polite gracious obeisant ordained beatified canonized deified canonised reserved messianic special venerating revering evangelic apostolic Christian blameless ethical doctrinal goody two-shoes reverend uncorrupted stainless irreproachable beatific worthy guiltless charismatic superhuman deific transcendent sectarian conformist late upstanding seraph cherished loving law-abiding conforming ritual ceremonial schismatic deistic sacerdotal pontifical canonical ministerial late lamented full of good works observant evangelical adulatory of blessed memory immortal exalted idolizing inviolable reverenced eternal anointed devoted to God dedicated to God deifying supplicant supplicating pleading beseeching idolising soliciting entreating imploring suppliant supplicatory ethereal cherubic blissful rapturous empyrean supernal otherworldly incorporeal empyreal metaphysical mystical astral elysian immaterial mystic transcendental transmundane extramundane other-worldly deiform ghostly unphysical unfleshly joyful serene infallible unimpeachable flawless goddesslike unfailing rapt deitylike supreme inviolate cosmic ambrosial omnipotent supernormal omnipresent omniscient preternatural paradisaical almighty extraterrestrial unearthly superterrestrial without fault lily-white beyond human out of this world all-powerful sweet angel-like angelical paradisical superlunary Elysian intangible nonmaterial psychic empyral Olympian ecstatic psychological psychical non-material inner happy formless nonphysical unsubstantial insubstantial bodiless unbodied glorious enchanted airy discarnate platonic refined disembodied rarefied asomatous euphoric elated joyous enraptured stoked beaming glad delightful blissed out radiant more than human


Of or pertaining to piety, exhibiting piety, devout, godfearing
loyal faithful devoted staunch dedicated steadfast constant true devout steady fast stanch good true-blue down-the-line ardent firm unwavering committed dependable resolute reliable trusty allegiant trustworthy dutiful tried-and-true stalwart unswerving fervent sure fervid unfaltering dyed-in-the-wool tried passionate wholehearted sworn conscientious sincere genuine zealous enthusiastic intent single-minded immovable honest upright orthodox honourable honorable enduring liege supportive serious pure tried and true tried and tested persevering adherent persistent fixed stubborn solid unhesitating earnest driven purposeful responsible confirmed stable true-hearted truthful card-carrying abiding unqualified keen straight secure intense unquestioning hard-core incorruptible patriotic hard-working fanatical scrupulous never-failing deep-dyed behind one true blue unfailing bosom durable certain boon unflappable uncompromising strong sound die-hard attentive concerned redoubtable vigorous stout in good faith eager stiff inflexible tough determined consecrated admiring diligent assiduous through and through studious out-and-out as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful given over to mad keen pledged true to the end decided strong-minded settled set on resolved gritty set strong-willed dogged bent on hardboiled tenacious untiring indomitable unflinching obstinate buckled down bent righteous right just trustable moral virtuous ethical nice safe decent gung ho avid impassioned inveterate calculable right-minded worthy truehearted veridical undistorted estimable high-principled creditable square all right rigid obdurate adamant bound established immobile inexorable unmovable unbending changeless no lie on the up and up up front hopeful fundamentalist religious attached conservative reverent traditional obedient trusted prayerful confiding unchanging correct believable loving affectionate circumspect deep profound true to life string along with on the level vehement revering venerating strict unyielding unshakeable indefatigable unrelenting unflagging spirited relentless unshakable undaunted pertinacious bold steely intransigent undeviating valiant plucky tireless mettlesome implacable unshaken insistent courageous hardened diehard stout-hearted unremitting brave assertive lionhearted doughty willful forceful gutsy long-standing sturdy active entrenched full of determination intrepid deep-rooted decisive manful emphatic rock-ribbed fearless fierce ruthless perseverant hard ambitious motivated energetic spunky confident hard-line pushy absolute hard-nosed bent upon grim patient thorough heroic industrious iron thoroughgoing aggressive close feisty unbendable indurate self-assertive positive immutable bulldog purposive enterprising headstrong dead set on long-established strenuous complete dauntless militant deliberate iron-willed dead set focused consistent rooted ingrained go-getting cast-iron reputable high-spirited stouthearted obsessed unchangeable intractable compulsive inspired unceasing hungry hearty obsessive desirous bullheaded aspiring pigheaded thirsty hardy focussed inseparable incurable long-lasting valorous self-willed pat bred-in-the-bone deep-seated inexhaustible robust self-starting hard-driving do-or-die utter indelible goal-oriented dynamic infallible hell-bent on eternal self-driven hell-bent hell-bent upon unappeasable unvacillating incorrigible lasting unswervable four-square heroical stiff-necked greathearted gutty resilient unapologetic unashamed striving undauntable sedulous monomaniacal unassailable invincible mulish inured meaning business irrepressible dear valued unconquerable rigorous definite stringent intimate balanced self-confident eager beaver special cherished treasured out wilful sustained unending permanent unswayable uncompliant through-and-through gallant well-established perdurable keen as mustard unsurpassable invulnerable unwearied out and out well established weariless impregnable lusty unstoppable intrenched irremovable bulletproof domineering assured undefeatable predictable unafraid daring unequivocal unshrinking extreme fiery forward consumed compelled unlimited go-to sensible stand-up undeterred audacious chronic habitual ferocious full-bore unrepentant possessed perennial hanging tough composed manly unimpeachable poised importunate unerring seasoned galvanized impelled persisting toughened arrant right-down undismayed powerful never-tiring rugged lion-hearted undying ineradicable induced fixated obsessional proved always there long-lived whole-hearted brassbound veracious unmalleable well-built unfluctuating hardheaded perverse ossified opinionated adamantine inconvincible self-opinionated instilled resistant pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised dominant tested infixed self-assured explicit even unvarying uniform progressive pioneering fail-safe tried and trusted can-do self-possessed unmoved regular refractory prevailing deep-down full-fledged hard and fast bona fide big exuberant red-hot invariant deeply ingrained not giving an inch rock solid deep-set urged on self-asserting self-seeking rabid get up and go power-hungry set in stone fond stand pat set in one's ways standing one's ground power-loving high-reaching time-honoured brick-wall direct impervious well-founded firmly-based confidential perfervid straightforward unwearying unretiring reactionary traditionalist credible convinced unbeatable ever-abiding unblinking immoveable ultra-conservative unprogressive unsinkable hopeless unintimidated engagé hellbent cohesive perseverative familiar ballsy uninfluenced everlasting never-ending timeless perpetual coherent high-powered undiscouraged embedded equable effective unmistakable possessive unforgetful impeccable respectable on one's side game beyond hope fortified hidebound unadaptable immoderate exacting laborious noble careful incorrupt blinkered unaccommodating sagacious blimpish untameable insurmountable insuperable as thick as thieves pig-headed determinate in earnest unalterable adventurous immortal inexpugnable hard-boiled stern ungiving well balanced well-balanced impassable going inalterable peremptory dug in set firm competitive unfearful set in your ways recalcitrant endless boundless not put off not discouraged thrusting dyed-in-the wool adoring doting telelogical playing hard ball mean business calculated be out for blood nose to the grindstone flawless independent perceptive mean take charge foolhardy hang tough hard-and-fast cutthroat incessant herolike fortitudinous fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist congenital commanding in place in position bloodthirsty unabated tough nut lifelong firm in spirit animated two-fisted tough-minded ironclad resourceful bullish intent on like a ball of fire on the make career-minded desiring success defiant warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy surviving ceaseless continuous convincing uncorrupted compelling undamaged best close-knit normal perfect tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon determined to committed to the idea of no-nonsense hell bent on demanding chin-up ever-enduring real unstinting full unambiguous total unreserved categorical imposing authoritative burning unquenchable bitter stony furious granite capable never give up torrid impenitent supreme irredeemable unreformable longtime principled Herculean ancient indestructible full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke bound and determined surefire can't-miss unfading continual grind hyper substantial controlling unstinted unmitigated unrestricted unconditional undivided long-term time-honored age-old time-hallowed quiescent to the core accustomed habituated staid foolproof guaranteed mature overbearing imperious bossy imperishable persuasive well judged unimpaired seasonable unspoiled eatable timely unhurt unspoilt influential fresh trenchant felicitous favourable expedient potent whole well timed proven attested go-go bottomless sicker saintly unalloyed unadulterated uncooperative hardline unpersuadable bombproof recognized approved certified classic demonstrated failsafe collected serviceable radical heartfelt unfeigned undiluted warm outright used recognised level-headed same delivering there come-through continuing invariable straight-up hard-wearing undecayed promising fit to eat unblemished uncontaminated intact difficult to keep down rolling with punches quick to recover quick to bounce back stiffened tried out put to the test safe as houses entire authentic fullhearted sure-fire built to last strongly made well-made hard-bitten above suspicion as good as one's word worthy of trust full of integrity fly right boy scout to be trusted down home hard-shell all-consuming firmly established counted on bloody-minded renitent motionless statuelike competent immalleable merciless rocklike favorable self-reliant copper-bottomed cool-headed locked in hundred percent whole-souled carrying the load good as one's word to be counted on without reservations


(of a hope) Sincere but unlikely to be fulfilled


Smug or ostentatiously virtuous
goody-goody sanctimonious self-righteous priggish prudish moralistic prim prissy proper puritanical strait-laced Victorian governessy mimsy niminy-piminy old-maidish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy shockable starchy fuddy-duddy Grundyish holier-than-thou Pecksniffian pi square stick-in-the-mud god-fearing moral nice PC prim and proper puritan self-satisfied smug straight-laced unctuous virtuous goody two-shoes politically correct stuffy stiff pietistic Pharisaic narrow-minded narrow hypocritical pompous formal rigid religiose severe genteel complacent tight-laced conventional superior preachy straitlaced straightlaced bluenosed nice-nelly uptight demure Pharisaical overnice sententious artificial strict censorious austere snobbish staid bigoted insincere churchy moralizing old-maid stern precise fastidious canting overmodest affected pretentious to keep up appearances po-faced decorous square-toed Tartuffian straight too good to be true precious mealy-mouthed goody-two-shoes moralising overscrupulous conservative old-fashioned ascetic of the old school forbidding pedantic disapproving fanatical vain pharisaical spartan hair-shirt epicene namby-pamby false abstemious conforming abstinent decent seemly respectable ladylike sedate fussy particular sober earnest serious solemn pharisaic supercilious hoity-toity haughty noble egotistical squeamish for form's sake blue-nose spic-and-span polite spruce meticulous wooden correct cleanly good dapper upright dignified stickling ceremonial nit-picking ceremonious choosy squeaky-clean stilted overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish rigorous finicky illiberal simon-pure high-hat pietistical judgmental judgemental unco guid conformist pernickety punctilious orthodox fogeyish bourgeois traditional reserved honourable high-minded delicate honorable overparticular stodgy refined exacting traditionalist button-down comme il faut buttoned-down unadventurous Pooterish unhip timid mannered starched uncool timorous niggly stiff-necked mainstream socially acceptable overcautious prude doctrinal Biedermeier dogmatic small-town suburban parochial bien pensant conscientious principled impersonal upstanding humourless fusty old-womanish old-fogeyish self-important arrogant humorless magisterial important puffy righteous ethical right-minded dry as dust becoming befitting gentlemanly fit right discriminating suitable modest mannerly fitting picky in line by the book meet comely de rigueur by the numbers done courteous well-mannered dainty demanding out of date out of the ark boring out-of-date diehard dated behind the times discerning sensitive critical inflexible fine didactic hypercritical perceptive finical faddy fussbudgety pure faddish persnickety nitpicking overdelicate finicking hard to please difficult to please sharp choosey perfectionist keen over-particular impossible to please acute careful selective nit-picky restrained moderate Spartan continent economical refraining temperate self-denying self-abnegating self-sacrificing frugal simple self-restrained non-indulgent celibate self-disciplined homiletic sermonic homiletical


(of a person) Wholesome and untainted by immorality
pure moral innocent righteous virtuous chaste good honest upright virginal clean immaculate maidenly blameless decent modest virgin angelic ethical exemplary impeccable saintly unsullied honorable honourable irreproachable reputable sinless true uncorrupted undefiled upstanding wholesome noble spotless stainless unblemished worthy guileless guiltless unaffected unspoiled unspoilt unstained celibate continent inculpable inviolate unblighted unprofaned unspotted vestal white squeaky-clean lily white squeaky clean wide-eyed above reproach anti-corruption G-rated wet behind ears babe in woods pure as driven snow pure as the driven snow just principled scrupulous right conscionable faultless holy spiritual incorruptible high-minded conscientious dutiful proper moralistic seemly law-abiding respectable straight nice meritorious laudable praiseworthy stand-up right-minded trustworthy commendable noble-minded all right untainted beyond reproach fair God-fearing equitable charitable punctilious devoted philanthropical reverent devout impartial matchless philanthropic faithful godlike creditable deserving peerless straightforward strict responsible high-principled truthful chivalrous aboveboard distinguished gallant magnanimous decorous square courteous kosher true-blue clean-living salt of the earth lily-white unimpeachable cleanhanded clear untarnished admirable perfect in the clear flawless whiter than white irreprehensible crimeless above suspicion uncorrupt pristine incorrupt without fault unoffending guilt-free model uncensurable unblamable infallible estimable not guilty as pure as the driven snow impeccant lawful uninvolved beyond criticism free of excellent unfailing paradigmatic classic sterling quintessential bueno correct prototypical classical neato characteristic typical illustrative representative uncontaminated sackless licit legal legitimate self-righteous not bad free batting a thousand not too shabby not to blame without guilt sublime fleckless snowy unguilty artless angelical safe harmless demure peaceful free of sin free from guilt free from blame calm serene tranquil at peace without sin ideal absolved cleared exculpated untroubled exonerated copybook outstanding consummate exceptional seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible irreprovable rectitudinous dignified reproachless professional saintlike godly lofty snow white unmarred highly regarded respected dapper unobjectionable alright inoffensive clean-cut goody-goody precious esteemed unerring clean-handed favoring obedient balanced elevated right-thinking morally correct sound unbribable incorrupted cultivated tractable well-behaved sanctimonious not responsible favouring religious prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly proud


Having or displaying a passionate intensity
fervent ardent fervid intense passionate emotional enthusiastic impassioned vehement earnest animated heartfelt devout eager flaming perfervid sincere warm zealous fanatical feeling fiery avid deep-seated excited keen passional profound spirited wholehearted blazing burning card-carrying charged committed dedicated demonstrative ecstatic feverish glowing hot-blooded incandescent red-hot religious superheated torrid warm-blooded deeply felt raw enthused hearty heated mad keen responsive serious tender unfeigned warmhearted true blue dying to gotta have gung ho hopped up hot for keen as mustard fierce wild deep energetic lively crazy devoted violent strong voracious vigorous nuts powerful pumped intent hot desirous acute forceful furious raging hungry raring frenzied athirst solicitous resolute agog motivated obsessed exuberant consuming interested antsy juiced true assiduous thirsty yearning inflamed longing extreme fired up great rabid ready impatient high-spirited driven steadfast stoked stirring determined ebullient vivacious as keen as mustard excitable stimulated willing diligent zestful active hopped-up afire aroused hepped up angry deep-rooted heightened anxious unwavering full-hearted greedy explosive impetuous tempestuous vivid ready and willing frenetic bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ambitious restless faithful genuine itching champing at the bit uncontrollable keyed up dynamic craving raring to go staunch on fire stormy ablaze all-consuming sprightly appetent unrestrained geeked forcible mad exhilarated temperamental urgent honest ferocious moving firm warmblooded mettlesome from the heart intensive expressive cordial nutty stirred loyal dutiful fevered pining dying aflame dyed-in-the-wool hankering delirious incensed bona fide breathless psyched amped hot to trot amorous settled purposeful gone on inveterate excessive severe thrilled single-minded inspiring chomping at the bit engaged potent set hard rousing desiring volatile touching sentimental affecting heavy sworn thorough rash hellacious melodramatic uncontrolled emotive impulsive animate blistering eloquent significant dinkum dithyrambic manic hyper true-blue game titillated steamed up white-hot enamoured enamored covetous aching happy fond industrious strenuous effervescent full of beans deep-dyed hopeful fixed emphatic extraordinary crazed fuming persistent obstinate stubborn exceptional absorbed aggressive conscientious occupied constant involved messianic ghastly almighty stanch real entrenched exquisite engrossed tumultuous hyperactive thrilling meaningful rooted dreadful ungovernable hooked hectic unswerving uncompromising irascible abject obsessive terrible self-starting intrenched distracted vicious fired fearful frantic complete dotty concerned sensitive pleased stirred up fearsome tough blunt unbridled acquisitive frightful infatuated brisk gung-ho excruciating roused hung up volcanic supreme itchy unqualified habitual hard-core punchy stalwart mercurial good wishful heavy-duty mournful diehard thoroughgoing poignant overwhelming overpowering inspired fascinated go-ahead infatuated with loving hard-hitting solemn pledged overemotional addicted to devoted to restive rarin' to go energized potty deepest hooked on activated confirmed studious in-your-face amenable energised disposed bred-in-the-bone hot-tempered doleful soulful uplifting inclined through and through pulling no punches big doting hard-working heart-to-heart amped-up bursting enraged wishing effusive proselytizing evangelistic agitated plucky wrathful mighty tremendous seething delighted overwrought spunky fixated aflutter insatiable dramatic red-blooded intent on uninhibited peppery gingery preoccupied knee-deep bubbling over allegiant sultry immoderate marked susceptible overactive on the make inordinate intemperate penetrating piercing all out thirsting full prepossessed grave aglow heartrending intensified overzealous ravenous grasping exciting heartwarming overcharged hysterical neurotic agitable heart-and-soul edgy expectant avaricious rapacious inspirited galvanized sentient verklempt unconcealed primal visceral undisguised prepared moved influenced encouraged uplifted intuitive instinctive alight adoring relentless touchy-feely very great fast steady sad chafing straining gagging turbulent acrimonious rough mushy romantic high-pressure precipitate headlong high-powered hotblooded quickened compelling galvanised up proselytising evangelical in a hurry straining at the leash major hot-headed high-strung paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage convulsive self-driven supportive unreluctant glad down-the-line perfectionistic principled ignited open gut fain disorderly off the air very excited on the warpath short-fuse highly strung out-and-out single-hearted old faithful given over to true to the end drastic minded dear knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts ill-tempered hammer and tongs bad-tempered bang-bang worked up sharp foaming at the mouth fit to be tied lighted lit strong-minded solid set on resolved dogged untiring bent persevering decided gritty strong-willed bent on hardboiled tenacious indomitable unflinching unhesitating buckled down unfaltering upfront encouraging resounding full-blooded arduous muscular assertive taxing unruly high starry-eyed up for on for in the mood of a mind favourably inclined pysched up waiting with bated breath unpretending meant high as a kite amatory rhapsodic wacky tantalized all-out rigorous exhausting heartening crazy about mad about tried-and-true responsible tried tantalised bugged zesty gaga pretensionless undesigning authentic actual undissembled critical turnt inspirational smitten cut-throat bound cheering cheerful gladdening nutso over nuts about shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about very keen on idealistic inspiriting pushy honest to God twenty-four carat besotted beguiled charmed enchanted hardened seasoned wigged-out warming militant keen on daft in flames chronic engagé attached adherent fanatic lovesick captivated bewitched subjective total absolute instigative established ripe nutso possessed participating perennial lifelong zealotic fireball spellbound love-struck taken enraptured seduced intoxicated busy enduring proved indelible incorrigible immutable unyielding vital whole-souled elevating irredeemable unreformable compulsive ineradicable impenitent unshakable intransigent longtime unshakeable inexorable unapologetic unashamed wild-eyed coming on strong in love with enriching inspirative improving vibrant staid ingrained definite incurable explicit accustomed inured habituated heart-warming influential contributing activist buoyant indulgent overindulgent erotic anacreontic detail oriented amative sisterly brotherly sicker mad on employed working perky sparky long-established airy alive sparkling zippy peppy quick very keen very enthusiastic long-standing hopping forward immersed bustling bubbly bouncy hard-line well established deep-set hard-shell firmly established die-hard well-established full of life gay chirpy pizazzy bouncing springy snappy chipper kinetic go-go frisky jazzy pert racy jaunty zappy elated spanking pizzazzy peart tied-up go-getting alert vitalized zingy bright and breezy alive and kicking two-fisted full of vim and vigour aspiring self-assertive indefatigable striving hard-driving enterprising goal-oriented ruthless obdurate pertinacious unrelenting bold unbending unflagging gutsy beside oneself dead set gluttonous bent upon full of determination ravening edacious undaunted steely insistent undeviating awakened on tenterhooks progressive pioneering all agog in suspense psyched up power-hungry self-asserting hell-bent self-seeking get up and go eager beaver high-reaching power-loving inquisitive electrified prodigious unquenchable lustful omnivorous consumed compelled piggish swinish hoggish esurient unremitting tireless wistful unappeasable immovable unbendable unshaken devouring itching for dying for languishing curious empty gorging gross sating piggy starving starved dog-hungry enamoured of smitten with monomaniacal impelled adamant insatiate revitalized adventurous induced obsessional feisty open-mouthed enamored of pushed steered guided besetting on edge can-do with bated breath iron-willed turned on decisive revitalised confident desirous of self-confident starved to death urged on like a ball of fire juiced up cranked up pumped up geared up desiring success needing approving hoping enthralled desperate proactive bullish banzai atingle touched refreshed restored reborn take-charge extremely enthusiastic upwardly mobile highly motivated self-motivated lusting sapless cottonmouthed juiceless resilient in love dizzy raving uproarious all a-gog spoiling bone-dry consumed with desire untrammeled untrammelled reinvigorated joyous joyful jovial hungering partial to wild for crazy for dry as dust enlivened overjoyed euphoric full of enthusiasm aquiver atremble in a frenzy hard-nosed jolly exultant fond of sweet on chafing at the bit elevated on cloud nine giddy piqued tickled tickled pink sagacious sure predatious jumping up and down competitive hungered unsatisfied unfilled hardy brave courageous irrepressible spoiling for blissful jubilant cutthroat sustained rigid sedulous firm in spirit independent perceptive heroic certain mean stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad resourceful take charge bloodthirsty unabated stringent assured defiant bullheaded warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy eagerly cock-a-hoop clamant pressing exigent wolfish born-again covetous of lusting after jumpy jittery on the edge of your seat on pins and needles intensely competitive fiercely competitive stop at nothing having killer instinct dog-eat-dog hang-tough self-willed go for broke self-assured bound and determined self-possessed gannet-like in need of in want of with an appetite with a yen hankering after questioning quizzical probing enquiring interrogative inquiring close as thick as thieves trusty unfailing boon inseparable truehearted bosom wanting uptight worried nervous uneasy apprehensive querying investigative scrutinizing prehensile envious examining inspecting intrigued clamorous instant imperative exacting crying emergent imperious dire entreating demanding necessitous nagging hoping for longing for ambitious for anxious for yearning for eager for aspiring to very hungry willing for ready for avid for attentive riveted gripped hopeful for aspiring towards keen for ravening for greedy for thirsty for craving for wishing for hungry for affected sexy steamy sensual disturbing annoying troublesome suppliant overeager harassing focused enticed entranced waiting for the axe to fall impressed inquisitorial importunate wanton concupiscent salacious lewd lubricious libidinous licentious satyric lascivious lecherous randy sizzling horny thrusting focussed scrutinising valiant overly solicitous beady-eyed rocking barnstorming jumping bright turned-on prurient career-minded

Antonym of eminently pious

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